Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that you can't legislate laws against thoughts or desires, only behaviors (and that includes a well orchestrated agenda by the LGBTQ movement.

And your rantings could easily lead to someone thinking that's what you're advocating, along with all else you're saying. Yes, it would be absurd; but yes, you can sound that absurd in your zeal.

Only God and The Great Carnac know what people are thinking or their sexual desires.



Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If a political candidate (such as Donald Trump) can't get something as basic as the right to life and human sexuality correct, what makes you think that he can get other moral issues correct?

You miss the elephant in the room. Cruz is history for this election. No non-mainline candidate has a prayer. It's Trump or the lesbian. You never come against Hitlery and/or Kaine. And you refuse to read that my vote is for Castle, and still berate me as a Trump supporter. Sigh and LeSigh.

Know your enemy. Conservatives know what they'll get with Hillary Clinton and can prepare to combat her policies. We don't know what we'll get with a President Donald Trump, who many believe is a certified sociopath/psychopath. Come on now PPS, surely you rolled your eyes when Donald Trump changed his position on abortion 5 times in 3 days.


A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've spent the past several months exposing Donald Trump. If you want to meet people like Donald Trump (and I'm dead serious when I say this), go into a State Hospital in your respective State and visit the patients there. Donald Trump doesn't belong in the Oval Office, he belongs in an institution for the criminally insane.

Again with anti-Trump sentiments and no anti-Clinton sentiments. Killary is a worse choice than Trump, and that says a lot about why you aren't as focused against The Murderess as you are against The Donald.

I know the enemy that is running on the Democratic ticket, I'm just trying to educate those who don't know the enemy running on the Republican ticket.

As I said, I'm voting for Castle. You're basically just taking out your frustrations on everyone because of the futility of the election scenario.

For someone who isn't voting for Donald Trump, you're most certainly attempting to defend him in a roundabout way.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...You don't fix a broken nation by electing someone as sick and evil as Donald Trump is. He's a power hungry tyrant who has no use, nor will have use for the Constitution of the United States (and this is not just my opinion, I've backed it with facts throughout this thread. Take for instance his admiration of the brutal Communist Chinese for the way they handled the freedom protestors in Tiananmen Square).

I'd actually considered doing a write-in for Huckabee like my Pastor and several in my church, but thought it good to at least support a candidate that is in the race.

I exposed Mike 'Hucksterbee' in an earlier thread. Instead of searching to find the post (if it's even still available), how about I share this link with you?

Mike Huckabee - a liberal on taxes and illegal immigration

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you should choose to return and continue this discussion, let's make it solely about Donald Trump's past words and actions, but more importantly what he's said and done in the past year.

Why bother? I'm not voting for Trump. The real question is why you're so pro-Hillary and pro-Kaine.

Me thinkz that someone feels very uncomfortable hearing the truth about Donald Trump's past and current liberal ideology and acts. Speaking of which: thoughts on my above post showing Donald Trump's sexual deviant past, including two accusations of rape?

On that note: Thanks for stopping by, we don't have much more to talk about (i.e. moving on...)


TOL Subscriber
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that you can't legislate laws against thoughts or desires, only behaviors (and that includes a well orchestrated agenda by the LGBTQ movement.

Only God and The Great Carnac know what people are thinking or their sexual desires.



Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If a political candidate (such as Donald Trump) can't get something as basic as the right to life and human sexuality correct, what makes you think that he can get other moral issues correct?

Know your enemy. Conservatives know what they'll get with Hillary Clinton and can prepare to combat her policies. We don't know what we'll get with a President Donald Trump, who many believe is a certified sociopath/psychopath. Come on now PPS, surely you rolled your eyes when Donald Trump changed his position on abortion 5 times in 3 days.


A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've spent the past several months exposing Donald Trump. If you want to meet people like Donald Trump (and I'm dead serious when I say this), go into a State Hospital in your respective State and visit the patients there. Donald Trump doesn't belong in the Oval Office, he belongs in an institution for the criminally insane.

I know the enemy that is running on the Democratic ticket, I'm just trying to educate those who don't know the enemy running on the Republican ticket.

For someone who isn't voting for Donald Trump, you're most certainly attempting to defend him in a roundabout way.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...You don't fix a broken nation by electing someone as sick and evil as Donald Trump is. He's a power hungry tyrant who has no use, nor will have use for the Constitution of the United States (and this is not just my opinion, I've backed it with facts throughout this thread. Take for instance his admiration of the brutal Communist Chinese for the way they handled the freedom protestors in Tiananmen Square).

I exposed Mike 'Hucksterbee' in an earlier thread. Instead of searching to find the post (if it's even still available), how about I share this link with you?

Mike Huckabee - a liberal on taxes and illegal immigration

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you should choose to return and continue this discussion, let's make it solely about Donald Trump's past words and actions, but more importantly what he's said and done in the past year.

Me thinkz that someone feels very uncomfortable hearing the truth about Donald Trump's past and current liberal ideology and acts. Speaking of which: thoughts on my above post showing Donald Trump's sexual deviant past, including two accusations of rape?

On that note: Thanks for stopping by, we don't have much more to talk about (i.e. moving on...)

We most certainly don't. Your constant berating is unnecessary and absurd. You're obsessed with the past (Cruz), and dememted enough to think Clinton-Kaine would be an acceptable choice. And contrary to your many accusations, I'm not a Trump supporter.

I came back to this thread and braved your odd form of insanity because I thought you had viable solutions to become more practically involved as a Christian activist against unbiblical sexuality. Instead I found that I'm much more effective and balanced than you; and for all your blusterous intentions, you're just a bully with no real answers beyond "go vote, and make your vote for candidates that stand for biblical sexuality".

No, we don't have anything more to talk about. You're as much a Hitlery supporter as you claim others are as Trump supporters. Your false judgments are dismissed, as are you. You're as much the problem as any candidate, and that's sad for someone who is standing for biblical sexuality for political platforms.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: Thanks for stopping by, we don't have much more to talk about (i.e. moving on...)

We most certainly don't. Your constant berating is unnecessary and absurd. You're obsessed with the past (Cruz), and dememted enough to think Clinton-Kaine would be an acceptable choice. And contrary to your many accusations, I'm not a Trump supporter.

It doesn't take long for me to weed out the frauds in this thread. That mangy coyote named Wiley had me fooled a couple of threads back, and then GFR7 in part 3, both for a very short while. They all eventually slip up and let their true intentions known. While you've been pretty good this time around PPS, your incessant attacks on the messenger (and not wanting to talk about the subject at hand, the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda) gave you away.

I came back to this thread and braved your odd form of insanity because I thought you had viable solutions to become more practically involved as a Christian activist against unbiblical sexuality. Instead I found that I'm much more effective and balanced than you; and for all your blusterous intentions, you're just a bully with no real answers beyond "go vote, and make your vote for candidates that stand for biblical sexuality".

If you have a 4 part thread on the internet somewhere that has detailed the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement and ways for those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle to escape it, a 4 part thread that has around 1,750,000 views in a 4-5 year period, would you be so kind as to share with me?

...I didn't think so.

No, we don't have anything more to talk about. You're as much a Hitlery supporter as you claim others are as Trump supporters. Your false judgments are dismissed, as are you. You're as much the problem as any candidate, and that's sad for someone who is standing for biblical sexuality for political platforms.

When can I expect your 3rd visit to the WHMBR! threads PPS? Back to the drawing board for you, better luck next time.


Contrary to the wishes of many democrats and Libertarians who crossed Party lines to get liberal Donald Trump the Republican Party Presidential nomination, according to this article, the Republican Party won't go down with Trump in the upcoming election (sorry Patrick jane, better luck next time :( ).

And now, some legitimately good news for Republicans


The nightmare scenario for Republicans has long been that Donald Trump would crash and burn, and drag every other Republican on the ballot down with him.
The first part of that*could very well be happening. The second half? Perhaps*not.
Of the four*high-quality mainstream media polls conducted since that "Access Hollywood" video emerged,*Trump has trailed by 11 points, 9 points, 7 points and 4 points. And even that last, closest poll, from The Washington Post and ABC News on Sunday, includes some big red flags for Trump.
But those same polls don't suggest doom and gloom for downballot Republicans just yet. And in fact, there's real reason for GOP optimism that Trump won't ruin their year completely.
For one, the so-called generic ballot -- i.e., whether people prefer a generic Democrat for Congress or a generic Republican -- still only favors Democrats by a small margin: 3 points in both the Post-ABC poll and NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll, among likely voters.*That same Democratic edge on the generic ballot is actually down from 6 points in last week's NBC-WSJ poll.
Put plainly, these*generic ballots are unremarkable and don't suggest a big Democratic wave ahead.
Part of the reason Trump's woes might not have filtered down ballot could be that a strong majority of people*don't really associate Republicans with their party's presidential nominee. And many people also appear to dislike Clinton enough that*they like the idea of a Congress that could keep her in check.

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...blicans/ar-AAj2KQ3?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

Where have we heard those words before? (here). Come November 8 (sorry Donald Trump, the election is on Tuesday Nov. 8, not Monday Nov. 28), I suggest that conservatives vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party and vote for conservative republicans in your state to keep Hillary Clinton in check.


http://www.sampsonnc.com/images/Elections/Election 2016.jpg


What happens when your State elects a bisexual Governor (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) and like minded legislators?

You end up with

The Worst State to Raise Children

By Linda Harvey, first published by WND.com Oct. 9, 2016

Warning: This column contains graphic content.

t’s official: Oregon is in free-fall.
And if possible, you really don’t want to raise children there until some big changes are made.
Among a badly behaving peer group – the rest of the states in the U.S. – Oregon still sinks below them all, even radical Massachusetts and loony California.
It’s not just the legalized marijuana and assisted suicide. It’s not just the bisexual governor and the after-school Satan clubs that some Portlandia-dazed educators have welcomed.
Oregon’s liberals – who dominate the government and schools – consider children guinea pigs for grotesque experiments in sexual and spiritual corruption. Praise God for the few Christians and conservatives who have managed to limit these programs to some extent.
But much more remains to be done to protect Oregon’s children from permanent harm.
Consider these facts:
In Oregon, a 15-year-old can now embark on hormone and sex-change surgical treatment without a parent’s consent, paid for by Medicaid. This policy was quietly enacted in 2015 by an appointed commission of the Oregon Health Authority. Judicial Watch accessed documents and found that 56 children were treated for gender “assessment” in the first six months of the program, some under age 9.
Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University, has called the Oregon policy for gender-confused youth “child abuse” and that such operations for youth are “never appropriate.”
The option for young teens to have healthy breasts and penises amputated is being advocated through the many school-based health clinics that bypass parental rights to advise children about intimate issues and often refer them to Planned Parenthood. Among the services the clinics promote for minor children are “reproductive health” and counseling for “LGBTQ” issues.
So middle-school girls are given birth control and referrals to Planned Parenthood, and students questioning their sexuality will most likely be told, inaccurately, that some people are “born that way” and that such sexual expression is just as natural as heterosexuality.
Oregon teachers in one large district (the Tigard-Tualatin schools) have been told not to line up children as boys and girls, but use creative substitutes, like “chips and salsa,” or “peanut butter and jelly.”...

Sexuality education in Oregon is outrageously perverted, explicit and misleading. Progressives have infiltrated the state bureaucracies, and it’s only through the diligence of parent groups like Parents’ Rights in Education (PRIE) that the some of the worst offenses have been exposed and halted.
The Oregon Adolescent Sexuality Conference, conducted annually until 2015, included outright pornography – lots of it. About one third of the attendees were adolescents themselves. Explicit graphics and messages included an obscene “vagina” display; promotion of a website called TakeCareDownThere.org; Valentine’s cards for teens with messages like, “The only thing that can come between us is a condom”; instructions about phone sex and masturbation; and suggestions for teen dating activities like lap dancing, wearing each other’s underwear, sending each other erotic text messages and so on.
Also among the giveaways at this conference was lubricant for use in sex acts, popular with male homosexuals, and a brochure called, “Dry Humping Saves Lives.” And of course, teens were subjected to graphics featuring the gender-variant cookie figure, the “Genderbread Person,” which encourages teens to accept any version of male/female identity without question, no matter how bizarre and self-destructive.
Sponsors of this conference included the state department of education, AIDS organizations, Planned Parenthood, the Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force, and the Oregon Health Authority.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/1...the-worst-state-to-raise-children/#more-25031


Bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) Oregon Governor Kate Brown


TOL Subscriber
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: Thanks for stopping by, we don't have much more to talk about (i.e. moving on...)

It doesn't take long for me to weed out the frauds in this thread. That mangy coyote named Wiley had me fooled a couple of threads back, and then GFR7 in part 3, both for a very short while. They all eventually slip up and let their true intentions known. While you've been pretty good this time around PPS, your incessant attacks on the messenger (and not wanting to talk about the subject at hand, the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda) gave you away.

Nope. Nothing to give away. I stand for biblical sexuality.

If you have a 4 part thread on the internet somewhere that has detailed the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement and ways for those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle to escape it, a 4 part thread that has around 1,750,000 views in a 4-5 year period, would you be so kind as to share with me?

...I didn't think so.

Wow, you keyboard warrior, you. Meanwhile, some of us are out in the real world doing the same and more for real lives in real communities.

Keep on typing. You've done every bit as much harm with your "how" as you have done good with the "what". Your self-rigtheous pride is duly noted, though.

When can I expect your 3rd visit to the WHMBR! threads PPS? Back to the drawing board for you, better luck next time.

You are not the epicenter of biblical sexual morality, nor is this thread. Seriously?

This isn't the Gospel. Behavioral management is not regeneration. Keep bangin' those keys, though.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When can I expect your 3rd visit to the WHMBR! threads PPS? Back to the drawing board for you, better luck next time.

You are not the epicenter of biblical sexual morality, nor is this thread. Seriously?

This isn't the Gospel. Behavioral management is not regeneration. Keep bangin' those keys, though.

(And I thought Art Brain was a drama queen).

I was waiting for your approval for me to keep "banging those keys" before I posted anything else PPS. Thanks for giving me the thumbs up, as I just don't think I could continue without your approval.

On that note: Anytime that you'd like to talk about the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement, you're more than welcome to return to the thread and discuss it; but of course that would mean that you'd have to drop you obsession with me and talk about the real enemy our once great nation and people of the Christian faith face.

In other words, your obsession with me is just plain (in the words of zoo22)



TOL Subscriber
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When can I expect your 3rd visit to the WHMBR! threads PPS? Back to the drawing board for you, better luck next time.

(And I thought Art Brain was a drama queen).

I was waiting for your approval for me to keep "banging those keys" before I posted anything else PPS. Thanks for giving me the thumbs up, as I just don't think I could continue without your approval.

On that note: Anytime that you'd like to talk about the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement, you're more than welcome to return to the thread and discuss it; but of course that would mean that you'd have to drop you obsession with me and talk about the real enemy our once great nation and people of the Christian faith face.

In other words, your obsession with me is just plain (in the words of zoo22)


The enemy of the Faith and this (and every other) nation is the human sin condition. That isn't just relegated to sexuality immorality.

Your narcissistic nonsense is duly noted.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: Anytime that you'd like to talk about the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement, you're more than welcome to return to the thread and discuss it; but of course that would mean that you'd have to drop you obsession with me and talk about the real enemy our once great nation and people of the Christian faith face.

The enemy of the Faith and this (and every other) nation is the human sin condition. That isn't just relegated to sexuality immorality.

If you'd done your homework like I'd requested and read and memorized

Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry

you'd know that because of man's sinful nature that God ordained 3 institutions for the governance of man (the Church, the family and civil government) to spiritually, psychologically and physically control those sinful desires. All three have separate but mutually supportive roles.

The reason that the Church and family are in dire straights today, is because civil government has failed.

The LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement is responsible for the destructive changes we've seen in our invaluable institutions (the family, marriage, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups, the media and entertainment, etc.), so yes, sexual immorality plays a huge role in what we're seeing today.

Your narcissistic nonsense is duly noted.

You were doing so well with your above paragraph, and then you relapsed into your obsession with me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When can I expect your 3rd visit to the WHMBR! threads PPS? Back to the drawing board for you, better luck next time.

(And I thought Art Brain was a drama queen).

I was waiting for your approval for me to keep "banging those keys" before I posted anything else PPS. Thanks for giving me the thumbs up, as I just don't think I could continue without your approval.

On that note: Anytime that you'd like to talk about the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement, you're more than welcome to return to the thread and discuss it; but of course that would mean that you'd have to drop you obsession with me and talk about the real enemy our once great nation and people of the Christian faith face.

In other words, your obsession with me is just plain (in the words of zoo22)


Seems as though you've got enough drama going on of your own Connie. I must say it's been entertaining in it's way seeing you and Pneuma go at it. Two pompous windbags trying to outdo each other...priceless.



Seems as though you've got enough drama going on of your own Connie. I must say it's been entertaining in it's way seeing you and Pneuma go at it. Two pompous windbags trying to outdo each other...priceless.


And here I thought that you returned to engage in some heated debate over Linda Harvey's article showing that the LGBTQ movement in Oregon indoctrinates children and youth.


Hey, isn't Oregon where accused pederast and HRC founder Terry Bean is from?

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so is it happy or prostitution that is set in our subconscious?

It would be both and homosexuality. The word carries over the old meanings with new ones. The word. 'gay' cannot free itself from past meanings of carefree, copious, capricious, wayward and histrionic.


New member
It would be both and homosexuality. The word carries over the old meanings with new ones. The word. 'gay' cannot free itself from past meanings of carefree, copious, capricious, wayward and histrionic.

or its meanings - men who have sex with a lot of women particularly prostitutes.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And here I thought that you returned to engage in some heated debate over Linda Harvey's article showing that the LGBTQ movement in Oregon indoctrinates children and youth.


Hey, isn't Oregon where accused pederast and HRC founder Terry Bean is from?

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?

Oh by all means. I'll keep the popcorn on standby.



TOL Subscriber
And here I thought that you returned to engage in some heated debate over Linda Harvey's article showing that the LGBTQ movement in Oregon indoctrinates children and youth.


Hey, isn't Oregon where accused pederast and HRC founder Terry Bean is from?

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?

Sexual anarchist?

You're such a piece of garbage, attacking others who stand for biblical sexuality.
Last edited:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?

Sexual anarchist?

You're such a piece of garbage, attacking others who stand for biblical sexuality.

You were so busy attacking me that you forgot to talk about God's plan for human sexuality. Care to have another shot at it?

BTW, shall I put "piece of garbage" at the beginning of my title, or at the end?

aCW is a "lying piece of garbage homosexual, dyke, pedophile, pederast, sewer rat, moral maggot who molests his own children before beating them."

Yep, that pretty much describes me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?

You were so busy attacking me that you forgot to talk about God's plan for human sexuality. Care to have another shot at it?

BTW, shall I put "piece of garbage" at the beginning of my title, or at the end?

aCW is a "lying piece of garbage homosexual, dyke, pedophile, pederast, sewer rat, moral maggot who molests his own children before beating them."

Yep, that pretty much describes me.

C'mon aCW, less of the melodrama eh?

It's not like you're blameless where it comes to inventing lurid crap about other posters is it?

So put the tiara down and less of the 'martyr' stuff.

And now back to aCW v PPS...:cloud9:

Darn, run out of popcorn...kebabs it is then.


TOL Subscriber
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you're not here to contribute to the thread, how about you troll elsewhere and leave me to expose your sexual anarchist comrade PPS all on my own?

You were so busy attacking me that you forgot to talk about God's plan for human sexuality. Care to have another shot at it?

I never attacked you in the least. I had the most cordial conversation with you on these threads. You just can't ever get past your false accusations that everyone else is a sexual anarchist, even when they completely agree with you and are taking a stand for biblical sexuality.

BTW, shall I put "piece of garbage" at the beginning of my title, or at the end?

aCW is a "lying piece of garbage homosexual, dyke, pedophile, pederast, sewer rat, moral maggot who molests his own children before beating them."

Yep, that pretty much describes me.

Just piece of garbage. I've never accused you of any of those things. You blur everyone together and project the aggregate upon everyone in your zeal that is tainted with self-righteousness.

I have no need to call you anything you are not. Your own action of falsely calling me a sexual anarchist made my description of you valid. And you can change that with a simple apology. I don't think you do such things, though, from what I've seen.

Enjoy your campaign. I'll tend to my own vocations and callings from God, including standing for biblical sexuality (despite your false accusations).


BTW, shall I put "piece of garbage" at the beginning of my title, or at the end?

aCW is a "lying piece of garbage homosexual, dyke, pedophile, pederast, sewer rat, moral maggot who molests his own children before beating them."

Yep, that pretty much describes me.

C'mon aCW, less of the melodrama eh?

It's not like you're blameless where it comes to inventing lurid crap about other posters is it?

So put the tiara down and less of the 'martyr' stuff.

And now back to aCW v PPS...:cloud9:

Darn, run out of popcorn...kebabs it is then.

I never attacked you in the least. I had the most cordial conversation with you on these threads. You just can't ever get past your false accusations that everyone else is a sexual anarchist, even when they completely agree with you and are taking a stand for biblical sexuality.

Just piece of garbage. I've never accused you of any of those things. You blur everyone together and project the aggregate upon everyone in your zeal that is tainted with self-righteousness.

I have no need to call you anything you are not. Your own action of falsely calling me a sexual anarchist made my description of you valid. And you can change that with a simple apology. I don't think you do such things, though, from what I've seen.

Enjoy your campaign. I'll tend to my own vocations and callings from God, including standing for biblical sexuality (despite your false accusations).

(Oh my, not one, but two of the thread's biggest drama queens together on stage at the same time!).

Who wants to go first?

"A 14 year old cross dressing boy with homosexual desires approaches his two uncles Art Brain and PneumaPsucheSoma asking for advice..."




TOL Subscriber
BTW, shall I put "piece of garbage" at the beginning of my title, or at the end?

aCW is a "lying piece of garbage homosexual, dyke, pedophile, pederast, sewer rat, moral maggot who molests his own children before beating them."

Yep, that pretty much describes me.

(Oh my, not one, but two of the thread's biggest drama queens together on stage at the same time!).

Who wants to go first?

"A 14 year old cross dressing boy with homosexual desires approaches his two uncles Art Brain and PneumaPsucheSoma asking for advice..."



What the hell is wrong with you that you would project such perversion upon me? You're as sick as the snowflake LGBTers. You can't possibly be regenerate. What a foul spirit of hell.
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