Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Regarding the 'gay' agenda (and specifically the 1972 original 'gay' agenda)

so you have no idea

Give credit where credit is due. The LGBTQ movement worked very hard (threatening and using physical violence against people who dared to speak out against homosexuality or simply stuck to Christian doctrine; having them fired from their jobs; firebombing and vandalizing churches and private property, etc.) to get where they are today. Without a well organized 'agenda' the destruction of Judeo-Christian based institutions wouldn't have happened.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I must have missed your answer to my question, so here it is again:

Who or what gives humans the (supposed) "right" to engage in an unnatural, disease ridden yet changeable behavior such as homosexuality?

Any sort of remotely civilized society which the law reflects in kind. People can cohabit, have all manner of just heterosexual relations outside of marriage in turn and pompous little blowhards like yourself can't do a darn thing about it.

As I suspected, you believe the laws of secular humanist man is the basis for "rights". Keep in mind that secular humanist man (who isn't "remotely civilized") legislated laws that has brought about the death of well over 58 million unborn babies here in the United States in the past 43 years. Secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) passed laws in Sweden which legalized child pornography for close to a decade. Secular humanist man legislates laws that take God-given rights away from parents, allowing their teenage child to have an abortion, have a sex change operation and pursue the ever so deadly homosexual lifestyle without their consent against their wishes. Secular humanist man has legislated laws that allows a grown man who may or may not think that he is a woman, to share the same restroom, locker room and fitting room facilities as a six year old girl; etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for acknowledging again what you've said before in this 4 part thread: in your ever so morally confused mind, "rights" come from man, not God.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said, we're not only talking about the decriminalization of adult prostitution, but the decriminalization of child prostitution as well.

I'm not. Child molestation has zero tolerance across the board over here and as you know, laws in relation to the abuse of children have tightened considerably so silly little slippery slope fallacies need not apply.

Yet secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) decriminalized child prostitution in California and has done so in at least 4 other states.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Make your "strong case".

People are gonna have sex. People are going to be willing to pay for it and accept money for it. Simple as that. It doesn't matter how opposed you are to the notion it's going to happen regardless. Making it legal would make it regulated and protect those involved.

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

The rainbow warriors who laid out that platform 44 years ago (most who have probably died of AIDS) would be proud of you Art.
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New member
you just described your own irrational prejudice

I suppose any argument will do when one tries to justify their own depravity.

You will never convince anyone that a man having sex with another man is normal, natural,and serves anything but their own depraved lust.


New member
Regarding the 'gay' agenda (and specifically the 1972 original 'gay' agenda)

Give credit where credit is due. The LGBTQ movement worked very hard (threatening and using physical violence against people who dared to speak out against homosexuality or simply stuck to Christian doctrine; having them fired from their jobs; firebombing and vandalizing churches and private property, etc.) to get where they are today. Without a well organized 'agenda' the destruction of Judeo-Christian based institutions wouldn't have happened.

How pathetic that you have to try to play the victim card.

That aside, what good is an anonymous "agenda" that no one ever heard of?.


New member
Obtuse aren't you ! The remarks I made were for the nasty, depraved, and perverted homosexuals and lesbians.

projection - a psychological defense mechanism where an individual defend themselves against their own distasteful qualities by denying their existence in themselves while at the same time attributing them to others


New member
projection - a psychological defense mechanism where an individual defend themselves against their own distasteful qualities by denying their existence in themselves while at the same time attributing them to others

Explain how it is not nasty and perverted for a man to place his body parts in fecal matter.

Explain how it is not nasty and perverted for a man to allow another man to place his male part in their mouth.

It is not projection it is simply facts.

You cannot change the UN-healthy , UN-natural,and nasty and perverted life of same sex.

Your delusions aside in the end they ( same sex ) will spend eternity in hell if they do not repent.

So you believe perverted sex is worth eternity in hell ?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I suspected, you believe the laws of secular humanist man is the basis for "rights". Keep in mind that secular humanist man (who isn't "remotely civilized") legislated laws that has brought about the death of well over 58 million unborn babies here in the United States in the past 43 years. Secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) passed laws in Sweden which legalized child pornography for close to a decade. Secular humanist man legislates laws that take God-given rights away from parents, allowing their teenage child to have an abortion, have a sex change operation and pursue the ever so deadly homosexual lifestyle without their consent. Secular humanist man has legislated laws that allows a grown man who may or may not think that he is a woman, to share the same restroom, locker room and fitting room facilities as a six year old girl; etc. etc. etc.

Look 'BrilliantBloggeraCW', if people are gay then they're gay. They should be allowed to live as anyone else providing they don't break the law, same as heterosexuals. They should have the right not to be harassed by zealous religious crackpots like your loony self. If you really cared about abortion then you'd be spending all your time on that instead of this personal blog that has no chance whatsoever of coming about. Nobody besides far right cranks want a theocratic state imposed in America or in the West, so suck it up.

Thanks for acknowledging again what you've said before in this 4 part thread: in your ever so morally confused mind, "rights" come from man, not God.

Blog dude, not thread, and some of us aren't confused at all, unlike a certain individual who projects homosexuality onto all and sundry...

Yet secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) decriminalized child prostitution in California and has done so in at least 4 other states.

No they haven't you moron. Do you ever avail yourself of actual facts before you open your gormless trap?


A law that states that children are to be considered victims in cases of prostitution or trafficking is in no way making child prostitution legal itself you blancmange brained berk.


The rainbow warriors who laid out that platform 44 years ago (most who have probably died of AIDS) would be proud of you Art.

Yeah, like you care one way or the other...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I suspected, you believe the laws of secular humanist man is the basis for "rights". Keep in mind that secular humanist man (who isn't "remotely civilized") legislated laws that has brought about the death of well over 58 million unborn babies here in the United States in the past 43 years. Secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) passed laws in Sweden which legalized child pornography for close to a decade. Secular humanist man legislates laws that take God-given rights away from parents, allowing their teenage child to have an abortion, have a sex change operation and pursue the ever so deadly homosexual lifestyle without their consent against their wishes. Secular humanist man has legislated laws that allows a grown man who may or may not think that he is a woman, to share the same restroom, locker room and fitting room facilities as a six year old girl; etc. etc. etc.

Look 'BrilliantBloggeraCW', if people are gay then they're gay. They should be allowed to live as anyone else providing they don't break the law, same as heterosexuals. They should have the right not to be harassed by zealous religious crackpots like your loony self. If you really cared about abortion then you'd be spending all your time on that instead of this personal blog that has no chance whatsoever of coming about. Nobody besides far right cranks want a theocratic state imposed in America or in the West, so suck it up.

Shall I address you as "ze" or "zir" Art? Note that I edited my above paragraph, as even parents don't have any "right" to consent to their child behaving immorally.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for acknowledging again what you've said before in this 4 part thread: in your ever so morally confused mind, "rights" come from man, not God.

Blog dude, not thread, and some of us aren't confused at all, unlike a certain individual who projects homosexuality onto all and sundry...

Once again: "Rights" either come from God or from moral relativist man. You're acknowledging that there are no moral absolutes and thus "rights" can come and go based on what man decides.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) decriminalized child prostitution in California and has done so in at least 4 other states.

No they haven't you moron. Do you ever avail yourself of actual facts before you open your gormless trap?

Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.

A law that states that children are to be considered victims in cases of prostitution or trafficking is in no way making child prostitution legal itself you blancmange brained berk.

Yes, children are victims of pederasts like HRC founder Terry Bean and your beloved Peter Tatchell. Society needs to lock these monsters up and return to righteous laws and cultural mores' so that children don't continue to be victims of the LGBTQ agenda.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The rainbow warriors who laid out that platform 44 years ago (most who have probably died of AIDS) would be proud of you Art.

Yeah, like you care one way or the other...

If I didn't care zir Art, I wouldn't be here.


New member
Explain how it is not nasty and perverted for a man to place his body parts in fecal matter.

Explain how it is not nasty and perverted for a man to allow another man to place his male part in their mouth.

It is not projection it is simply facts.

You cannot change the UN-healthy , UN-natural,and nasty and perverted life of same sex.

Your delusions aside in the end they ( same sex ) will spend eternity in hell if they do not repent.

So you believe perverted sex is worth eternity in hell ?



New member
Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.
a police officer can take any individual s/he has reason to believe is in danger into protective custody at any time.

Yes, children are victims of pederasts like HRC founder Terry Bean and your beloved Peter Tatchell. Society needs to lock these monsters up and return to righteous laws and cultural mores' so that children don't continue to be victims of the LGBTQ agenda.
get some new lies already

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I suspected, you believe the laws of secular humanist man is the basis for "rights". Keep in mind that secular humanist man (who isn't "remotely civilized") legislated laws that has brought about the death of well over 58 million unborn babies here in the United States in the past 43 years. Secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) passed laws in Sweden which legalized child pornography for close to a decade. Secular humanist man legislates laws that take God-given rights away from parents, allowing their teenage child to have an abortion, have a sex change operation and pursue the ever so deadly homosexual lifestyle without their consent against their wishes. Secular humanist man has legislated laws that allows a grown man who may or may not think that he is a woman, to share the same restroom, locker room and fitting room facilities as a six year old girl; etc. etc. etc.

Shall I address you as "ze" or "zir" Art? Note that I edited my above paragraph, as even parents don't have any "right" to consent to their child behaving immorally.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for acknowledging again what you've said before in this 4 part thread: in your ever so morally confused mind, "rights" come from man, not God.

Once again: "Rights" either come from God or from moral relativist man. You're acknowledging that there are no moral absolutes and thus "rights" can come and go based on what man decides.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet secular humanist man (i.e. the LGBTQ movement) decriminalized child prostitution in California and has done so in at least 4 other states.

Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.

Yes, children are victims of pederasts like HRC founder Terry Bean and your beloved Peter Tatchell. Society needs to lock these monsters up and return to righteous laws and cultural mores' so that children don't continue to be victims of the LGBTQ agenda.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The rainbow warriors who laid out that platform 44 years ago (most who have probably died of AIDS) would be proud of you Art.

If I didn't care zir Art, I wouldn't be here.

Well you're not all here anyway are you?

As has been pointed out, child prostitution has not been made legal in California or any other state so that was either a deliberate lie on your part or just you being thick once again.

Now, if a cop doesn't have the power to take a child away from a situation where suspected abuse is going on then that's certainly remiss. They should be able to remove the child into custody as a potential victim, not a criminal.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.

a police officer can take any individual s/he has reason to believe is in danger into protective custody at any time.

As has been pointed out, child prostitution has not been made legal in California or any other state so that was either a deliberate lie on your part or just you being thick once again.

Now, if a cop doesn't have the power to take a child away from a situation where suspected abuse is going on then that's certainly remiss. They should be able to remove the child into custody as a potential victim, not a criminal.

As I pointed out in an earlier post to Mr. Dante, child prostitution has been decriminalized in the land of fruits and nuts, not legalized (although invariably decriminalization leads to legalization).

Reviewing the article from the ultra liberal LA Times:

Senate Bill 1322,*authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell*(D-Los Angeles), make*the crimes of solicitation and loitering with intent to commit prostitution misdemeanors inapplicable to children younger than 18.*It also allows law enforcement to take sexually exploited children into temporary custody -- only if leaving them*unattended would pose an immediate threat to their health or safety...

1. without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively:
4. in the final outcome or decision:

If you boyz want some bedtime reading, here's SB 1322 in it's entirety.

SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.(2015-2016)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Review the facts: Unless the police officer who encounters the child involved in prostitution can prove that his or her life is in immediate danger, the officer cannot take that child into police custody.

As I pointed out in an earlier post to Mr. Dante, child prostitution has been decriminalized in the land of fruits and nuts, not legalized (although invariably decriminalization leads to legalization).

Reviewing the article from the ultra liberal LA Times:

Senate Bill 1322,*authored by Sen. Holly Mitchell*(D-Los Angeles), make*the crimes of solicitation and loitering with intent to commit prostitution misdemeanors inapplicable to children younger than 18.*It also allows law enforcement to take sexually exploited children into temporary custody -- only if leaving them*unattended would pose an immediate threat to their health or safety...

1. without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively:
4. in the final outcome or decision:

If you boyz want some bedtime reading, here's SB 1322 in it's entirety.

SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.(2015-2016)

Are you seriously this thick?

(Oh why am I asking this question...)

Child prostitution is not being decriminalized or made legal as you claimed you self proclaimed 'brilliant blogger'. A law that states that a child victim of such or any other form of sexual trafficking is not a criminal is nothing like as you suggested.

Why are you lying about this? Or why are you so gormless as to misunderstand the difference?

Now as before, if an officer has sufficient reason to believe that a child is the victim of such then they should have the right to take the child into custody for their own protection. You disagree with that "brilliant blogger aCW"?
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