Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.

Eh, I'm not wading through a whole bunch of your loopy scenarios when you're that much of a scurrying wimp to continually avoid the fact that you support a man who effectively promotes statutory rape.

The subject is "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and the scenarios represent real life incidents that take place daily between children and morally confused/psychologically damaged individuals of the LGBTQ movement.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.

Like your continual lack of addressing Robertson's vile crap and his completely demeaning comments about women? You have no room whatsoever for any type of 'moral high ground' at all aCW. The sad thing is you didn't have to go overboard in response, you could have simply said something like "I agree with Robertson on most matters but on this it was misguided at best". The fact that you don't criticize his comments at all shows just what you care about how women, well, girls should be regarded in society.

You get double LGBTQ points on this one Art: You not only failed to sooth a very frightened young girl by acknowledging that cross dressers are very sick individuals desperately in need of spiritual and psychological help, but belittled a Christian family man who amongst other things shares the word of God with individuals who are truly in need of it.

How about one more scenario on the same subject?

Your little 8 year old friend says the following to you:

"Uncle Art, I have a classmate who is a boy but his two mommies dress him in girls clothing and have him convinced that he is a girl. I can tell that he is very unhappy with his life and even cries when other boys talk about their dad playing ball with them and having valuable father-son time together. What should I say to this little boy to make him feel better Uncle Art?"

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is. In public schools, these confused people expect to keep their teaching jobs (like Gary Sconce at Yosemite High School), insisting on their selfish goals regardless of the impact on students. Grade school children are now being taught in programs like “Welcoming Schools” that a schoolmate or teacher dressing and acting as the opposite sex is not bizarre and disordered, but everyone else must adjust and cooperate with the deceit. So in California, boys are now playing on the girls’ softball team and little children are being encouraged to switch genders if they wish.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
aCW, I'm going to just ask you this flat out and if you don't give a straight answer then don't expect me to address anything you continually concoct.

Do you think that it's right, Christian even to advocate 'marrying' girls as young as 15? If so then justify why, and if not why not?

Can you do that? Answer a question straight up?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Back to the fact that homosexuals only consist of 1-2% of the US population (one would think that for every child molested by a homosexual there would be around 98 children molested by a supposed heterosexual).

(Without addressing your percentages) Then why aren't you talking about the 98?

Because it is absolutely amazing how much damage 1-2% of the population can do.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
We're talking about organized child molestation and indoctrination by the LGBTQueer movement, not just random acts of physical abuse.

No we're not. We're talking about child victims of sexual abuse, and how the vast majority of abuse is by heterosexual males, who are victimizing girls.

The discussion is based on "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children", showing that there are different forms of "abuse". But since it obviously makes you feel better by moving the subject away from homosexuality, I'd better do so.

Aside from the fact that "homosexual males sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls"*: what should be done about these "heterosexuals" that molest little girls? Should society embrace an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that has little to no moral restraints and expect children to be safe?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Remember that boys are much less likely to admit that they were sexually assaulted by a trusted uncle, friend of the family, etc.

Remember that boys are much less likely to be sexually assaulted than girls.

Need I review the numbers when it comes to institutionalized pedophilia/pederasty, i.e. Catholic Priests and Boy Scout Leaders? Need I review how many 'gay' icons not only had sex with underage boys but defend and encourage 'man-boy love'?

How about when I'm finished playing with Art (he's doing an outstanding job of defending the LGBTQ movement, don't you think?), you and I get together and you can give your answers to the various scenarios based on

"12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"?

Arthur does an outstanding job of refuting your lies, and he does it without talking baby talk. You could learn from him how to speak like an adult.

I must have missed your answer to my question:

Care to answer some real life scenarios when I'm finished with Arthur Brain?
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like marbles on glass
Because it is absolutely amazing how much damage 1-2% of the population can do.

The discussion is based on "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children", showing that there are different forms of "abuse". But since it obviously makes you feel better by moving the subject away from homosexuality, I'd better do so.

Aside from the fact that "homosexual males sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls"*: what should be done about these "heterosexuals" that molest little girls? Should society embrace an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that has little to no moral restraints and expect children to be safe?

Need I review the numbers when it comes to institutionalized pedophilia/pederasty, i.e. Catholic Priests and Boy Scout Leaders? Need I review how many 'gay' icons not only had sex with underage boys but defend and encourage 'man-boy love'?

America Has an Incest Problem
People are rightly horrified by abuse scandals at Penn State and in the Catholic church. But what about children who are molested by their own family members?

Incest is a subject that makes people recoil. The word alone causes many to squirm, and it's telling that of all of the individual and groups of perpetrators who've made national headlines to date, virtually none have been related to their victims. They've been trusted or fatherly figures (some in a more literal sense than others) from institutions close to home, but not actual fathers, step-fathers, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, or cousins (or mothers and female relatives, for that matter). While all abuse is traumatizing, people outside of a child's home and family—the Sanduskys, the teachers and the priests—account for far fewer cases of child sexual abuse.

I must have missed your answer to my question:

Care to answer some real life scenarios when I'm finished with Arthur Brain?



aCW, I'm going to just ask you this flat out and if you don't give a straight answer then don't expect me to address anything you continually concoct.

i.e. You can't defend the child molestation/indoctrination of innocent youth by the LGBTQ movement so you want to change the subject (is Art brilliant or what?).

Do you think that it's right, Christian even to advocate 'marrying' girls as young as 15? If so then justify why, and if not why not?

I'm not aware of any Christian advocating lowering the age of sexual consent (thus allowing minors to do things such as marry without parental consent).

Has this person made numerous speeches or presented legislation promoting such cause, because if her or she has, I must have missed it.

do that? Answer a question straight up?

I just did. Now can we return to the subject that you and annabeddetti are extremely uncomfortable with: the sexual molestation and indoctrination of youth by the LGBTQueer movement.


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like marbles on glass
I see, so the sexual anarchy that you defend (homosexuality) is somehow morally superior to the sexual anarchy that others partake in or defend (incest)?

By the way: Incest is the next "gay".

It's not sexual anarchy, it's sexual orientation, and the freedom to live as the constitution affords.

Most sexual abuse of children is committed by the male relatives or male acquaintances of female children.

Until you acknowledge that fact, your supposed concern for all children rings false.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i.e. You can't defend the child molestation/indoctrination of innocent youth by the LGBTQ movement so you want to change the subject (is Art brilliant or what?).

I can't defend the view that girls should be 'got' or 'married' at 15 as that's child abuse/statutory rape. I wouldn't want to defend any pervert who advocated that either.

I'm not aware of any Christian advocating lowering the age of sexual consent (thus allowing minors to do things such as marry without parental consent).

Has this person made numerous speeches or presented legislation promoting such cause, because if her or she has, I must have missed it.

Er, are you saying it's okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent here? You want to be real black and white clear to avoid any potential misunderstanding on your part here also.

You're well aware that a certain 'Christian' man has advocated that girls should be 'married' at 15 so do you agree?

I just did. Now can we return to the subject that you and annabeddetti are extremely uncomfortable with: the sexual molestation and indoctrination of youth by the LGBTQueer movement.

No you didn't. Try again without the side stepping.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

i.e. You can't defend the child molestation/indoctrination of innocent youth by the LGBTQ movement so you want to change the subject (is Art brilliant or what?).

I can't defend the view that girls should be 'got' or 'married' at 15 as that's child abuse/statutory rape. I wouldn't want to defend any pervert who advocated that either.

Yet you fail to condemn major 'icons' of the LGBTQueer movement who have promoted sex with children as young as 9 and had sex with children 15 years old or younger.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not aware of any Christian advocating lowering the age of sexual consent (thus allowing minors to do things such as marry without parental consent).

Has this person made numerous speeches or presented legislation promoting such cause, because if her or she has, I must have missed it.

Er, are you saying it's okay for minors to get married if they have parental consent here? You want to be real black and white clear to avoid any potential misunderstanding on your part here also.

Yeah, a 15 year old girl who was knocked up by her 16 year old boyfriend should probably murder the baby instead of marrying him and living with his or her parents until they graduate high school huh?

You're well aware that a certain 'Christian' man has advocated that girls should be 'married' at 15 so do you agree?

Again: I've fueled your sickness enough Art. If you don't want to attempt to defend LGBTQueer child molestation and indoctrination then don't, but your sick obsession with Phil Robertson is straightjacket talk.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see, so the sexual anarchy that you defend (homosexuality) is somehow morally superior to the sexual anarchy that others partake in or defend (incest)?

By the way: Incest is the next "gay".

It's not sexual anarchy, it's sexual orientation, and the freedom to live as the constitution affords.

Don't bring the document that was written by men who abhorred homosexuality into this discussion.

That being said: should those who engage in incest, bestiality, necrophilia and a long list of sexual perversions be granted those supposed "constitutional rights" as well?

Most sexual abuse of children is committed by the male relatives or male acquaintances of female children.

Until you acknowledge that fact, your supposed concern for all children rings false.

And like the homosexuals that you defend, these morally confused people need God's wisdom and guidance in their lives.


like marbles on glass
Don't bring the document that was written by men who abhorred homosexuality into this discussion.

Does the word freedom make you uncomfortable?

That being said: should those who engage in incest, bestiality, necrophilia and a long list of sexual perversions be granted those supposed "constitutional rights" as well?

Is incest with children a crime against children?

Why yes... yes it is.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you fail to condemn major 'icons' of the LGBTQueer movement who have promoted sex with children as young as 9 and had sex with children 15 years old or younger.

Erm, nope. I outright condemn anyone who promotes child rape no matter who they are or what they believe. I have no tolerance towards it whatsoever. Unlike you I'm consistent.

Yeah, a 15 year old girl who was knocked up by her 16 year old boyfriend should probably murder the baby instead of marrying him and living with his or her parents until they graduate high school huh?

That's not answering my question. Are you saying it's okay for minors to get 'married' if they have parental consent, yes or no? Don't bother trying to muddy the waters aCW, yes - or no?

Again: I've fueled your sickness enough Art. If you don't want to attempt to defend LGBTQueer child molestation and indoctrination then don't, but your sick obsession with Phil Robertson is straightjacket talk.

I don't defend any form of child molestation whatsoever aCW. Right now there's one big '?' over you however until you start giving some straight answers...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Don't bring the document that was written by men who abhorred homosexuality into this discussion.

Does the word freedom make you uncomfortable?

I watched a short video in church this morning and posted a video as well here on TOL of Jesus Christ being nailed to the Cross and rising from the dead days later. Accepting Christ into my life is a freedom that I never knew existed and would love to share with everyone.

Care I share it with you anna?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: should those who engage in incest, bestiality, necrophilia and a long list of sexual perversions be granted those supposed "constitutional rights" as well?

Is incest a crime?

Why yes... yes it is.

As was homosexuality up until a few decades ago (in fact it still is a crime in around 12 states).

If your attempt at an argument is based on what secular humanist man criminalizes, then it's a flimsy argument open to all kinds of moral chaos.


Erm, nope. I outright condemn anyone who promotes child rape no matter who they are or what they believe.

Cool story, tell it again.

That's not answering my question. Are you saying it's okay for minors to get 'married' if they have parental consent

That's something that's been sen as fine and even expected of most of mankind's history.

Everything has to be so black and white with you all, yet it's more often an outlook that is as green as turnips.

I don't defend any form of child molestation whatsoever


Why do you libs always feel it necessary to constantly repeat common morals over and over?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

i.e. You can't defend the child molestation/indoctrination of innocent youth by the LGBTQ movement so you want to change the subject (is Art brilliant or what?).

I can't defend the view that girls should be 'got' or 'married' at 15 as that's child abuse/statutory rape. I wouldn't want to defend any pervert who advocated that either.

Is this the same Art Brain who stood silent while I posted case after case of homosexual pedophiles/pederasts throughout this 4 part thread? (Maybe you were silently showing your disapproval?).

Is this the same Art Brain who stood silent while I posted incident after incident of children being at parades where public exhibitionism is not only allowed, but encouraged?

Is this the same Art Brain who put down an 8 year old girl's Sunday School teacher and refused to denounce her public school teacher's homosexual 'marriage' to the young girl?

Is this the same Art Brain who just recently refused to condemn a gender confused man even though he scared a 8 year old girl because he was in the women's restroom alone with her?

Is the same Art Brain who refused to condemn two lesbian "mothers" who cross dress and encourage their little boy to act like a little girl?

It appears that you've had enough of the scenarios that I'd created from the article "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children".

Again: you passed with flying rainbow colors.


like marbles on glass
I watched a short video in church this morning and posted a video as well here on TOL of Jesus Christ being nailed to the Cross and rising from the dead days later. Accepting Christ into my life is a freedom that I never knew existed and would love to share with everyone.

Care I share it with you anna?


As was homosexuality up until a few decades ago (in fact it still is a crime in around 12 states).

Yes, well, we've come a long way since Executive Order 10450, but we still have a ways to go.

If your attempt at an argument is based on what secular humanist man criminalizes, then it's a flimsy argument open to all kinds of moral chaos.

Way to trash the Constitution, patriot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Cool story, tell it again.

How about I send you the picture pop up book? It might be on your comprehension level...

That's something that's been sen as fine and even expected of most of mankind's history.

Everything has to be so black and white with you all, yet it's more often an outlook that is as green as turnips.

Lot's of things have been acceptable, tolerated or even necessitated through bygone times. Not anymore though and there's no good reason to "marry" 15 year old girls in an enlightened era that isn't stuck in the dark ages. Black and white? On that score damn straight.


Why do you libs always feel it necessary to constantly repeat common morals over and over?

Oh geez,go play with a ball or something...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I watched a short video in church this morning and posted a video as well here on TOL of Jesus Christ being nailed to the Cross and rising from the dead days later. Accepting Christ into my life is a freedom that I never knew existed and would love to share with everyone.

Care I share it with you anna?

Like everyone that has entered this thread in the past 4 years that has attempted to defend homosexuality, you're angry at God.

Make peace with Him and you'll forever be at peace with yourself.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

i.e. You can't defend the child molestation/indoctrination of innocent youth by the LGBTQ movement so you want to change the subject (is Art brilliant or what?).

Is this the same Art Brain who stood silent while I posted case after case of homosexual pedophiles/pederasts throughout this 4 part thread? (Maybe you were silently showing your disapproval?).

Is this the same Art Brain who stood silent while I posted incident after incident of children being at parades where public exhibitionism is not only allowed, but encouraged?

Is this the same Art Brain who put down an 8 year old girl's Sunday School teacher and refused to denounce her public school teacher's homosexual 'marriage' to the young girl?

Is this the same Art Brain who just recently refused to condemn a gender confused man even though he scared a 8 year old girl because he was in the women's restroom alone with her?

Is the same Art Brain who refused to condemn two lesbian "mothers" who cross dress and encourage their little boy to act like a little girl?

It appears that you've had enough of the scenarios that I'd created from the article "12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children".

Again: you passed with flying rainbow colors.

Is it okay for minors to get 'married' if they have parental consent aCW?

Yes or no?


Liberals say what is popular, and nothing more. They feed on the approval of their liberal associates and don't really care about considering anything in depth.

That's why these discussions get old- just a bunch of people who think they are the moral masters of the universe and everyone before them were either unfortunate or oppressive.

Ask Arthur here anything and tell me if you ever find anything he says interesting or original.
It's always sheepy and elementary with them.
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