Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

Dude, the only thing you've ever "owned" on here is 2nd place for most dementedly obsessed poster on the topic of homosexuality...

Welcome back Art. I have mixed feeling when you're away for days at a time. The optimistic side of me says that you've taken up my numerous offers to seek both spiritual and psychological therapy for your sickness, and will come back to TOL a new man.

The realistic side of me worries that at age 45, your expiration date has come up.

Since your temporary absence, we've been talking quite a bit about LGBTQueer affirmation therapy, i.e. feel good about and embrace feelings and behaviors, even if they are physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

The latest article posted about affirmation therapy showed that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement is teaching children as young as 10 years old that they should embrace their same sex feelings.


Thoughts on that Art?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I have a new fan in another thread and it appears that he's too shy to come over here and put me in my place.

He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

I left our discussion here: ...

While I always do appreciate an unintelligible rant from an avid Trump supporter such as yourself, I was hoping that eider would come by and defend the misnomer "liberal Christian". eider seems a bit shy, do you think that if we took up a fund and sent him to a LGBTQ affirmation therapist, that would take the shyness out of him?

I had brought up in the thread with eider that there is no such thing as a liberal Christian, as in order to be a follower of Christ, one must "conserve" His teachings.

eider had quite a fan club in the other thread, do you think any of them will come here and explain how someone can not defend the teachings of God and still love and respect Him?

Hmm, he's not shy in taking you on in the other thread so why is it so important to you that he should come over to this one? Oh, right, it's your pet project, the one you spend such an incredible amount of ineffectual time on and you want some more views?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Welcome back Art. I have mixed feeling when you're away for days at a time. The optimistic side of me says that you've taken up my numerous offers to seek both spiritual and psychological therapy for your sickness, and will come back to TOL a new man.

The realistic side of me worries that at age 45, your expiration date has come up.

Hmm, that would rather be the closeted side(s) of you then aCW, as this continual projection of yours only betrays what Eider's wife seems to have picked up on in very short order, that your bonkers obsession with gay men is akin to JT's. It's almost fascinating to watch a supposedly straight, conservative Christian man continually humiliate himself with his homosexual imaginings of straight men being gay...

Have you availed yourself of this therapy? It would seem you're entirely the more suited to it. Maybe then you can come back and give a first hand account of how it helped you?


Since your temporary absence, we've been talking quite a bit about affirmation therapy, i.e. feel good and embrace feelings and behaviors, even if they are physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

The latest article posted about affirmation therapy showed that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement is teaching children as young as 10 years old that they should embrace their same sex feelings.


Thoughts on that Art?

Well let's see, it doesn't seem to involve barbaric practices and useless pseudo scientific methods to "cure" people from being gay so hey, it's sure better than your beloved 'conversion' therapy - though as above, do feel free to give it a go and explain the results...
While I always do appreciate an unintelligible rant from an avid Trump supporter such as yourself, I was hoping that eider would come by and defend the misnomer "liberal Christian".

You may be more circumspect what you call unintelligible, in the eventuality the intelligence gap is of a more subjective, that is, personal nature. And sorry, but I'm not so good at drawing pictures.

By the way, I'm a fan of nobody but Jesus and those of His mind, what gave you the idea I have a plastic Trump bobble-head on my dashboard I have no idea. As to who's actually on the rant, even the rant that never ends, they sometimes spell it puhleeze... Something tells me you get very lonely. Poor baby!

Actually, you sort of seem like one of those angry gays, in the closet. The worst gay basher I’d ever know was gay, as a matter of fact, obsessed with not showing it. He seemed to think bashing gays was redemptive in some fashion, sounded an awful lot like you. Not saying you are, but you’re walking a little like a duck there to make one wonder, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Let’s just leave it you’re quite the picture of primal masculinity, and I’ll leave you to keep up your intelligible, good work repeating yourself, 24x7, on a message board. I have, henceforth, only dreamed of a life with such meaning. Otherwise, I'm done slumming for now, bucko. Toodle-loo.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I always do appreciate an unintelligible rant from an avid Trump supporter such as yourself, I was hoping that eider would come by and defend the misnomer "liberal Christian".

You may be more circumspect what you call unintelligible, in the eventuality the intelligence gap is of a more subjective, that is, personal nature. And sorry, but I'm not so good at drawing pictures.

By the way, I'm a fan of nobody but Jesus and those of His mind, what gave you the idea I have a plastic Trump bobble-head on my dashboard I have no idea. As to who's actually on the rant, even the rant that never ends, they sometimes spell it puhleeze... Something tells me you get very lonely. Poor baby!

In the "Trump is a knob" thread started by avid Trump supporter and my very bestest friend in the whoooole wide world (patrick jane, aka, aka, aka), we were talking about your support of Donald Trump in the last election:

Originally Posted by WonderfulLordJesus
Would add that, lashing out at Trump during the campaign would be lending support to Hillary, Einstein. To at least some practical extent, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And it’s not wrong to say, “I like this guy more, who at least doesn’t beat his wife,” as it were.

Where in Holy Scripture does it say that you can think that way when it comes to electing people into public office, i.e. supporting those who support evil, albeit (supposedly) on a lesser scale?

Actually, you sort of seem like one of those angry gays, in the closet. The worst gay basher I’d ever know was gay, as a matter of fact, obsessed with not showing it. He seemed to think bashing gays was redemptive in some fashion, sounded an awful lot like you. Not saying you are, but you’re walking a little like a duck there to make one wonder, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

I've never heard that one before. Did you think that one up on your own or is it straight out of the LGBTQ playbook (accuse those who unapologetically stand up for God's Word of being what they speak out against).

Let’s just leave it you’re quite the picture of primal masculinity, and I’ll leave you to keep up your intelligible, good work repeating yourself, 24x7, on a message board. I have, henceforth, only dreamed of a life with such meaning. Otherwise, I'm done slumming for now, bucko. Toodle-loo.

Do come back and tell the followers of this thread what the biblical role of civil government is and how the current slumlord Donald Trump fits into that role.

I really wanna see that post.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since your temporary absence, we've been talking quite a bit about affirmation therapy, i.e. feel good and embrace feelings and behaviors, even if they are physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

The latest article posted about affirmation therapy showed that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement is teaching children as young as 10 years old that they should embrace their same sex feelings.

Thoughts on that Art?

Well let's see, it doesn't seem to involve barbaric practices and useless pseudo scientific methods to "cure" people from being gay so hey, it's sure better than your beloved 'conversion' therapy - though as above, do feel free to give it a go and explain the results.

So in other words: a 10 year old child who has same sex attractions, should be told by LGBTQ activists without his or her parent's knowledge, that his or her feelings are perfectly normal and that they should embrace them, even if those feelings and the behavior that goes with it is extremely physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive?

I just want to make certain that you're on the side of "affirming" that 10 year olds should embrace their same sex desires.

Say it clearly Art.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It sounds like you're a fan of affirmation therapy, i.e. embrace and feel good about thoughts and behaviors even if they are morally wrong and physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

I am not a fan of anything. You must be a :dunce: Even thinking I am a fan of something.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It sounds like you're a fan of affirmation therapy, i.e. embrace and feel good about thoughts and behaviors even if they are morally wrong and physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

I am not a fan of anything. You must be a :dunce: Even thinking I am a fan of something.

There is no middle ground here. Either people embrace their sexual perversion through 'affirmation therapy' or do something about it by seeking spiritual and often times psychological counseling to help overcome those unnatural desires and behavior.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So in other words: a 10 year old child who has same sex attractions, should be told by LGBTQ activists without his or her parent's knowledge, that their feelings are perfectly normal and that they should embrace them, even if those feelings and the behavior that goes with it is extremely physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive?

I just want to make certain that you're on the side of "affirming" that 10 year olds should embrace their same sex desires.

Say it clearly Art.

I don't support any sort of 'activism' with this, though I realize you have a total disconnect with what the word essentially means anyway...

You ain't gonna cure people from being gay as you yourself may already be well aware...have you noticed that the question marks over that are steadily increasing in your direction the longer this blog of yours goes on?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It sounds like you're a fan of affirmation therapy, i.e. embrace and feel good about thoughts and behaviors even if they are morally wrong and physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.

There is no middle ground here. Either people embrace their sexual perversion through 'affirmation therapy' or do something about it by seeking spiritual and often times psychological counseling to help overcome those unnatural desires and behavior.

Of course there is, just not in your bonkers little world is all. Most gay people don't need 'affirmation therapy' and there's nothing credible to suggest that 'conversion therapy' has altered anyone's orientation either. By 'credible' I mean scientifically reputed, not your silly little blogs...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is no middle ground here.

Right, you are a dumbbell, a real moron, to think this about me as long as I have been on this forum, expressing my opinions and stating my beliefs. It is as if you have no memory, and no intelligence. You either suffer amnesia, or are so stupid you are unable to remember one member from another. :loser:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I just want to make certain that you're on the side of "affirming" that 10 year olds should embrace their same sex desires.

Say it clearly Art.

I don't support any sort of 'activism' with this, though I realize you have a total disconnect with what the word essentially means anyway.
You ain't gonna cure people from being gay as you yourself may already be well aware...have you noticed that the question marks over that are steadily increasing in your direction the longer this blog of yours goes on?

So a 10 year old who has same sex desires can't be cured of those desires? If that is the case, you must agree with the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement that embracing those feelings (without parental consent) is the best course of action for that child to take, because as shown time and time again by LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activists, if the child feels guilty about his or her homosexual desires, suicide often times occurs.

patrick jane

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I have a new fan in another thread and it appears that he's too shy to come over here and put me in my place.

He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

I left our discussion here: ...

While I always do appreciate an unintelligible rant from an avid Trump supporter such as yourself, I was hoping that eider would come by and defend the misnomer "liberal Christian". eider seems a bit shy, do you think that if we took up a fund and sent him to a LGBTQ affirmation therapist, that would take the shyness out of him?

I had brought up in the thread with eider that there is no such thing as a liberal Christian, as in order to be a follower of Christ, one must "conserve" His teachings.

eider had quite a fan club in the other thread, do you think any of them will come here and explain how someone can not defend the teachings of God and still love and respect Him?
@eider - this is for you


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There is no middle ground here. Either people embrace their sexual perversion through 'affirmation therapy' or do something about it by seeking spiritual and often times psychological counseling to help overcome those unnatural desires and behavior.

Right, you are a dumbbell, a real moron, to think this about me as long as I have been on this forum, expressing my opinions and stating my beliefs. It is as if you have no memory, and no intelligence. You either suffer amnesia, or are so stupid you are unable to remember one member from another. :loser:

Thank you for your kind words.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In the "Trump is a knob" thread started by avid Trump supporter and my very bestest friend in the whoooole wide world (patrick jane, aka, aka, aka), we were talking about your support of Donald Trump in the last election:

Patrick jane. Trying to accuse him of being Wizard of Oz is just so demented it's beyond a joke. They're nothing remotely alike and you're just as bat crazy as SD's sig. What is it with the pair of you cranks?


I've never heard that one before. Did you think that one up on your own or is it straight out of the LGBTQ playbook (accuse those who unapologetically stand up for God's Word of being what they speak out against).

You hear it because of your projecting obsession aCW. JT was all 'holier than thou' in his little crusade as well and you're second only to him in your fixation with homosexuality. That's before your gay innuendo etc etc. You simply cannot be surprised that people think you're likely in the closet yourself, you invite it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I just want to make certain that you're on the side of "affirming" that 10 year olds should embrace their same sex desires.

Say it clearly Art.

So a 10 year old who has same sex desires can't be cured of those desires? If that is the case, you must agree with the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement that embracing those feelings (without parental consent) is the best course of action for that child to take, because as shown time and time again by LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activists, if the child feels guilty about his or her homosexual desires, suicide often times occurs.

I don't have to agree with anything you type at all doofus. You're a fixated loon who would probably benefit by being as honest with himself as JT finally was.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thank you for your kind words.

You are very welcome. Now get the homo thoughts out of your head by giving over your personal burdens to Christ and get saved! It is so nice to be free of thought obsessions, trust me!

Actually, Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh is the basis for this 4 part thread. While I'm honored that you think that I somehow wrote the universal moral code for mankind and came up with the idea of repentance, all credit goes to Him.

If you have an issue with this thread, your issue is really with God.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thank you for your kind words.

If you have an issue with this thread, your issue is really with God.

Now, you are backsliding again. Back into the sin mind, you go.

Do not set yourself as any moral authority. You need to turn all your life and thoughts over to Jesus and place your faith in Him. Get saved and let God deal with the homo problem' it is not your job, so trust it to God and stop obsessing on the flesh.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thank you for your kind words.

Actually, Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh is the basis for this 4 part thread. While I'm honored that you think that I somehow wrote the universal moral code for mankind and came up with the idea of repentance, all credit goes to Him.

If you have an issue with this thread, your issue is really with God.

Um, no, you are the basis of this four part blog. It's all about you, your views and the deluded sense of popularity you seem to think you have along with a 'following'. It's transparent dude. Why do you keep advertising it on other threads where the convo's could simply be kept to those threads themselves?

Get a life man. Quit pretending you're married, quit pretending you're a cop - or at least not one who wasn't kicked off the force and get a new hobby...
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