Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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patrick jane

When it comes to electing the POTUS, there are no *loaded questions*. Abortion is a fairly simple topic ... you are either for protecting the life of the unborn ... OR you are not. I do not buy that someone such as Trump who was so recently pro-abortion is suddenly concerned about protecting the unborn. He can't even make up his mind insofar as who should be punished for abortions.

There are simple questions that I could have answered as a teen. Anyone who is truly against abortion knows WHY they are against abortion, who is responsible and who should be punished.

The question and the controversy have NOTHING to do with the unborn life. Matthews didn't ask "Are you Pro-Life" he asked if the mother should be punished for breaking the law if there was a law. Get a clue


Hall of Fame
The question and the controversy have NOTHING to do with the unborn life. Matthews didn't ask "Are you Pro-Life" he asked if the mother should be punished for breaking the law if there was a law. Get a clue

Actually, it is you who needs to get a clue. IF someone truly believes that the unborn are innocent human beings, they would treat EVERYONE involved with an abortion as a criminal.


New member
Actually, it is you who needs to get a clue. IF someone truly believes that the unborn are innocent human beings, they would treat EVERYONE involved with an abortion as a criminal.
I maybe pro-choice within what I think are reasonable parameters, but surely there needs to a clear point at which typically the term "unborn" would reasonably apply or at least an honest individually concluded one?
Which is only what the law attempts to do.
To those here who hold that from conception the term "unborn" is applicable then I can as easily blame their God for all the majority of zygotes that will self abort. I think we simply have to conclude rationally for ourselves at what point an "unborn" exists and should not be governed by the ethereal or the spiritualising of others. Grasp the nettle and accept that we are not criminals if we happen to have come to our own conclusions about individual cases of abortion.


...IF someone truly believes that the unborn are innocent human beings, they would treat EVERYONE involved with an abortion as a criminal.

that's exactly what Trump thought when he was asked the question

Good ole compassionate Donald Trump, treating women like they're criminals (at least in his first answer in the 3 hour period where he gave 3 answers to the question dealing with abortion).

I wonder if the misogynist (Donald Trump) knows that women (and often times the men who have impregnated these women) suffer terribly from grief after an abortion?

Forbidden Grief
The Unspoken Pain of Abortion


I wonder if the misogynist knows that the suicide rate of women who have abortions is six times higher than women who give birth?

Suicide Rate for Women Having Abortions is Six Times Higher Than Women Giving Birth

Women are suffering enough without threatening them with "punishment". But then Donald Trump really doesn't believe that, after all, he is a big fan of Planned Parenthood.


patrick jane

Trump was answering the question from Matthews truthfully. The question was IF there was a law banning abortion, should the mom be punished. He said yes, legally speaking. Mom broke the law too, in addition to the provider/performer of said abortion. Any publicity Trump gets simply grows his popularity, keep it coming.


A very impressive win in Wisconsin for Senator Ted Cruz!


Are people finally seeing through the Donald Trump façade?


This should be a concern to anyone voting Republican no matter who the Presidential nominee is: Is the Republican Party Platform going to endorse 'gay' marriage?

The GOP’s (other) convention nightmare

An old struggle is set to split the party in the heat of a presidential campaign.


Republicans, already girding for their most tumultuous convention in decades, now have another fight brewing: a divisive battle over gay marriage on the party’s official national platform.

It’s an issue that drives intense passion, and one that splits the mainstream and evangelical wings of the GOP. With the convention less than four months away, both sides are mobilizing in anticipation of a bitter clash over whether the party should embrace a more moderate approach to gay nuptials, in keeping with a public that is more open to it, or maintain the hard line the party’s base demands.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/the-gops-other-convention-nightmare-221477

Donald "New York values" Trump of course would feel very comfortable with a 'homosexual friendly' platform, while Ted Cruz would continue to fight for traditional marriage.

Get active and help decide the party platform.




More thuggery by Donald Trump supporters:

Black Lives Matters aint got nothing on Donald Trump supporters when it comes to violence and intimidation.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Black Lives Matters aint got nothing on Donald Trump supporters when it comes to violence and intimidation.

Trump wins in this respect, you know why? Because all those idiots you look at?

Trump "wins" in what respect: violence and intimidation?

Thanks for acknowledging that Trump and many of his supporters are nothing but two-bit thugs.

What do you think is going to happen to Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate Republican Party Delegates at the convention?

They have no control over abortion, they are just treating like you like the SHEEP that you are, bro skillet.

Trump IS the next President :)

Where in my previous post did the subject of abortion come up?

Focus Crucible, focus.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Black Lives Matters aint got nothing on Donald Trump supporters when it comes to violence and intimidation.

The Founding Fathers didn't play chess on a wooden board :idunno:

The liberals deserve everything that comes to them after all they've pulled. I could care less if every one of them were knocked out on the street.
They deserve it and I'd do it myself.

What you are seeing is America rising-
move to the UK, bro.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What do you think is going to happen to Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate Republican Party Delegates at the convention?

The Founding Fathers didn't play chess on a wooden board :idunno:

Again: Focus Crucible, focus.

What do you think is going to happen to Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate Republican Party Delegates at the convention?

The liberals deserve everything that comes to them after all they've pulled

Thanks for acknowledging that many Trump supporters don't believe in the rule of law and want to take matters into their own hands (in Crucible's mind, Republican Party delegates who don't vote for Trump are "liberals").

I could care less if every one of them were knocked out on the street.
They deserve it and I'd do it myself

How would you feel if people "knocked you out on the street" because of your defense of homosexual child molesters who adopt innocent children?

Speaking of homosexuality: You must be up in arms over the North Carolina legislation that amongst other things says that a man can't use the same restroom as women and little girls.

If States take away the supposed "right" for transvestites and other people with gender identity issues from using the restroom of their choice, who knows, taking away the supposed "right" for homosexuals to adopt (and hence molest) innocent children very well could be next.

patrick jane

It's pretty hard to hate those who engage in homosexuality while encouraging them to seek spiritual and psychological therapy.

Do I need to ask the moderators to block you from this thread as well?

Either contribute to the Donald Trump/pro LGBTQ cause or troll elsewhere.
You need me in this thread, waiting for me to come out of the closet :chuckle:

Acw, you don't come across as being friendly or helpful to LBGT's - You are a hate monger


You need me in this thread, waiting for me to come out of the closet :chuckle:

Acw, you don't come across as being friendly or helpful to LBGT's - You are a hate monger

On that note: Do you have anything worthwhile to add to the recent posts about Trump supporters "visiting" Republican Party delegates at their hotel rooms during the convention, or is this just another one of your drive-by troll posts?
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