Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

Perhaps its "aCultureWarrior" who is the one that should be criminalized for spreading "hate!"


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...One more question:
Does James Guay attend the funerals of the people that he helps put to an early death?

Did Joseph Nicolosi?

You're not very good at defending 'gay' affirmation therapy ...Dante.


Maybe the pro LGBTQueer American Psychological Association has some kind of bogus study that you can copy and paste showing that those who 'embrace' their homosexuality really aren't prone to the diseases that all homosexuals are prone to and that the people who attend the Metropolitan Community Church and their rainbow flags are welcomed in Heaven?

Regarding the late great Joseph Nicolosi:

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera wrote a nice article about Dr. Nicolosi on Lifesite News:

Joseph Nicolosi helped thousands coping with unwanted homosexual desires

Feel free to contact the thousands that are still alive because of Dr. Nicolosi's compassion ...Dante, but please be nice to them, as they've been subjected to enough hatred already by the LGBTQ movement.


Just when you thought you could pop a pill and freely engage in unnatural sex acts:

Third Man on Daily PrEP Regimen Contracts HIV

Feb. 17, 2017

In 2012, the FDA approved Truvada as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV. An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV (in combination with other drugs) to the point of suppressing viral loads to undetectable levels in the bloodstream of HIV-positive individuals, Truvada was discovered to be effective in preventing transmission in non-infected individuals if taken everyday. From then until last year (and in the trials that preceded its FDA approval), no known transmissions of HIV had occurred in people who were adhering to a daily PrEP regimen. Many experts warned against deeming the drug 100 percent effective in preventing HIV, but it nonetheless seemed to be the case.

That changed with the announcement in February 2016 that a Canadian man adhering to a daily regimen (per his prescription pill count and a dried-blood spot test that gauges the level of the drug in one’s system) had nonetheless contracted a strain of the virus known to be resistant to emtricitabine and tenofovir, Truvada’s antiretroviral cocktail. A second, similar case of a drug-resistant strain infecting a PrEP-adherent man was made public in October.
And now, there is word of a third case...
Read more: http://jezebel.com/third-man-on-daily-prep-regimen-contracts-hiv-1792475458




New member

You're not very good at defending 'gay' affirmation therapy ...Dante.
why would it need defending?

Maybe the pro LGBTQueer American Psychological Association has some kind of bogus study that you can copy and paste showing that those who 'embrace' their homosexuality really aren't prone to the diseases that all homosexuals are prone to and that the people who attend the Metropolitan Community Church and their rainbow flags are welcomed in Heaven?
You're the one posting "studies" from Paul Cameron and his ilk.

Of course you can't pout up legitimate studies in support of your position because there arn't any.

Regarding the late great Joseph Nicolosi:

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera wrote a nice article about Dr. Nicolosi on Lifesite News:
I'm sure LaBarbera praised him left and right for his part in untold numbers of suicides.

Feel free to contact the thousands that are still alive because of Dr. Nicolosi's compassion ...Dante, but please be nice to them, as they've been subjected to enough hatred already by the LGBTQ movement.
If there are thousands, how come no one can find any of them? When Robert Spitzer went looking for ex-gays to interview he couldn't find any so he went to ex-gay organizations but they couldn't either. Joseph Nicolosi only sent him employees of NARTH, people who earned a living by claiming they were ex-gay.


Speaking of 'gay' affirmation therapy (it's for 10 year olds and their nosey parents don't need to know about it) :

LGBT movement’s other goal: Lower age of consent to 10 years old for psychiatric therapy – without parents’ knowledge or consent!

Outrageous bill passed House Committee in Colorado Legislature on Tuesday - despite strong testimony by Colorado MassResistance and others. But the fight is just beginning!

Similar laws already passed in states across America.

April 20, 2017

Fresh from the recent victory stopping the LGBT movement’s “anti-therapy” bill in the Colorado Legislature, pro-family people are up against an equally frightening bill that has been filed and just passed its first hurdle toward becoming law. It’s the latest among similar laws that are being quietly passed across the country.

The LGBT lobby is quietly but forcefully pushing for laws to allow children as young as 10 years old to “decide” they need psychiatric therapy – without their parents’ knowledge or consent. LGBT-allied “therapists” could push vulnerable children to affirm and accept homosexual and transgender “identity” and behaviors as “normal.”

This has terrifying implications for parents and families. Children are emotionally defenseless and can easily be persuaded by adults that they need this “help” from unknown, agenda-driven mental health professionals.

...This scheme dovetails with the other, more public LGBT campaign in state legislatures across America to ban counseling and therapy for children who have unwanted homosexual or transgender feelings – but would allow therapy to affirm homosexuality or transgenderism. Sadly, such a ban would be particularly devastating to children who have been sexually molested.

The scare tactic: “suicide prevention”

To persuade legislators that these laws are necessary, the proponents focus on “suicide prevention.” They make emotional claims that many young children are suicidal, cannot talk to their parents about it, and unless professional intervention happens the children will kill or horribly injure themselves.

“Suicide prevention” has been a lobbying tactic used by the LGBT movement for decades to push for a wide range of programs and funding. This broad claim has little scientific basis and usually depends on blatantly unscientific school surveys such as the Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey. But sadly, most legislators are not informed enough to see through that. So too often, it works.

(Of course, it is true that psychological problems are far more prevalent among “LGBT-identifying” children. That’s because these behaviors are usually a symptom of earlier trauma, molestation, or other issues. So while these children may need psychological counseling, it must be done with non-activist professionals and parental oversight.)

California led the way for the radicals

In 2010 California passed the Mental Health Services for At-Risk Youth Act (SB 543), signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger, which lowered the age of consent to 12. The law was heavily lobbied by Equality California and other LGBT groups.

Read more: http://massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17b/MC-CO-vs-age-of-consent-therapy/index.html


Bill's sponsor testifies at committee hearing as pro-LGBT "anti-suicide" activists behind her prepare to testify.[MassResistance photo.]


I see that accused sexual predator Bill O'Reilly has stepped down from Faux News (he should run for President, as the American people love electing sexual predators, i.e. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump) and been replaced by the rosy red cheeked Libertarian Tucker Carlson.

Leave it to a Libertarian to have a mentally ill genital mutilator who is a devout LGBTQ activist on his debut show.


Here are some things that Libertarian Tucker Carlson neglected to ask or say to Bruce:

1). Until Donald Trump does something to overturn Obergefell v Hodge and Lawrence v Texas (which he's stated he has no intention of doing) he'll always be an ally of the LGBTQueer movement.

2). Why didn't the little bow tied Libertarian ask Bruce if he ever sought psychological and spiritual help for his mental illness? He could have mentioned Walt Heyer and how he overcame his gender confusion.

And last and without a doubt the most important question that should have been asked but wasn't:

3). Don't you feel guilty that you're leading gender confused youth into a lifestyle that ( as you mentioned) is riddled with murder and suicide?

But then we're dealing with a Libertarian, so those questions would never be asked.


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Speaking of 'gay' affirmation therapy (it's for 10 year olds and their nosey parents don't need to know about it) :

LGBT movement’s other goal: Lower age of consent to 10 years old for psychiatric therapy – without parents’ knowledge or consent!

Outrageous bill passed House Committee in Colorado Legislature on Tuesday - despite strong testimony by Colorado MassResistance and others. But the fight is just beginning!

Similar laws already passed in states across America.

April 20, 2017

Fresh from the recent victory stopping the LGBT movement’s “anti-therapy” bill in the Colorado Legislature, pro-family people are up against an equally frightening bill that has been filed and just passed its first hurdle toward becoming law. It’s the latest among similar laws that are being quietly passed across the country.

The LGBT lobby is quietly but forcefully pushing for laws to allow children as young as 10 years old to “decide” they need psychiatric therapy – without their parents’ knowledge or consent. LGBT-allied “therapists” could push vulnerable children to affirm and accept homosexual and transgender “identity” and behaviors as “normal.”

This has terrifying implications for parents and families. Children are emotionally defenseless and can easily be persuaded by adults that they need this “help” from unknown, agenda-driven mental health professionals.

...This scheme dovetails with the other, more public LGBT campaign in state legislatures across America to ban counseling and therapy for children who have unwanted homosexual or transgender feelings – but would allow therapy to affirm homosexuality or transgenderism. Sadly, such a ban would be particularly devastating to children who have been sexually molested.

The scare tactic: “suicide prevention”

To persuade legislators that these laws are necessary, the proponents focus on “suicide prevention.” They make emotional claims that many young children are suicidal, cannot talk to their parents about it, and unless professional intervention happens the children will kill or horribly injure themselves.

“Suicide prevention” has been a lobbying tactic used by the LGBT movement for decades to push for a wide range of programs and funding. This broad claim has little scientific basis and usually depends on blatantly unscientific school surveys such as the Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey. But sadly, most legislators are not informed enough to see through that. So too often, it works.

(Of course, it is true that psychological problems are far more prevalent among “LGBT-identifying” children. That’s because these behaviors are usually a symptom of earlier trauma, molestation, or other issues. So while these children may need psychological counseling, it must be done with non-activist professionals and parental oversight.)

California led the way for the radicals

In 2010 California passed the Mental Health Services for At-Risk Youth Act (SB 543), signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger, which lowered the age of consent to 12. The law was heavily lobbied by Equality California and other LGBT groups.

Read more: http://massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17b/MC-CO-vs-age-of-consent-therapy/index.html


Bill's sponsor testifies at committee hearing as pro-LGBT "anti-suicide" activists behind her prepare to testify.[MassResistance photo.]
I'll make a prediction:

If this becomes allowed, there will be a significant increase in the number of child suicide rates in the years following it.


I'll make a prediction:

If this becomes allowed, there will be a significant increase in the number of child suicide rates in the years following it.

Suicide rates amongst sexually and gender confused youth are already skyrocketing.

A growing body of research literature has provided the estimate that gays, lesbians, and bisexual youth attempt suicide at a rate 2-3 times higher than their heterosexual peers. Some studies indicate that the rate of attempted suicide for transgender youth is higher than 50%. It is also estimated that gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth comprise 30% of completed suicides, with transgender youth also having a high incidence of completed suicides.

Of course the child indoctrinators/molesters of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement say that it's the parents and societies fault for not affirming these children's sexual and gender identity.

In reality these kids know that they're in a dead end lifestyle and are told by the pedophiles and pederasts of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement that there is no way out, and hence they take their own lives.


I have a new fan in another thread and it appears that he's too shy to come over here and put me in my place.

He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

I left our discussion here:




He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

A thought that may interest you, people resist most what they fear, and especially those things that damage their ego, gore the ox of their pursuit of their own pleasure. If you have some clinical knowledge or have been observant, some of the worst people are scared people, with delicate egos. They even lash out, at the drop of a hat.

With the homosexual, it’s not really a rights matter in our day, for instance this so-called myth of gay marriage. They had civil unions. Being queer has long been tasked as something, as if, cutsie by Hollywood, for many years, like fodder for situation comedies that make sin a laughing matter. I was part of groups of people with some known homosexuals at the party, when a youth, and nobody even gave them any grief. The real issue is the shining light. They need society to declare them married, inside the church, this the sort of goal they seek, to try and kill that nagging conscience, with its fear, to the point they'll blame you for reminding them.

They don’t demand just rights, they are trying to demand you like them, approve of them, don’t like the light of God’s word that exposes sin. They don't even want to be looked at sideways, lest they cry. They love their sin and need for you to love it, that is love them, too, and I mean "love" in a false way that positively reinforces their sin, says, “I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re all God’s children, and pass the crack pipe.” Hence, Romans 1 is so Old Testament, when it’s New Testament. Go figure.

They are never going to be happy, as long as anybody is saying, hold on a minute, God said... They would edit, censor your Bible, were it possible.

The why is squarely in these verses:

John 3

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

The same can be said for easy believism, the concept of cheap grace that extends into lawlessness and unrepentance: people of such Christian cult beliefs are also beside themselves, when confronted with truths that shine a light on their sin and false religion, fills them with anger. It's an epidemic, right here on TOL. Quite simply, God, on His terms, is much too scary to many people, who are too frightened to give up control, that Peanuts blanket religion that puts them in the driver's seat, to continue a reprobate, heaven forbid actually repenting and becoming the new creature the Bible spends so much real estate describing we must be, if we have the Spirit.

Matthew 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.


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Gold Subscriber
A thought that may interest you, people resist most what they fear, and especially those things that damage their ego, gore the ox of their pursuit of their own pleasure. If you have some clinical knowledge or have been observant, some of the worst people are scared people, with delicate egos. They even lash out, at the drop of a hat.

With the homosexual, it’s not really a rights matter in our day, for instance this so-called myth of gay marriage. They had civil unions. Being queer has long been tasked as something, as if, cutsie by Hollywood, for many years, like fodder for situation comedies that make sin a laughing matter. I was part of groups of people with some known homosexuals at the party, when a youth, and nobody even gave them any grief. The real issue is the shining light. They need society to declare them married, inside the church, this the sort of goal they seek, to try and kill that nagging conscience, with its fear, to the point they'll blame you for reminding them.

They don’t demand just rights, they are trying to demand you like them, approve of them, don’t like the light of God’s word that exposes sin. They don't even want to be looked at sideways, lest they cry. They love their sin and need for you to love it, that is love them, too, and I mean "love" in a false way that positively reinforces their sin, says, “I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re all God’s children, and pass the crack pipe.” Hence, Romans 1 is so Old Testament, when it’s New Testament. Go figure.

They are never going to be happy, as long as anybody is saying, hold on a minute, God said... They would edit, censor your Bible, were it possible.

The why is squarely in these verses:

John 3

19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

The same can be said for easy believism, the concept of cheap grace that extends into lawlessness and unrepentance: people of such Christian cult beliefs are also beside themselves, when confronted with truths that shine a light on their sin and false religion, fills them with anger. It's an epidemic, right here on TOL. Quite simply, God, on His terms, is much too scary to many people, who are too frightened to give up control, that Peanuts blanket religion that puts them in the driver's seat, to continue a reprobate, heaven forbid actually repenting and becoming the new creature the Bible spends so much real estate describing we must be, if we have the Spirit.

Matthew 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

You have just detailed the exact reason why there is a Hell. People who hate God would kill or destroy God to vindicate themselves in their sin. They would rather God die than for them to be wrong, which is why repentance is so important. For someone to repent of their sins means that God can accept them into His presence because of Christ's sacrifice. If they don't repent however, being with God would literally be worse than God sending them to Hell, to be separated from Him for all of eternity.
You have just detailed the exact reason why there is a Hell. People who hate God would kill or destroy God to vindicate themselves in their sin. They would rather God die than for them to be wrong, which is why repentance is so important. For someone to repent of their sins means that God can accept them into His presence because of Christ's sacrifice. If they don't repent however, being with God would literally be worse than God sending them to Hell, to be separated from Him for all of eternity.

Great thoughts, and interesting you should mention killing God. I was just stongly thinking about this same phenomenon, regarding the Pharisees of Christ's day, who did, at least by lip service, believe in the resurrection. They even knew of the great power of the Lord Jesus, His miracles no secret, wanted to kill Him all the more, for the wrong type of fear of God. They could, somehow, so focus on their power, their wealth, that they'd kill God and their own eternity for the temporal, for their sin and ego, for a short time of pleasure in sin, and it is so very perplexing, what Satan offers those who should know better. They literally did kill God, at least committed the heinously sinful act that facilitated the Lord Jesus laying down His life. They did not have helping the Lord or saving man in mind! So, indeed, they would murder God, do it again, no doubt, over unnatural acts with the wrong orifice, at that, over their lust. Seems there are always a lot of Edomites, Esaus, who would sell their souls, for the likes of a bowl of soup, but:

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Doesn't that seem to you such a no-brainer question? Does anybody with a Biblical concept of eternal hell like hell, not recoil at the mere concept of hell? This keeps coming to mind time and again, and I'll never understand how this could be. Spiritual blindness is a most powerful, mentally debilitating disease, the worst of mental illness, that can make a fool of somebody, even with doctorate degrees all over their walls, these great philosophers that can be conned by a bowl of soup.

But, whatever God in His wisdom ordained, you're right, that there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for the unrepentant. Integral to repentance is agreement with God as to the issues, agree on all things to the extent possible to understand, as He is truth. Even your churched tares, some self-sanctified devil with a head faith religion, the proverbial demons' confession, of cheap grace concept, does not even agree with God. You can't come to the Lord, in agreement with Satan and the world, but you'll take the salvation part. God is not mocked. You can't serve two masters. And you know something? I would not want to see certain types of people ever again, in heaven: were they there, with that black spirit and evil behavior, it wouldn't be heaven. If I had to live next door to somebody who's contemplating how on earth they could crucify a glorified body, bump their throne higher than God or where they can get some dope, that would call for locks on the door. I feel very, very sorry for them, it's tragic beyond tragic, but the Lord must put them somewhere else, and, most important, He is just, He is HOLY. And that's a good thing. Period.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But, whatever God in His wisdom ordained, you're right, that there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for the unrepentant. Integral to repentance is agreement with God as to the issues, agree on all things to the extent possible to understand, as He is truth.

this is why false preachers and false churches are so pernicious - those who tell their followers that sin is not sin
this is why false preachers and false churches are so pernicious - those who tell their followers that sin is not sin

Pernicious, and wildly popular. They know, I mean they know there at con central, down to a science, this is what people want to hear and will throw money at them like a casino, for that gospel that soothes the restless conscience of the unrepentant sinner, who's really of the world, the watered-down truth that turns out the light that exposes sin they wouldn't want to live without. And always a gospel of the here and now, not things eternal. It's like a shot of herion to tell the unrepentant it's no big deal, God loves you just the way you are, die in a whorehouse, my child, first stop the Chicken Ranch, next stop that Great Ranch in the Sky, where all the slots payout, God is even about to send you a Cadillac, if you sow that seed, "O glory, cowabunga!", cried the carnival barker. Who was that bandito in the old movie, "We don't need no stinking new creature!"? LOL!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I have a new fan in another thread and it appears that he's too shy to come over here and put me in my place.

He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

I left our discussion here:





Dude, the only thing you've ever "owned" on here is 2nd place for most dementedly obsessed poster on the topic of homosexuality.

For anyone who cares, the mantle for such an 'award' resides with 'Just Tom', an absolute fanatic, dedicated to threads about executing homosexuals and who turned out to project self loathing as he was self admittedly homosexual himself when finally honest about things. Hopefully he's come to terms with that and gotten rid of all of the puritanical garbage that led him to hate himself so much.

With you...the views on here simply aren't that impressive aCW. For a thread of this longevity (which without you fixatedly keeping it going would have faded into the annuls of obscurity long since) then there's other threads with far better in relation. Added to this, most of the views you get will not be from fawning followers looking to their hero to keep them updated on 'gay news' but rather reflective of the majority opinion of you just on here alone, that being you being a one dimensional, homosexuality obsessed clown.

Now, no need to go on about hairdressers or flower arrangers dude, what you do in the few minutes of spare time available after scouring the net hours a day is not my business, though I will say that Eider's wife is one smart woman...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
When people love themselves they might be overbearing about how great they are. On the other hand, when people hate themselves they take what they hate about themselves are project it. This was true with 'just tom' who only trusted 'gay studies' yet hated all the gays


When people love themselves they might be overbearing about how great they are. On the other hand, when people hate themselves they take what they hate about themselves are project it. This was true with 'just tom' who only trusted 'gay studies' yet hated all the gays

It sounds like you're a fan of affirmation therapy, i.e. embrace and feel good about thoughts and behaviors even if they are morally wrong and physically, psychologically and spiritually destructive.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I have a new fan in another thread and it appears that he's too shy to come over here and put me in my place.

He's an expert on the Bible and how things like homosexuality are so..."Old Testament".

Is there any chance that TOL's rainbow club could coax eider to come over here and show the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis how wrong I've been about homosexuality?

I left our discussion here: ...

A thought that may interest you, people resist most what they fear, and especially those things that damage their ego, gore the ox of their pursuit of their own pleasure. If you have some clinical knowledge or have been observant, some of the worst people are scared people, with delicate egos. They even lash out, at the drop of a hat...

While I always do appreciate an unintelligible rant from an avid Trump supporter such as yourself, I was hoping that eider would come by and defend the misnomer "liberal Christian". eider seems a bit shy, do you think that if we took up a fund and sent him to a LGBTQ affirmation therapist, that would take the shyness out of him?

I had brought up in the thread with eider that there is no such thing as a liberal Christian, as in order to be a follower of Christ, one must "conserve" His teachings.

eider had quite a fan club in the other thread, do you think any of them will come here and explain how someone can not defend the teachings of God and still love and respect Him?
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