Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...The boy does question the life that he is living, and tells Art that another young male prostitute sought spiritual and psychological counseling, and after a few months left the homosexual lifestyle behind, in fact he has a girlfriend and is very fond of her.
The 16 year old boy asks Art:
Do you think I should look into spiritual and psychological counseling so that I can leave my homosexual desires behind and someday fall in love and marry a woman and have children?
Art replies:
Let's pretend for a second that you actually care about the welfare of sexually confused youth and try that answer again:
Art should have replied something like this:
Art to the boy:
"First of all, contrary to what you've been told by homosexual activists and hear in the media, you were not born with homosexual desires. Many people have been victims of sexual molestation as a child and with help, have changed.
About you being out on the streets:
Hustling is a very dangerous line of work. Not only is there the threat of violence, be it from the various johns, but pimps want their piece of the action too. If one or more hasn't already coerced you into working for them, it will eventually happen. You very well could end up badly beaten or murdered if you stay out here. Law enforcement personnel tell me that things are even worse now that child prostitution has been decriminalized. They're saying that ACLU lawyers are keeping their eyes on them making sure that they don't overstep their boundaries when dealing with these child prostitutes. As you're aware child prostitutes can only be taken into custody if the law enforcement officer believes that child is in immediate danger.
The dangers of homosexuality is well documented by the Centers for Disease Control. While you're very fortunate to not have HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases that run rampant with those who engage in homosexuality, it's only a matter of time before you will.
Now let's talk about a solution:
A good friend of mine who attends my church, lives a few miles out of town on a small ranch. He's married and has several children, a couple of them are around your age. He's a therapist by profession and has taken in street kids on numerous occasions and has been very successful in helping them overcome things like drug addiction, homosexuality and prostitution. He and his wife are currently fostering a 16 year old girl who was prostituting herself in another city. They're involved in the church we both attend and the 16 year old girl is making great friends in the youth group at the church.
It's a wonderful place my friend has. He has horses to ride; it's a real nice change from being in the city.
How about you and I drive out there and meet him and his family and you can get a feel for the place?
The boy answers:
"Sure, but let me ask you one question."
Art replies: "By all means, ask as many questions as you'd like".
Boy: "Why are you doing this for me?"
Art replies: "It's simple, Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment is to love thy neighbor as I love myself. In other words, if I were in the same situation as you, I'd hope that you'd do the same for me."
Oh and Art and Mr. Dante:
I came up with this scenario based on that ever so evil Pastor Scott Lively taking in a teenage boy by the name of Sonny Weaver, who was raped at the age of 7 by a homosexual pedophile. Pastor Lively and his family took in Sonny and cared for him until he passed away from AIDS. Prior to his death, Sonny left homosexuality behind and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Don't cha just hate "haters" like Scott Lively?
...The boy does question the life that he is living, and tells Art that another young male prostitute sought spiritual and psychological counseling, and after a few months left the homosexual lifestyle behind, in fact he has a girlfriend and is very fond of her.
The 16 year old boy asks Art:
Do you think I should look into spiritual and psychological counseling so that I can leave my homosexual desires behind and someday fall in love and marry a woman and have children?
Art replies:
"Flown on Air Force One?!"
Let's pretend for a second that you actually care about the welfare of sexually confused youth and try that answer again:
Art should have replied something like this:
Art to the boy:
"First of all, contrary to what you've been told by homosexual activists and hear in the media, you were not born with homosexual desires. Many people have been victims of sexual molestation as a child and with help, have changed.
About you being out on the streets:
Hustling is a very dangerous line of work. Not only is there the threat of violence, be it from the various johns, but pimps want their piece of the action too. If one or more hasn't already coerced you into working for them, it will eventually happen. You very well could end up badly beaten or murdered if you stay out here. Law enforcement personnel tell me that things are even worse now that child prostitution has been decriminalized. They're saying that ACLU lawyers are keeping their eyes on them making sure that they don't overstep their boundaries when dealing with these child prostitutes. As you're aware child prostitutes can only be taken into custody if the law enforcement officer believes that child is in immediate danger.
The dangers of homosexuality is well documented by the Centers for Disease Control. While you're very fortunate to not have HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases that run rampant with those who engage in homosexuality, it's only a matter of time before you will.
Now let's talk about a solution:
A good friend of mine who attends my church, lives a few miles out of town on a small ranch. He's married and has several children, a couple of them are around your age. He's a therapist by profession and has taken in street kids on numerous occasions and has been very successful in helping them overcome things like drug addiction, homosexuality and prostitution. He and his wife are currently fostering a 16 year old girl who was prostituting herself in another city. They're involved in the church we both attend and the 16 year old girl is making great friends in the youth group at the church.
It's a wonderful place my friend has. He has horses to ride; it's a real nice change from being in the city.
How about you and I drive out there and meet him and his family and you can get a feel for the place?
The boy answers:
"Sure, but let me ask you one question."
Art replies: "By all means, ask as many questions as you'd like".
Boy: "Why are you doing this for me?"
Art replies: "It's simple, Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment is to love thy neighbor as I love myself. In other words, if I were in the same situation as you, I'd hope that you'd do the same for me."

Oh and Art and Mr. Dante:
I came up with this scenario based on that ever so evil Pastor Scott Lively taking in a teenage boy by the name of Sonny Weaver, who was raped at the age of 7 by a homosexual pedophile. Pastor Lively and his family took in Sonny and cared for him until he passed away from AIDS. Prior to his death, Sonny left homosexuality behind and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Don't cha just hate "haters" like Scott Lively?
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