Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can you, Art Brain, Patrick jane and the rest of my TOL fan club all agree with me that homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children?

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

A fan is something you really should invest in 'aBrilliantBloggeraCW'. It might cool down that fevered aubergine rattling about inside that skull of yours...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

like any thinking person I don't believe in making blanket pronouncements against entire minorities. Rather restriction such as a court order to remain a specific distance away from say, children under a specific age must be assigned on a case by case basis reflective of actual behavior. In the case of being ordered to keep away from children this usually means that the individual so restrained has actually committed and convicted of child abuse.

Let's do a quick review of Linda Harvey's very informative article (which I've posted on several occasions).

How about I start off with the first 3 planks and you can address them and try and convince the followers of this 4 part thread that this doesn't apply to all adult homosexuals who are proud and unrepentant of their behavior (i.e. not struggling with homosexual desires and making a great effort to overcome them).

After that I'll post the next 3 planks and we'll continue the above until all 12 planks are completed.

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

June 4, 2016



“Surely you don’t believe all homosexuals are child molesters!” That’s the indignant response to growing concerns about open, proud homosexuals having such easy access to children and teens. New policies granting unprecedented rights to those involved in homosexual behavior connect more and more children to these proud sinners. Outright pedophilia aside, there are still many opportunities for these deviant adults to interact with and negatively influence children...

1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

2. Children living a home headed by homosexual adults are exposed to the same poor examples in triple intensity and intimacy. Same -sex- coupled parents live a huge lie, deceiving themselves and the children, because they were not “born this way,” this is not “marriage,” and they are in all probability engaging in physically risky behaviors, like males who have anal sex . Just talk to emergency room doctors to find out the harmful outcomes of “faux” intercourse. These relationships can turn volatile in a second, with higher rates of domestic violence, putting everyone in the household at risk. Homosexual adults are typically high consumers of pornography, another element poisonous to the young....

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is. In public schools, these confused people expect to keep their teaching jobs (like Gary Sconce at Yosemite High School), insisting on their selfish goals regardless of the impact on students. Grade school children are now being taught in programs like “Welcoming Schools” that a schoolmate or teacher dressing and acting as the opposite sex is not bizarre and disordered, but everyone else must adjust and cooperate with the deceit. So in California, boys are now playing on the girls’ softball team and little children are being encouraged to switch genders if they wish.
By law in New Jersey and California, a teen’s homosexual feelings can’t be changed by counseling because it’s “harmful,” but gender remains infinitely flexible. And we wonder why children don’t respect adults.

As for Linda Harvey - The woman is obviously a sex obsessed pervert, what sane parent would want her anywhere near impressionable children?

Someone who believes in God or simply loves their children.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

A fan is something you really should invest in 'aBrilliantBloggeraCW'. It might cool down that fevered aubergine rattling about inside that skull of yours...

Feel free to join in with Mr. Dante in critiquing (i.e. refuting) the first 3 planks of Linda Harvey's article.

You didn't do well (you embarrassed the LGBTQ movement) in the 5 scenarios that I presented earlier, here's an opportunity to redeem yourself in the eyes of such LGBTQ icons as pedophiles Harry Hay, Frank Kameny and pederasts Harvey Milk and Terry Bean (who founded the HRC).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

Feel free to join in with Mr. Dante in critiquing (i.e. refuting) the first 3 planks of Linda Harvey's article.

You didn't do well (you embarrassed the LGBTQ movement) in the 5 scenarios that I presented earlier, here's an opportunity to redeem yourself in the eyes of such LGBTQ icons as pedophiles Harry Hay, Frank Kameny and pederasts Harvey Milk and Terry Bean (who founded the HRC).

Oh, I kinda lost interest in any extravagant scenario that didn't at least have someone on Air Force One that someone 'knew' Connie. Sorry...


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

Let's do a quick review of Linda Harvey's very informative article (which I've posted on several occasions).

How about I start off with the first 3 planks and you can address them and try and convince the followers of this 4 part thread that this doesn't apply to all adult homosexuals who are proud and unrepentant of their behavior (i.e. not struggling with homosexual desires and making a great effort to overcome them).

After that I'll post the next 3 planks and we'll continue the above until all 12 planks are completed.
what a stupid idea.

Why would anyone who isn't a degenerate want to spend time going over what amounts to recycled racism, propaganda and the sick musings of a sexual pervert like Linda Harvey?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's do a quick review of Linda Harvey's very informative article (which I've posted on several occasions).

How about I start off with the first 3 planks and you can address them and try and convince the followers of this 4 part thread that this doesn't apply to all adult homosexuals who are proud and unrepentant of their behavior (i.e. not struggling with homosexual desires and making a great effort to overcome them).

After that I'll post the next 3 planks and we'll continue the above until all 12 planks are completed.

what a stupid idea.

Why would anyone who isn't a degenerate want to spend time going over what amounts to recycled racism, propaganda and the sick musings of a sexual pervert like Linda Harvey?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Feel free to join in with Mr. Dante in critiquing (i.e. refuting) the first 3 planks of Linda Harvey's article.

Oh, I kinda lost interest in any extravagant scenario that didn't at least have someone on Air Force One that someone 'knew' Connie. Sorry...

I'm glad that you boyz agree with me on the first 3 planks of Linda Harvey's article entitled:

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Who could defend proud and unrepentant sexual deviants being a role model to young impressionable minds as a teacher? (Sigh, if only that great conservative...cough cough...Ronald Reagan hadn't helped defeat the Brigg's Initiative as Governor of California, chances are we wouldn't even be discussing this issue).

Who could defend impressionable children living in a house headed by homosexual adults? (Sorry Miss Harvey, but I don't call a dwelling that has sexual deviants in it a "home"). The indoctrination aspect of it is bad enough. I need not review stories about Dan Savage and Elton John and how filthy a lifestyle they live, with their adopted children having to grow up in that environment.

And last but not least, who could deny that drag queens aren't deeply disturbing to children? No matter what location these children come across these morally confused people in (restrooms, locker rooms, fitting rooms, etc.), children are justified in being afraid of transvestites (kinda like creepy clowns, but with hi-heels).

Since we all obviously agree on the above, let's move on to the next 3 planks:

4. Students are sometimes blank slates for the indoctrination plans of homosexual political activists, teachers and others. These innocent minds are taught to affirm sexual perversion, but often in concert with the entire platform of destructive, leftist causes. GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) has launched local and regional youth conferences to do exactly this. Mom and Dad may be in the dark, because indoctrination programs prey especially on the neglected child with preoccupied parents. It’s a recipe for creating the low-information junior barbarian with an anarchist, “Occupy Wall Street” mentality.

5. Now to the dynamite question: yes, some homosexually-identified adults do have sex with underage teens and even children. What percentage of openly “LGBT” adults do this is anyone’s guess. It’s not all of them, of course, but it certainly seems to occur disproportionately more than among heterosexuals. There is a contingent within homosexual circles pushing for adults to gain more access to minors, sometimes disguised as support for “questioning” kids. When allegations about celebrities assaulting youth are made, the left is silent. The major homosexual groups do nothing to discourage those adults among them who would betray and violate children in this way. The latest Hollywood pedophile scandal about homosexual producer Bryan Singer and others is a big yawn for the mainstream media.
And there’s little justice for victimized children. Larry Brinkin, a former San Francisco Human Rights Commission official and “gay” icon, was caught with child porn—men having sex with toddler boys– and will only serve a mere six months of his sentence. Homosexual groups support lunacy like Harvey Milk Day in California public schools. It’s a school event honoring the former San Francisco city official murdered for reasons unrelated to homosexuality, yet still portrayed as a “gay” martyr. Milk had an open preference for underage teen boys...(read more of this plank by linking the article).

6. Exposure of kids to pornographic material is fine with these folks. It’s “censorship” if we don’t allow children to explore textual and visual pornography that steals their innocence and seduces some into an early sexual debut. From the American Library Association to health educators, to school counselors who meet with children in private, to advocacy groups, the “LGBT” lobby has no problem with ten-year-olds reading graphic sexual material, attending nudity-laden “pride” events, or mixing with unknown adults who “chaperone” homosexual proms for youth. They essentially don’t care if children become corrupted, probably because many of them were similarly seduced as children.



Now if you two boyz want to call in fellow members of the ACW fan club for back up, might I suggest Catholic Crusader and Gronick Marowbe. They've both been very eloquent not only in their strong defense of sexual degenerate Donald Trump, but in keeping homosexuality legal (after all, if a nation recriminalizes homosexuality, it will have to criminalize the consumption of catfish, right Catholic Crusader?).


Connie, homosexuality is gonna remain legal whether you like it or not. Simple as that. Get a life man.


I'm glad that we both agree on planks 4, 5 & 6 in Linda Harvey's article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Who could defend child indoctrinators like GLSEN, who was founded by LGBTQ activist Kevin "Fistgate" Jennings?

WARNING! Extremely disgusting things that homosexual activists teach youth.

The "Fistgate"*conference:HERE'S what homosexual activists in schools do with children . . .



Who could defend adults having sex with underage teens and even children, something that we've seen in this 4 part thread is very common inside the LGBTQ so-called "community". (Sigh, I just wish a proud and unrepentant homosexual would come forward and refute the above statement).

Who could defend showing pornography to children, something that happens not only in LGBTQ "youth clubs", but as we've seen time and time again, at 'pride parades'.

Before I continue with the next 3 planks from Ms Harvey's article, any chance you could get more members of my fan club to assist you in this endeavor, cuz you don't seem to be doing well on your own.

(I see that Catholic Crusader has been reported for using absolutely filthy language in another thread. That's like asking a snake not to bite).


Boy, I throw a party for TOL's homosexualists and invite Mission America's Linda Harvey to share her article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

and very few show up, and those who did leave early (one would think that if these 12 truths were lies, they could easily be refuted).

On with planks 7, 8 & 9:

7. Children quickly learn from homosexual adults that Christians are the “enemy.” Much effort is devoted to smearing and demonizing believers, who form the main obstacle to unrestricted sexual license. For this reason if nothing else, Christian churches should be taking an active and visible stand against homosexual political goals and the interactions of these folks with children. It’s no wonder open homosexuals are taking aggressive, unjust steps to silence or undermine the Christian church.

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled. The homosexual/pro-abortion network makes sure that sex educators in public schools normalize practices like anal and oral sex, push condom use and even low-dose drugs as the panacea for well-known risks, minimizing the potential life-altering consequences.

9. Parental rights are mocked and dismissed by the adult leaders of the homosexual lobby. The founder of GLSEN, Kevin Jennings, famously said, regarding conservative objections to the promotion of homosexuality to kids,...In many schools where homosexual clubs exist ( often called “gay-straight alliances”), parents are not notified if a son or daughter joins one, and yet within these clubs are often other students advocating and already involved in homosexual sex, and an adult homosexual teacher “advisor” as well.




Before I finish the last 3 planks of Linda Harvey's article, I wanted to get some opinions on what this Presidential election's "October surprise" is going to be.


I was telling a TOL Trump lemming (he called me a "pedophile") that I believe that the democrats will wait until about a week from the election and run the Trump/Epstein pending rape civil suit of a 13 year old girl 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While America (as shown throughout this thread) allows the psychological indoctrination of children by the LGBTQ movement and it's secular humanist allies, for the most part they looooooooathe adults that physically molest children.

Federal Judge Orders Status Conference in Trump Rape Lawsuit
Proceedings in a civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl are not scheduled to take place until after the election

Oct. 11, 2016

Proceedings in a federal lawsuit filed in New York, accusing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl over 20 years ago at several Upper East Side parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein, have been scheduled but will not take place until after the November 8 election date.
Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered a status conference to be held at 11:30 AM on 16 December 2016 (more than a month after Election Day) at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, calling for both sides to provide information that might assist the Court in advancing the case to either settlement or trial — including "a brief description of the nature of the actual and the principal defenses thereto, a brief explanation of why jurisdiction and venue lie in this court, a brief description of all contemplated and/or outstanding motions, a brief description of any discovery that has already taken place, and a brief description of prior settlement discussions":

Read more: http://www.snopes.com/2016/10/11/status-conference-in-trump-lawsuit/




Warming up for the Tsunami (the child rape civil suit that the MSM will undoubtedly be covering 24/7 in another week or two) more sexual assaults from the king of sleaze.

2 women tell paper Trump touched them inappropriately

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two women tell The New York Times that Donald Trump touched them inappropriately — groping a woman in one instance and kissing a woman in another — during separate encounters that took place as long as three decades ago, the newspaper reported Wednesday.

Trump told the Times there was no truth to either of the claims. In a statement, Trump's campaign spokesman, Jason Miller, said "the entire article is fiction" and accused the newspaper of launching "a completely false, coordinated character assassination."

Another newspaper, The Palm Beach Post in Florida, reported Wednesday night that a woman said Trump groped her at his Mar-a-Lago estate 13 years ago. Trump's campaign said her allegation "lacks any merit or veracity."

The women's stories come less than a week after the publication of a 2005 recording in which the Republican nominee boasted of groping women. Trump apologized for his comments, but also dismissed them as "locker room talk" and a distraction from the campaign.

Both women who spoke to the Times said they were coming forward with their stories because of the recording and Trump's response to questions about it at Sunday's presidential debate. The New York businessman said then he had never done the things he bragged about on the recording.

Jessica Leeds, 74, of New York, said she sat beside Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York more than three decades ago. After less than an hour in the air, he lifted the armrest separating them and began to touch her, she said, and grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

"It was an assault," Leeds told the newspaper. She said she fled to the back of the plane and sat in the coach section.

A second woman, Rachel Crooks of Ohio, told the newspaper she met Trump as a 22-year-old in 2005 — the same year he was recorded bragging in vulgar terms about grabbing women's genitals.

Crooks said she was a receptionist for a real estate investment and development company located at Trump Tower and met Trump outside an elevator in the building one morning. She introduced herself to the celebrity businessman, she said.

They shook hands but Trump would not let go, Crooks said, and he began kissing her cheeks and then kissed her on the mouth. "It was so inappropriate," she told the newspaper. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that."

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/news/2-women-...them-inappropriately-001714031--election.html


Will the woman/underage girl that Donald Trump HASN'T spoken crudely about, sexually harassed, groped or raped please come forward, as there MUST be one of you out there!

All The New Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Trump That Surfaced On Wednesday

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants — some as young as 15 — were changing.*“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.*Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”

Unsettling Comments About A 10-Year-Old Girl
Finally, while not an allegation of sexual assault or similar, CBS dug up footage from 1992 which records Donald Trump talking to a 10-year-old girl and then telling someone: "I'll be dating her in 10 years":

Read more: http://digg.com/2016/trump-allegations-sexual-assault-women

In the words of zoo22 (RIP), "creepy".


Have I mentioned that Donald Trump is being sued for raping a 13 year old? That story will undoubtedly be surfacing primetime soon.


Let's see what the King of Sleaze is up to today:

Donald Trump Called Deaf ‘Apprentice’ Marlee Matlin ‘Retarded,’ Three Staffers Say

Oct. 14, 2016

Donald Trump*repeatedly called a deaf actress “retarded,” three sources tell The Daily Beast.

Trump, who was accused on Wednesday of making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, an Oscar-winning actress who once competed on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, also apparently had a habit of insulting, mimicking, and demeaning as mentally handicapped his star female contestant—all because she was deaf.
In 2011, Matlin, who is still the only deaf actor or actress to win an Academy Award for best actress, appeared on Trump’s NBC reality-TV series. By the end of the season, she had come in second place and earned her fair share of compliments from Trump in the aired footage. But according to three longtime staffers who worked on Matlin’s season of Celebrity Apprentice, Trump would regularly disrespect the actress and would even treat her as if she were mentally disabled.
Sometimes the insults would be behind her back; other times they would be right in front of her.

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/do...ers-say/ar-AAiVrdk?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp

I think Trump already lost the disabled vote when he mocked a reporter with a muscular disorder few months back.



I haven't talked about homosexual 'culture' in awhile. This next bit of information should excite you LGBTQ&A (& allies) travelers.

National Park Service Explores 'LGBT History and Heritage...Sex, Love and Relationships'

Oct. 12, 2016

The Interior Department and the National Park Service held a conference call on Tuesday – “Coming Out Day” – to announce a renewed effort to “tell a more inclusive story of our nation’s history” by giving places around the country connected to the homosexual movement certain historic designations.

“I’m pleased to be joined by [National Park Service] Director [Jonathan] Jarvis to discuss the efforts of the National Park Service to tell a more inclusive story of our nation’s history,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said on the conference call with reporters. “It’s fitting that we do this today, on National Coming Out Day and during National LGBT History Month.”

“As we identify and document the contributions of communities like the LGBTQ, we also work with the public through the National Park System Advisory Board to broaden the inclusion of these populations in both the national register of historic places and the national historic landmarks program,” Jarvis said.

Jarvis said the federal government commissioned a study on the LGBTQ community, as well as on Asian and Pacific Islanders and the Latino communities.

A fact sheet on the LGBTQ study stated that the NPS is “America’s storyteller.”

Read more: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article...leases-study-part-effort-more-inclusive-lgbtq

I can see it now: a LGBTQ map showing all of the historical LGBTQ sites throughout our once great nation.

For instance, here we have the historic site where HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean met his first underage boy:



Oh look, there are the public park bushes where homosexual activist and "sex columnist" Dan Savage met his 'husband' Terry!



As this waste of US tax dollars this very important endeavor progresses, I'll be sure to share with the readers of WHMBR! Part 4 thread more on a 'culture' that every dying society should see.
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