Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why is 15 too young when all through history, people were considered adults at that age? A boy was a man, and inherited land, went to war, married, and everything else fairly young.

The liberals dilemma is having to basically fall back on 'changing times' to compensate their bias, rather than defend it from a actual, moral perspective.

Again, this is why arguing with liberals is pointless. There's no depth, just sheepy mentality.

Eh, why not 13 then? 12? Would that be okay with you?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

I don't know. I think the all caps kind of ruined the subtlety, it would've had almost a poetic quality to it, otherwise...


Almost on the same par as 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' except the following verse would have probably comprised of being surrounded by people...or other clouds...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can only imagine how terribly uncomfortable this 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality has made you feel Art. You're so desperate that you'll grasp at anything in attempt to blow a smokescreen over the truth.

Does that spell yes or no?

Is it okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?

It's been an extremely uncomfortable journey for both of you since the very day this 4 part thread was started.

Ok, here's the scenario:

15 year old Kevin and 15 year old Bruce met in their high school's LGBTQueer youth club and immediately take to each other, especially after finding out how they were both molested by a homosexual elder at around the age of 8 (both by some guy named "Terry" who had flown on Air Force One as a guest of President Obama).

The relationship grew stronger when they both shared that they were HIV negative after their last quarterly visit to their local 'gay' health clinic.

Being that they really hit it off, and especially that they are both (at least for now) HIV/AIDS free, they wanted to 'marry', but first must have parental consent. (Even though they do live in Oregon where they can get gender reassignment i.e. genital mutilation surgery or if a they were a girl, an abortion without parental consent, it is still needed for marriage).

Kevin's father is doing hard time for drug related offenses, not to mention a little armed robbery here and there. His mom is heroin addict, but on a good day is able to say "yes" to a question if Kevin presents it in a way that makes it appear that it will benefit her drug addiction.

Bruce never knew his father, but only hears bad things about him from his two "mothers". He doesn't see much of them as their "Dykes on Bikes" motorcycle rallies at numerous 'gay' pride parades across the nation keep them busy. But then Bruce knows that he's just a "trophy child" for the LGBTQueer movement and that his mother and her lesbian lover never really cared about him, let alone anything else important in life.

Kevin's answer of "yes" came after his mother had just shot up some good smack (he laughed how he could have asked her anything at that time and received a "yes" as an answer).

Bruce's mother texted him the answer and the Court Clerk at the Multnomah County Courthouse in Portland OR (assigned by the bisexual governor of Oregon Kate Brown) took the "Whatever" as a "yes".

So the boys, with their parental consent were able to 'marry".

Do I agree? No, both boys need to be put in loving Christian foster homes and given both spiritual and psychological therapy to overcome their environmentally made same sex desires.

I hope that answers your anal retentive obsession with the question Art.

As Art is notorious for doing, he's derailing the thread, so I'll temporarily close it for now.


(Sigh; sometimes when the rainbow colored parrots start their repetitive squawking, you just have to put a hood over their cages so that they'll quiet down).

Back to "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"

"Uncle Art: My classmate's 14 year old brother has HIV/AIDS. He contracted it when he was 11 because he was raped by a homosexual male that lives next door to them, one who often times watched the kids while their parents were away.

What's HIV/AIDS Uncle Art and why do homosexual males disproportionately have it?

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled. The homosexual/pro-abortion network makes sure that sex educators in public schools normalize practices like anal and oral sex, push condom use and even low-dose drugs as the panacea for well-known risks, minimizing the potential life-altering consequences.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Sigh; sometimes when the rainbow colored parrots start their repetitive squawking, you just have to put a hood over their cages so that they'll quiet down).

Back to "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"

"Uncle Art: My classmate's 14 year old brother has HIV/AIDS. He contracted it when he was 11 because he was raped by a homosexual male that lives next door to them, one who often times watched the kids while their parents were away.

What's HIV/AIDS Uncle Art and why do homosexual males disproportionately have it?

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled. The homosexual/pro-abortion network makes sure that sex educators in public schools normalize practices like anal and oral sex, push condom use and even low-dose drugs as the panacea for well-known risks, minimizing the potential life-altering consequences.

Is it okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?


Back to "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"

"Uncle Art: My classmate's 14 year old brother has HIV/AIDS. He contracted it when he was 11 because he was raped by a homosexual male that lives next door to them, one who often times watched the kids while their parents were away.

What's HIV/AIDS Uncle Art and why do homosexual males disproportionately have it?

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled. The homosexual/pro-abortion network makes sure that sex educators in public schools normalize practices like anal and oral sex, push condom use and even low-dose drugs as the panacea for well-known risks, minimizing the potential life-altering consequences.

Is it okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?

You know when you ask him a question he can't answer he locks the thread, right?

Wise choice kiddos not to engage in the above scenario, as HIV/AIDS is something that has devastated the LGBTQ community and few want to openly talk about it in public.


I don't recall if it was the last time Arthur or anna brought up their anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson or the time before that, but I did explain my stance on teen marriage.

Here it is again:

When it comes to heterosexual teens, I believe that every 13 year old girl should sow her wild oats and sleep around with different boys. Having genital herpes by the time you're 14 builds character I'm told. And what girl wouldn't want to go through life without aborting at least 3 or 4 unwanted pregnancies?

I think by the time she's had at least a couple of dozen one night stands and a few somewhat serious boyfriends, that she'll be mature enough to shack up with different boys which will prepare her for possible marriage somewhere down the road.

And what would life be for a teenage boy if he didn't at least bed down a couple of dozen different girls and impregnate some of them? Isn't it a badge of honor to say that you have 5 out of wedlock children (that you know of) from 5 different girls?

Moving from state to state to avoid child support payments also gives the young man the opportunity to see what a beautiful country the US, and he very well might not get that opportunity if he weren't on the run.

I hope that my serious thoughts on this issue makes it crystal clear to both of you where I stand on the subject of teen marriage.



Two things anna:

1. Be careful with acronyms, someone could take it to mean something that it isn't.

2. Does the DR stand for (Portia) De Rossi, the lesbian who dumped Ellen the Degenerate for a man? (As we both know Portia was cheated on by her husband, which is obviously the reason she turned to homosexuality).

This concludes yet another episode of...


With your and Art's permission, I'll be...

moving on.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Back to "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"

"Uncle Art: My classmate's 14 year old brother has HIV/AIDS. He contracted it when he was 11 because he was raped by a homosexual male that lives next door to them, one who often times watched the kids while their parents were away.

What's HIV/AIDS Uncle Art and why do homosexual males disproportionately have it?

8. Despite health risks that are well documented by the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies, children seldom hear the whole story in public schools or anywhere else and in fact, are often deliberately misled. The homosexual/pro-abortion network makes sure that sex educators in public schools normalize practices like anal and oral sex, push condom use and even low-dose drugs as the panacea for well-known risks, minimizing the potential life-altering consequences.

Wise choice kiddos not to engage in the above scenario, as HIV/AIDS is something that has devastated the LGBTQ community and few want to openly talk about it in public.


I don't recall if it was the last time Arthur or anna brought up their anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson or the time before that, but I did explain my stance on teen marriage.

Here it is again:

When it comes to heterosexual teens, I believe that every 13 year old girl should sow her wild oats and sleep around with different boys. Having genital herpes by the time you're 14 builds character I'm told. And what girl wouldn't want to go through life without aborting at least 3 or 4 unwanted pregnancies?

I think by the time she's had at least a couple of dozen one night stands and a few somewhat serious boyfriends, that she'll be mature enough to shack up with different boys which will prepare her for possible marriage somewhere down the road.

And what would life be for a teenage boy if he didn't at least bed down a couple of dozen different girls and impregnate some of them? Isn't it a badge of honor to say that you have 5 out of wedlock children (that you know of) from 5 different girls?

Moving from state to state to avoid child support payments also gives the young man the opportunity to see what a beautiful country the US, and he very well might not get that opportunity if he weren't on the run.

I hope that my serious thoughts on this issue makes it crystal clear to both of you where I stand on the subject of teen marriage.

The only thing that's crystal clear is that you're not giving a straight answer to a straight question. There's no need for you to wear your fingers out typing a bunch of fevered delusional tripe dude. Just answer the question:

Is it okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?


The only thing that's crystal clear is that you're not giving a straight answer to a straight question.

You forgot to add:

"Asked by a straight guy."

There's no need for you to wear your fingers out typing a bunch of fevered delusional tripe dude. Just answer the question:

Is it okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?

As one of TOL's unofficial representatives of the LGBTQueer movement, a movement that fought hard to remove parental consent for abortion and genital mutilation surgery, a movement that has taken rights away from parents wishing to help their sexually and or/gender confused child with therapy, where do you stand on this issue?

I would assume that no parental consent on any issue would be preferential for the LGBTQ movement.

Please state your stance on this very important issue for the record and then I'll move on with relevant news as to "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

*A TOL moderator has contacted me and has offered to use the "derailing a thread" ban tool on you. If you continue with your sick and twisted anal retentive obsession with an out of context quote that Phi Robertson said umpteen years ago, I'm afraid that I'll have to take up the moderator's offer.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You forgot to add:

"Asked by a straight guy."

As one of TOL's unofficial representatives of the LGBTQueer movement, a movement that fought hard to remove parental consent for abortion and genital mutilation surgery, a movement that has taken rights away from parents wishing to help their sexually and or/gender confused child with therapy, where do you stand on this issue?

I would assume that no parental consent on any issue would be preferential for the LGBTQ movement.

Please state your stance on this very important issue for the record and then I'll move on with relevant news as to "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

*A TOL moderator has contacted me and has offered to use the "derailing a thread" ban tool on you. If you continue with your sick and twisted anal retentive obsession with an out of context quote that Phi Robertson said umpteen years ago, I'm afraid that I'll have to take up the moderator's offer.

There was no out of context manipulation of Phil Robertson's comments. He simply said what he said as you've even acknowledged yourself in your own "way". I've pushed you on the matter to see if there was any possibility that you would actually have some semblance of honesty and objectivity about you to address what amounts to statutory rape and unsurprisingly you haven't. Your double standards are glaring in neon pink lights so that's enough of a concession on your part for me.

By all means take this moderator up on their "offer" if you see fit with this response.



like marbles on glass
*A TOL moderator has contacted me and has offered to use the "derailing a thread" ban tool on you. If you continue with your sick and twisted anal retentive obsession with an out of context quote that Phi Robertson said umpteen years ago, I'm afraid that I'll have to take up the moderator's offer.

I doubt you'll take her up on her offer. You can't afford to lose the thread bumps for this sorry thread of yours.


like marbles on glass
Two things anna:

1. Be careful with acronyms, someone could take it to mean something that it isn't.

2. Does the DR stand for (Portia) De Rossi, the lesbian who dumped Ellen the Degenerate for a man? (As we both know Portia was cheated on by her husband, which is obviously the reason she turned to homosexuality).




With your and Art's permission, I'll be...

moving on.

But you said:

Please return to the thread Art, as there are still some questions that a little 8 year old girl wants to ask her "Uncle Art".

When surrounded by...I'll go back to my thread and have some fun with you and Arthurrrrrr.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As one of TOL's unofficial representatives of the LGBTQueer movement, a movement that fought hard to remove parental consent for abortion and genital mutilation surgery, a movement that has taken rights away from parents wishing to help their sexually and or/gender confused child with therapy, where do you stand on this issue?

I would assume that no parental consent on any issue would be preferential for the LGBTQ movement.

Please state your stance on this very important issue for the record and then I'll move on with relevant news as to "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

There was no out of context manipulation of Phil Robertson's comments. He simply said what he said as you've even acknowledged yourself in your own "way". I've pushed you on the matter to see if there was any possibility that you would actually have some semblance of honesty and objectivity about you to address what amounts to statutory rape and unsurprisingly you haven't. Your double standards are glaring in neon pink lights so that's enough of a concession on your part for me.

(Poor Art, he doesn't realize that there is no such thing as "statutory rape" when a couple is married).

RCW 9A.44.093

"(1) A person is guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree when the person has, or knowingly causes another person under the age of eighteen to have, sexual intercourse with another person who is at least sixteen years old but less than eighteen years old and not married to the perpetrator, if the perpetrator is at least sixty months older than the victim, is in a significant relationship to the victim, and abuses a supervisory position within that relationship in order to engage in or cause another person under the age of eighteen to engage in sexual intercourse with the victim..."

(65 year old HRC founder Terry Bean, had he not bought out his 15 year old victim, would have been guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor, ie. statutory rape)

Based on your above response, I can only assume that you would be in favor of (like you have with minors and gender mutilation, abortion and the inability to seek psychological/spiritual therapy), denying parents the right to decide what's best for their children when it comes to giving their consent to marry.

I'll close with the plank that I started this discussion with from the original 1972 'Gay' Agenda:

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (1972 State-7)

For those of us that have studied the sexual anarchist movement, it's more than obvious that this plank is moving right along as intended (and with the scenarios that you passed with flying rainbow colors, have confirmed it even more).

Back later with a long overdue table of contents and what's going on North Carolina and Georgia regarding pro family legislation.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hmm, no such thing as statutory rape when a couple is married.

Well, let's set aside for the moment the fact that any sort of adult sexual relations with a 15 year old girl is rape whether under the guise of "marriage" or not and address this particular point you've brought up aCW.

If a person forces themselves on their spouse against their will what is that if not rape? You think there's no such thing in a 'marital bed'?



like marbles on glass
Hmm, no such thing as statutory rape when a couple is married.

Well, let's set aside for the moment the fact that any sort of adult sexual relations with a 15 year old girl is rape whether under the guise of "marriage" or not and address this particular point you've brought up aCW.

If a person forces themselves on their spouse against their will what is that if not rape? You think there's no such thing in a 'marital bed'?


We found out that some at TOL don't believe there's such a thing as spousal rape.
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