Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Please don't tell me you agree with that madman, that people who suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction should actually be penalized by law for their disorder.

What homosexuals need to do is what alcoholics need to do: Recognize that they have a problem, and then have support so that they do not indulge in their desires.

You're still talking about a minority. The vast and growing majority of same-sexuals are not seeking help or even acknowledging their desires and behaviors as disorders.

I wanted to address CC's smokescreen of a post, and I see that you wisely called his bluff on it PPS (I'm impressed!).

BTW, avid Trump supporter Catholic Crusader called me a "pederast" in another thread (note to self: According to Trump lemmings I sexually abuse my own children, beat them, then have sex with pre pubescent children and post pubescent boys. Wow, I should run for President!)

First of all, not all sins are equal, especially in the eyes of God and civil government that base's it's legislation on His Word.

Take for instance God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: it wasn't due to drunkenness (although as shown in the index homosexuals do disproportionately abuse alcohol and drugs), it was because of homosexuality.

God didn't command the Israelites to put to death those who abuse alcohol, He commanded that homosexuals be put to death (Jesus rescinded the penalty phase in the NT, but not the seriousness of the unnatural sex act).

Alcoholics Anonymous from what I've been told and read is a wonderful organization. While I don't know how many of those attendees are sent there because of a court order (DUI conviction, etc.), for those who aren't, it's strictly voluntary.

While there are many wonderful organizations that help people overcome same sex attraction (as seen in the index on page 1), these people are not forcibly sent there, as homosexuality is legal, they go there on their own accord. (Keep in mind that the LGBTQ movement is doing it's best to shut down those therapy organizations).

As shown above: comparing those who abuse alcohol (it is a very destructive behavior) with homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda is just another smokescreen.




TOL Subscriber
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated...

I'm still very suspicious of you PPS.

Well... That's not my primary concern at all. You're very paranoid, in case you hadn't noticed.

My purpose here is not to convince you or anyone else of anything about myself or much else. It's to be better equipped to stand for the Kingdom against the encroachment of the insipid kingdoms of this world; and that onslaught is very fundamentally through "normalization" of every form of sexually immorality that's ever been known to man.

I don't have the same focus or methods that you do. I'm just ignoring your abruptness to glean from someone whom I'm convinced has done the research to see the landscape of how all of this has been, and is being, perpetrated against mankind and the Body of Christ.

If you "trust" me, fine. If you don't, fine. I'm here by the compelling of the Spirit of God to learn how I might more effectively stand for truth in this landfill of a culture that is called modernity.

I'm not here to patronize you or oppose you. I'm not here to mock truth. I'm here because I'm convinced you have something vital to share that I can draw from. So it should be obvious I'm not here in pride or condescension, even if I speak plainly about your methods.

I think you're empassioned, and it takes you too far in ways toward others. I also think it's because you've encountered so many who are validly "homosexualists" that are nominal Christians, if at all. All of that is between you and God. You're not my servant. To your own Master you stand or fall.

I don't see how being suspicious of me, or not, makes any difference. I don't have any real affect on your life one way or the other. So you'll have to determine whatever by my words and my demeanor. It won't affect me one way or the other, either.


(And why do you have such an issue with me not being convinced Cruz was/is the guy? He isn't a factor now, and he now supports Trump whom you despise. It kinda makes no sense.)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....You're still talking about a minority. The vast and growing majority of same-sexuals are not seeking help or even acknowledging their desires and behaviors as disorders......

I know that. But criminalizing their disorder ain't gonna help. Would criminalizing eating disorders make people stop those? And there's not a snowball's chance in hell that such laws will ever pass anyway. The best thing that can be done is to speak the truth boldly.

.....Should there be legislation about ANY forms of sexual immorality? Pedophilia/Pederasty? Necrophilia? Beastiality?......

Those moralities are not criminalized. Its the actual acts that are criminalized. Harming children is awful. Homosexuals having sex is just immoral but it does not harm in the way that pedophiles do. Look, homosexuals are going to have sex no matter what, and I am not the bedroom police. All I care about is not having them legitimized by allowing them to get married. Society needs to not recognize such things as legitimate.

.....Morals and ethics (in a good sense) aren't coming from family and faith.......

Then the families need to wise up and churches need to not be spineless. But laws are not going to fix things. For over a hundred years we had laws against sodomy. Now, you don't really think that stopped them, do you?

.....You act as though this is a simple issue. It's not........

No I don't, not at all. I just know that making people criminals because of their disorders will never work. Hearts and minds must change, and that will never happen when you have people like ACW wanting to round them up and throw them in camps.

I wanted to address CC's smokescreen of a post, and I see that you wisely called his bluff......

What bluff? What smokescreen? You're a moron.


I know that. But criminalizing their disorder ain't gonna help. Would criminalizing eating disorders make people stop those? And there's not a snowball's chance in hell that such laws will ever pass anyway. The best thing that can be done is to speak the truth boldly.

Excellent point. If a society recriminalizes homosexuality, it will have to criminalize things like eating....


Then the families need to wise up and churches need to not be spineless. But laws are not going to fix things. For over a hundred years we had laws against sodomy. Now, you don't really think that stopped them, do you?

I'm trying to find a date on this photo. I get the feeling that it's not 100 years old.


No I don't, not at all. I just know that making people criminals because of their disorders will never work. Hearts and minds must change, and that will never happen when you have people like ACW wanting to round them up and throw them in camps.

You're just so cute when you tell bold faced lies. So tell us, how do you feel about the sexual crimes of incest and bestiality? Based on your post you MUST be for the decriminalization of both behaviors?

My bad, you already did:

Originally Posted by PneumaPsucheSoma
.....Should there be legislation about ANY forms of sexual immorality? Pedophilia/Pederasty? Necrophilia? Beastiality?......

Those moralities are not criminalized. Its the actual acts that are criminalized. Harming children is awful. Homosexuals having sex is just immoral but it does not harm in the way that pedophiles do. Look, homosexuals are going to have sex no matter what, and I am not the bedroom police. All I care about is not having them legitimized by allowing them to get married. Society needs to not recognize such things as legitimate.

Does the term "sexual anarchist" mean anything to you?


I never lie you sick psychopath.

Please, get it right. I'm a lying pedophile (and pederast) who molests his own children before beating them as well as being a sick psychopath (I didn't know that there were "well" psychopaths).

BTW, see my above edit regarding the term sexual anarchist.

Oh and CC,

thanks for stopping by, it's always interesting.


TOL Subscriber
I know that. But criminalizing their disorder ain't gonna help. Would criminalizing eating disorders make people stop those? And there's not a snowball's chance in hell that such laws will ever pass anyway. The best thing that can be done is to speak the truth boldly.

Those moralities are not criminalized. Its the actual acts that are criminalized. Harming children is awful. Homosexuals having sex is just immoral but it does not harm in the way that pedophiles do. Look, homosexuals are going to have sex no matter what, and I am not the bedroom police. All I care about is not having them legitimized by allowing them to get married. Society needs to not recognize such things as legitimate.

Then the families need to wise up and churches need to not be spineless. But laws are not going to fix things. For over a hundred years we had laws against sodomy. Now, you don't really think that stopped them, do you?

No I don't, not at all. I just know that making people criminals because of their disorders will never work. Hearts and minds must change, and that will never happen when you have people like ACW wanting to round them up and throw them in camps.

There's some degree to which we are talking past each other about different things.

And same-sexuality IS about the acts, not just the inward struggles or heart disposition. I don't think you comprehend that aCW is not advocating against the inner struggle for same-sexxers, but for the criminalization of the inevitable actions.

Normalizing same-sexuality by changing the definition and practice of marriage is the wrong direction. But you agreed with that, so it seems you're arguing against sodomy legislation.

The problem then becomes dealing with all other sexual immorality in the same equitable fashion, whether by legislation or not.


Are marriage prohibitions the only valid legislation against these (and whatever else)? Or is it about the sexual activity itself?

Why does same-sexuality get a bye that these others don't regarding legislation about the acts themselves?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm still very suspicious of you PPS. Come back and let's discuss this entire post further.

Well... That's not my primary concern at all. You're very paranoid, in case you hadn't noticed.

A lot of people have posted in this 4 part thread over the past 5 years. You stick out in my mind as one of those that argued vehemently against the recriminalization of this particular behavior and the agenda that goes along with it.

I'm somewhat impressed with your conversation with Catholic Crusader, but then a 5 year old could beat that guy in a debate.

Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place.

No, I did not. My vote did not affect the outcome at all (on a stand-alone basis).

I'm not talking about a one vote "stand alone basis". You could have been educating people in your Church, your neighbors, friends, and sharing Ted Cruz's strong Judeo-Christian stance on the internet, a medium that goes out to potentially millions of people.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated

Despite my vote (and my reservations about Cruz, because he's a snake in the grass like the rest of them and has since proven it), it didn't happen.

Cruz stood by Kentucky Court clerk Kim Davis' side when the LGBTQ movement was attacking her. He stood by the legislators of NC and their "bathroom bill", etc. etc. etc. Some "snake" huh?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and elected President,

It was never going to happen. You don't seem to understand the corruption and fraud in the entire process,

I know the corruption all too well, yet we continue to keep trying until Jesus returns or "the tree of liberty is refreshed".

along with the fact that there are no candidates that support sexual morality according to the Judeo-Christian ethic.

The LGBTQ movement doesn't HATE Ted Cruz with a passion because of his immoral stance on human sexuality. If you know something about Cruz that I don't know, please share (and I've studied the man's politics quite thoroughly).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
those who embrace religious liberty and decency would have a great friend in the White House.

Coulda-woulda-shoulda. And now he backs Trump. Futile. Next.

I addressed that when Trumpette Patrick Jane brought that up the second the lackluster endorsement occurred. Cruz didn't change his moral stance on issues, he did what needed to be done so that he can continue to do great things as a US Senator and hopefully a future Presidential candidate. I hold no animosity against him.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

And Hitlery is miles worse in every metric. She's no friend of the Judeo-Christian morality, especially the sexual revolution. She's a lesbian.

Nor is Trump. Just because he's running on a Political Party Platform that embraces Judeo-Christian values, doesn't mean that he believes in that platform. In fact he looooooooooathes it and the people who wrote it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

The next time around? Whoever is the incumbent will likely get a second 4-year term. There are better answers for effective change than waiting the better part of a decade to just vote again.

I'm really wanting practical, immediate, and consistent methods for being effective on local, state, and federal levels.

I've told you what needs to be done at the state and local level: vote in good God fearing men and women.

Now you tell me what needs to be done at the federal level in this current election.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Me thinkz that someone is ashamed when homosexual 'culture' is revealed.


Back to the topic of my earlier post:

Of course the most popular 'gay' historical site is and undoubtedly will be the Stonewall Inn in New York City.

I wonder if the tour guide will tell the tourists that it was a place where "chickenhawks" gave underage boys/wannabe girls (transvestites) booze, drugs and money for sex?

Why would anyone, much less tour guides, lie and say such a thing?


New member
LOL...how about signing a petition to over rule Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges first? (which appear to be the law of the land at this time).

It would be a waste of time as such an action would require several constitutional amendments to remove basic rights such as due process and equal protection.


New member
Please don't tell me you agree with that madman, that people who suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction should actually be penalized by law for their disorder.

What homosexuals need to do is what alcoholics need to do: Recognize that they have a problem, and then have support so that they do not indulge in their desires.

Point of fact, it's not the homosexuals who have a problem.


New member
Ahh, but they do. Homosexuals who recognize their problem and deal with it have been 100% blacked out and suppressed by the media for years. But you can find their stories online, and you can find them here: https://couragerc.org/

"At one time, we were not only deeply involved in these “ex-gay” programs, we were the founders, the leaders, and the promoters. Together we represent more than half a century of experience, so few people are more knowledgeable about the ineffectiveness and harm of conversion therapy. We know first-hand the terrible emotional and spiritual damage it can cause, especially for LGBT youth. We once believed that there was something morally wrong and psychologically “broken” about being LGBT. We know better now. " Jeremy Marks et al founder of Courage UK


TOL Subscriber
"At one time, we were not only deeply involved in these “ex-gay” programs, we were the founders, the leaders, and the promoters. Together we represent more than half a century of experience, so few people are more knowledgeable about the ineffectiveness and harm of conversion therapy. We know first-hand the terrible emotional and spiritual damage it can cause, especially for LGBT youth. We once believed that there was something morally wrong and psychologically “broken” about being LGBT. We know better now. " Jeremy Marks et al founder of Courage UK

This is merely reinforcement that it's a spiritual problem of internal death and sin as dysfunction, deviance, and/or disorder; and the answer will never be counseling and self-effort for behavior modification as change effected by/within oneself, even if assisted and coached, etc.

It's about regeneration of the Spirit as resurrection from within, by repentance (the noun) being the changed condition of the heart and mind to full agreement with God regarding the standard for both inner character and outer conduct as righteousness (justice).

But even non-faith-based sound psychological models can emulate such success in great measure. I work with sexual addicts and criminal offenders in a clinical environment. And those who participate thoroughly in their recovery have low recidivism rates for relapse and/or reoffense.


TOL Subscriber
A lot of people have posted in this 4 part thread over the past 5 years. You stick out in my mind as one of those that argued vehemently against the recriminalization of this particular behavior and the agenda that goes along with it.

Sigh. No, I most certainly did not. I was attempting to clarify how difficult it is in a non-Theocracy to do such a thing, especially in arrears. I made the same appeals for effective answers then as now. I have never had any other position than that which I continue to hold. I have never been against criminalization of behavioral sexual perversion, even if I didn't express it clearly enough for your zeal, etc.

What you're remembering is my reluctance to think that it can be accomplished, and that the onus lies upon the churches by faithful Believers who won't compromise while still doing all they can in the political arenas.

I'm somewhat impressed with your conversation with Catholic Crusader, but then a 5 year old could beat that guy in a debate.

It wasn't to impress you; and I wasn't debating CC, I was having a discussion to clarify where we were talking past each other. And it was also about where I think he is misunderstanding you, since you're not talking about criminalizing internal struggles of perversion but of actual sexual activity. Sodomy, not fantasy or inclination. Correct me if I have misrepresented you.

Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place.

I'm not talking about a one vote "stand alone basis". You could have been educating people in your Church, your neighbors, friends, and sharing Ted Cruz's strong Judeo-Christian stance on the internet, a medium that goes out to potentially millions of people.

I did that and still do that. I spend my life addressing both the exegesis of theological truth as orthodoxy, and every facet of practical orthopraxy including socio-political activism on whatever level is possible for individual Believers walking out their faith.

Everyone I know agrees with your basic premise. There is not one person in my church, teaching venues, or personal circle that disagree. All would amen what you and I both have said in this thread. My direct peers are all in support of re/criminalization of aberrant and abhorant sexually perverse activity, including marriage between anyone but a man and woman according to the divine created order by God Himself.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated

Cruz stood by Kentucky Court clerk Kim Davis' side when the LGBTQ movement was attacking her. He stood by the legislators of NC and their "bathroom bill", etc. etc. etc. Some "snake" huh?

On TPP and other lobby-based non-sexual issues, yes he's a snake in the grass like EVERY elected partisan politician. I appreciated his stances you've outlined, but that doesn't mean he's a pristine candidate in every respect. There is no such thing.

He was the best of the rotten bunch. Key word now is "was".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and elected President,

I know the corruption all too well, yet we continue to keep trying until Jesus returns or "the tree of liberty is refreshed".

With all due respect, I don't think you do at all. If you addressed the Fed and the duality of USA/US citizenship, and their relation to the Military Industrial Complex and the IMF, etc. I might change my tune. I think you know about one large and diverse particular kind of the corruption, and that's a good thing; but I doubt you're aware of the worldwide implications. Maybe I'm wrong. I actually hope so.

The LGBTQ movement doesn't HATE Ted Cruz with a passion because of his immoral stance on human sexuality.

Agreed, which is predominantly why he got my vote in the primary. I don't know why you have an issue with this and all else.

If you know something about Cruz that I don't know, please share (and I've studied the man's politics quite thoroughly).

Look at his position on the TPP and other more financial and political issues related to huge-money lobby interests, and you'll see my issues. Morality covers more than just sexuality, even though that's the main thrust in culture to undermine the Christian faith and family.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
those who embrace religious liberty and decency would have a great friend in the White House.

Not so much on more fincancial issues, like the TPP. I'd hope you'd be as incensed about that as you are about sexual immorality.

I addressed that when Trumpette Patrick Jane brought that up the second the lackluster endorsement occurred. Cruz didn't change his moral stance on issues, he did what needed to be done so that he can continue to do great things as a US Senator and hopefully a future Presidential candidate. I hold no animosity against him.

Nor do I. And I never indicated he changed his stance. But that's the same position many are taking in regard to voting for Trump now instead of Killary. They're doing what needs to be done so that they can continue to do great things as citizens.

I get the luxury of voting for Castle, but it's because my state is Blue and the Electoral will go to Hitlery because of Chicago alone. Our Reps and Senators are corrupt so-and-sos, so there's no chance of doing anything but maybe putting a band-aid on a bullethole for those positions.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

And even with all that and him being the groomed other side of the same coin to the lesbian, he's a far better choice than her. And Pence, regardless of how he caved in Indiana to the rainbow threat, is light years better that Kaine-is-not-Able. He's a serpent of serpents.

Nor is Trump. Just because he's running on a Political Party Platform that embraces Judeo-Christian values, doesn't mean that he believes in that platform. In fact he looooooooooathes it and the people who wrote it.

You act as if there's a real binary choice. There isn't. And Johnson is a full-bore liberal (and almost as senseless as Biden to boot). Castle doesn't stand a chance, and that's too bad but reality.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

I've told you what needs to be done at the state and local level: vote in good God fearing men and women.

Done it. Do it. Gonna do it. That's not enough. And I'll find more and better ways to do more, even if you have no more suggestions, etc.

Now you tell me what needs to be done at the federal level in this current election.

I'm doing it, to the extent that I can. And I'll still be pulling for Trump over Clinton, because at least he'll do things more slowly with an eye toward certain levels of people-pleasing for personal attention. Hillary will fast-track every abomination known to man in the first 100 days after taking her lying oath.

I don't see what your beef is with me. Everything about me should be very transparent.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...how about signing a petition to over rule Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges first? (which appear to be the law of the land at this time).

It would be a waste of time as such an action would require several constitutional amendments to remove basic rights such as due process and equal protection.

I was joking about the petition drive. I've pointed out several ways that Congress and a sitting President can overturn judicial activist unconstitutional rulings such as the two above cases.

Oh and MrDante: You're once again confused on another matter: Taking the life of an unborn child (as Senator Ted Cruz has argued) violates the Due Process clause in the constitution, not denying someone the supposed right to have disease ridden/unnatural sex.

As I've also pointed out: All SCOTUS rulings that have anything to do with sexuality, be it abortion or homosexuality (and eventually incest), were based on the supposed "right to privacy". You can edjumacate yourself by finding the above information in the index on page 1.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
A lot of people have posted in this 4 part thread over the past 5 years. You stick out in my mind as one of those that argued vehemently against the recriminalization of this particular behavior and the agenda that goes along with it.

Sigh. No, I most certainly did not. I was attempting to clarify how difficult it is in a non-Theocracy to do such a thing, especially in arrears. I made the same appeals for effective answers then as now. I have never had any other position than that which I continue to hold. I have never been against criminalization of behavioral sexual perversion, even if I didn't express it clearly enough for your zeal, etc....

Yet an 'edjumacated' man such as yourself should know that the laws that currently are on the books and had been prior to various states overturning them or unconstitutional judicial activist SCOTUS rulings were made in a country that never has been a theocracy. In fact I showed how the LGBTQ movement over several decades got to where they are today. Why do you believe that only a theocratic state can overturn such laws as opposed to an educated populace? Also keep in mind that laws by themselves can't do any good unless cultural mores' accompany them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm somewhat impressed with your conversation with Catholic Crusader, but then a 5 year old could beat that guy in a debate.

It wasn't to impress you; and I wasn't debating CC, I was having a discussion to clarify where we were talking past each other.

Bask in those accolades while you can, cuz with you being a Donald Trump supporter (as you've pointed out below) it's all downhill for you from here.

And it was also about where I think he is misunderstanding you, since you're not talking about criminalizing internal struggles of perversion but of actual sexual activity. Sodomy, not fantasy or inclination. Correct me if I have misrepresented you.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that you can't legislate laws against thoughts or desires, only behaviors (and that includes a well orchestrated agenda by the LGBTQ movement). There is no "misunderstanding" between me and Catholic Crusader. As shown in your earlier post and in the latter part of mine, he's a sexual anarchist. Catholic Crusader is a grown man that follows politics, he should know better.

Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place.

I'm not talking about a one vote "stand alone basis". You could have been educating people in your Church, your neighbors, friends, and sharing Ted Cruz's strong Judeo-Christian stance on the internet, a medium that goes out to potentially millions of people.

I did that and still do that. I spend my life addressing both the exegesis of theological truth as orthodoxy, and every facet of practical orthopraxy including socio-political activism on whatever level is possible for individual Believers walking out their faith.

Everyone I know agrees with your basic premise. There is not one person in my church, teaching venues, or personal circle that disagree. All would amen what you and I both have said in this thread. My direct peers are all in support of re/criminalization of aberrant and abhorant sexually perverse activity, including marriage between anyone but a man and woman according to the divine created order by God Himself.

5 words that you need to remember when talking to your peers in the Church: "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry".

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions. The performance — or lack of performance — of each inescapably influences the functioning of the other two."

When civil government fails, the Church and the family fail. We're in this sad state of affairs because we as a nation have failed to elect God-fearing men and women into public office.

I made this topic the most important post in Part 1, if you're willing to discuss this important issue, please, let's do.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated

Cruz stood by Kentucky Court clerk Kim Davis' side when the LGBTQ movement was attacking her. He stood by the legislators of NC and their "bathroom bill", etc. etc. etc. Some "snake" huh?

On TPP and other lobby-based non-sexual issues, yes he's a snake in the grass like EVERY elected partisan politician. I appreciated his stances you've outlined, but that doesn't mean he's a pristine candidate in every respect. There is no such thing.

He was the best of the rotten bunch. Key word now is "was".

When all else fails, read Senator Cruz's own words:

A Note to Conservatives on Trade Agreements

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and elected President,

I know the corruption all too well, yet we continue to keep trying until Jesus returns or "the tree of liberty is refreshed".

With all due respect, I don't think you do at all.

Christine Gregoire-Dino Rossi governor race (round 1, dead people voting, etc.).

If you addressed the Fed and the duality of USA/US citizenship, and their relation to the Military Industrial Complex and the IMF, etc. I might change my tune. I think you know about one large and diverse particular kind of the corruption, and that's a good thing; but I doubt you're aware of the worldwide implications. Maybe I'm wrong. I actually hope so.

Hence the reason I was so excited about constitutional scholar Ted Cruz as President. He knows that the above are unconstitutional and would have done something to address those issues.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...If you know something about Cruz that I don't know, please share (and I've studied the man's politics quite thoroughly).

Look at his position on the TPP and other more financial and political issues related to huge-money lobby interests, and you'll see my issues. Morality covers more than just sexuality, even though that's the main thrust in culture to undermine the Christian faith and family.

TPP addressed above. That being said: If a political candidate (such as Donald Trump) can't get something as basic as the right to life and human sexuality correct, what makes you think that he can get other moral issues correct?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I addressed that when Trumpette Patrick Jane brought that up the second the lackluster endorsement occurred. Cruz didn't change his moral stance on issues, he did what needed to be done so that he can continue to do great things as a US Senator and hopefully a future Presidential candidate. I hold no animosity against him.

Nor do I. And I never indicated he changed his stance. But that's the same position many are taking in regard to voting for Trump now instead of Killary. They're doing what needs to be done so that they can continue to do great things as citizens.

You're forgetting one thing (and we'll move this conversation from Ted Cruz to the current nominee Donald Trump) : You can't trust a sociopath/psychopath to be a man of his word.

I've spent the past several months exposing Donald Trump. If you want to meet people like Donald Trump (and I'm dead serious when I say this), go into a State Hospital in your respective State and visit the patients there. Donald Trump doesn't belong in the Oval Office, he belongs in an institution for the criminally insane.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

And even with all that and him being the groomed other side of the same coin to the lesbian, he's a far better choice than her. And Pence, regardless of how he caved in Indiana to the rainbow threat, is light years better that Kaine-is-not-Able. He's a serpent of serpents.

I exposed Mike Pence in an earlier post as well (not only did he back down on religious liberty, he's done other despicable acts as Governor of Indiana).

I might have had an ounce of respect for Mike Pence if he disowned Trump after learning of his sexual predator past, but not now.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Nor is Trump. Just because he's running on a Political Party Platform that embraces Judeo-Christian values, doesn't mean that he believes in that platform. In fact he looooooooooathes it and the people who wrote it.

You act as if there's a real binary choice. There isn't. And Johnson is a full-bore liberal (and almost as senseless as Biden to boot). Castle doesn't stand a chance, and that's too bad but reality.

You don't fix a broken nation by electing someone as sick and evil as Donald Trump is. He's a power hungry tyrant who has no use, nor will have use for the Constitution of the United States (and this is not just my opinion, I've backed it with facts throughout this thread. Take for instance his admiration of the brutal Communist Chinese for the way they handled the freedom protestors in Tiananmen Square).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

I've told you what needs to be done at the state and local level: vote in good God fearing men and women.

Done it. Do it. Gonna do it. That's not enough. And I'll find more and better ways to do more, even if you have no more suggestions, etc.

I highly suggest that you don't set a precedent by voting for an ultra liberal (which Donald Trump is socially and economically) who is running on a conservative Party ticket.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now you tell me what needs to be done at the federal level in this current election.

I'm doing it, to the extent that I can. And I'll still be pulling for Trump over Clinton, because at least he'll do things more slowly with an eye toward certain levels of people-pleasing for personal attention. Hillary will fast-track every abomination known to man in the first 100 days after taking her lying oath.

I don't see what your beef is with me. Everything about me should be very transparent.

My beef with you is that I'm still suspicious of your intent here. It's been proven by your intent to vote for a power hungry socialist sexual deviant for President.

If you should choose to return and continue this discussion, let's make it solely about Donald Trump's past words and actions, but more importantly what he's said and done in the past year.


For those of you that would like to put the history of Donald Trump's sexual deviancy all together (kinda like putting all of the rotten eggs in one basket) , MSN.com has done it for you:

All the Allegations Women Have Made Against Trump

This article is being continually updated.
As the number of women accusing Donald Trump of sexual misconduct or harassment abruptly spiked, his surrogates began asking, "Why now?"
"These allegations are decades old," Trump surrogate A.J. Delgado told MSNBC's Chris Hayes. "If somebody actually did that, Chris, any reasonable woman would have come forward and said something at the time."
In fact, women have been making allegations that Donald Trump has sexually assaulted or harassed them for decades, including in sworn court filings. Some of the behavior women have described to reporters closely parallels Trump's own characterization of his conduct in a recently unearthed 2005 recording...

Allegation of rape in 1989, made public in 1993

Allegation of sexual assault in 1992 and 1993, made in a court filing in 1997

Allegation of rape in 1994, made public in a court filing in April 2016

Allegation of unwanted kissing in 1997, made public in May 2016

Allegations of groping in 2013, made public in June 2016

Allegation of a hostile work environment between 2004 and 2015, published October 3, 2016

Allegation of a hostile work environment between 2004 and 2015, published October 3, 2016

Two allegations of sexual assault in early 1980s and 2005, reported October 12, 2016

Allegation of groping in 2003, reported October 12, 2016

Allegation of sexual assault in December 2005, reported October 12, 2016

Allegation of sexual assault in early 1990s, reported October 14, 2016

Allegation of sexual assault in 2007, reported October 14, 2016

Allegation of of grabbing and unwanted kissing attempt in late 90s, reported October 15, 2016

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...made-against-trump/ar-AAiVdBu?ocid=spartanntp

While I know that these allegations don't make Trump misogynists so much as flinch, for you men who are married or have a girlfriend, how can you look your wife or girlfriend in the eye and say that you respect her after voting for this moral degenerate?




TOL Subscriber
Yet an 'edjumacated' man such as yourself should know that the laws that currently are on the books and had been prior to various states overturning them or unconstitutional judicial activist SCOTUS rulings were made in a country that never has been a theocracy. In fact I showed how the LGBTQ movement over several decades got to where they are today. Why do you believe that only a theocratic state can overturn such laws as opposed to an educated populace? Also keep in mind that laws by themselves can't do any good unless cultural mores' accompany them.

I don't. Dealing with this subject afresh led me to cast off apapthy and complacency regarding Christian political activism. So in the interim I've become much more balanced in my Christian walk by doing so. I thought you had more answers, but I'm currently doing all you advocate and more.

Bask in those accolades while you can, cuz with you being a Donald Trump supporter (as you've pointed out below) it's all downhill for you from here.

LeSigh. The only support I have for Trump is to acknowledge that there are only two plausible candidates that will emerge as the elected (appointed) President, and my vote for Castle will not change that. So I'm in the same position of "support" for The Donald that you ascribe to Cruz, so I guess it's all downhill with you for Cruz then. Same-same.

I don't support Trump at all. I recognize that Hitlery is yet miles worse by any and every metric. Oddly, you don't come against Killary and Kaine-is-not-Able. THAT is suspicious to me. Are you a shill to get Believers to abandon their Trump votes and vote for Clinton/Kaine?

Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that you can't legislate laws against thoughts or desires, only behaviors (and that includes a well orchestrated agenda by the LGBTQ movement.

And your rantings could easily lead to someone thinking that's what you're advocating, along with all else you're saying. Yes, it would be absurd; but yes, you can sound that absurd in your zeal.

There is no "misunderstanding" between me and Catholic Crusader. As shown in your earlier post and in the latter part of mine, he's a sexual anarchist. Catholic Crusader is a grown man that follows politics, he should know better.

I've had encounters for some time with CC, and I don't think he's a sexual anarchist. I think he has a standard Catholic perspective that Protestants have a difficult time accurately understanding; and you're not a very insightful person in understanding what people are saying. You make constant extreme judgments, and refuse to listen to what anyone is really saying. You're still doing it with me.

But what if he is? You're not his master or anyone else's. Herald the truth and admonish others. You're not an Apostle or the Holy Spirit.

Onto your earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You had your opportunity to make great change when the Republican primaries were taking place.

I'm not talking about a one vote "stand alone basis". You could have been educating people in your Church, your neighbors, friends, and sharing Ted Cruz's strong Judeo-Christian stance on the internet, a medium that goes out to potentially millions of people.

5 words that you need to remember when talking to your peers in the Church: "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry".

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions. The performance — or lack of performance — of each inescapably influences the functioning of the other two."

Agreed. Why keep hammering those who agree with you? I was thinking you had some vital insightful suggestions, when all you're basically advocating is for Christians to vote and cast that ballot for someone they've researched to be in favor of biblical sexuality.

And that gets dicey when neiter mainline candidate is remotely supportive of biblical sexuality. Even moreso when its not the popular vote that elects the POTUS.

When civil government fails, the Church and the family fail. We're in this sad state of affairs because we as a nation have failed to elect God-fearing men and women into public office.

And it didn't just happen. This has been the same battle since I've been alive (1962), and longer. You're not really breaking any new ground here.

I do appreciate the sources you've posted, which is why I returned to converse a bit. I certainly didn't come here to have you tell me how suspicious you are of me because I agree with you and am already doing everything you advocate and more. I don't really care what you thing or say in that regard. My faith is toward God, and my justification is in Christ alone.

I made this topic the most important post in Part 1, if you're willing to discuss this important issue, please, let's do.

It's not a discussion. It's a statement of fact. I agree with you. The end. Not hard.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Had Senator Ted Cruz been nominated

Cruz stood by Kentucky Court clerk Kim Davis' side when the LGBTQ movement was attacking her. He stood by the legislators of NC and their "bathroom bill", etc. etc. etc. Some "snake" huh?

When all else fails, read Senator Cruz's own words:

A Note to Conservatives on Trade Agreements

I've seen other statements he's made to the contrary. At this point, it's irrelevant. I only mentioned Cruz because you can't get off of him as the topic. He's out. It's done. Move on.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and elected President,

I know the corruption all too well, yet we continue to keep trying until Jesus returns or "the tree of liberty is refreshed".

Christine Gregoire-Dino Rossi governor race (round 1, dead people voting, etc.).

You really have no idea what I was referrring to. I'm not talking about voter fraud, even though that's a serious issue. I'm talking about the many factors relating to the world political landscape and the NWO agenda, etc. It's okay that you don't know. I just wanted to be sure.

Hence the reason I was so excited about constitutional scholar Ted Cruz as President. He knows that the above are unconstitutional and would have done something to address those issues.

It's over with Cruz for now. Why keep lamenting the past?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...If you know something about Cruz that I don't know, please share (and I've studied the man's politics quite thoroughly).

TPP addressed above. That being said: If a political candidate (such as Donald Trump) can't get something as basic as the right to life and human sexuality correct, what makes you think that he can get other moral issues correct?

You miss the elephant in the room. Cruz is history for this election. No non-mainline candidate has a prayer. It's Trump or the lesbian. You never come against Hitlery and/or Kaine. And you refuse to read that my vote is for Castle, and still berate me as a Trump supporter. Sigh and LeSigh.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I addressed that when Trumpette Patrick Jane brought that up the second the lackluster endorsement occurred. Cruz didn't change his moral stance on issues, he did what needed to be done so that he can continue to do great things as a US Senator and hopefully a future Presidential candidate. I hold no animosity against him.

You're forgetting one thing (and we'll move this conversation from Ted Cruz to the current nominee Donald Trump) : You can't trust a sociopath/psychopath to be a man of his word.

I've spent the past several months exposing Donald Trump. If you want to meet people like Donald Trump (and I'm dead serious when I say this), go into a State Hospital in your respective State and visit the patients there. Donald Trump doesn't belong in the Oval Office, he belongs in an institution for the criminally insane.

Again with anti-Trump sentiments and no anti-Clinton sentiments. Killary is a worse choice than Trump, and that says a lot about why you aren't as focused against The Murderess as you are against The Donald.

As I said, I'm voting for Castle. You're basically just taking out your frustrations on everyone because of the futility of the election scenario.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unfortunately the sexual predator got the nod and he spends his time (when he isn't harassing or physically assaulting women) inviting drag queens into the women's restroom at any Trump property.

I exposed Mike Pence in an earlier post as well (not only did he back down on religious liberty, he's done other despicable acts as Governor of Indiana).

I might have had an ounce of respect for Mike Pence if he disowned Trump after learning of his sexual predator past, but not now.

I'm not voting for Trump-Pence. And I still don't understand why you're silent about Clinton-Kaine.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Nor is Trump. Just because he's running on a Political Party Platform that embraces Judeo-Christian values, doesn't mean that he believes in that platform. In fact he looooooooooathes it and the people who wrote it.

You don't fix a broken nation by electing someone as sick and evil as Donald Trump is. He's a power hungry tyrant who has no use, nor will have use for the Constitution of the United States (and this is not just my opinion, I've backed it with facts throughout this thread. Take for instance his admiration of the brutal Communist Chinese for the way they handled the freedom protestors in Tiananmen Square).

Insert Clinton's name in the above and it's all the same; and those are the 2 mainline candidates. You're just railing against the unchangeable.

BTW... In case you haven't heard me over and over already... I'm voting for Castle.

I'd actually considered doing a write-in for Huckabee like my Pastor and several in my church, but thought it good to at least support a candidate that is in the race.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you truly want to get involved in this culture war, drop Donald Trump like the proverbial hot potato and get involved and make true changes the next time around (i.e the next election).

I've told you what needs to be done at the state and local level: vote in good God fearing men and women.

I highly suggest that you don't set a precedent by voting for an ultra liberal (which Donald Trump is socially and economically) who is running on a conservative Party ticket.

Oh, good grief. I've insisted many times I'm voting for Castle. And still you say nothing against Clinton-Kaine.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now you tell me what needs to be done at the federal level in this current election.

My beef with you is that I'm still suspicious of your intent here.

Meh. I don't give a rip at this point. I thought you had some helpful instructive info for us to all become more politically active. All you have is a general recommendation to vote and do so for candidates supporting the Judeo-Christian perspective, especially biblical sexuality.

The rest is ranting and ad hominem with misrepresentation.

I'm voting for Castle, BTW. Castle. Not Trump. Not Clinton. Not Johnson. Not Stein. Castle.

It's been proven by your intent to vote for a power hungry socialist sexual deviant for President.

LeSigh x1000. Seriously? Castle is a power hungry socialist sexual deviant? Oh, wait. You weren't listening and assigned me to voting for Trump; just like you someone remembered me as staunchly pro-LGBT. There's really something wrong with you in this area. You hear whatever you imagine and project upon others or something. It's odd and offputting, not to mention dishonest.

If you should choose to return and continue this discussion, let's make it solely about Donald Trump's past words and actions, but more importantly what he's said and done in the past year.

Why bother? I'm not voting for Trump. The real question is why you're so pro-Hillary and pro-Kaine.

(This is your tactic. I don't think you're for Hillary or Kaine. But maybe this will help you see what you do to everyone, even when they agree with you and aren't voting for the candidate you keep railing about.)

Did I mention? I'm voting for Castle. (But you'll probably insist I'm pro-LGBT and voting for Trump. Sigh.)
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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...how about signing a petition to over rule Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges first? (which appear to be the law of the land at this time).

I was joking about the petition drive. I've pointed out several ways that Congress and a sitting President can overturn judicial activist unconstitutional rulings such as the two above cases.

but the rulings are constitutional.
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