Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I see that 3 of the 100 homosexuals that were detained in Chechnya were beaten to death.
Yes, we all know you don't think three deaths is anywhere ear enough.

What are the chances that those 3 were child molesters? (I doubt that you could find 3 out of 100 homosexuals that weren't child molesters).
Considering the rate of child sexual abuse among homosexuals is 0.04% You probably couldn't find one.

Speaking of which:

Let's talk about Twin Falls Idaho so that we can start addressing the root of your hatred of all things good and decent.
It just the facts.


The people of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North must be so proud of their homosexual mayor Ed the Ped Murray coming forward and giving vivid details of a medical examine showing that he doesn't have a mole on his genitalia (you can't make these stories up folks).

Murray’s lawyer says doctor’s exam shows sex-abuse suit is ‘meritless’; not so, says opposing attorney

April 11, 2017

SEATTLE -- The attorney for Seattle Mayor Ed Murray gave a press conference Tuesday evening, alleging that a doctor's examination of Murray's genitals earlier in the day debunked one of his accuser's primary pieces of evidence in a sex-abuse lawsuit filed last week.

"This is game-changing," attorney Bob Sulkin said. "This is the heart of the allegations, and they're false."

The lawsuit claims Murray paid a drug-addicted teenage boy to perform sexual acts on him in the 1980s. In the suit, the alleged victim claimed Murray had a "unique mole on his scrotum - it is a small bump."

Read more: http://q13fox.com/2017/04/11/mayor-...rs-exam-shows-sex-abuse-lawsuit-is-meritless/

Until further details come forward, it appears that I now have to refer to Seattle's Mayor as "Ed the mole-less ped Murray".



I got a good laugh when reading this article by Trump lemming Samuel Smith from the Christian Post where he gave excuse after excuse as to why it supposedly doesn't matter that our nation's newest (supposedly conservative) Supreme Court justice attends a pro homosexual, pro abortion church:

Does Neil Gorsuch's Liberal Church Matter?

So tell me Sammie, did it matter what church this guy attended 8+ years ago?



Looking at the article, amongst other things I have to take issue with it's author Samuel Smith calling Tucker Carlson a conservative, as Carlson embraces Libertarian philosophy.

Tucker Carlson was a senior fellow with the Cato Institute, focusing on libertarian philosophy and the American polity.
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On this Easter Sunday 2017 I would like to share an excerpt from syndicated columnist Selwyn Duke's article entitled:

"Why Many American Christians Really are un-Christian" :

"..."Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.
Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.
There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place...
In fact, understand that moral relativism does nothing less than render the foundational act of Christianity, the sacrifice on the cross, incomprehensible. Why? Simply because Jesus died for our sins, and this presupposes that sin exists. However, if what we call morality is simply opinion, then there can be no such thing as sin. For who is to say?"
Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/duke/100301




I see that the God-hating drag queens known as "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" held their 20 something annual mockery of God on Easter Sunday. This time a very special ally joined them on stage.

WARNING! As with anything homosexual related, there will be offensive language and behavior in this short video.





New member
Regarding the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence's annual mockery of God with their "Hunky Jesus Contest" on Easter Sunday:

What, no defense of homosexual culture ...Dante? Surely you're not ashamed of that as well?

Oh, and when mocking God with a bunch of drag queens, be sure to bring the children along too!

Well better luck next year.



In these 20 pages you'll see the sad sad state of affairs that American Christianity is in, as well as children being used as props at 'Gay' Pride Parades. Also included are some testimonies from EX homosexuals talking about the harassment they receive for wanting to rid themselves of unnatural and perverse sexual desires.
Donald Trump's secular humanist past is also brought to light in "The Donald Trump Files".

Table of contents: pages 81-100

EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake: “I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”; page 82, post s #1218 and*#1223

Using children as props for perversion at 'Gay' Pride Parades; page 82, post #1227; homosexualist defends it,* page 83, post #1237

Washington state opens all women's bathrooms to men. Mandate called '1st-of-its-kind' in nation;page 84, post #1252

NYC Will Fine You $250,000 For ‘Misgendering’ A Transsexual; page 84, post #1255

U.S. gay sex slave trial exposes dilemmas faced by male trafficking victims; page 84, post #1256

Most U.S. Christian groups grow more accepting of homosexuality; page 84, post #1257

A review of States where homosexual activists have been successful in outlawing therapy for sexually confused minors (as of January 14, 2016); page 85, post #1263

JONAH and the wail: SPLC’s case against reparative therapy comes under fire under cross-examination*The State of New Jersey takes on Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH); page 85, post #1270; "Hold Therapy"; post #1273

Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore*orders state judges to refuse issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples; page 86, post #1280

Pro Homosexual Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification; page 86, post #1284; 'paraphilic disorder' defined; post #1286

Are homosexuals/homosexualists really that repulsed by NAMBLA?* aCW has a few questions to ask if one should come forward; page 87; post #1302; one steps forward; page 91, post #1354

Scores of UK *bisexual/pedophile/pederast Jimmy Savile’s victims describe abuse at Stoke Mandeville; page 88, post #1322

A link to the story of the woman brought to Jesus who was accused of adultery; page 89, post #1333

Sexual deviant David Bowie expires; page 91, post #1357

For those of you that fell for the lie that homosexuality is only for consenting adults:* 7 Ways Parents Can Be More Body Positive Toward Their Queer & Transgender Kids; page 92, post #1378

Video:* The Police State, by Robert Oscar Lopez; link to article "300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’; page 93, post #1382

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump: Mixed Messages on LGBT Issues (HRC article); page 83, post #1383

The guy who made the hit piece on Phil Robertson, TMZ's Harvey Levin, talks about his homosexuality; page 94, post #1403

Phil Robertson's Promiscuity Warning Is Anti-Gay, Says Media; page 94, post #1407

Oregon Allows 15-Year-Olds to Get State-Subsidized Sex-Change Operations—Without Parental Consent; page 95, post #1422

Seattle archdiocese posts list of 77 [homosexuals]*accused of child sex abuse; page 95, post #1424

The Bob Spitzer I Knew:* – Nicolosi on Psychiatrist Whose Research Shows ‘Gays’ Can Change their Orientation (AFTAH article); page 96, post #1440; page 97, post #1442

Barack Obama’s Radical LGBT Legacy – An Immoral ‘Transformation’ of America, page 97, post #1450

Court: Farmers can’t refuse same-sex ‘wedding’ in backyard, fines them $13,000, page 99, post #1477

Gender Dysphoria, Gender Identity Disorder and Informed Consent (article); page 99, post #1478

The Donald Trump Files: A small collection of Donald Trump's past and present left wing ideology; page 100, post #1499


New member
EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224
Don't forget the personal testimony from survivors of conversion therapy about the abuse and torture they experienced.

A survivor of gay conversion therapy
Victim of gay conversion therapy
Hellish youth in gay conversion therapy

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake: “I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”; page 82, post s #1218 and*#1223
Gee, its' not like they were found guilty of a crime or anything. And it's not like they spent months refusing to comply with the courts regarding their fine. And it's not like they violated a court order by continuing to brag about their intention to not abide by the law.
Wait - that is exactly what happened.

Using children as props for perversion at 'Gay' Pride Parades; page 82, post #1227; homosexualist defends it,* page 83, post #1237
Does Photoshop pay you for all the advertising you provide them?

Washington state opens all women's bathrooms to men. Mandate called '1st-of-its-kind' in nation;page 84, post #1252
Except they didn't...what a surprise there

NYC Will Fine You $250,000 For ‘Misgendering’ A Transsexual; page 84, post #1255

an individual who simply mistakenly uses the wrong pronoun when referring to a transgender individual will not be fined under the new law

U.S. gay sex slave trial exposes dilemmas faced by male trafficking victims; page 84, post #1256
I guess female victims of sex trafficking don't matter

Most U.S. Christian groups grow more accepting of homosexuality; page 84, post #1257
Oh no! If this keeps up they might start being more accepting of black people too

A review of States where homosexual activists have been successful in outlawing therapy for sexually confused minors (as of January 14, 2016); page 85, post #1263
It's good to see states doing something to protect the health and safety of children.

JONAH and the wail: SPLC’s case against reparative therapy comes under fire under cross-examination*The State of New Jersey takes on Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH); page 85, post #1270; "Hold Therapy"; post #1273
you never did answer the question of the honesty of the original statements.

Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore*orders state judges to refuse issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples; page 86, post #1280
and even judges can't break the law

Pro Homosexual Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification; page 86, post #1284; 'paraphilic disorder' defined; post #1286
How can the APA back down from something it didn't do in the first place?

I will be back later to finish.
Is anyone here so heavily inbreed that they believe anything aCW posts?
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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224

Don't forget the personal testimony from survivors of conversion therapy about the abuse and torture they experienced.

Their "testimonies" can be heard in their obituaries.


I will be back later to finish.

Good, as I have 230+ pages that need to be logged into the table of contents (it'll keep you busy).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224

Don't forget the personal testimony from survivors of conversion therapy about the abuse and torture they experienced.

Hellish youth in gay conversion therapy

Regarding James Guay:

I've read a little bit about affirmation therapy, which LGBTQ activist James Guay does.

Since James is obviously too busy profiting off of destroying other peoples lives to come to TOL and answer a few of my questions, would you be so kind to step in for him ...Dante?

1). Does this affirmation therapy (i.e. feel good about your unnatural and destructive desires and behaviors) work on other harmful behaviors besides homosexuality, i.e. drug and/or alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. etc., or does the harmful behavior of homosexuality have a special place in the world of psychotherapy?

2). For those patients who are honest with James and tell him that they were sexually abused as a child and believe that is the cause of their unnatural desires, does James deal with the cause of their unnatural desires, or go straight to helping them pick out a pretty rainbow colored casket for a soon to be upcoming event in their shortened lifetime?


3). Does James tell his patients about the health risks of homosexuality and share CDC reports with them?

4). From a spirituality aspect: Does James tell his patients that they had better be atheists, because there is no such thing as a 'Gay' Christian?

Just a few thoughts from aCultureWarrior on "Affirmation Therapy".


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224

Their "testimonies" can be heard in their obituaries.


Good, as I have 230+ pages that need to be logged into the table of contents (it'll keep you busy).

Yes, I have often wondered just how many of those suicides of gay youth weren't really suicides at all.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

EX' gay' harassment by homosexuals; personal testimony of harassment by EX 'gay' TOL'er; page 82, posts #1216 and #1224

Regarding James Guay:

I've read a little bit about affirmation therapy, which LGBTQ activist James Guay does.

Since James is obviously too busy profiting off of destroying other peoples lives to come to TOL and answer a few of my questions, would you be so kind to step in for him ...Dante?

1). Does this affirmation therapy (i.e. feel good about your unnatural and destructive desires and behaviors) work on other harmful behaviors besides homosexuality, i.e. drug and/or alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. etc., or does the harmful behavior of homosexuality have a special place in the world of psychotherapy?
I doubt it would do much good for obsessed with lying. So you may have to seek help elsewhere

2). For those patients who are honest with James and tell him that they were sexually abused as a child and believe that is the cause of their unnatural desires, does James deal with the cause of their unnatural desires,
It is sad when a youth has been subjected to the abuse and torture of conversion therapy that they might believe the falsehoods that those "therapists" spout. But you can't blame a child for thinking that maybe if he echoed the lie then his conversion therapist would stop shoving needles in him, that maybe lying will get the electrocutions will stop, that maybe saying what the therapist wants will make the sick man stop inflicting burns.

or go straight to helping them pick out a pretty rainbow colored casket for a soon to be upcoming event in their shortened lifetime?
I imagine that survivors are encouraged to fact check the fake claims of people like Paul Cameron.

3). Does James tell his patients about the health risks of homosexuality and share CDC reports with them?

4). From a spirituality aspect: Does James tell his patients that they had better be atheists, because there is no such thing as a 'Gay' Christian?

Just a few thoughts from aCultureWarrior on "Affirmation Therapy".

James Guey isn't a conversion therapist, he has no reason to lie or to try and hurt the people he works with.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

..Since [LGBTQ Affirmation therapist] James [Guay] is obviously too busy profiting off of destroying other peoples lives to come to TOL and answer a few of my questions, would you be so kind to step in for him ...Dante?

1). Does this affirmation therapy (i.e. feel good about your unnatural and destructive desires and behaviors) work on other harmful behaviors besides homosexuality, i.e. drug and/or alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. etc., or does the harmful behavior of homosexuality have a special place in the world of psychotherapy?

I doubt it would do much good for obsessed with lying. So you may have to seek help elsewhere

So people who engage in other deadly behaviors aren't told to embrace them, only those who engage in homosexuality.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
2). For those patients who are honest with James and tell him that they were sexually abused as a child and believe that is the cause of their unnatural desires, does James deal with the cause of their unnatural desires,

It is sad when a youth has been subjected to the abuse and torture of conversion therapy that they might believe the falsehoods that those "therapists" spout. But you can't blame a child for thinking that maybe if he echoed the lie then his conversion therapist would stop shoving needles in him, that maybe lying will get the electrocutions will stop, that maybe saying what the therapist wants will make the sick man stop inflicting burns.

When can that little boy from Twin Falls Idaho who grew up to be a true hater of all things good and decent come forward and tell us his story?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...or go straight to helping them pick out a pretty rainbow colored casket for a soon to be upcoming event in their shortened lifetime?

I imagine that survivors are encouraged to fact check the fake claims of people like Paul Cameron.

Where are those LGBTQ studies showing the lifespan of those who engage in homosexuality? That's right, there aren't any.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
3). Does James tell his patients about the health risks of homosexuality and share CDC reports with them?

(It appears that ...Dante decided to take a pass on the above question).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
4). From a spirituality aspect: Does James tell his patients that they had better be atheists, because there is no such thing as a 'Gay' Christian?

(It appears that ...Dante decided to take a pass on another question as well).

Just a few thoughts from aCultureWarrior on "Affirmation Therapy".

James Guey isn't a conversion therapist, he has no reason to lie or to try and hurt the people he works with.

One more question:

Does James Guay attend the funerals of the people that he helps put to an early death?
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