Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Feel free to answer it here, as this thread has a rather large following.

In review:

Quote Originally Posted by Town Heretic
No...In fact, I've had problems with the restroom business and been against the idea here and elsewhere, for a number of actual reasons that don't have anything to do with name calling.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So you're really not hip on the "T" in the LGBT acronym. You know that transvestites and genital mutilators have rights too (according to the LGBTQ movement). Take for instance a 'married' homosexual couple where the 'wife' (who is a male) dresses in women's clothing and plays the role of a female. Which restroom, locker room and fitting room should that terribly confused individual use?

[The subject now turns to traditional marriage]

Quote: Originally posted by Town Heretic:
Traditional marriage is just a large circle pretending not to be what it so obviously is, a nod to religious orthodoxy that cannot govern the law in a secular republic.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Besides talking about the nucleus of a society (which traditional marriage is, i.e. everything revolves around the traditional family) we're talking about people (homosexuals) who sometime in their life became psychologically, physically and spiritually damaged due to a traumatic incident or incidents (sexual molestation, abusive parent, etc.). A sane society helps these lost souls with their moral confusion, it doesn't allow them to redefine an institution as important as marriage.

So did the Macarena. :eek: Let's see, this thread is averaging around 30 views per post...not bad. A little under my Science News thread. Not setting the world on fire good, but not bad. Quixote's averages about 56 vpp, so if that's important to you I can see why you took your conversation there. Makes sense, which is something I rarely get to say when your posts are being discussed.

That's a plus right there. :plain:

Based on your lack of a response, I can only assume that you are more concerned about who occupies this:



as opposed to who 'occupies' this (invaluable institution).



One quick question before I allow you to move on about your merry way:

What is the proper role of civil government?

1). To give the people what they want.


2). To guide the people down a moral path that will help them as individuals, as families, as communities and as a nation to flourish spiritually, psychologically, economically and physically.

Inquiring minds needz sta know.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
In review:
You're just selecting parts of posts and placing them to give an impression at odds with your conduct. I suppose that's why you're not actually using the quote function.

But sure, I noted you were wrong about my response to the restroom business and that a lot of the hue and cry over "traditional marriage" was little more than a repackaging of a religious argument to make it look like something else.

More, I've noted that people marry outside of any religious notion in this country and many who marry with some religious connection do so outside of the Christian faith. For some reason, none of that has stirred the imaginations and outcry of those advancing "tradition".

Based on your lack of a response, I can only assume that you are more concerned about who occupies this:
Rather, you took a conversation into the wrong forum, then proceeded to tell me you were leaving but here, have this pamphlet to read while you went who knows where. So what you can assume is that I'm disinterested in a one sided conversation.

Anything beyond that is just you doing another dishonest job of attempting to characterize.

One quick question before I allow you to move on about your merry way:
:plain: :chuckle: That's you in a nutshell.

What is the proper role of civil government?
That's a good question. Well, it could be, but then you spoil it by making it the multiple choice of someone with a distorted, myopic lens.

1). To give the people what they want.


2). To guide the people down a moral path that will help them as individuals, as families, as communities and as a nation to flourish spiritually, psychologically, economically and physically.
Neither of those are actually the answer. And the moment you attach proper you jerk the business out of an objective answer. What you're necessarily asking is, "What do you believe the role of government should be?" And if you're going to ask that question you can't supply the answers.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Based on your lack of a response, I can only assume that you are more concerned about who occupies this: (a toilet stall)

as opposed to who 'occupies' this (invaluable institution: marriage).

You're just selecting parts of posts and placing them to give an impression at odds with your conduct. I suppose that's why you're not actually using the quote function.

But sure, I noted you were wrong about my response to the restroom business and that a lot of the hue and cry over "traditional marriage" was little more than a repackaging of a religious argument to make it look like something else.

More, I've noted that people marry outside of any religious notion in this country and many who marry with some religious connection do so outside of the Christian faith. For some reason, none of that has stirred the imaginations and outcry of those advancing "tradition".

Rather, you took a conversation into the wrong forum, then proceeded to tell me you were leaving but here, have this pamphlet to read while you went who knows where. So what you can assume is that I'm disinterested in a one sided conversation.

Anything beyond that is just you doing another dishonest job of attempting to characterize.

:plain: :chuckle: That's you in a nutshell.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Always keep in mind when reading my posts that I'm a "lying, theocratic, closeted homosexual, homophobic, pederast who is "broken" and "dishonest". If I've forgotten anything, my fan club will let you know.

Thanks TH, I knew that you'd come through.

Actually, doesn't lying and dishonesty fall under the same definition?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One quick question before I allow you to move on about your merry way:

What is the proper role of civil government?

1). To give the people what they want.


2). To guide the people down a moral path that will help them as individuals, as families, as communities and as a nation to flourish spiritually, psychologically, economically and physically.

Inquiring minds needz sta know.

That's a good question...

A question that you wouldn't touch with the proverbial 10 foot pole.

Neither of those are actually the answer. And the moment you attach proper you jerk the business out of an objective answer. What you're necessarily asking is, "What do you believe the role of government should be?" And if you're going to ask that question you can't supply the answers.

Here, let me help.

For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Romans 13:4

I'd add "theocrat" to the list, but I already used it.

On that note: thanks for stopping by...


Wow, homosexuality is unhealthy, who would have thunk?

NIH recognizes LGBTQ community as 'health disparity population'

Oct. 7, 2016

In an effort to begin the process of rectifying health-related issues that disproportionately affect the LGBTQ community, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced on Thursday they will formally designate "sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) as a health disparity population for NIH research."

"Mounting evidence indicates that SGM populations have less access to health care and higher burdens of certain diseases, such as depression, cancer, and HIV/AIDS. But the extent and causes of health disparities are not fully understood, and research on how to close these gaps is lacking," Eliseo Pérez-Stable M.D., director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, said in a statement.

"This designation marks an important and necessary step in realizing NIH's mission to advance the health of all Americans," Pérez-Stable added.

Kellan Baker, a senior fellow for the LGBT Research and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress, has been working with the NIH to make the announcement a reality since the beginning of the Obama administration. Now that it has come to fruition, Baker believes that not only will the NIH be able to coordinate more effectively among its many institutes that study LGBT health disparities, but that LGBT health research will be taken more seriously in general.

"This isn't a matter of politics. It isn't a matter of public opinion. It's a scientific fact that LGBTQ people face a health disparity."

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ni...pulation/ar-BBx8SXQ?li=AA4ZnC&ocid=spartanntp

Actually it's a matter of engaging in an unnatural sex act that leads to disease. The disorders come from not believing that there is a way out of the lifestyle.

For those of you that aren't familiar with the National Institutes of Health, like the CDC they're pro LGBTQ, as was shown in the article (it's people who stand up for decency and tell those who engage in homosexuality that there is a better way that are the problem, not the unnatural act itself).




For those of you that have been following Part 4, you'll know that I've been exposing the truth about the moral degenerate Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Today's news came as no surprise to me, because I've shown Trump's history when it comes to his treatment of women, and talking about them like they're a cheap piece of meat.

WARNING! Absolutely disgusting language. Viewer beware!


If the Republican Party doesn't DEMAND that Donald Trump step down as it's Presidential candidate, all hope is lost for that Party.


http://www.metro.us/_internal/gxml!0/r0dc21o2f3vste5s7ezej9x3a10rp3w$ssgzhpciphh8oookig 1h0bo3b79ve31/asda.jpeg

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, still using random bits and trying to paste them into a misleading something...okay.
What is the proper role of civil government?

A question that you wouldn't touch with the proverbial 10 foot pole.
See, that was a dishonest treatment. You're just not capable, I suppose. So why pretend to champion morality?

What dipstick did was ask a question that couldn't be answered as asked without agreement in his understanding, which is like saying, "Come, dance. Only first let me amputate your legs." :plain:

Here, let me help.
That would be something. And by something I mean a first.

You're a cymbal dropped from a middling height. You make a good bit of noise, but it takes real imagination to hear anything like music in you.


Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume). He's told us that marriage is a "religious notion (while God does define marriage, a male and female never have had to be religious in order to marry). Now the important question is asked:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What is the proper* role of civil government?

1.truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine

and all we hear from TH is

If you would like to defend your secular humanist stance on these issues, please do, if not, have a nice night.

patrick jane

So Donald Trump apologized for an impersonator?

Donald Trump Apologizes For Lewd Comments Made In 2005

Again, what was so funny about the video?
I'm laughing at the way the media held this until right before the next debate. I'd like to hear a recording of your life, you better believe you've said some disgusting things, maybe even about women, you self righteous pretender


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, what was so funny about the video?

I'm laughing at the way the media held this until right before the next debate.

Yet you weren't phased by the absolutely filthy language that Donald Trump used.

I'd like to hear a recording of your life, you better believe you've said some disgusting things, maybe even about women, you self righteous pretender

"But but but, everyone else talks that way too!"

I'll make you a deal:

When I'm on the ballot for President of the United States, a political office that is without a doubt the most powerful office in the world; a position that literally effects hundreds of millions of lives, you can know everything about me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's see. During this terribly boring interchange with Town Heretic, we haven't found out his stance on the "bathroom bills" (I assumed that he would be against grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls, but silly me, that's what happens when I assume). He's told us that marriage is a "religious notion (while God does define marriage, a male and female never have had to be religious in order to marry). Now the important question is asked:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What is the proper* role of civil government?

1.truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine

and all we hear from TH is

If you would like to defend your secular humanist stance on these issues, please do, if not, have a nice night.

You really should know better than to tangle with TH by now dude. Let's not forget that your latest ban revolved some bonkers alluding to him being gay...

What a crank.


Geez, WWIII would happen within minutes...


Panhandling is such a problem in Seattle that I sometimes tell them that there is a new ordinance which only allows 17 panhandlers per city block.

This thread has a similar ordinance:

Only one drama queen per night.

Town Heretic is currently occupying that spot.
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