Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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If you mean by 'anarchist' someone like John Randolph, perhaps, to a degree. as I am more a right-winger.

I do not think it is good for you to use the word because it seems to be a mental focus of stress for you.

Since all you seem to do on this forum, is post on the topic of homosexuality, it occurs to me, you may well be a ego-dystonic homosexual (Thomas Aquinas complex).

There are many remembers here you disprove of homosexuality, yet they do not constantly think about it, and how it is the greatest of all sins and all the secular persons who practice should be killed. This is an obsession, which involves your own interjections of bad objects (homosexual delusions of disgrace and repugnance, and persecution of the object itself), which you seem to be conflicted, yet identify, as well as loath.

Why can't you put your faith in Christ and be well?

I think rather, he deems it the abomination that causes desolation. I am still in cultural shock that something we didn't hear much about, is all of the sudden habitually in our faces. 50% of all new television programing is filled with subject matter that only represents 2% of the population? Mormons at 2% aren't mentioned even 1% in new programming. Christianity and deism at 70% or greater of the population is anathema on television today.

For me, this is the symptom, but I think I understand from Romans 1, that it is quintessential to topsy-turvy of values. MOST programming on television should be 'family' focused. All of us are families. I'd think we could use about 70 to 90% of programming geared toward that matter.

Because it is presently ALWAYS in our face, I think an equal reaction may be considered appropriate.
For me, my interactions with homosexuals have all been detestable. I was street-witnessing in Portland in the 80's. A homosexual propositioned me right in the middle of me sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with him. I said, "What is wrong with you!? I'm sharing salvation with you and you are propositioning me?" He said that if I didn't accept, he'd just find one of the kids on the street that were all over Portland at the time.

In Seattle (where ACW lives), 37% of the population claims deviant sexual behavior and identity. The mayor of his city is going through a court case for statutory homosexual rape of minors.

For him, it is in his face about daily. I think I understand his threads in light of his surroundings. To whatever extent it also invades our lives, "Beauty and the Beast" for instance, we can relate to ACW to some degree, I think. -Lon


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Hall of Fame
That was more informative than all I have read though from ACW. My point is, while you do not approve of homosexuality, ( I do not either), you post more on other more theology topics and seem to me to be a balanced individual.

This is not true for ACW; he seems obsessed with homosexuality, to the exclusion of all else, on Muslims ( a bigger concern to me) and all the other secular vices we are faced with today. We have abortion, atheism in the classroom, lack of any real family oriented voice in the Media. The world we live it today is in bad spiritual shape, and homosexuality may be part of it, but it is not the main evil we deal with in this life. There are sins I see everyday, which are worse and all I can say is I am glad I have Jesus as my savior.

My message to ACW is to turn to Christ first and let God judge His world. ACW should work on his relationship with God first. All I have wished for ACW is for him to have what I have and not be tormented.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think rather, he deems it the abomination that causes desolation. I am still in cultural shock that something we didn't hear much about, is all of the sudden habitually in our faces. 50% of all new television programing is filled with subject matter that only represents 2% of the population? Mormons at 2% aren't mentioned even 1% in new programming. Christianity and deism at 70% or greater of the population is anathema on television today.

For me, this is the symptom, but I think I understand from Romans 1, that it is quintessential to topsy-turvy of values. MOST programming on television should be 'family' focused. All of us are families. I'd think we could use about 70 to 90% of programming geared toward that matter.

Because it is presently ALWAYS in our face, I think an equal reaction may be considered appropriate.
For me, my interactions with homosexuals have all been detestable. I was street-witnessing in Portland in the 80's. A homosexual propositioned me right in the middle of me sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with him. I said, "What is wrong with you!? I'm sharing salvation with you and you are propositioning me?" He said that if I didn't accept, he'd just find one of the kids on the street that were all over Portland at the time.

In Seattle (where ACW lives), 37% of the population claims deviant sexual behavior and identity. The mayor of his city is going through a court case for statutory homosexual rape of minors.

For him, it is in his face about daily. I think I understand his threads in light of his surroundings. To whatever extent it also invades our lives, "Beauty and the Beast" for instance, we can relate to ACW to some degree, I think. -Lon

Um, sorry Lon but in regards to aCW then no. He is simply obsessed with homosexuality to the point of absolute fixation. Not only that he's been given the boot on multiple occasions for his sleazy innuendo towards other posters, more often than not homosexual in nature as well. You wanna try telling me that this is regular behaviour for a supposedly straight married man? No, it isn't. You're giving him a pass for his obsession and he doesn't warrant it.
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Well-known member
Um, sorry Lon but in regards to aCW then no. He is simply obsessed with homosexuality to the point of absolute fixation. Not only that he's been given the boot on multiple occasions for his sleazy innuendo towards other posters, more often than not gay oriented as well. You wanna try telling me that this is regular behaviour for a supposedly straight married man? No, it isn't. You're giving him a pass for his obsession and he doesn't warrant it.

Does such bother you? Why does he need a 'pass?' His city is full of this kind of stuff. I think I understand the reaction. If I had lived there, I'd have moved away a long time ago like Abraham from Ur, with my walker, box of Depends, and all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Does such bother you? Why does he need a 'pass?' His city is full of this kind of stuff. I think I understand the reaction. If I had lived there, I'd have moved away a long time ago like Abraham from Ur, with my walker, box of Depends, and all.

It's no more 'full of it' than anywhere else. Honestly, the way some folk go on you'd think you couldn't walk down the street without seeing something 'gay' going on...

And frankly Lon, it doesn't bother me when some gay obsessed crank starts foaming at the mouth and feebly trying to make out that straight people are homosexual, but if you think that's normal for a straight guy then with due respect, you need to get a clue. This guy isn't fighting a "crusade", he's more likely fighting himself...
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It's no more 'full of it' than anywhere else. Honestly, the way some folk go on you'd think you couldn't walk down the street without seeing something 'gay' going on...
Almost 40%???? He lives there. It is almost every other person he'd bump into their! His mayor is gay and the news covers it regularly. One of his News stations has transgenders and gay anchors (FOX) no less. They have a summer solstice every summer where they ride their bikes through the streets 100% nude (Thankfully FOX wasn't allowed to show them but for their faces). Gays march through the streets in a parade yearly. Etc. Etc. I certainly don't live in a city like that. You? Are you sure it is no more full than your or my city???

My city is nothing like that. :think:

And frankly Lon, it doesn't bother me when some gay obsessed crank starts foaming at the mouth and feebly trying to make out that straight people are homosexual, but if you think that's normal for a straight guy then with due respect, you need to get a clue. This guy isn't fighting a "crusade", he's more likely fighting himself...

He is so against it, that if you defend it or them, you have a 'homo' mindset for not being against it. So yeah, I agree with you on that point, but I seldom post here. You are here pretty regularly. Ktoyou and I aren't as much. Because of that, take the comment with a grain of salt. I have family I worry about so don't want to have to delve into the nitty gritty of stuff like this every day. I was just thinking empathetically with ACW. I would have a hard time living in Seattle. -Lon

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Almost 40%???? He lives there. It is almost every other person he'd bump into their! His mayor is gay and the news covers it regularly. One of his News stations has transgenders and gay anchors (FOX) no less. They have a summer solstice every summer where they ride their bikes through the streets 100% nude (Thankfully FOX wasn't allowed to show them but for their faces). Gays march through the streets in a parade yearly. Etc. Etc. I certainly don't live in a city like that. You? Are you sure it is no more full than your or my city???

My city is nothing like that. :think:

He is so against it, that if you defend it or them, you have a 'homo' mindset for not being against it. So yeah, I agree with you on that point, but I seldom post here. You are here pretty regularly. Ktoyou and I aren't as much. Because of that, take the comment with a grain of salt. I have family I worry about so don't want to have to delve into the nitty gritty of stuff like this every day. I was just thinking empathetically with ACW. I would have a hard time living in Seattle. -Lon

acw lives in sodom

so it's natural that he should be interested in calling attention to the evil of sodomy :idunno:

i "live" in an environment of political correctness, especially wrt "rape", so at times some believe that i'm obsessed with rape

meh :idunno:
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Almost 40%???? He lives there. It is almost every other person he'd bump into their! His mayor is gay and the news covers it regularly. One of his News stations has transgenders and gay anchors (FOX) no less. They have a summer solstice every summer where they ride their bikes through the streets 100% nude (Thankfully FOX wasn't allowed to show them but for their faces). Gays march through the streets in a parade yearly. Etc. Etc. I certainly don't live in a city like that. You? Are you sure it is no more full than your or my city???

My city is nothing like that. :think:

I live back in my local town now but before that I lived in one of the most multicultural cities in England. It had a 'gay scene' going off but it was hardly 'in your face' and could be easily avoided. It had a pride parade each year which again, was easily avoided. Don't know where this 40% figure comes from but chances are both yourself and aCW have encountered many homosexuals in the course of regular life without even knowing it, people serving you in shops or even people to fix or install things at your home etc. If people are allowed to ride naked through the streets then I thought there were laws against that, even in this supposed 'cesspool' called Seattle? Can't say I'm bothered about the orientation of news anchors as they're there to deliver news though I can understand why it may be considered newsworthy to have an openly gay one doing so. The thing is Lon, there likely wouldn't be any such thing as pride parades and the rest if gay people hadn't been forced to live in the closet to begin with, so it's hardly surprising that they celebrate and mark the freedom that was denied them in the past. FTR, I'm fed up with seeing the obligatory homosexual character in a lot of films & TV as it's PC rubbish but it was pretty much inevitable and another repercussion of the oppression above. Better that than the alternative...

He is so against it, that if you defend it or them, you have a 'homo' mindset for not being against it. So yeah, I agree with you on that point, but I seldom post here. You are here pretty regularly. Ktoyou and I aren't as much. Because of that, take the comment with a grain of salt. I have family I worry about so don't want to have to delve into the nitty gritty of stuff like this every day. I was just thinking empathetically with ACW. I would have a hard time living in Seattle. -Lon

He's concocted all sorts of loopy gay innuendo on here for years Lon, it's small wonder that even far right Christians think he could well be in the closet. He is beyond rationale on the topic.


Well-known member
If people are allowed to ride naked through the streets then I thought there were laws against that, even in this supposed 'cesspool' called Seattle?
Sorry, 13%. I can't remember where the 37% came from. I'd have to look. It seems like it was the number for all sexual deviance or the turn out for the Solstice parade or something. As far as the law? You are correct. I've no idea how they get around that law every summer. Completely naked seems a health risk to me. The news reports it and I change the channel.
He's concocted all sorts of loopy gay innuendo on here for years Lon, it's small wonder that even far right Christians think he could well be in the closet. He is beyond rationale on the topic.
Well, I don't want to read that far into thread so will leave you to your thread. I was just thinking to perhaps give another perspective on the matter. I'm fairly absent from this thread so it was more of passing comment as well as a bit of knowing where he lives. -Lon

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... there likely wouldn't be any such thing as pride parades and the rest if gay people hadn't been forced to live in the closet to begin with, so it's hardly surprising that they celebrate and mark the freedom that was denied them in the past.

you might have a point here if the participants in the perversion parades were older fags who had actually experienced discrimination

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sorry, 13%. I can't remember where the 37% came from. I'd have to look. It seems like it was the number for all sexual deviance or the turn out for the Solstice parade or something. As far as the law? You are correct. I've no idea how they get around that law every summer. Completely naked seems a health risk to me. The news reports it and I change the channel.

Have you got any proof (non visual obviously!) that they're completely naked, otherwise this is speculation.

Well, I don't want to read that far into thread so will leave you to your thread. I was just thinking to perhaps give another perspective on the matter. I'm fairly absent from this thread so it was more of passing comment as well as a bit of knowing where he lives. -Lon

It's not my thread Lon...



Well-known member
Have you got any proof (non visual obviously!) that they're completely naked, otherwise this is speculation.
I saw it on Fox news. They said "we cannot show you below their shoulders." and mentioned they were completely naked. I'd not mention it if it weren't proudly told in the news. Parents brought their kids to it. I remember they showed a couple of those kids sitting or standing while watching the parade. I was shocked and immediately turned the channel. If in my town? I'd be phone calling my mayor. Seattle? He probably has an unlisted phone number or something.

It's not my thread Lon...

I wasn't talking about you starting any of these. More along the line of Dozer's comment. You have to realize you are on my friend list. Repeated posts in threads kind of sticks in my head, as friends and their activity generally do. EE is currently involved in Grace discussions. AMR also. TH is about carrying the Trump Nightmare thread...none of them started the OP's. I just remember where they are spending a bit of their time. :think: Anybody else notice/remember stuff like this???


Well-known member
Uhhgg. I realize this thread isn't for kids, but I was kind of hoping to avoid promoting anything.
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