Arthur Brain
Well-known member
So not to encourage Art's sick infatuation with Phil Robertson, I'll discontinue any further comments and let him dwell on the bearded Christian from Louisiana until he decides to on his own or is forced to get psychological help.
In other words you're scurrying away from his sick and sleazy comments as you know fine well you can't defend them. I don't need help to call out promoting the abuse of children when I see it. This was as much about you as it was about Robertson to see if you actually had enough backbone to criticize the man for his vile spew. You haven't, which makes you an accessory to the promotion of statutory rape. I guess if it's 15 year old girls being preyed upon you really just don't care eh?
My stance of only allowing abortion in cases where the mother's life is endangered which would be confirmed by state certified doctors is a quite a bit different than "any potential danger to herself" Art.
Seems you just can't make your mind up about anything much...
I came to that conclusion when you failed to denounce abortion on demand for minors in numerous US States without even having parental consent.
Did ya really...
I've purposely put several articles on abortion in the index on page 1 showing that there is inseparable ties between the LGBTQueer movement and the abortion movements. Just because the thread title mentions homosexuality, doesn't mean that other sexual sins can't be discussed as well.
Blah blah blah...
When I use the term "Bull Dyke", how is it different when a member of the LGBTQueer movement uses it?
Ever heard of context/intent? Again, don't play coy doofus.
Do you think that a few trips with Butch Van Bull Dyke and her 'wife' to some good wholesome 'gay' pride parades ought to help the little girl make that decision Art?
No. Btw you really are just sounding like a berk with this 'butch van bull dyke' stuff dude.
Ah yes, Uncle Art says at age 8, write your own moral code, but to not be overly concerned when someone tries to tell you things that go against God's Word.
No, he isn't but then again I suppose I could always show her good ole Phil Robertson's speech and how as a good Christian man he can say no wrong eh?
i.e.moral relativism amongst 8 year old children is a "valued commodity".
As above.
Yep Art, you're a regular theocrat.
Moving on...
Nope, just a guy who is consistent where it comes to the matter whereas you are certainly not. It's not my fault that you have no problem with 15 year old girls being preyed on Connie, that's all on you. To think how easy it would have been to just criticize Robertson and not be shown up to be just as much of a sleaze yourself...