Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume).
When did you go royal on me? Or Crown Royal, whatever. I actually spoke directly to that and did in the thread concerning it in short order.

Also, you're just flat out lying:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we can both agree that Ted Cruz's stance on traditional marriage and keeping child molesting drag queens out of women's restrooms had an impact on you?
No...In fact, I've had problems with the restroom business and been against the idea here and elsewhere, for a number of actual reasons that don't have anything to do with name calling.

He's told us that marriage is a "religious notion
No he didn't. Not even once. He did write, "a lot of the hue and cry over "traditional marriage" was little more than a repackaging of a religious argument to make it look like something else."

What I've consistently held on the point of marriage is that as it's set out in relation to the state religion doesn't enter into it. Atheists marry every year.

What is the proper* role of civil government?
The moment you put "proper" into the question you might as well as, "What do you believe the role of government should be?"

1.truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine
Right, regarded, which is a subjective valuation. Now if you want a subjective evaluation you shouldn't then try to turn it into a multiple choice with two wrong answers.

If you would like to defend your secular humanist stance on these issues
You'd be a lot more convincing in trying to frame my philosophical approach if you got any particular thing I wrote correctly when ham-fistedly attempting to sum it. :plain:

If you don't like what I'm saying stop talking to me. You've invited me here on more than one occasion. You made sure you got my attention. If you don't like where that goes it's on you. Stop misrepresenting me and stop engaging me. I'll be happy to go back to not paying any attention to whatever it is you're really doing here.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Panhandling is such a problem in Seattle that I sometimes tell them that there is a new ordinance which only allows 17 panhandlers per city block.

This thread has a similar ordinance:

Only one drama queen per night.

Town Heretic is currently occupying that spot.

Well, no, you are too doofus.

Do people call you a liar? Well, yes, with good reason as your myriad infractions would testify to along with the usual sleazy innuendo that accompany them. Closet case? Well, I doubt it would surprise anybody if you were gay particularly but I doubt most would really care either. You're the self appointed martyr here dude, the one who claims persecution etc so what does that make you if not the queen of drama around these parts?

Not sure who's been calling you a pederast exactly, I suspect that's a bit of made up drama on your own part there.

Look dude, face it. You're more regarded as a clown than anything and someone not to be taken seriously. Maybe one day that self important pompous side of you might dissipate enough for you to see it. You don't have a 'huge' following. Given how long this blog has gone on you have a kinda average aspect in relation.

Go on holiday or something. A voluntary one to the Maldives or somewhere. :)


Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume). He's told us that marriage is a "religious notion" (while God does define marriage, a male and female never have had to be religious in order to marry). Now the important question is asked:

What is the proper* role of civil government?

Have a nice day.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume).
Add to your earlier willful misstatements the notion that you're bored. I told you how to have as few words with me as possible.

If you don't like what I'm saying stop talking to me. You've invited me here on more than one occasion. You made sure you got my attention. If you don't like where that goes it's on you. Stop misrepresenting me and stop engaging me. I'll be happy to go back to not paying any attention to whatever it is you're really doing here.

On the bathroom business, again and from an earlier exchange that, absent some head trauma, he should recall:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we can both agree that Ted Cruz's stance on traditional marriage and keeping child molesting drag queens out of women's restrooms had an impact on you?
No...In fact, I've had problems with the restroom business and been against the idea here and elsewhere, for a number of actual reasons that don't have anything to do with name calling.

aCW's next misrepresentation:
He's told us that marriage is a "religious notion" (while God does define marriage, a male and female never have had to be religious in order to marry).
And the answer remains:

No I didn't. Not even once. I did write, "a lot of the hue and cry over "traditional marriage" was little more than a repackaging of a religious argument to make it look like something else."

Now the important question is asked: What is the proper* role of civil government?
And, yet again:

The moment you put "proper" into the question you might as well ask, "What do you believe the role of government should be?" Now if you want a subjective evaluation you shouldn't then try to turn it into a multiple choice with two wrong answers.


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume).

Add to your earlier willful misstatements the notion that you're bored. I told you how to have as few words with me as possible...

Our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality posted an article on HB2, North Carolina's "bathroom bill".

In the article he linked a video from the Institute for Faith and Family*(IFF), "one of a coalition of North Carolina groups working to preserve HB 2, a state law that overrides a “gender identity” ordinance passed by the city of Charlotte that allowed biological men and boys to occupy female restrooms and locker rooms if they perceive themselves to be female."

It shouldn't have been difficult for anyone to take a side on this issue prior to this video, it certainly shouldn't be difficult for anyone with an ounce of decency to take a side after viewing it.


Back later with an article by Linda Harvey of Mission America on "Ze, Zim and Zyr and transgender language insanity".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills"
Except, of course, that I related my opinion and have reposted it several times since...you just don't want me to leave, I suppose.

Okay. It's easy enough to cut and paste.

It shouldn't have been difficult for anyone to take a side on this issue prior to this video, it certainly shouldn't be difficult for anyone with an ounce of decency to take a side after viewing it.
It shouldn't take a video or someone else's opinion for anyone to understand the inherent danger in the bill, regardless of the intention behind it.

Or, a long time before you bizarrely repeated a dishonest and specious charge:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we can both agree that Ted Cruz's stance on traditional marriage and keeping child molesting drag queens out of women's restrooms had an impact on you?

No...In fact, I've had problems with the restroom business and been against the idea here and elsewhere, for a number of actual reasons that don't have anything to do with name calling.

The elsewhere was a thread on the point where I chimed in early to note the dangers, the potential for violation and misuse, etc.

So.... :plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It shouldn't have been difficult for anyone to take a side on this issue [HB2, North Carolina's "bathroom bill] prior to this video, it certainly shouldn't be difficult for anyone with an ounce of decency to take a side after viewing it.

It shouldn't take a video or someone else's opinion for anyone to understand the inherent danger in the bill, regardless of the intention behind it.

Now we're getting somewhere.

...The elsewhere was a thread on the point where I chimed in early to note the dangers, the potential for violation and misuse, etc.

Well then, ring a ding (oops) chime in here and let the readers of this 2nd most popular thread on TOL (I'm stroking TH's ego, he likes that) know what the "dangers", "the potential for violation and misuse, etc." are when it comes to allowing this:



to use the same restroom, locker room and fitting rooms as this precious little girl:




I see 'BrilliantBloggeraCW' is conflating views with popularity again...


Shhhhh Art, Town Heretic is finally going to post his views on cross dressers, genital mutilators, and those who "identify" as a member of the opposite sex using restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms that don't match their biological birth gender.

Don't interrupt, it might break TH's train of thought.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now we're getting somewhere.
That's a funny way to say that now you're paying attention to something I noted and a stance I took when this first broke.

Well then, ring a ding (oops) chime in here and let the readers of this 2nd most popular thread on TOL
Trump is popular. Prostitution is popular in Nevada. It's not much of a litmus when you think about it.

I'd say interest coupled with substance and subject matter is a decent way to gauge a thread. Jack's photo thread averages close to a hundred views per post. That's going to be hard to beat on the popularity measured by eyes on posts, but it's not for everyone.

Your view per post is decent for a thread with more than a hundred posts, holding at around 30 views per posting. I just grouped threads by views here in the politics section. LMOHM's "Should Homosexuals be given the death penalty thread averaged 51 vpp. Donald Trump Will Win Big averaged aroudn 51 vpp.

In And the Rest, the Good Morning thread sees a 40 vpp. The NFL thread has a 37 vpp. In the Religion thread the Evolution vs Creation is about 33 vpp. The Urantia thread is around 40 vpp.

(I'm stroking TH's ego, he likes that)
What you don't appear to know about me...is almost anything about me, really. :plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Well then, ring a ding (oops) chime in here and let the readers of this 2nd most popular thread on TOL (I'm stroking TH's ego, he likes that) know what the "dangers", "the potential for violation and misuse, etc." are when it comes to allowing this (a morally confused cross dressing man)

to use the same restroom, locker room and fitting rooms as this precious little girl:

That's a funny way to say that now you're paying attention to something I noted and a stance I took when this first broke.

Trump is popular. Prostitution is popular in Nevada...



Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, given aCW has nothing in his quiver but retreads and new ways to look at crickets, I'll be shifting back into the "forget this thread exists" mode that served me so well for quite a while.



So, given aCW has nothing in his quiver but retreads and new ways to look at crickets, I'll be shifting back into the "forget this thread exists" mode that served me so well for quite a while.


Again making my point that those in the LGBTQ movement and their allies can't defend homosexual behavior or the LGBTQ agenda, they can only attack the messenger or talk about anything but the subject at hand.

Before you go, can you and the rest of my fan club all agree on one thing?

Linda Harvey, whose article on transgender pronoun insanity I'll be sharing soon, wrote an article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Can you, Art Brain, Patrick jane and the rest of my TOL fan club all agree with me that homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children?




New member
Again making my point that those in the LGBTQ movement and their allies can't defend homosexual behavior or the LGBTQ agenda, they can only attack the messenger or talk about anything but the subject at hand.

Before you go, can you and the rest of my fan club all agree on one thing?

Linda Harvey, whose article on transgender pronoun insanity I'll be sharing soon, wrote an article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Can you, Art Brain, Patrick jane and the rest of my TOL fan club all agree with me that homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children?

Obviously sex obsessed perverts like Linda Harvey should not be allowed children (or adults)without strict supervision.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can you, Art Brain, Patrick jane and the rest of my TOL fan club all agree with me that homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children?

Obviously sex obsessed perverts like Linda Harvey should not be allowed children (or adults)without strict supervision.

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can you, Art Brain, Patrick jane and the rest of my TOL fan club all agree with me that homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children?

It appears that one member of my fan club thinks that homosexuals should be allowed to be around children.

Would you call an emergency meeting of aCW's fan club and ask them to answer my question please?

like any thinking person I don't believe in making blanket pronouncements against entire minorities. Rather restriction such as a court order to remain a specific distance away from say, children under a specific age must be assigned on a case by case basis reflective of actual behavior. In the case of being ordered to keep away from children this usually means that the individual so restrained has actually committed and convicted of child abuse.

As for Linda Harvey - The woman is obviously a sex obsessed pervert, what sane parent would want her anywhere near impressionable children?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Shhhhh Art, Town Heretic is finally going to post his views on cross dressers, genital mutilators, and those who "identify" as a member of the opposite sex using restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms that don't match their biological birth gender.

Don't interrupt, it might break TH's train of thought.

He already had, quite clearly.

If only you had such a train to begin with instead of a wreck...

It must really gut you to realize your thread *popularity* doesn't break anywhere near as your delusional pompous 'brain' actually merits it eh?
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