Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So not to encourage Art's sick infatuation with Phil Robertson, I'll discontinue any further comments and let him dwell on the bearded Christian from Louisiana until he decides to on his own or is forced to get psychological help.

In other words you're scurrying away from his sick and sleazy comments as you know fine well you can't defend them. I don't need help to call out promoting the abuse of children when I see it. This was as much about you as it was about Robertson to see if you actually had enough backbone to criticize the man for his vile spew. You haven't, which makes you an accessory to the promotion of statutory rape. I guess if it's 15 year old girls being preyed upon you really just don't care eh?

My stance of only allowing abortion in cases where the mother's life is endangered which would be confirmed by state certified doctors is a quite a bit different than "any potential danger to herself" Art.

Seems you just can't make your mind up about anything much...

I came to that conclusion when you failed to denounce abortion on demand for minors in numerous US States without even having parental consent.

Did ya really...

I've purposely put several articles on abortion in the index on page 1 showing that there is inseparable ties between the LGBTQueer movement and the abortion movements. Just because the thread title mentions homosexuality, doesn't mean that other sexual sins can't be discussed as well.

Blah blah blah...

When I use the term "Bull Dyke", how is it different when a member of the LGBTQueer movement uses it?

Ever heard of context/intent? Again, don't play coy doofus.

Do you think that a few trips with Butch Van Bull Dyke and her 'wife' to some good wholesome 'gay' pride parades ought to help the little girl make that decision Art?

No. Btw you really are just sounding like a berk with this 'butch van bull dyke' stuff dude.

Ah yes, Uncle Art says at age 8, write your own moral code, but to not be overly concerned when someone tries to tell you things that go against God's Word.

No, he isn't but then again I suppose I could always show her good ole Phil Robertson's speech and how as a good Christian man he can say no wrong eh?


i.e.moral relativism amongst 8 year old children is a "valued commodity".

As above. :rolleyes:

Yep Art, you're a regular theocrat.

Moving on...

Nope, just a guy who is consistent where it comes to the matter whereas you are certainly not. It's not my fault that you have no problem with 15 year old girls being preyed on Connie, that's all on you. To think how easy it would have been to just criticize Robertson and not be shown up to be just as much of a sleaze yourself...

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's "unfortunate" for the children that are psychologically, spiritually and often times physically molested by these evil people.

A person can hold sympathy for someone who as a child was subjected to unmentionable acts by adult homosexuals and because of that later contracted same sex/perverted desires, yet still acknowledge that what he or she does later in life is evil.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You have to remember Al that these children (as has been pointed out in an earlier article by Dr. Judith Reisman) are walking time bombs waiting to explode. When they do "explode" as teens or adults, who will be their victims:

The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).

Dr. Reisman stated that it's hardest on the boys and they're more apt to lash out later in life.

It's a sickening cycle that continues each day, year after year.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).

Dr. Reisman stated that it's hardest on the boys and they're more apt to lash out later in life

It's a sickening cycle that continues each day, year after year.

I would have great admiration if a certain someone would come forward and acknowledge how sexual molestation as a child ruined his life. Just think of all of the people (including himself) that person could help.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).

Dr. Reisman stated that it's hardest on the boys and they're more apt to lash out later in life

I would have great admiration if a certain someone would come forward and acknowledge how sexual molestation as a child ruined his life. Just think of all of the people (including himself) that person could help.

What 'certain someone' would that be?

Surely you're not making up asinine presumptions about this person?

No need to be coy aCW, after all you completely suck at it.


New member
How soon you forget Al that you secular humanists and Muslims are one in the same:
1). Your hatred of Judeo-Christian doctrine is undeniable.
Firstly my "hatred" is deniable but your hatred for homosexuals seems clear enough or perhaps it could be that what you actually hate, rather like Alfred Kinsey, are your own homoerotic thoughts that you blame them for triggering?

2). Pedophilia and pederasty runs rampant in both movements (your leaders and their male followers like little boys more, Muhammad and his fellow Muslims like little girls, although pederasty runs deep in Islam. Need I tell the story of 6 year old Aisha and 49 year old Muhammad again Al?).

Third rate propaganda derived from a second rate comedy sit-com picture by a first rate plonker.:plain:


In review:

A little 8 year old girl that Art Brain is babysitting asks him the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"...

…I'd tell her that people are often self appointed spokespersons for God who are often self righteous and full of their own importance as much as anything else [#7] and then encourage her to think for herself on the subject [#1] but not to get too concerned with it at her age either.[#12]

“12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children”

#1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

#7. Children quickly learn from homosexual adults that Christians are the “enemy.” Much effort is devoted to smearing and demonizing believers, who form the main obstacle to unrestricted sexual license. For this reason if nothing else, Christian churches should be taking an active and visible stand against homosexual political goals and the interactions of these folks with children. It’s no wonder open homosexuals are taking aggressive, unjust steps to silence or undermine the Christian church.

I'm sure in your view that amounts to liberal evil but I'm not into indoctrinating kids with unthinking fundy garbage.

And last but certainly not least:

#12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome. God has one message on this behavior and it’s a loud and unchanging “No.” Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, is not a story accidentally included in the biblical narrative, but serves as a shocking picture of where this lifestyle leads. It’s a dire warning, spelling out the grave consequences for societies that embrace or tolerate this conduct.

Impressive Art. You stick by the child indoctrinating rainbow agenda quite well. More scenarios from Linda Harvey's article to come...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In review:

A little 8 year old girl that Art Brain is babysitting asks him the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"...


“12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children”

#1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

#7. Children quickly learn from homosexual adults that Christians are the “enemy.” Much effort is devoted to smearing and demonizing believers, who form the main obstacle to unrestricted sexual license. For this reason if nothing else, Christian churches should be taking an active and visible stand against homosexual political goals and the interactions of these folks with children. It’s no wonder open homosexuals are taking aggressive, unjust steps to silence or undermine the Christian church.


And last but certainly not least:

#12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome. God has one message on this behavior and it’s a loud and unchanging “No.” Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, is not a story accidentally included in the biblical narrative, but serves as a shocking picture of where this lifestyle leads. It’s a dire warning, spelling out the grave consequences for societies that embrace or tolerate this conduct.

Impressive Art. You stick by the child indoctrinating rainbow agenda quite well. More scenarios from Linda Harvey's article to come...

So, I suppose I should tell her that she'll burn in some form of 'hell' for all eternity if she doesn't listen to her devout and faultlessly objective Sunday school expert on all biblical matters instead then? Then I should show her Phil Robertson's profound commentary on how she'll be nothing but a pocket picker if she hasn't learned how to cook, have a bible about her at all times if she's not beholden to a man before she's hit twenty?

That what I should be telling her aCW? That she should be 'picking ducks instead of pockets' when she's 15?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In review:

A little 8 year old girl that Art Brain is babysitting asks him the following

So, I suppose I should tell her that she'll burn in some form of 'hell' for all eternity if she doesn't listen to her devout and faultlessly objective Sunday school expert on all biblical matters instead then?

The purpose of Sunday School/Church is to help prepare individuals with their spiritual journey though life. By encouraging the little girl to question moral absolutes, as Linda Harvey states "...[you] may be putting a stumbling block in the way for eternal salvation (for that particular girl]...".

Then I should show her Phil Robertson's profound commentary on how she'll be nothing but a pocket picker if she hasn't learned how to cook, have a bible about her at all times if she's not beholden to a man before she's hit twenty?

I was contacted by your therapist yesterday and he advised me not to humor you any further by discussing a certain Southern Christian gentleman. He stated that you've been wandering around your apt. for the past few days aimlessly muttering "P*** R******** evil!".

Back later with a scenario on transvestites (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In review:

A little 8 year old girl that Art Brain is babysitting asks him the following

The purpose of Sunday School/Church is to help prepare individuals with their spiritual journey though life. By encouraging the little girl to question moral absolutes, as Linda Harvey states "...[you] may be putting a stumbling block in the way for eternal salvation (for that particular girl]...".

Uh huh, so God would lob her in hell if I or someone else doesn't 'train' her up the 'right' way and jeopardize her eternal future. Nice...

I was contacted by your therapist yesterday and he advised me not to humor you any further by discussing a certain Southern Christian gentleman. He stated that you've been wandering around your apt. for the past few days aimlessly muttering "P*** R******** evil!".

Back later with a scenario on transvestites (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym).

That's the second time you've used the whole dumb wandering around the apartment "joke" and unlike you I don't need or have a therapist who would apparently break confidentiality to the likes of a crank like you. What I would say to the young girl is to watch out for misogynistic morons like Phil Robertson and the equally moronic cretins who think that she should be married off at the age of 15 and tolerate child abuse/statutory rape.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The purpose of Sunday School/Church is to help prepare individuals with their spiritual journey though life. By encouraging the little girl to question moral absolutes, as Linda Harvey states "...[you] may be putting a stumbling block in the way for eternal salvation (for that particular girl]...".

Uh huh, so God would lob her in hell if I or someone else doesn't 'train' her up the 'right' way and jeopardize her eternal future. Nice...

Contrary to modern day beliefs, Christianity can't be anything that you want it to be.

Continuing with Linda Harvey's "12 Reasons Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and another scenario for you to answer:

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is...

Uncle Art: When I was in the restroom in McDonald's the other day a grown man wearing a dress came in and stood next to me at the sink. I didn't understand why this man was in the little girls room nor why he was wearing a dress, but I was very frightened. Fortunately Mrs. Jones who goes to my church came in moments later and told the man to leave the restroom immediately. He said: "I am a female trapped inside a man's body and have just as much right to use this restroom as you do lady!". He then left and returned with McDonald's management who explained that because of State law the 'woman' legally has every right to use the restroom that matches 'her' gender identity at the moment and that McDonald's would be violating 'her' civil rights if they denied 'her' access. They then cited a state law that said something about a "hate crime" and Mrs. Jones left the restroom and the restaurant. When I saw Mrs. Jones outside she said that "The man is extremely confused and needs spiritual and psychological counseling."

Who is right Uncle Art: Mrs. Jones or the man and the laws that protect him?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Contrary to modern day beliefs, Christianity can't be anything that you want it to be.

Then you believe in a God who would burn people for all eternity then. There's no reason to remotely accept your dogma laden belief as true quite frankly. You're just a typical unthinking fundamentalist.

Continuing with Linda Harvey's "12 Reasons Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and another scenario for you to answer:

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is...

Uncle Art: When I was in the restroom in McDonald's the other day a grown man wearing a dress came in and stood next to me at the sink. I didn't understand why this man was in the little girls room nor why he was wearing a dress, but I was very frightened. Fortunately Mrs. Jones who goes to my church came in moments later and told the man to leave the restroom immediately. He said: "I am a female trapped inside a man's body and have just as much right to use this restroom as you do lady!". He then left and returned with McDonald's management who explained that because of State law the 'woman' legally has every right to use the restroom that matches 'her' gender identity at the moment and that McDonald's would be violating 'her' civil rights if they denied 'her' access. They then cited a state law that said something about a "hate crime" and Mrs. Jones left the restroom and the restaurant. When I saw Mrs. Jones outside she said that "The man is extremely confused and needs spiritual and psychological counseling."

Who is right Uncle Art: Mrs. Jones or the man and the laws that protect him?

Here's one in turn aCW:

"Uncle, I've just seen a speech by a strange man with a very large beard who said men should marry girls as young as 15. Isn't that underage? He also said that if they waited until women were 20 all they'd want is to pick men's pockets. Mrs Jones says he's a Godly Christian conservative man and we should listen so is he right?"


"You're right, it is underage and you shouldn't listen to him and nor should you listen to Miss Jones if she agrees with his views. What he promotes is not only abuse it's also demeaning to women in general. You are worth much more than that."


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Contrary to modern day beliefs, Christianity can't be anything that you want it to be.

Then you believe in a God who would burn people for all eternity then. There's no reason to remotely accept your dogma laden belief as true quite frankly. You're just a typical unthinking fundamentalist.

I give you credit for knowing what Christianity isn't Art. If you thought that Christianity could be anything that you wanted it to be (like your buddy Patrick jane who says "i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well") you would have jumped on the 'gay' Christian bandwagon* long ago.

*Not to be confused with the incestuous, adulterous or bestiality Christian bandwagons.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Continuing with Linda Harvey's "12 Reasons Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and another scenario for you to answer:

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is...

Uncle Art: When I was in the restroom in McDonald's the other day a grown man wearing a dress came in and stood next to me at the sink. I didn't understand why this man was in the little girls room nor why he was wearing a dress, but I was very frightened. Fortunately Mrs. Jones who goes to my church came in moments later and told the man to leave the restroom immediately. He said: "I am a female trapped inside a man's body and have just as much right to use this restroom as you do lady!"...
Who is right Uncle Art: Mrs. Jones or the man and the laws that protect him?
Here's one in turn aCW:

Here's one in turn aCW: "Uncle, I've just seen a speech by a strange man with a very large beard...

Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.

I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I give you credit for knowing what Christianity isn't Art. If you thought that Christianity could be anything that you wanted it to be (like your buddy Patrick jane who says "i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well") you would have jumped on the 'gay' Christian bandwagon* long ago.

*Not to be confused with the incestuous, adulterous or bestiality Christian bandwagons.

Or to be confused with the 'Christianity' that demeans women to the point where they're nothing more than pocket pickers if they're not "married" by 15/16?

Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.

Eh, I'm not wading through a whole bunch of your loopy scenarios when you're that much of a scurrying wimp to continually avoid the fact that you support a man who effectively promotes statutory rape.

I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.


Like your continual lack of addressing Robertson's vile crap and his completely demeaning comments about women? You have no room whatsoever for any type of 'moral high ground' at all aCW. The sad thing is you didn't have to go overboard in response, you could have simply said something like "I agree with Robertson on most matters but on this it was misguided at best". The fact that you don't criticize his comments at all shows just what you care about how women, well, girls should be regarded in society.

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Contrary to modern day beliefs, Christianity can't be anything that you want it to be.

I give you credit for knowing what Christianity isn't Art. If you thought that Christianity could be anything that you wanted it to be (like your buddy Patrick jane who says "i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well") you would have jumped on the 'gay' Christian bandwagon* long ago.

*Not to be confused with the incestuous, adulterous or bestiality Christian bandwagons.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Continuing with Linda Harvey's "12 Reasons Homosexual Adults Endanger Children" and another scenario for you to answer:

3. Transvestite men or “drag king” women are deeply disturbing to children. Gender confusion is deep delusion, denying the obvious while constructing a complicated pretense. It appears scary and phony to children because it is...

Uncle Art: When I was in the restroom in McDonald's the other day a grown man wearing a dress came in and stood next to me at the sink. I didn't understand why this man was in the little girls room nor why he was wearing a dress, but I was very frightened. Fortunately Mrs. Jones who goes to my church came in moments later and told the man to leave the restroom immediately. He said: "I am a female trapped inside a man's body and have just as much right to use this restroom as you do lady!"...
Who is right Uncle Art: Mrs. Jones or the man and the laws that protect him?
Here's one in turn aCW:

Twas a wise choice to make use of your paraphilic disorder instead of answering a question that children of both genders and women and men have to deal with in our society: the mentally ill pretending to be a member of the opposite sex and using restrooms, locker rooms and other gender specific assigned facilities at their whim.

I can only assume that your lack of an answer means you approve of these very sick individuals having legal access to facilities where often times young children go into alone.


I meant I don't hate the gay people like you do, I want them to seek help and counseling to shake off the "gays" - :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
All children deserve protection from sexual predation. Do you care about the female victims of sexual predation too?

Very much so.


12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Not to be outdone by their child molesting male counterparts, the lesbians of the LGBTQ movement have their own version of NAMBLA:

Meet 'Women's Auxiliary

Website celebrates sex between adult women, young girls

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2002/07/14612/#FtIYrb8bABTBH9bh.99

Consider these statistics from RAINN:

15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12.3
29% are age 12-17.​
44% are under age 18.3
80% are under age 30.3
12-34 are the highest risk years.​
Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
7% of girls in grades 5-8 and 12% of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.4
3% of boys grades 5-8 and 5% of boys in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.​
82% of all juvenile victims are female.6
The year in a male’s life when he is most likely to be the victim of a sexual assault is age 4. A female’s year of greatest risk is age 14.6
One in nine girls and one in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult.11
In 1995, local child protection service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse.5
Of these, 75% were girls.​
Nearly 30% of child victims were between the age of 4 and 7.​
Every 8 minutes, Child Protective Service responds to a report of sexual abuse.12
93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker.6
34.2% of attackers were family members.
58.7% were acquaintances.​
Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.​
For 80% of juvenile victims, the perpetrator was a parent. 6% were other relatives. 4% were unmarried partners of a parent. 5% were "other" (from siblings to strangers).13

It's overwhelmingly more likely that a female victim of child abuse was victimized by a male relative.

Your stupid, sleazy implication that abuse of a girl is likely to come from a lesbian parent is not only stupid and sleazy but devoid of factual support.

Let's face it, aCW, a girl is statistically more likely to be assaulted by a heterosexual male.

Grow up.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Consider these statistics from RAINN:
It's overwhelmingly more likely that a female victim of child abuse was victimized by a male relative.

Back to the fact that homosexuals only consist of 1-2% of the US population (one would think that for every child molested by a homosexual there would be around 98 children molested by a supposed heterosexual).

Your stupid, sleazy implication that abuse of a girl is likely to come from a lesbian parent is not only stupid and sleazy but devoid of factual support.

We're talking about organized child molestation and indoctrination by the LGBTQueer movement, not just random acts of physical abuse.

Let's face it, aCW, a girl is statistically more likely to be assaulted by a heterosexual male.

Remember that boys are much less likely to admit that they were sexually assaulted by a trusted uncle, friend of the family, etc.

How about when I'm finished playing with Art (he's doing an outstanding job of defending the LGBTQ movement, don't you think?), you and I get together and you can give your answers to the various scenarios based on

"12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"?


like marbles on glass
Back to the fact that homosexuals only consist of 1-2% of the US population (one would think that for every child molested by a homosexual there would be around 98 children molested by a supposed heterosexual).

(Without addressing your percentages) Then why aren't you talking about the 98?

We're talking about organized child molestation and indoctrination by the LGBTQueer movement, not just random acts of physical abuse.
No we're not. We're talking about child victims of sexual abuse, and how the vast majority of abuse is by heterosexual males, who are victimizing girls.

Remember that boys are much less likely to admit that they were sexually assaulted by a trusted uncle, friend of the family, etc.

Remember that boys are much less likely to be sexually assaulted than girls.

How about when I'm finished playing with Art (he's doing an outstanding job of defending the LGBTQ movement, don't you think?), you and I get together and you can give your answers to the various scenarios based on

"12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children"?

Arthur does an outstanding job of refuting your lies, and he does it without talking baby talk. You could learn from him how to speak like an adult.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I give you credit for knowing what Christianity isn't Art. If you thought that Christianity could be anything that you wanted it to be...
Or to be confused with the 'Christianity' that demeans women to the point where they're nothing more than pocket pickers if they're not "married" by 15/16?

I can't think of a better day for you to start a personal relationship with Jesus Christ than on the day He rose from the dead so that all who believe in Him can have eternal life.

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