Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who wants to go first?

"A 14 year old cross dressing boy with homosexual desires approaches his two uncles Art Brain and PneumaPsucheSoma asking for advice..."

What the hell is wrong with you that you would project such perversion upon me? You're as sick as the snowflake LGBTers. You can't possibly be regenerate. What a foul spirit of hell.

I thought that would be a super easy scenario for someone who

...I work with sexual addicts and criminal offenders in a clinical environment. And those who participate thoroughly in their recovery have low recidivism rates for relapse and/or reoffense.

aCW looks at the fraud o meter reading:



and rapidly rising.


TOL Subscriber
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who wants to go first?

"A 14 year old cross dressing boy with homosexual desires approaches his two uncles Art Brain and PneumaPsucheSoma asking for advice..."

I thought that would be a super easy scenario for someone who


aCW looks at the fraud o meter reading:



and rapidly rising.

Your false accusations are duly noted, Satan.


In "Duh" news (I reported Shep Smith's homosexuality in an earlier thread) :

Shep Smith comes out as gay and denies that 'loving' Roger Ailes stopped him from revealing his sexuality as he speaks out about Fox News sex harassment scandal*

Shepard Smith has publicly come out as a gay man in a new interview
Smith, 52, spoke about his sexuality when asked if a report from 2013 claiming that Roger Ailes prevented him from coming out was true*
'That's not true. He was as nice as he could be to me. I loved him like a father,' said Smith of Ailes

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ews-sex-harassment-scandal.html#ixzz4NS35gwiV

Faux News, as has been shown throughout this 4 part thread, is very pro LGBTQ.



I haven't read the interview, but I wonder if Smith was honest and explained why he has same sex desires.

Was he molested as a child, or perhaps didn't have a good relationship with his father that is so very important in one's youth?


I am impressed with the longevity of this thread. Not as much with the results, how is that recriminalization going, anyway? :eek:

Unfortunately not good for those who are children, who as shown, are being indoctrinated and often times sexually molested by sexual deviants.

In fact, it's not good for those that engage in homosex, as they're still contracting HIV/AIDS, other STD's, and dying as well as committing suicide at disproportionate rates.

Thanks for asking though.


I'm sorry, chin up boyo. Maybe one day. :chuckle:

I'm very sad that these filthy perverts are molesting the minds and often times bodies of innocent children. In fact, since I do love my neighbor as I love myself, I'm saddened that those who proudly and unrepentantly partake in homosexuality and hence the LGBTQ movement don't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and escape their 'deathstyle'.

Oh and Que: Regarding your "Maybe one day" comment:

God doesn't lose.
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In 'gaystapo' news:

LGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Report That Science Doesn't Show People Are Born Gay, Transgender

Oct. 13, 2016

The Human Rights Campaign, America's largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, has threatened to penalize Johns Hopkins University if it does not denounce a report from two of the institution's scholars which concludes that there is little scientific evidence that people are born gay or transgender.
In the special report for The New Atlantis*titled Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences,*Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer, a scholar in residence at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences also at John Hopkins School of Medicine conclude*there is very little evidence supporting the "born that way" and other theories on sexual orientation...

The report attracted the attention of HRC and the organization said it agreed with "nearly 700 members of the Johns Hopkins community" who feel the report was a "misguided, misinformed attack on LGBT communities" and called for the university to distance itself from the scholars and the report or face consequences.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/l...nder-new-atlantis-170770/#tSEkyMwFqeFWrXSm.99


I can only imagine the number of death threats the people involved in the study have received, not to mention the intense pressure groups like HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) have put on John Hopkins to have them fired.


Poor Peter Thiel; the boyz at The Advocate say that he's not a real homosexual because he supports Donald Trump.

Peter Thiel ‘not a gay man’ for supporting Donald Trump: LGBT magazine


Peter Thiel may be attracted to men, but a prominent LGBT magazine says he’s “not a gay man” because he supports Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

In a rambling article for The Advocate, Connecticut College history professor Jim Downs posits that there is more to being gay “than just having sex with someone of the same gender.”

Mr. Downs argues the Silicon Valley billionaire reaffirmed his personal “sexual choices” by supporting Mr. Trump, but separated himself from the broader “gay identity” rooted in class struggle against oppression.

“By the logic of gay liberation, Thiel is an example of a man who has sex with other men, but not a gay man,” Mr. Downs wrote. “Because he does not embrace the struggle of people to embrace their distinctive identity.”

Mr. Downs also accuses Mr. Thiel of supporting a platform that is “actually dangerous to LGBT people,” pointing to Republican-backed laws allowing religious bakers to refuse to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples...

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/19/peter-thiel-not-gay-man-supporting-donald-trump-lg/

There's a couple of things that the boyz at The Advocate should know: Neither Donald Trump or Peter Thiel have one bit of use for the pro life/pro traditional family Republican Party Platform.

If The Advocate did their homework they'd know that short of firebombing a Christian church, Paypal CEO Peter Thiel has been extremely loyal to the jack booted thug LGBTQ cause.

PayPal launches investigation of pro-family groups following homosexual complaints

Sept. 16, 2011

PayPal is conducting an investigation of several pro-family organizations and individuals targeted by a homosexual campaign that accuses the groups of “hate” and “extremism,” LifeSiteNews has learned.

The inquiry launched by PayPal comes in apparent response to a campaign by the homosexual group All Out, which is asking that PayPal eliminate ten organizations from its service, including LifeSiteNews translator and pro-family blogger Julio Severo, the Catholic activist group Tradition, Family, and Property, and Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)...

LaBarbera noted that “in roughly 60 years homosexuality has gone from being a taboo perversion to a powerful force that punishes those who disagree with same-sex behavior—especially Christians. This latest internet campaign to bully PayPal into dropping AFTAH and other pro-family organizations perfectly illustrates the folly of ‘gay tolerance.’ Tired (or incapable) of debating their opponents civilly, homosexual militants are now using raw, web-based power to squelch the Judeo-Christian voice of sexual sanity.

“Right now we urgently need anyone who opposes the current homo-fascism to contact PayPal and urge them not to cave in to Gay Lobby pressure. Our very future as a free society depends on stopping this new, politically correct tyranny,” he added.


PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over discrimination law

April 5, 2016

PayPal says it’s canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose, California-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

Read more: http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/04/paypal-cancels-north-carolina-expansion-over-discrimination-law/

So you see, Peter Thiel is a "real homosexual" (plus he endorses a sexual deviant for President; if all of those combined doesn't make a great LGBTQ resume', nothing does).




New member
In 'gaystapo' news:

LGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Report That Science Doesn't Show People Are Born Gay, Transgender

Oct. 13, 2016

The Human Rights Campaign, America's largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, has threatened to penalize Johns Hopkins University if it does not denounce a report from two of the institution's scholars which concludes that there is little scientific evidence that people are born gay or transgender.
are you referring to the "special report" where Paul McHugh blatantly lied about the research findings of others?

The "special report" where Mayer and McHugh took out of context numbers from an appendix table or researcher Dean Hammer and tied to make claims about his researches findings based on that?

The "special report" that uses an obscure study of 7th- to 12th-graders that doesn't even measure sexual orientation to make claims about the sexual orientation of teenagers?

The "special report" the authors falsely called a “Johns Hopkins study"?

is that the report you mean?

In the special report for The New Atlantis*titled Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences,*
Yep that is the report you mean

Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer, a scholar in residence at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences also at John Hopkins School of Medicine conclude*there is very little evidence supporting the "born that way" and other theories on sexual orientation...

The report attracted the attention of HRC and the organization said it agreed with "nearly 700 members of the Johns Hopkins community" who feel the report was a "misguided, misinformed attack on LGBT communities" and called for the university to distance itself from the scholars and the report or face consequences.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/l...nder-new-atlantis-170770/#tSEkyMwFqeFWrXSm.99
yep distance themselves.

I can only imagine the number of death threats the people involved in the study have received, not to mention the intense pressure groups like HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) have put on John Hopkins to have them fired.

Well you would have to imagine such things just like you would have to imagine unicorns or any other fantasy


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

In 'gaystapo' news:

LGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Report That Science Doesn't Show People Are Born Gay, Transgender

are you referring to the "special report" where Paul McHugh blatantly lied about the research findings of others?...

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for the LGBTQ movement and it's most powerful organization (HRC, founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) to spend all of that money that they received from various grants and not find the 'gay gene' that they so badly wanted to find? (What good are hate crime laws if homosexuality is a changeable behavior?).

And then comes along some LGBTQ friendly researchers who have the AUDACITY to show that homosexual desires is not something that someone is born with!!@#$%^&!

Ouch, that's gotta hurt.


For those of you new to the thread, a New York Judge will be hearing the child rape allegations against Presidential candidate Donald Trump and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in December of this year.

Can you imagine a President elect going before a Superior Court Judge and having to tell his version of a child rape case?



In a righteous world, Donald would be getting to know his cellmate Bubba, not running for President of the United States.




New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

In 'gaystapo' news:

LGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Report That Science Doesn't Show People Are Born Gay, Transgender

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for the LGBTQ movement and it's most powerful organization (HRC, founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) to spend all of that money that they received from various grants and not find the 'gay gene' that they so badly wanted to find?
Gays and lesbians don't want the various genes associated with homosexuality (only a very stupid person would think that something as complex as human sexuality woudl be controlled by a single gene. Their fear is that if such genes were identified then people like you would begin a campaign of euthanasia.

(What good are hate crime laws if homosexuality is a changeable behavior?).
sexual orientation isn't changeable but religion is.

Further, what reason would one have for railing against hate crime legislation other than the deeply held desire to engage in hate crimes?

And then comes along some LGBTQ friendly researchers who have the AUDACITY to show that homosexual desires is not something that someone is born with!!@#$%^&!

Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

LGBTQ friendly? wow that is one whopper of a lie on your part.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

In 'gaystapo' news:

LGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Report That Science Doesn't Show People Are Born Gay, Transgender

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for the LGBTQ movement and it's most powerful organization (HRC, founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) to spend all of that money that they received from various grants and not find the 'gay gene' that they so badly wanted to find?

Gays and lesbians don't want the various genes associated with homosexuality (only a very stupid person would think that something as complex as human sexuality woudl be controlled by a single gene.

Gene or genes, why all the taxpayer money and effort spent by the LGBTQ movement attempting to find it/them?

Their fear is that if such genes were identified then people like you would begin a campaign of euthanasia.

Get it right please:

...you have people like ACW wanting to round them up and throw them in camps.

Gulags, not euthanasia. A DNA check at birth and if it turns out that you're born with the 'gay gene(s) off to the labor camp you go!

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
(What good are hate crime laws if homosexuality is a changeable behavior?).

sexual orientation isn't changeable but religion is.

Again: either there are genetic factors proving that people are born with same sex desires (let's just hope that the LGBTQ movement is a equal opportunity researcher and attempts to find the incest gene, the bestiality gene, etc.) or they're not. No 'gay gene(s)' have been found and they never will be. It must be extremely frustrating for the LGBTQ movement when legitimate studies add to the already hurtful truth.

Regarding your religion remark: The LGBTQ movement has done everything that they can possibly do to try and show that Christianity is a changeable religion, but unfortunately for them, they failed there too.

Further, what reason would one have for railing against hate crime legislation other than the deeply held desire to engage in hate crimes?

When can we review case by case

300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

to see where real "hate" comes from?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And then comes along some LGBTQ friendly researchers who have the AUDACITY to show that homosexual desires is not something that someone is born with!!@#$%^&!

Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

LGBTQ friendly? wow that is one whopper of a lie on your part.

We went over this earlier. Review the words that were said about the LGBTQ movement by the authors in the preface to the article talking about the study numerous pages back.


New member
Gene or genes, why all the taxpayer money and effort spent by the LGBTQ movement attempting to find it/them?
on what planet?

Get it right please:
Like it of not, that is an ongoing fear. I wonder where they woudl get the idea that there could be such persecution

Again: either there are genetic factors proving that people are born with same sex desires (let's just hope that the LGBTQ movement is a equal opportunity researcher and attempts to find the incest gene, the bestiality gene, etc.) or they're not.
what has your comparison of blacks to people who harm children and abuse animals to do with your sad little attack on hate crimes?

Orientation is not a changeable behavior but religious practice certainly is. By your own reasoning (such as it is)religions should have no legal protection from violent attacks.

No 'gay gene(s)' have been found and they never will be.
just like no left handed gene has been found or no gene for blue eyes.

It must be extremely frustrating for the LGBTQ movement when legitimate studies add to the already hurtful truth.
Legitimate studies? You have a gift for false witness.

Regarding your religion remark: The LGBTQ movement has done everything that they can possibly do to try and show that Christianity is a changeable religion, but unfortunately for them, they failed there too.
What about all the personal testimonies from people who have escaped the Christian lifestyle?

When can we review case by case

300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

to see where real "hate" comes from?
it comes from ignorance and false witness presented by people like you

We went over this earlier. Review the words that were said about the LGBTQ movement by the authors in the preface to the article talking about the study numerous pages back.
the same authors that misrepresented the legitimate research of others.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No 'gay gene(s)' have been found and they never will be.

just like no left handed gene has been found or no gene for blue eyes.

The thing that the LGBTQueer movement HATES most about God is that He gives mankind free will. EX homosexuals use that free will to overcome same sex desires and behavior, hence the reason those brave souls are the #1 enemy of the LGBTQ movement. If there were a perverse gene in mankind, then God's Word and Jesus' sacrifice would all be a lie, as something that you are born with can't be a sin.

Of course the LGBTQueer movement knew all along that there is no 'gay gene(s)'. They use it as a invaluable propaganda tool so that people will believe that there is. Oddly enough, even though it's been proven time and time again that homosexuality is a changeable behavior, and shown what the causes behind homosexual desires are (abuse, both physically and psychologically) many people still think that those who have same sex desires were born that way.

The LGBTQ propaganda machine is really amazing. It's amazing that sexual deviants who consist of 1-3% of the population, have fooled an entire nation.
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New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No 'gay gene(s)' have been found and they never will be.
this post has to be a record for the number of lies you manage to fit into it.

The thing that the LGBTQueer movement HATES most about God is that He gives mankind free will.

EX homosexuals

use that free will to overcome same sex desires and behavior,
Lie. Suppression and denial created by years of abuse at the hands of family and repairative "therapists" produces a broken person ready to say anything to be safe. Once free of their abuses ex-gays become ex-ex-gays.

hence the reason those brave souls are the #1 enemy of the LGBTQ movement.

If there were a perverse gene in mankind, then God's Word and Jesus' sacrifice would all be a lie, as something that you are born with can't be a sin.
obviously wrong

Of course the LGBTQueer movement knew all along that there is no 'gay gene(s)'.

They use it as a invaluable propaganda tool

so that people will believe that there is.

Oddly enough, even though it's been proven time and time again that homosexuality is a changeable behavior,

and shown what the causes behind homosexual desires are (abuse, both physically and psychologically)

The LGBTQ propaganda machine

It's amazing that sexual deviants who consist of 1-3% of the population, have fooled an entire nation.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The thing that the LGBTQueer movement HATES most about God is that He gives mankind free will.

this post has to be a record for the number of lies you manage to fit into it.


Thank you for your well thought out response to the subject of free will. Isn't it great that God gives us the opportunity to change things that we don't like about our lives? We see it throughout society on a individual basis (people attempting to lose weight, quit smoking or some harmless habit that the person wants to stop doing) or through various organizations that help people overcome their unwanted desires. Granted, overcoming some things can be difficult, such as having same sex desires because of traumatic childhood events, but with God, all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26


Speaking of free will and God giving mankind the ability to change: I should put a plug in for Walt Heyer's "Sex Change Regret" website. Walt is one of those that is HATED by the LGBTQ movement because he had the AUDACITY to change and loves his fellow mankind enough to share it with them.


Undoubtedly there are some who are following this thread who are gender confused or know someone who is.

Walt can help. Give him a holler.


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