Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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You misunderstood then, and you misunderstand now.

There was no "misunderstanding you back then, we'll see if you've changed.

I realize it's because of your fervor, but that is off-putting to many. I look past it, because I DO see the egregious error in non-criminalized same-gender sexuality (I won't even use the term homosexual, because it legitimizes something that can't be legitimized; and it relegates true sexuality to having to include the hetero prefix).

The truth is not pretty to many, especially those who have loved ones or friends that proudly engage in this behavior. The thought of that person being held accountable for his crimes against nature doesn't appeal to many, even to those that call themselves "Christian".

I've never thought 2000 years of Judeo-Christian civilizations and cultures have had it wrong to criminalize same-gender sexuality. I just don't know how to get there from here now that the tide has long turned; so you also misunderstood my points regarding Theocracies.

Well then, here's your opportunity to explain yourself (save the $1.50 vocabulary and use words that your average Joe can understand) in regards to theocracies and how they have any connection to the recriminalization of sexual sins.

I don't know how more plain I can be. Your strength is also your weakness. You see everyone as a homosexualist (your terminology). My point then and now is that your methodologies aren't always effective, regardless of whether you're right about the subject matter and have relentless intentions for the good.

You haven't changed one bit: attack the messenger.

I don't care about all that. You're providing a ton a information for those who will listen and take a stand. I'm wanting to be more effective in taking a stand. It's as simple as that.

We'll see.

I'm here. I don't share your abrasive approach, but I agree with your premises. Sexual perversion is the very foundation of eroding everything Christian in modern western culture. And I consider standard fornication and adultery to be every bit as damaging as same-gender sexual deviance. Deviance is deviance.

While fornication and adultery are immoral, unlike homosexuality they're not perverse behaviors. That being said: As I've shown throughout this 4 part thread, homosexuality is the last nail in the proverbial coffin when it comes to destroying our once Judeo-Christian based nation. I talked about the sexual revolution, this is the last plank in it.

My sexually intimate relationship with my wife is free of lust and perverted sexual acts that emulate same-gender sexaul immorality. I don't condone and endorse sodomy and/or fellatio/cunnilingus by married couples.

I'd say I'm pretty far right on all this. There isn't any Leftist in me. I despise neo-liberalism.

TMI, Too much info.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Okay, here seems to be a practical means of getting involved and taking a stand to make changes.

How do we find petitions to sign. How do get informed and stay apprised of bills in state and federal legislature to address, and in what manner to be most effective.

This is what I'm talking about as guidlelines. Multiple specific steps to be heard and become effective or influential in the whole process. And how do we begin to reverse what is already on the books as legislation?

Please don't tell me you agree with that madman, that people who suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction should actually be penalized by law for their disorder.

What homosexuals need to do is what alcoholics need to do: Recognize that they have a problem, and then have support so that they do not indulge in their desires.


Okay, here seems to be a practical means of getting involved and taking a stand to make changes.

How do we find petitions to sign. How do get informed and stay apprised of bills in state and federal legislature to address, and in what manner to be most effective.

This is what I'm talking about as guidlelines. Multiple specific steps to be heard and become effective or influential in the whole process. And how do we begin to reverse what is already on the books as legislation?

You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place. Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated and elected President, those who embrace religious liberty and decency would have a great friend in the White House.

Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).


Literal lunatic
My sexually intimate relationship with my wife is free of lust and perverted sexual acts that emulate same-gender sexaul immorality. I don't condone and endorse sodomy and/or fellatio/cunnilingus by married couples.

I'd say I'm pretty far right on all this. There isn't any Leftist in me. I despise neo-liberalism.

The marriage bed is holy.

That means folks are free to bring pleasure to one another as they see fit.

I can't see calling that lust.

Far right?

Yes you are.

There's a fine line between a rut and a groove.

Jus sayin'. :)


TOL Subscriber
There was no "misunderstanding you back then, we'll see if you've changed.

No, but whatevs. I'm all about now, however you've misunderstood previously. And I'm asking for helpful guidelines.

The truth is not pretty to many, especially those who have loved ones or friends that proudly engage in this behavior.


The thought of that person being held accountable for his crimes against nature doesn't appeal to many, even to those that call themselves "Christian".

I have no such issues. It's just much harder to reverse than to have maintained.

Well then, here's your opportunity to explain yourself (save the $1.50 vocabulary and use words that your average Joe can understand) in regards to theocracies and how they have any connection to the recriminalization of sexual sins.

It was simple. Since this country is not a Theocracy, we don't have absolute control over moral law being integrated with civil and criminal law. That means it still has to be a matter of "secular" legislation rather than the Christian community well-wishing it into existence or condoning it as being a "legal matter" only.

It's irrelevant at this point, because it's not a perspective you want to address. Onward.

You haven't changed one bit: attack the messenger.

I'm not attacking you or anyone. It's a calm and valid simple assessment of your fervor and the methodology that you employ. It's a basic rational summary of how you do and say what you do and say. It's positive criticism, not an attack.

You're not very accomodating for conversation. You're condescending and abrasive and accusatory. I don't really care. I'm sorting through it all to have conversation because it matters to me to address what you're presenting. That doesn't mean I'm going to start calling everyone a homosexualist or be paranoid that everyone is my adversary on this topic as you are. Big deal.

We'll see.

LOL. So far, I've gotten a few hints of info that are helpful. We'll see if there are more. I think you have a bigger challenge in helping provide guidelines for action than you do in heralding the cause. That's what I'm after. The best courses of action to take to provide solutions.

While fornication and adultery are immoral, unlike homosexuality they're not perverse behaviors.

Fair enough. But the degree of debauchery in pornography includes everything imaginable, and it's not just gay porn.

That being said: As I've shown throughout this 4 part thread, homosexuality is the last nail in the proverbial coffin when it comes to destroying our once Judeo-Christian based nation. I talked about the sexual revolution, this is the last plank in it.

And I agree.

TMI, Too much info.

It was relevant. I'll abstain in the future from providing such info.


dude - he dint get nominated (like, months ago)

get over it and move on

I'll tell you what I told you in another thread: I'm not trying to reason with someone who called me a "pedophile" and asked if I molest my children before I beat them up.

Now run along and go watch some Howard Stern/Donald Trump videos of them talking trash about women, that surely makes your day.


Literal lunatic
You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place. Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated and elected President, those who embrace religious liberty and decency would have a great friend in the White House.

Thanks for your opinion.

Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

This sounds like whining about somebody making you share yer candy.

If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

I hear yuh.

So can I expect you to stop railing till then?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There was no "misunderstanding you back then, we'll see if you've changed.

No, but whatevs. I'm all about now, however you've misunderstood previously. And I'm asking for helpful guidelines.

I have. Get involved in the political process. While it's too late now to vote in a God-fearing President, at least vote for someone like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.


Also remember to vote in God-fearing Senators and Representatives. They can not only legislate wisely, they can override a morally corrupt President.

Pass this information onto members of your church, as many in the Church aren't involved in the political process.

Regarding this thread:

I've posted numerous articles about the LGBTQ agenda. Address them, I'm curious about your thoughts on those issues.


TOL Subscriber
Please don't tell me you agree with that madman,

With him?

that people who suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction should actually be penalized by law for their disorder.

What homosexuals need to do is what alcoholics need to do: Recognize that they have a problem, and then have support so that they do not indulge in their desires.

They don't and won't. They have legal precedent to consider their desires and behaviors to not be a disorder at all.

Saying they "need" to do something has nothing to do with what they will actually do or not do. No same-sexuals are seeking to not indulge their desires, other than maybe a very small minority within churches.

Yes, there should be legislation about sexual morality, just as there is for alchol on many levels.

I don't need to be a madman to advocate for legislative guidelines, which are not for punishment. Punishment is for willful violation.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
....They don't and won't.....

Ahh, but they do. Homosexuals who recognize their problem and deal with it have been 100% blacked out and suppressed by the media for years. But you can find their stories online, and you can find them here: https://couragerc.org/

.....Yes, there should be legislation about sexual morality, just as there is for alchol on many levels.......
Behavior/Substances = Apples/Oranges.
You want the state to act as nanny and moral police? That is a Liberal position. Morals and ethics should come from family and faith, not the state. When you give the state that power, and then the state is run by evil people like Hillary and Obama, those laws can then be turned against YOU


TOL Subscriber
You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place.

No, I did not. My vote did not affect the outcome at all (on a stand-alone basis).

Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated

Despite my vote (and my reservations about Cruz, because he's a snake in the grass like the rest of them and has since proven it), it didn't happen.

and elected President,

It was never going to happen. You don't seem to understand the corruption and fraud in the entire process, along with the fact that there are no candidates that support sexual morality according to the Judeo-Christian ethic.

those who embrace religious liberty and decency would have a great friend in the White House.

Coulda-woulda-shoulda. And now he backs Trump. Futile. Next.

Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

And Hitlery is miles worse in every metric. She's no friend of the Judeo-Christian morality, especially the sexual revolution. She's a lesbian.

If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

The next time around? Whoever is the incumbent will likely get a second 4-year term. There are better answers for effective change than waiting the better part of a decade to just vote again.

I'm really wanting practical, immediate, and consistent methods for being effective on local, state, and federal levels.


TOL Subscriber
The marriage bed is holy.

That means folks are free to bring pleasure to one another as they see fit.

I can't see calling that lust.

Far right?

Yes you are.

There's a fine line between a rut and a groove.

Jus sayin'. :)

In my personal inventory, I've found that desires for various sexual acts have their root in my exposure to pornography at various points in my life.

I don't want lust to be a part of my sexual relationship in my marriage. My wife has had not exposure whatsoever to pornography, and has no desire for certain sex acts.

I simply don't have any desire for the things depicted in pornography. It's not a rut or groove, because that wasn't always the case.

Yes, I'm far right; and unapologetically so.


TOL Subscriber
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There was no "misunderstanding you back then, we'll see if you've changed.

LOL. I haven't changed. I'm looking for the same answers as before. How to take an effective stand for legislation regarding all forms of sexual immorality.

I have. Get involved in the political process.

I am. There is more that can be done, and I want to do those things. I'm just unsure what they are or how to do them regularly, consistently, and effectively. Not just voting. Being a factor at every level in every way possible.

While it's too late now to vote in a God-fearing President, at least vote for someone like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.


My wife and I are doing so; and have been supporting him strongly for some time. And... We live in a Blue state (Illinois) where Killary will get the Electoral votes regardless.

This isn't really doing much, which is why I've been asking for ways to be a factor and an influence.

Also remember to vote in God-fearing Senators and Representatives.

In Illinois? LOL. There's never been such a thing here. Or most other places. I think you grossly underestimate the corruption and godlessness in our political structure.

They can not only legislate wisely, they can override a morally corrupt President.

"Can" isn't "will", and we've seen the bipartisan stalemate of nothingness for decades.

Pass this information onto members of your church, as many in the Church aren't involved in the political process.

Mine is. We have open forums and prayer. My Pastor is doing a write-in for Huckabee, and always stands for whichever candidate aligns with Natural Law. The fellowship is staunchly aligned to vote against any form of neo-liberalism and non-Judeo-Christian policies.

Regarding this thread:

I've posted numerous articles about the LGBTQ agenda. Address them, I'm curious about your thoughts on those issues.

I'll have to dig back through the thread, I suppose.

Thanks for the info above.


TOL Subscriber
Ahh, but they do. Homosexuals who recognize their problem and deal with it have been 100% blacked out and suppressed by the media for years. But you can find their stories online, and you can find them here: https://couragerc.org/

I'm aware that media blacks out all such things. But I'm talking about real life experience and observation.

You're still talking about a minority. The vast and growing majority of same-sexuals are not seeking help or even acknowledging their desires and behaviors as disorders.

Behavior/Substances = Apples/Oranges.
You want the state to act as nanny and moral police? That is a Liberal position. Morals and ethics should come from family and faith, not the state. When you give the state that power, and then the state is run by evil people like Hillary and Obama, those laws can then be turned against YOU

These cannot be separated. And you've painted yourself into a huge dilemna. Should there be legislation about ANY forms of sexual immorality? Pedophilia/Pederasty? Necrophilia? Beastiality?

Morals and ethics (in a good sense) aren't coming from family and faith. I don't advocate Statism at all. But murder is a moral issue. Rape is a moral issue. Many other moral issues have to be a part of culture with government as a Free Republic.

The laws HAVE been turned against ME and YOU. The laws are favoring immorality. The answer is not "no laws about morality".

You act as though this is a simple issue. It's not.
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