I've gone out of my way not to argue about what activists may do or say since this is about homosexuals generally not activists and pressure groups, but it does rather show that you need a LGBTQ movement to exist else your homophobic arsenal is empty.
If it weren't for activism Al, homosexuality and the long list of sexual sins (adultery, pornography, abortion on demand) wouldn't be legal today.
Be grateful to the forefairies of the sexual anarchist movement Al. If it weren't for homosexual pedophiles like Alfred Kinsey, sexual perversion would still be hidden in the proverbial closet.
COMING TO CONCLUSIONS Kinsey propagated the idea that all children are “sexual beings” from birth. The most frightening aspect of his philosophy is how he arrived at this view; Kinsey was a silent partner in the molestation of hundreds of children. The graph table below documents some of the abuse that Kinsey recorded. ...And how did the pedophile know when the child or infant reached orgasm? The children reacted by “violent convulsions of the whole body; heavy breathing, groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears (especially among the younger children)” (p. 161, Male volume). - - See more at: http://www.cwfa.org/kinsey-sex-and-lies/#sthash.clVWP9lL.dpuf |