So the whole ceremonial law thing is just made up.
Yep, like the 'gay' agenda. Shhhhhh, it's our secret.
So the whole ceremonial law thing is just made up.
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
First let me stress that the pro LGBTQ democrats in the CA legislature that passed this bill (and the people who elected them) couldn't care less about the welfare of children...
I see that you're still confused over the difference between decriminalization and legalization.
Regarding the LGBTQ movement not caring about the welfare of children:
Need I bring up the numerous scenarios where a certain 'zir' (or are you a 'ze'?) who has been a constant defender of the LGBTQ movement refused to give sexually confused children moral guidance?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Correct, but now the child who is prostituting his or her body cannot be taken into police custody unless certain criteria has been established (I.e. an immediate threat to that child's safety).
One would think so, but then were talking about legislation created and passed by the secular humanist/LGBTQ movement here.
You're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge on this particular legislation. Read it and come back when you're at least somewhat knowledgeable about it.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Keep in mind that many of these prostitutes are into other illegal activities as well (using and selling drugs, burglary, shoplifting, credit card fraud, etc.). By taking these children into custody, law enforcement is not only able to immediately get these kids off of the street, but also get important information on their pimps, their drug supplier and the burglary/shoplifting ring that they might be involved in.
You're embarrassing yourself...
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Make no mistake about it, the child molesters of the LGBTQ movement and their sexual anarchist allies are licking their chops knowing that child prostitutes aren't going to be forcibly taken off the streets by law enforcement.
Have you thought about actually reading the legislation Art?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, these children are the victims of the society that you and your fellow sexual anarchists have created. That being said: Many of these children continue to prostitute themselves when attempts to rehabilitate them have failed. That's where the criminal justice system must play an active role in this sad tragedy.
Don't take my word that you're a sexual anarchist, read it for yourself:!-Part-4&p=4826069&viewfull=1#post4826069
Children are people too, just ask pederast Terry Bean (who founded the most powerful homosexual organization in the world, HRC) and your beloved Peter the pedophile Tatchell.
You can't decriminalize something that wasn't legal in the first place doofus.
You either deliberately made out that California and four other states had suddenly passed a law that made sex with minors legal for your own agenda (Heck, there's a few wingnuts in the Snopes article who were that thick they actually 'thought' that was what was going on) or like the above, you were just that stupid you didn't delve deeper into what the legislature actually entailed.
Your usual bluster notwithstanding, what exactly is stopping an officer from taking a child into custody if they have sufficient reason to believe they are being the victim of sexual molestation?
I see that you're still confused about decriminalization and legalization. As I mentioned before: decriminalization is taking a 'hands off' approach to something that is still on the legislative books as being illegal. The decriminalization of marijuana is a good example. Police take a 'hands off' approach to someone smoking dope. While it isn't legal on the legislative books, it's not considered a crime.
In the case of child prostitutes, police take a 'hands off' approach unless certain criteria is met.
As the current legislation in CA stands, law enforcement can only take a child prostitute (get used to that term, kinda like society has gotten used to the term 'gay youth') if it can be shown that the child prostitute is in immediate danger.
Hey, it's that time again, time to play "Give that sexually confused child some wholesome advice Uncle Art!"
Back with that scenario later.
If the child is known to be being prostituted out then a law enforcement officer has the power to take them into custody correct? Sufficient reason to suspect such should also result in the same. You gonna disagree with me on any of that?
You're such a theocrat Art, get with the times, child prostitutes have 'rights' too.
Senate Bill 1322, authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), make the crimes of solicitation and loitering with intent to commit prostitution misdemeanors inapplicable to children younger than 18. It also allows law enforcement to take sexually exploited children into temporary custody -- only if leaving them unattended would pose an immediate threat to their health or safety.
I realize that you're not very bright, or I wouldn't have repeated the same paragraph a dozen times.
On that note: You have a scenario to address.
Give the kid a spanking for acting up -ArtJane replies:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding the LGBTQ movement not caring about the welfare of children:
Need I bring up the numerous scenarios where a certain 'zir' (or are you a 'ze'?) who has been a constant defender of the LGBTQ movement refused to give sexually confused children moral guidance?
Yes folks, it's that time again, time to play "Uncle Art, give that sexually confused youth some wholesome advice!"
Art Brain is sitting at the counter in his favorite coffee shop when a teenage boy (16 years old) sits down next to him. Art recognizes the youth as someone who stands on the street corner and gets picked up by various men in cars. Art and the youth strike up a conversation and the 16 year old admits to Art that he is a male prostitute that caters to older very rich men. He tells Art that he was sexually abused as a child, which he believes was the cause of his homosexual desires. He went on to say that he only has sexual relationships with 3 men: homosexual activists by the names of "Terry", "Peter" and "Dan", and that he's disease free and has made a very good living off of those three men. When Art asks the boy if he is concerned about arrest, the boy tells him that child prostitution has been decriminalized, meaning that the child prostitute can only be taken into custody if the police officer believes that his or her life is in immediate danger. The boy tells Art that one of his johns has very good 'connections', in fact he's flown on Air Force One with the President.
As the conversation continues, the boy tells Art that he's in 'love' with another 16 year old male prostitute and that when they turn 18 and have enough money to leave the prostitution life behind, they're gong to get 'married' and hopefully adopt some children.
The boy does question the life that he is living, and tells Art that another young male prostitute sought spiritual and psychological counseling, and after a few months left the homosexual lifestyle behind, in fact he has a girlfriend and is very fond of her.
The 16 year old boy asks Art:
Do you think I should look into spiritual and psychological counseling so that I can leave my homosexual desires behind and someday fall in love and marry a woman and have children?
Art replies:
Who Posted
Posts 374 Arthur Brain
Child victims of sexual abuse certainly do have rights. The right not to be abused for one and the right to be protected and taken away from any such harm if they are...
As you should now be aware, I ain't answering any of these demented fantasy scenarios of yours. Heck, the next would probably involve a hot air ballooning trip (hot air being rather apt in your case), a barrel of flapjacks and watercress, a murder mystery tour and a spot of foul play involving a well known television sporting pundit...
Get. A. Life.
"Flown on Air Force One?!"
As I mentioned (and as shown in Art's refusal to give a solution to the above child prostitution scenario) the LGBTQ movement couldn't care less about the welfare of children.
Yes Art, it is a joke that the founder of Human Rights Campaign and accused pederast Terry Bean flew on Air Force One.
The solution is obvious. Any child under suspicion of being abused should be taken into care, be that prostitution or else.
Just because you were either too thick or disingenuous to claim that child sex had become legal in five states doesn't give you any sort of right to project that stupidity (at best) onto others.
I could care less about your scenarios because they're conceived, written and performed off the back of a turnip truck.
There was no mention of or signs of abuse in the scenario. The 16 year old male prostitute didn't mention a pimp or being in fear of one, in fact he felt protected by his johns that had high political connections and the boy was financially well off.
You're batting 0-5 when it comes to giving sound moral advice to sexually confused children in the 5 scenarios that I've presented in the last 10-15 pages Art (or depending on how you look at it, batting 1000 in the eyes of the LGBTQ movement).
I do appreciate you being my proverbial guinea pig when it comes to making my point about the secular humanist/LGBTQ movement not caring one iota about the welfare of children.
It's too bad that the monsters of the LGBTQ movement aren't this cute and innocent in real life.
Oh and Art: I'm drama queened out...
Moving on...
"Flown on Air Force One?!"
Sexually confused is not just meaningless but it has to be one of the dumbest catchphrases thought up by the advocates of child abuse.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding the LGBTQ movement not caring about the welfare of children:
Need I bring up the numerous scenarios where a certain 'zir' (or are you a 'ze'?) who has been a constant defender of the LGBTQ movement refused to give sexually confused children moral guidance?
Is the young man delusional?Art Brain is sitting at the counter in his favorite coffee shop when a teenage boy (16 years old) sits down next to him. Art recognizes the youth as someone who stands on the street corner and gets picked up by various men in cars. Art and the youth strike up a conversation and the 16 year old admits to Art that he is a male prostitute that caters to older very rich men.
A good indication that he spent time in "reparative therapy" being physically and emotionally abused. Lies like child sexual abuse leading to homosexuality are one of the more common deceptions quacks present as facts.He tells Art that he was sexually abused as a child, which he believes was the cause of his homosexual desires.
Why would Art ask such a bone headed and misinformed question?He went on to say that he only has sexual relationships with 3 men: homosexual activists by the names of "Terry", "Peter" and "Dan", and that he's disease free and has made a very good living off of those three men. When Art asks the boy if he is concerned about arrest,
Art will correct the young man's misinformation about the legality of prostitutionthe boy tells him that child prostitution has been decriminalized, meaning that the child prostitute can only be taken into custody if the police officer believes that his or her life is in immediate danger.
So he's a friend of Dubya.The boy tells Art that one of his johns has very good 'connections', in fact he's flown on Air Force One with the President.
Well that answers the delusional question.As the conversation continues, the boy tells Art that he's in 'love' with another 16 year old male prostitute and that when they turn 18 and have enough money to leave the prostitution life behind, they're gong to get 'married' and hopefully adopt some children.
:rotfl:The boy does question the life that he is living, and tells Art that another young male prostitute sought spiritual and psychological counseling, and after a few months left the homosexual lifestyle behind, in fact he has a girlfriend and is very fond of her.
At this point Art realized that he is in dreaming and the dream has strayed far from reality indeed.The 16 year old boy asks Art:
Do you think I should look into spiritual and psychological counseling so that I can leave my homosexual desires behind and someday fall in love and marry a woman and have children?
Art replies:
Come on now, it's not easy to write Air Force One into a...