Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.
The subject is "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and the scenarios represent real life incidents that take place daily between children and morally confused/psychologically damaged individuals of the LGBTQ movement.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.
You get double LGBTQ points on this one Art: You not only failed to sooth a very frightened young girl by acknowledging that cross dressers are very sick individuals desperately in need of spiritual and psychological help, but belittled a Christian family man who amongst other things shares the word of God with individuals who are truly in need of it.
How about one more scenario on the same subject?
Your little 8 year old friend says the following to you:
"Uncle Art, I have a classmate who is a boy but his two mommies dress him in girls clothing and have him convinced that he is a girl. I can tell that he is very unhappy with his life and even cries when other boys talk about their dad playing ball with them and having valuable father-son time together. What should I say to this little boy to make him feel better Uncle Art?"
3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is. In public schools, these confused people expect to keep their teaching jobs (like Gary Sconce at Yosemite High School), insisting on their selfish goals regardless of the impact on students. Grade school children are now being taught in programs like “Welcoming Schools” that a schoolmate or teacher dressing and acting as the opposite sex is not bizarre and disordered, but everyone else must adjust and cooperate with the deceit. So in California, boys are now playing on the girls’ softball team and little children are being encouraged to switch genders if they wish.
Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.
Eh, I'm not wading through a whole bunch of your loopy scenarios when you're that much of a scurrying wimp to continually avoid the fact that you support a man who effectively promotes statutory rape.
The subject is "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and the scenarios represent real life incidents that take place daily between children and morally confused/psychologically damaged individuals of the LGBTQ movement.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.
Like your continual lack of addressing Robertson's vile crap and his completely demeaning comments about women? You have no room whatsoever for any type of 'moral high ground' at all aCW. The sad thing is you didn't have to go overboard in response, you could have simply said something like "I agree with Robertson on most matters but on this it was misguided at best". The fact that you don't criticize his comments at all shows just what you care about how women, well, girls should be regarded in society.
You get double LGBTQ points on this one Art: You not only failed to sooth a very frightened young girl by acknowledging that cross dressers are very sick individuals desperately in need of spiritual and psychological help, but belittled a Christian family man who amongst other things shares the word of God with individuals who are truly in need of it.
How about one more scenario on the same subject?
Your little 8 year old friend says the following to you:
"Uncle Art, I have a classmate who is a boy but his two mommies dress him in girls clothing and have him convinced that he is a girl. I can tell that he is very unhappy with his life and even cries when other boys talk about their dad playing ball with them and having valuable father-son time together. What should I say to this little boy to make him feel better Uncle Art?"
3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is. In public schools, these confused people expect to keep their teaching jobs (like Gary Sconce at Yosemite High School), insisting on their selfish goals regardless of the impact on students. Grade school children are now being taught in programs like “Welcoming Schools” that a schoolmate or teacher dressing and acting as the opposite sex is not bizarre and disordered, but everyone else must adjust and cooperate with the deceit. So in California, boys are now playing on the girls’ softball team and little children are being encouraged to switch genders if they wish.