Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Are you seriously this thick?

(Oh why am I asking this question...)

Child prostitution is not being decriminalized or made legal as you claimed you self proclaimed 'brilliant blogger'.

Take it up with the ultra liberal Los Angeles Times:

California decriminalizes prostitution for minors after Gov. Jerry Brown signs bills to aid trafficking victims

A law that states that a child victim of such or any other form of sexual trafficking is not a criminal is nothing like as you suggested.

Why are you lying about this? Or why are you so gormless as to misunderstand the difference?

"Senate Bill 1322,*authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell*(D-Los Angeles), make*the crimes of solicitation and loitering with intent to commit prostitution misdemeanors inapplicable to children younger than 18.*It also allows law enforcement to take sexually exploited children into temporary custody -- only if leaving them*unattended would pose an immediate threat to their health or safety."*

Now as before, if an officer has sufficient reason to believe that a child is the victim of such then they should have the right to take the child into custody for their own protection. You disagree with that "brilliant blogger aCW"?

You're late to the party Art, I already discussed the downside of decriminalizing child prostitution with Mr. Dante:

Opinion: Why Decriminalize Child Prostitution?

March 10, 2011

Believe it or not, the average age for a girl entering prostitution is 13 years old, and the average age is declining as buyers want younger and younger children. Nobody knows exactly how many kids end up being sold for sexual services, but the number is in the multiple thousands and the problem grows bigger and expands to more cities and towns every year. But even one child victim is one too many. Decent people are appalled and want to stop this outrage.
However, one “good sounding” solution that many states are considering will surely produce unintended negative consequences that will make things worse.
Compassionate people are being lured into the idea of decriminalizing child prostitution. The argument goes that children shouldn’t be arrested, because that only punishes the children twice. Instead, they should be sent to shelters. Four states – Washington, Illinois, Connecticut and New York – have already passed decriminalization laws. Others are considering it.
The problem with this well-intentioned change is that it won’t end the exploitation but will likely make it worse, by removing the only safe and secure protection these vulnerable children have from the pimps – being arrested and placed under the protective custody of law enforcement.
Ask rescued children – even those who initially parrot back the “safe harbor” language that some rescue organizations are teaching them – and many will say that their arrest is the only reason they are alive today.
Here are the main problems with decriminalization:

It makes it possible for pimps to tell children that law enforcement can’t touch them and won’t help them. Sexually exploited children are victims, frequently beaten, injured and abused, neglected and in need of rescuing from pimps, johns and sometimes themselves. Decriminalizing child prostitution does not pave the road to rescue and rehabilitation; instead it could make that road more difficult.

There aren’t sufficient shelters or programs to handle all the victims. Removing legal barriers will not build more shelters, but it will create a great atmosphere for exploiters to coerce more victims. Without sufficient shelters to care for victims and without laws to remove children from prostitution, what will happen to these minors? Where will they go? Without legal means, will the police be more or less likely to look for them?

The children would be free to walk. Without criminal charges, participation in shelter and treatment programs would be voluntary; they are free to walk out at any time, if there is even a shelter for them to go to in the first place. Many minors in prostitution do not see themselves as victims, either because they believe they are in a love relationship with their pimp or because they do not have a pimp. In fact, a study published by the University of New Hampshire in 2010 showed 31 percent of the minors arrested for prostitution were solo, they had no exploiter.

It limits solutions to the problem. Keeping prostitution criminalized gives one more tool to law enforcement and the judiciary to combat prostitution and sex trafficking, as well as find help for the victims. It gives the police access to the victims and the legal right to remove minors from the situation where they are being prostituted. Some victims readily accept help and treatment, while others do not.
We believe in keeping the prostitution laws in place, even for minors, but adding an affirmative defense to the law and allowing prosecutors and judges the option of diverting minors into services, such as medical or counseling, while their cases are pending.

Keep denying the facts "ze" Art and you'll take the Queen of Denial tiara off of Mr. Dante's head.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So, once again, child prostitution has not been decriminalized as it wasn't legal to begin with and your claims that it's now legal in California and four other states in America have been shown to be bunk. Your deliberate chicanery is hardly surprising dipstick. You were trying to make out that it was legal to have sex with minors and such is blatantly not the case. How sick does that make you?

Maybe you should go to a party once in a while 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'. The resulting experience might just make you a bit more informed and less of such a colossal, tedious bore...


So, once again, child prostitution has not been decriminalized...

Take it up with the CA legislature, they say differently.

as it wasn't legal to begin with and your claims that it's now legal in California and four other states in America have been shown to be bunk.

My only "claim" is that decriminalization invariably leads to legalization. If you would like to discuss the different immoral/harmful behaviors that have been decriminalized (starting with homosexuality) and later legalized throughout the world, please, let's have that discussion.

I also pointed out that one of the many goals of the LGBTQ movement (as stated in the original 1972 'gay' agenda), was to legalize prostitution and abolish the age of sexual consent. This move by the CA legislature is yet another step in that direction.

Your deliberate chicanery is hardly surprising dipstick. You were trying to make out that it was legal to have sex with minors and such is blatantly not the case. How sick does that make you?

Maybe you should go to a party once in a while 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'. The resulting experience might just make you a bit more informed and less of such a colossal, tedious bore...

My my, you're in Mach drama queen mode. Take a chill pill and relax, homosexuality won't be recriminalized anytime soon.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.

As I pointed out in an earlier post to Mr. Dante, child prostitution has been decriminalized

No it hasn't. I'd ask you to stop lying but we all know you just can't.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Looking at some of the Youtube videos of Dr. McD, I see that he's for executing those who engage in homosexual acts. That's a far cry from being a Libertarian.

Joel has changed his position on execution now in his new book Bounds of Love. I think that was a mistake.

That said I'm glad that you've now realized that theonomists arent philosophical libertarians. That took long enough :p

Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?

I don't believe that he did.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I pointed out in an earlier post to Mr. Dante, child prostitution has been decriminalized...

No it hasn't. I'd ask you to stop lying but we all know you just can't.

Before I move on, what exactly is the term that CA legislatures use when talking about their recent legislation that deals with child prostitution as seen in Senate Bill 1322:

SB 1322, Mitchell. Commercial sex acts: minors.
Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.
This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions. The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances.

1. to eliminate criminal penalties for or remove legal restrictions against:

Now if you boyz want to talk about whether or not in certain cases it's wise to charge a minor with prostitution, we can move the discussion there. If not, I'm

moving on...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at some of the Youtube videos of Dr. McD, I see that he's for executing those who engage in homosexual acts. That's a far cry from being a Libertarian.

Joel has changed his position on execution now in his new book Bounds of Love. I think that was a mistake.

Or perhaps McD realized that that while sexual sins should be taken extremely serious by civil government, they are not a capital offense.

That said I'm glad that you've now realized that theonomists arent philosophical libertarians. That took long enough

Yet there remains that odd connection with Libertarian politicians like Ron Paul. That tie is as queer as a 3 dollar biil.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty [for the crime of homosexuality] along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?

I don't believe that he did.

Make your case.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at some of the Youtube videos of Dr. McD, I see that he's for executing those who engage in homosexual acts. That's a far cry from being a Libertarian.

Or perhaps McD realized that that while sexual sins should be taken extremely serious by civil government, they are not a capital offense.

Yeah but his argument for that is really weak. I've read the book, have you?

Yet there remains that odd connection with Libertarian politicians like Ron Paul. That tie is as queer as a 3 dollar biil.

Well, if you're a pragmatist, Ron Paul is way closer to the theonomic ideal than, say, like any other Republican I can think of. That said I'm not a pragmatist and I don't vote for secularists of any stripe. Reconstructionism is a bit more second table focused than I am.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty [for the crime of homosexuality] along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?

Make your case.

You need to make your case that he did. You can't prove a negative.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or perhaps McD realized that that while sexual sins should be taken extremely serious by civil government, they are not a capital offense.

Yeah but his argument for that is really weak. I've read the book, have you?

If you can pull excerpts out of that book and share them here, I would like to read his point of view.

For those that still believe in executing homosexuals based on Old Testament law, I ask them this simple question:

"So the Muslims got it right and Christianized societies (and hence their legislatures) got it wrong?"

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet there remains that odd connection with Libertarian politicians like Ron Paul. That tie is as queer as a 3 dollar biil.

Well, if you're a pragmatist, Ron Paul is way closer to the theonomic ideal than, say, like any other Republican I can think of. That said I'm not a pragmatist and I don't vote for secularists of any stripe. Reconstructionism is a bit more second table focused than I am.

Keep in mind that during an interview a few years ago, Ron Paul was quoted as saying that he wasn't sure if homosexuality is even a sin. Being that Congressman Ron Paul later voted to allow openly homosexual men and women into the military, he's at the opposite end of the spectrum from Reconstructionists on this matter (and on moral matters as a whole).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty [for the crime of homosexuality] along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?
Make your case.

You need to make your case that he did. You can't prove a negative.

I went into detail in an earlier thread (#2 I believe it was, when you were hardcore Libertarian).

What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Take it up with the CA legislature, they say differently.

My only "claim" is that decriminalization invariably leads to legalization. If you would like to discuss the different immoral/harmful behaviors that have been decriminalized (starting with homosexuality) and later legalized throughout the world, please, let's have that discussion.

I also pointed out that one of the many goals of the LGBTQ movement (as stated in the original 1972 'gay' agenda), was to legalize prostitution and abolish the age of sexual consent. This move by the CA legislature is yet another step in that direction.

My my, you're in Mach drama queen mode. Take a chill pill and relax, homosexuality won't be recriminalized anytime soon.

You claimed that child prostitution has been decriminalized in California and four other states. That's blatantly not true as the Snopes article pointed out. Only a fruitcake would not understand that 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

My only "claim" is that decriminalization invariably leads to legalization. If you would like to discuss the different immoral/harmful behaviors that have been decriminalized (starting with homosexuality) and later legalized throughout the world, please, let's have that discussion.

You claimed that child prostitution has been decriminalized in California and four other states. That's blatantly not true as the Snopes article pointed out. Only a fruitcake would not understand that 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'...

Your Snopes article confirms what the LA Times printed and what the CA Legislature has done: Decriminalized child prostitution:

A Minor Detail

A rumor that California had legalized prostitution for minors was based on a faulty understanding of a new law.

... On 26 September 2016, California Governor Jerry Brown approved legislation that decriminalized prostitution in the case of minors:

The Democratic governor announced Monday he signed SB1322 to ban police from charging people under the age of 18 with prostitution.


You're confusing decriminalization with legalization. Decriminalizing a crime means that law enforcement officials take a 'hands off' approach to the people who are involved in that activity, in this case child prostitutes. Legalization means that the police cannot arrest anyone for that activity, because it isn't illegal.

Now the question is: Is it wise to take law enforcement out of the equation when it comes to child prostitutes?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

My only "claim" is that decriminalization invariably leads to legalization. If you would like to discuss the different immoral/harmful behaviors that have been decriminalized (starting with homosexuality) and later legalized throughout the world, please, let's have that discussion.

Your Snopes article confirms what the LA Times printed and what the CA Legislature has done: Decriminalized child prostitution:

A Minor Detail

A rumor that California had legalized prostitution for minors was based on a faulty understanding of a new law.

... On 26 September 2016, California Governor Jerry Brown approved legislation that decriminalized prostitution in the case of minors:

The Democratic governor announced Monday he signed SB1322 to ban police from charging people under the age of 18 with prostitution.


You're confusing decriminalization with legalization. Decriminalizing a crime means that law enforcement officials take a 'hands off' approach to the people who are involved in that activity, in this case child prostitutes. Legalization means that the police cannot arrest anyone for that activity, because it isn't illegal.

Now the question is: Is it wise to take law enforcement out of the equation when it comes to child prostitutes?

Stop being obtuse (if that's at all possible with you).

Child prostitution is criminal on behalf of those who molest minors, that hasn't changed in the slightest. You were making out that California and four other states had decriminalized it equating to laws mandating that it was now legal to have sex with children. Don't even bother to deny it. There's no way any child that's the victim of such trafficking should be regarded as a criminal in the first place as the laws reflect. It goes without saying that any officer suspecting a child is the victim of such should have the power to take that child into custody for their own protection.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or perhaps McD realized that that while sexual sins should be taken extremely serious by civil government, they are not a capital offense.

If you can pull excerpts out of that book and share them here, I would like to read his point of view.

For those that still believe in executing homosexuals based on Old Testament law, I ask them this simple question:

"So the Muslims got it right and Christianized societies (and hence their legislatures) got it wrong?"

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet there remains that odd connection with Libertarian politicians like Ron Paul. That tie is as queer as a 3 dollar biil.

Keep in mind that during an interview a few years ago, Ron Paul was quoted as saying that he wasn't sure if homosexuality is even a sin. Being that Congressman Ron Paul later voted to allow openly homosexual men and women into the military, he's at the opposite end of the spectrum from Reconstructionists on this matter (and on moral matters as a whole).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty [for the crime of homosexuality] along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?
Make your case.

I went into detail in an earlier thread (#2 I believe it was, when you were hardcore Libertarian).

What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?

Where does the bible say there is any such thing as ceremonial law?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You're confusing decriminalization with legalization. Decriminalizing a crime means that law enforcement officials take a 'hands off' approach to the people who are involved in that activity, in this case child prostitutes. Legalization means that the police cannot arrest anyone for that activity, because it isn't illegal.

Now the question is: Is it wise to take law enforcement out of the equation when it comes to child prostitutes?

Stop being obtuse (if that's at all possible with you).

First let me stress that the pro LGBTQ democrats in the CA legislature that passed this bill (and the people who elected them) couldn't care less about the welfare of children. If they did, they wouldn't be pro "choice", they wouldn't deny sexually and gender confused children the right to seek therapy for their unnatural desires, they wouldn't use the term "gay youth", "transgender youth", they wouldn't indoctrinate them with LGBTQ lies, nor make them watch or participate in 'gay' pride parades, etc. etc. etc.

“Creating Change,” Corrupting Children: the ‘Gay’ Task Force’s Evil Agenda

AN Americans For Truth SPECIAL REPORT

How Does a Teenager Get Started in Homosexual “Sex Work”? Just ask the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force…

At the Creating Change conference (Nov 8-12, 2006), organized by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, at least three teenagers (some still in high school) listened from the front row while a panel discussed “sex work” — prostitution, stripping, and pornography films — and sex worker “rights.”

Read more:http://americansfortruth.com/2006/1...ing-children-the-gay-task-forces-evil-agenda/



Child prostitution is criminal on behalf of those who molest minors, that hasn't changed in the slightest.

Correct, but now the child who is prostituting his or her body cannot be taken into police custody unless certain criteria has been established (I.e. an immediate threat to that child's safety).

Keep in mind that many of these prostitutes are into other illegal activities as well (using and selling drugs, burglary, shoplifting, credit card fraud, etc.). By taking these children into custody, law enforcement is not only able to immediately get these kids off of the street, but also get important information on their pimps, their drug supplier and the burglary/shoplifting ring that they might be involved in.

You were making out that California and four other states had decriminalized it equating to laws mandating that it was now legal to have sex with children. Don't even bother to deny it.

Make no mistake about it, the child molesters of the LGBTQ movement and their sexual anarchist allies are licking their chops knowing that child prostitutes aren't going to be forcibly taken off the streets by law enforcement.

There's no way any child that's the victim of such trafficking should be regarded as a criminal in the first place as the laws reflect. It goes without saying that any officer suspecting a child is the victim of such should have the power to take that child into custody for their own protection.

Yes, these children are the victims of the society that you and your fellow sexual anarchists have created. That being said: Many of these children continue to prostitute themselves when attempts to rehabilitate them have failed. That's where the criminal justice system must play an active role in this sad tragedy.
Last edited:


Where does the bible say there is any such thing as ceremonial law?

Leviticus 18:22

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Romans 1:26-28

Leviticus 20:13

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Corinthians 7:2

Mark 10:6-9

Jude 1:7

I figured these verses would do you more good than knowing about animal sacrifices and eating pork.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
First let me stress that the pro LGBTQ democrats in the CA legislature that passed this bill (and the people who elected them) couldn't care less about the welfare of children. If they did, they wouldn't be pro "choice", they wouldn't deny sexually and gender confused children the right to seek therapy for their unnatural desires, they wouldn't use the term "gay youth", "transgender youth", they wouldn't indoctrinate them with LGBTQ lies, nor make them watch or participate in 'gay' pride parades, etc. etc. etc.

“Creating Change,” Corrupting Children: the ‘Gay’ Task Force’s Evil Agenda

AN Americans For Truth SPECIAL REPORT

How Does a Teenager Get Started in Homosexual “Sex Work”? Just ask the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force…

At the Creating Change conference (Nov 8-12, 2006), organized by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, at least three teenagers (some still in high school) listened from the front row while a panel discussed “sex work” — prostitution, stripping, and pornography films — and sex worker “rights.”

Read more:http://americansfortruth.com/2006/1...ing-children-the-gay-task-forces-evil-agenda/

Ah, the predictable aCW smokescreen deflection. When caught in a lie try and bury it all underneath a bunch of bluster and lugubrious cut'n'paste. You maintained that California and four other states had passed laws making child sex legal and you've been called out on it. Own up to your misinformation for once.

Correct, but now the child who is prostituting his or her body cannot be taken into police custody unless certain criteria has been established (I.e. an immediate threat to that child's safety).

Okay, you need to spell this out so that it makes some sort of sense. Previously a cop could arrest a child on suspicion of prostitution right? But now a cop can't take a child into custody on suspicion of the very same unless there's a threat? If there's a suspicion that the child is being used for sex then that in itself is an immediate threat to the child's safety.

Keep in mind that many of these prostitutes are into other illegal activities as well (using and selling drugs, burglary, shoplifting, credit card fraud, etc.). By taking these children into custody, law enforcement is not only able to immediately get these kids off of the street, but also get important information on their pimps, their drug supplier and the burglary/shoplifting ring that they might be involved in.

As above.

Make no mistake about it, the child molesters of the LGBTQ movement and their sexual anarchist allies are licking their chops knowing that child prostitutes aren't going to be forcibly taken off the streets by law enforcement.

As above.

Yes, these children are the victims of the society that you and your fellow sexual anarchists have created. That being said: Many of these children continue to prostitute themselves when attempts to rehabilitate them have failed. That's where the criminal justice system must play an active role in this sad tragedy.

As above.

And don't bother with trying to deflect this time around 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

First let me stress that the pro LGBTQ democrats in the CA legislature that passed this bill (and the people who elected them) couldn't care less about the welfare of children...

Ah, the predictable aCW smokescreen deflection. When caught in a lie try and bury it all underneath a bunch of bluster and lugubrious cut'n'paste. You maintained that California and four other states had passed laws making child sex legal and you've been called out on it. Own up to your misinformation for once.

I see that you're still confused over the difference between decriminalization and legalization.

Regarding the LGBTQ movement not caring about the welfare of children:
Need I bring up the numerous scenarios where a certain 'zir' (or are you a 'ze'?) who has been a constant defender of the LGBTQ movement refused to give sexually confused children moral guidance?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Correct, but now the child who is prostituting his or her body cannot be taken into police custody unless certain criteria has been established (I.e. an immediate threat to that child's safety).

Okay, you need to spell this out so that it makes some sort of sense. Previously a cop could arrest a child on suspicion of prostitution right? But now a cop can't take a child into custody on suspicion of the very same unless there's a threat? If there's a suspicion that the child is being used for sex then that in itself is an immediate threat to the child's safety.

One would think so, but then were talking about legislation created and passed by the secular humanist/LGBTQ movement here.

You're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge on this particular legislation. Read it and come back when you're at least somewhat knowledgeable about it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Keep in mind that many of these prostitutes are into other illegal activities as well (using and selling drugs, burglary, shoplifting, credit card fraud, etc.). By taking these children into custody, law enforcement is not only able to immediately get these kids off of the street, but also get important information on their pimps, their drug supplier and the burglary/shoplifting ring that they might be involved in.

As above.

You're embarrassing yourself...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Make no mistake about it, the child molesters of the LGBTQ movement and their sexual anarchist allies are licking their chops knowing that child prostitutes aren't going to be forcibly taken off the streets by law enforcement.

As above.

Have you thought about actually reading the legislation Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, these children are the victims of the society that you and your fellow sexual anarchists have created. That being said: Many of these children continue to prostitute themselves when attempts to rehabilitate them have failed. That's where the criminal justice system must play an active role in this sad tragedy.

As above.

And don't bother with trying to deflect this time around 'BrilliantBloggeraCW'...

Don't take my word that you're a sexual anarchist, read it for yourself:

Eh, according to certain crackpot zealots, nobody would have the right to any sort of private or sexual life outside of 'traditional marriage' so thankfully we don't live in some barmy police/theocratic state where nutballs like you could take away the rights of people afforded under law. There's a strong case to be made for legalizing prostitution as has been argued on this forum already, if you can take your 'moral sensibilities' out of the equation for a moment...

Children are people too, just ask pederast Terry Bean (who founded the most powerful homosexual organization in the world, HRC) and your beloved Peter the pedophile Tatchell.


New member
Leviticus 18:22

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Romans 1:26-28

Leviticus 20:13

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Corinthians 7:2

Mark 10:6-9

Jude 1:7

I figured these verses would do you more good than knowing about animal sacrifices and eating pork.

So the whole ceremonial law thing is just made up.
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