Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As there's a case to recriminalize homosexuality from many standpoints (health, child indoctrination, violence, etc.) Of course you already know this.

No there isn't. If you were that concerned with health you'd have just a much a bee in your bonnet over a plethora of heterosexual practices and behaviour but you haven't. Child indoctrination? Sounds like more of a fundamentalist practice to me...and violence? That's just plain dumb aCW. Being gay doesn't make anyone more prone to violence.

Again: Why the hesitation with promoting the legalization of prostitution and polygamy? Remember that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. You’re surely not one of those theocratic religious zealots that would deny hookers and their johns ‘consensual sexual relations’ or a lesbian “throuple” the supposed right to marry?

I just said I thought there was a case for legalizing prostitution and if you wanna talk more about that and polygamy then take it to the relevant threads on the subjects.

You’re sure what isn’t? You're surely not saying that the LGBTQ movement is taking parental rights away in other US States besides Oregon are you?

You're right, I wasn't saying that. :plain:

So you have no problem with lack of parental rights when it comes to an underage teen having an abortion or mutilating their genitals, but if laws change to make it legal to have adult-child sex, you'll go on the warpath?

You're on record for saying you wouldn't force an underage child to take pregnancy to full term remember? Nothing to say on that? How you think any of this is comparable to child rape is baffling.

You might want to take note that HRC founder/pederast Terry Bean got off of criminal charges because of an Oregon law that allows the accused to settle with the victim of his crime monetarily. What should we do to keep other youth from being raped by the likes of Terry Bean, who I don't know if I mentioned, was the founder of the largest homosexual organization in the world (HRC)?

If he got off after raping a kid then I hope the law catches up with him along with anyone else guilty of the same. Nothing to do with homosexuality however.

Then you’ll have no problem copying and pasting what I wrote below:
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."

Addressed a myriad times already by Al and the day I copy and paste off you for my own response will be the day homosexuality is recriminalized, ie, ain't gonna happen.

I won’t continue to aid and abet your sickness by discussing the words of a Christian totally taken out of context. If you need to review the discussion that we had about how the homosexual editor of TMZ only showed a small portion of Phil Robertson’s speech, refer to the table of contents.

You know fine well he wasn't taken out of context in the slightest. He said what he did with no misquoting or out of context quote mining or editing and a completely unedited video and transcript has been supplied to you time and again. This is desperate even for you. Phil Robertson advocates 'getting 15 year old girls'. Do I need to show you the video again? Not the TMZ one aCW so don't worry even though we both know that you know he said exactly what he did? If you continue to give him a pass then it shows that you're all okay with 15 year old girls being molested and manipulated. Your call.

Good, now we’re getting somewhere.
Call Peter Tatchell and Terry Bean what they are: disgusting child molesting perverts.
After that we can continue with your therapy by calling dozens of LGBTQ ‘icons’ who have promoted adult-child sex the same.

I've already said what I think of anyone who rapes or advocates molesting children. That ball is now in your court with the above. I wonder if you'll finally be honest enough to criticize the filthy pervert who is all okay with advocating getting girls at 15? We'll see...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

By attempting to justify adult-child sex in his letter to the editor, leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell encouraged others to have sex with children. The harm that he’s brought to countless innocent children because of his words is immeasurable.

So as far as you know he hasn't actually molested anyone then, got it.

Is the person who incites a riot where lives are lost and property destroyed not guilty because he didn't physically hurt anyone or destroy property?

Is the person who put out a murder contract not guilty because he or she didn't actually pull the trigger?

It's highly unlikely that the UK's leading homosexual activist would write a letter to the editor defending the physical molestation of children if he wasn't raping little boys himself.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thanks for acknowledging once again that ‘No one wants to have same sex desires’, hence the need for laws and therapy that will help these sexually confused people leave their “unfortunate” lifestyle.

Perhaps we can agree here that no one would ever freely choose to participate in a sexual lifestyle that they didn't want, and that therefore homosexuality is natural and innate, ..good.
Whether you happen to think they are unfortunate or not is rather up to you.

But Al, you didn't say "...anyone unfortunate enough to be heterosexual..." you said "...anyone unfortunate enough to be 'gay' (homosexual)".

You really have to watch those Freudian Slips Al, as I'm pretty good at catching them.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)

I approve of the current laws and have no axe to grind. I do however object to those dipsticks who try to claim that paedophilia is somehow in lockstep with homosexuality, which of course is only true in the "mind" of the homophobic bigot.

Then you'll step forward and denounce all of the major LGBTQ movement 'icons' (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Peter Tatchell, etc. etc. etc.) as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts that want to lower and eventually abolish age of sexual consent laws.

Say it Al.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Remember what we talked about throughout this 4 part thread Al?
Sinners won’t openly condemn another’s sin, i.e. the shoplifter won’t condemn the burglar just as the homosexual won’t condemn the child molester, because they’re all involved in sinful behavior and if you start judging other sins, then that opens the door to judge yours.

I certainly won't condemn any adult for doing something mutually consensual in private that is none of my business anyway.

So we can put it on record that you're in favor of the legalization of prostitution, adult incest, polygamy and a wide array of other perversions as long as it involves adults and is consensual?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

By attempting to justify adult-child sex in his letter to the editor, leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell encouraged others to have sex with children. The harm that he’s brought to countless innocent children because of his words is immeasurable.
You will perhaps always try to apply your own very particular imaginative spin I'm sure aCW, but there is no honest reason anyway to say that Tatchell molests children even if it would suit you much better if he did, too bad for you.

Is the person who incites a riot where lives are lost and property destroyed not guilty because he didn't physically hurt anyone or destroy property?
That's a bit rich coming from someone who habitually and obsessively incites hatred against homosexuals.

Is the person who put out a murder contract not guilty because he or she didn't actually pull the trigger?
Now you're just being melodramatic again aCW.

It's highly unlikely that the UK's leading homosexual activist would write a letter to the editor defending the physical molestation of children if he wasn't raping little boys himself.
You surely couldn't be making stupid stuff up again, could you? :think:

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thanks for acknowledging once again that ‘No one wants to have same sex desires’, hence the need for laws and therapy that will help these sexually confused people leave their “unfortunate” lifestyle.

But Al, you didn't say "...anyone unfortunate enough to be heterosexual..." you said "...anyone unfortunate enough to be 'gay' (homosexual)".

You really have to watch those Freudian Slips Al, as I'm pretty good at catching them.
I really can't be arsed try to work that one out atm. :nono:

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)
You once again seem to have me confused with someone who might support underage sex. As you should know by now I'm actually against it, as I have often told you, so anyone who is promoting under age sex, be they gay or straight has my unequivocal condemnation.

Then you'll step forward and denounce all of the major LGBTQ movement 'icons' (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Peter Tatchell, etc. etc. etc.) as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts that want to lower and eventually abolish age of sexual consent laws.

Say it Al.
Again I don't want there to be a lower age of consent aCW.
You however want to brand all homosexuals as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts just because they are homosexuals not because of what some may or may not actually do, so it's typically highly disingenuous and really nothing to with whatever you claim some of them might get up to.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Remember what we talked about throughout this 4 part thread Al?
Sinners won’t openly condemn another’s sin, i.e. the shoplifter won’t condemn the burglar just as the homosexual won’t condemn the child molester, because they’re all involved in sinful behavior and if you start judging other sins, then that opens the door to judge yours.
Nonsense, Tatchell himself is often on record condemning child abuse.
It seems to me that you can only ever see something deemed as "sin" (iow it's wrong only because God says it is.), while more reasonable and rational people than you actually do have say the welfare of underage people at heart, not just a blind adherence to a religious dogma.

A burglar and shoplifter are both as bad as each other since they try to deprive someone else of their property and perhaps peace of mind, what on earth has that to do with homosexualiy? It's the depriving of something from an unwilling innocent third party which is what's wrong, not because burglary and shoplifting is something deemed as a "sin".
You simply dump anything that your stupid irrational dogma identifies as "wrong" into a pot of culpability labeled as "sin" and then proceed to treat them all exactly the same, whether or not innocent parties are robbed or that it only concerns adults who willingly consent to a sexual relationship, you really don't care, sin is sin, right? No need to engage brain. :rolleyes:

So we can put it on record that you're in favor of the legalization of prostitution, adult incest, polygamy and a wide array of other perversions as long as it involves adults and is consensual?
Like AB I don't have a problem with those who willingly choose to to be involved with prostitution, only if it causes problems to innocent third parties do I have concerns. If a guy wants to pay for sex then primarily that's none of my business.
I don't adhere to a dogma that deems certain things as "sin" which then automatically overrides any other considerations.
The same even applies to incest, but society has rules about it. Rules which I personally agree with simply to protect society from any undesirable resulting offspring, but in principle if there are none and nobody else knows then tbh I really don't care particularly providing no innocent parties are affected. You otoh seem to have a shopping list of "perversions" each deemed as "sin" and after that you have no further interest in the specific details because you will just treat them all the same, as "sin", regardless.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As there's a case to recriminalize homosexuality from many standpoints (health, child indoctrination, violence, etc.) Of course you already know this.

No there isn't....


The statistics for those who engage in homosexuality hasn't improved in the last 5 years, they've only gotten worse.

Back to you wanting prostitution legalized from a "safety standpoint": So you want government to allegedly protect prostitutes but when it comes to the extreme harm that homosexuality brings, shouldn't governmentat the least create advertisements (billboards, public information television ads, etc.) showing how deadly homosexuality is?

If you were that concerned with health you'd have just a much a bee in your bonnet over a plethora of heterosexual practices...

You're the one that just advocated the legalization of prostitution, not me. You're the one that constantly talks about “consenting adults [having] the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”, not me.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: Why the hesitation with promoting the legalization of prostitution and polygamy? Remember that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. You’re surely not one of those theocratic religious zealots that would deny hookers and their johns ‘consensual sexual relations’ or a lesbian “throuple” the supposed right to marry?

I just said I thought there was a case for legalizing prostitution

The only "case" that you should be arguing for is that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. If you start making stipulations then you're taking away the supposed 'right" that consenting adults allegedly have.

and if you wanna talk more about that and polygamy then take it to the relevant threads on the subjects.

Remember that we're talking about the original 1972 'gay' agenda and how two of the planks in the platform have not yet been fulfilled: the legalization of prostitution and polygamy.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You’re sure what isn’t? You're surely not saying that the LGBTQ movement is taking parental rights away in other US States besides Oregon are you?

You're right, I wasn't saying that.

Well there are: As shown in the chart to this link: No parental consent is required in numerous US States for a minor to have an abortion.

So if a 14 year old girl is supposedly mature enough to make the decision to abort her unborn child, why wouldn't a 14 year old boy be mature enough to have consensual sex with 65+ year old Terry Bean (who is the founder of the world's largest homosexual organization: HRC)?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So you have no problem with lack of parental rights when it comes to an underage teen having an abortion or mutilating their genitals, but if laws change to make it legal to have adult-child sex, you'll go on the warpath?

You're on record for saying you wouldn't force an underage child to take pregnancy to full term remember? Nothing to say on that? How you think any of this is comparable to child rape is baffling.

I must have missed your answer: Why is it ok for a minor to kill their unborn baby without even a parent knowing about it several US States or having their genitals mutilated so that they can pretend that their a member of the opposite gender, but it's not ok for a underage youth to have sex with someone like Terry Bean (who was the founder of the world's largest homosexual organization HRC)?

Regarding your pathetic attempt at a smokescreen on my stance on abortion: Are you purposely lying or just terribly confused?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You might want to take note that HRC founder/pederast Terry Bean got off of criminal charges because of an Oregon law that allows the accused to settle with the victim of his crime monetarily. What should we do to keep other youth from being raped by the likes of Terry Bean, who I don't know if I mentioned, was the founder of the largest homosexual organization in the world (HRC)?

If he got off after raping a kid then I hope the law catches up with him along with anyone else guilty of the same.

How would it catch up with him if Oregon laws allows the perpetrator of certain crimes to settle with his or her victim monetarily?

Nothing to do with homosexuality however.

Pederasty is an act of homosexuality.

"sexual relations between two males, especially when one of them is a minor."

Don't confuse pederasty with pedophilia, which is adult sex with a pre pubescent child (something leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell defended in his letter to the editor).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you’ll have no problem copying and pasting what I wrote below:
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."

Addressed a myriad times already by Al and the day I copy and paste off you for my own response will be the day homosexuality is recriminalized, ie, ain't gonna happen.

Al is for all consensual adult acts to be legal (refer to my last post to Al). Does he speak for you on this issue as well?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I won’t continue to aid and abet your sickness by discussing the words of a Christian totally taken out of context. If you need to review the discussion that we had about how the homosexual editor of TMZ only showed a small portion of Phil Robertson’s speech, refer to the table of contents.

You know fine well he wasn't taken out of context in the slightest. He said what he did with no misquoting or out of context quote mining or editing and a completely unedited video and transcript has been supplied to you time and again. This is desperate even for you. Phil Robertson advocates 'getting 15 year old girls'. Do I need to show you the video again? Not the TMZ one aCW so don't worry even though we both know that you know he said exactly what he did? If you continue to give him a pass then it shows that you're all okay with 15 year old girls being molested and manipulated. Your call.

I'm disappointed in you Art: If TracerBullet were here he would have played the Josh Duggar card.

Josh Duggar on child molestation report: 'I acted inexcusably'

Since there is no denying what Josh Duggar did, how about I say what I've always said and you apply the same to those who engage in same sex perversion?

"Josh Duggar committed sick and disgusting acts. He needs spiritual and psychological help to overcome his sexual confusion. With God's help Josh can be made whole again and be a loving dedicated husband and father as God intended man to be."

Your turn.


Hall of Fame
The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)

My comments in regards to the low life adults who prey on children are still available in other threads, including threads where Phil Robertson promoted marrying teen girls aka preying on those who are not adults. Not that your misrepresentation is unexpected ...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)

My comments in regards to the low life adults who prey on children are still available in other threads, including threads where Phil Robertson promoted marrying teen girls aka preying on those who are not adults. Not that your misrepresentation is unexpected ...

Welcome back Sandy. You must have missed the post where I asked your opinion about Portia De Rossi dumping Ellen the Degenerate for a man. Respond please.

And yes, every major 'icon' in the LGBTQ movement either promoted sex with children or had sex with them (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, Terry Bean, Harvey Milk, etc. etc. etc). Even though the LGBTQ movement won't denounce them (including the guy that you voted for President twice:


President Barack Obama praising homosexual activist Frank Kameny who admitted speaking to NAMBLA.

‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Spoke at NAMBLA Meeting in 1981

Here's your chance Sandy to do what none of your allies are doing:

Calling homosexual icons like Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, Terry Bean, Harvey Milk, etc. etc. etc.

"Child molesting perverts".

I'll patiently wait.


Hall of Fame
Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads Sandy.

On a side note: What are you thoughts on Portia De Rossi leaving Ellen the Degenerate for a man? (GASP!).

I had pointed out that De Rossi turned to lesbianism because of being psychologically damaged by her husband:


Thoughts Sandy?

According to your story ...

The actress, who was married to documentary filmmaker Mel Metcalfe between 1996 and 1999, reveals the painful episode in her new memoir Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain.

Portia, 37, who came out as lesbian in 2005, married TV host Ellen DeGeneres in 2008.

But in her book she recalls how she hit rock bottom when her husband left her before getting together with Renee Kappos, the wife of Portia's older brother Michael Rogers.

Mel and Renee ended up marrying each other.

As I'd pointed out in an earlier WHMBR! thread, Ellen DeGeneres was a victim of sexual molestation as a teen, without a doubt the reason Ellen turned to homosexuality.

I *think* your whole post is self-serving to promote your hatred towards homosexuals. You speak of Ellen being a VICTIM of molestation and then in the next breath refer to this victim as degenerate. How very compassionate of you. :plain:

Insofar as Portia ... she simply had a predisposition towards bi-sexuality and then ... her husband left her. While I can understand her unwillingness to jump back into a relationship with a man, a woman who is heterosexual would not just jump into a relationship with a woman UNLESS she was already bi-sexual.

Back to the person who encourages adult men to prey on teen girls ... aka Phil ... why is it so hard for you to admit that his comment encourages adult men to prey on teens?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As there's a case to recriminalize homosexuality from many standpoints (health, child indoctrination, violence, etc.) Of course you already know this.


The statistics for those who engage in homosexuality hasn't improved in the last 5 years, they've only gotten worse.

Back to you wanting prostitution legalized from a "safety standpoint": So you want government to allegedly protect prostitutes but when it comes to the extreme harm that homosexuality brings, shouldn't governmentat the least create advertisements (billboards, public information television ads, etc.) showing how deadly homosexuality is?

You're the one that just advocated the legalization of prostitution, not me. You're the one that constantly talks about “consenting adults [having] the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”, not me.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: Why the hesitation with promoting the legalization of prostitution and polygamy? Remember that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. You’re surely not one of those theocratic religious zealots that would deny hookers and their johns ‘consensual sexual relations’ or a lesbian “throuple” the supposed right to marry?

The only "case" that you should be arguing for is that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. If you start making stipulations then you're taking away the supposed 'right" that consenting adults allegedly have.

Remember that we're talking about the original 1972 'gay' agenda and how two of the planks in the platform have not yet been fulfilled: the legalization of prostitution and polygamy.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You’re sure what isn’t? You're surely not saying that the LGBTQ movement is taking parental rights away in other US States besides Oregon are you?

Well there are: As shown in the chart to this link: No parental consent is required in numerous US States for a minor to have an abortion.

So if a 14 year old girl is supposedly mature enough to make the decision to abort her unborn child, why wouldn't a 14 year old boy be mature enough to have consensual sex with 65+ year old Terry Bean (who is the founder of the world's largest homosexual organization: HRC)?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So you have no problem with lack of parental rights when it comes to an underage teen having an abortion or mutilating their genitals, but if laws change to make it legal to have adult-child sex, you'll go on the warpath?

I must have missed your answer: Why is it ok for a minor to kill their unborn baby without even a parent knowing about it several US States or having their genitals mutilated so that they can pretend that their a member of the opposite gender, but it's not ok for a underage youth to have sex with someone like Terry Bean (who was the founder of the world's largest homosexual organization HRC)?

Regarding your pathetic attempt at a smokescreen on my stance on abortion: Are you purposely lying or just terribly confused?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You might want to take note that HRC founder/pederast Terry Bean got off of criminal charges because of an Oregon law that allows the accused to settle with the victim of his crime monetarily. What should we do to keep other youth from being raped by the likes of Terry Bean, who I don't know if I mentioned, was the founder of the largest homosexual organization in the world (HRC)?

How would it catch up with him if Oregon laws allows the perpetrator of certain crimes to settle with his or her victim monetarily?

Pederasty is an act of homosexuality.

"sexual relations between two males, especially when one of them is a minor."

Don't confuse pederasty with pedophilia, which is adult sex with a pre pubescent child (something leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell defended in his letter to the editor).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you’ll have no problem copying and pasting what I wrote below:
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."

Al is for all consensual adult acts to be legal (refer to my last post to Al). Does he speak for you on this issue as well?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I won’t continue to aid and abet your sickness by discussing the words of a Christian totally taken out of context. If you need to review the discussion that we had about how the homosexual editor of TMZ only showed a small portion of Phil Robertson’s speech, refer to the table of contents.

I'm disappointed in you Art: If TracerBullet were here he would have played the Josh Duggar card.

Josh Duggar on child molestation report: 'I acted inexcusably'

Since there is no denying what Josh Duggar did, how about I say what I've always said and you apply the same to those who engage in same sex perversion?

"Josh Duggar committed sick and disgusting acts. He needs spiritual and psychological help to overcome his sexual confusion. With God's help Josh can be made whole again and be a loving dedicated husband and father as God intended man to be."

Your turn.

Connie, I'm not interested in addressing anything - rabbit trails included - until you man up and address Phil Robertson's comments and condemn them for the vile crap that they were. If you can't do that then you have no consistency in regards to child abuse etc. He was not 'taken out of context' or 'misquoted' as you well know so what's it going to be? You gonna let his spew fly just because he's a supposedly "Christian conservative"?

If so then you vicariously support the abuse of 15 year old girls. I OTOH outright condemn any child molestation regardless of who does it or advocates it.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

By attempting to justify adult-child sex in his letter to the editor, leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell encouraged others to have sex with children. The harm that he’s brought to countless innocent children because of his words is immeasurable.

You will perhaps always try to apply your own very particular imaginative spin I'm sure aCW, but there is no honest reason anyway to say that Tatchell molests children even if it would suit you much better if he did, too bad for you

(As if Tatchell’s letter to the editor defending pedophilia wasn’t convincing enough.)

Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds
Posted on March 12, 2014 by Matthew Hopkins
Matthew Hopkins reveals Peter Tatchell’s association with PIE members, his written assertions that paedophile abuse brought 9-year olds ‘great joy’ and exposes other misguided advocates of reducing the age of consent.
Peter Tatchell is a supposedly respectable, establishment figure. A man at the heart of the campaign to lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16 he was a Labour Parliamentary candidate and official, currently has his own section of the Guardian website, and describes himself on his website as the Green Party spokesman on Human Rights.
The reality is that Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book compiled by members of the sinister Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) – a book with the sole and stated goal of abolishing the age of consent entirely, making children, toddlers and babes in arms fair game for paedophiles of all ages. Even today Tatchell advocates reducing the age of consent, albeit now just to 14.
The book, ‘The Betrayal Of Youth’ (BOY for short) was put together by convicted paedophile Warren Middleton (aka John Parratt), former vice-chairperson of PIE and published in 1986, only three years after Peter Tatchell stood as the Labour Party Parliamentary candidate for Bermondsey.
Tatchell often makes vague statements to the effect that the BNP ‘fabricated’, ‘smears’ against him. It does appear that the BNP or its supporters forged an image of Tatchell holding a PIE sign.
So on the advice of Louise Mensch your humble inquisitor accessed a number of archives including a personal visit to the British Library to be allowed access to the original copy of Tatchell’s book held there. Because the book consists only of text it is neither illegal for the library to possess a copy nor for members of the public to view it.
Fortunately the responsible British Library authorities have ensured that the vile tome is held in the vaults and tied with a security band to prevent it being viewed by accident. Readers are required to view the book under supervised conditions at the restricted desks marked in red.
Having obtained the copy, the author carefully checked the claims against Tatchell. Contrary to his protestations, it seems that Tatchell was indeed a contributor to the book, BOY and the allegations about it are broadly true.
Read more: http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=436

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is the person who incites a riot where lives are lost and property destroyed not guilty because he didn't physically hurt anyone or destroy property?
That's a bit rich coming from someone who habitually and obsessively incites hatred against homosexuals

You mean when I say things like ‘homosexuals should be stoned to death’?
Oh wait, I’m the one that wants to help sexually confused people through therapy (nice try Al).

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)
You once again seem to have me confused with someone who might support underage sex. As you should know by now I'm actually against it, as I have often told you, so anyone who is promoting under age sex, be they gay or straight has my unequivocal condemnation.

No confusion here Al; you’re the guy who throughout this 4 part thread has adamantly defended the leading homosexual activist in the UK (Peter Tatchell) for promoting lowering age of sexual consent laws and pedophilia.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you'll step forward and denounce all of the major LGBTQ movement 'icons' (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Peter Tatchell, etc. etc. etc.) as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts that want to lower and eventually abolish age of sexual consent laws.

Say it Al.

Again I don't want there to be a lower age of consent aCW.

Say it Al.

You however want to brand all homosexuals as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts just because they are homosexuals not because of what some may or may not actually do, so it's typically highly disingenuous and really nothing to with whatever you claim some of them might get up to.

It’s been pointed out numerous times how the leading ‘icons’ of the LGBTQ movement felt about adult-child sex, yet you and others in the LGBTQ movement still refuse to denounce them.

That being said: If only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would step forward and prove me wrong by stating when asked by a child if his or her behavior and lifestyle is immoral, the response would be “Yes, very much so.”


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Remember what we talked about throughout this 4 part thread Al?
Sinners won’t openly condemn another’s sin, i.e. the shoplifter won’t condemn the burglar just as the homosexual won’t condemn the child molester, because they’re all involved in sinful behavior and if you start judging other sins, then that opens the door to judge yours.

Nonsense, Tatchell himself is often on record condemning child abuse.

Still defending UK leading homosexual activist and promoter of pedophilia Peter “the pedophile” Tatchell I see.

...A burglar and shoplifter are both as bad as each other since they try to deprive someone else of their property and perhaps peace of mind, what on earth has that to do with homosexualiy?

If homosexuals/child molesters can write their own moral code, why can’t shoplifters and burglars? I'll guarantee you that a lot more lives have been lost through homosexuality than through shoplifting and burglaries.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we can put it on record that you're in favor of the legalization of prostitution, adult incest, polygamy and a wide array of other perversions as long as it involves adults and is consensual?
Like AB I don't have a problem with those who willingly choose to to be involved with prostitution, only if it causes problems to innocent third parties do I have concerns.

Ohhhhhh, so you can be quoted as saying people have every supposed ‘right’ to destroy their own lives but if there are victims to their actions, then their behavior should be illegal?

The same even applies to incest, but society has rules about it. Rules which I personally agree with simply to protect society from any undesirable resulting offspring, but in principle if there are none and nobody else knows then tbh I really don't care particularly providing no innocent parties are affected.

So many rules for someone that at one time firmly believed in what consenting people/adults (depending on the post, Al sometimes didn’t require adulthood) do should be of no one else’s concern.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back Sandy. You must have missed the post where I asked your opinion about Portia De Rossi dumping Ellen the Degenerate for a man. Respond please.

And yes, every major 'icon' in the LGBTQ movement either promoted sex with children or had sex with them (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, Terry Bean, Harvey Milk, etc. etc. etc). Even though the LGBTQ movement won't denounce them (including the guy that you voted for President twice:

President Barack Obama praising homosexual activist Frank Kameny who admitted speaking to NAMBLA.

‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Spoke at NAMBLA Meeting in 1981

Here's your chance Sandy to do what none of your allies are doing:

Calling homosexual icons like Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, Terry Bean, Harvey Milk, etc. etc. etc.

"Child molesting perverts".

According to your story ...

I *think* your whole post is self-serving to promote your hatred towards homosexuals.

You speak of Ellen being a VICTIM of molestation and then in the next breath refer to this victim as degenerate. How very compassionate of you. :plain:

Ellen is getting off easy when I call her a degenerate. Jesus would have put a millstone around her neck and thrown her into the depths of the sea for leading sexually confused children astray.

Matthew 18:6

Insofar as Portia ... she simply had a predisposition towards bi-sexuality

Oh yes, that "predisposition towards bi-sexuality gene". How much money will the LGBTQ movement spend trying to find that one?

and then ... her husband left her. While I can understand her unwillingness to jump back into a relationship with a man, a woman who is heterosexual would not just jump into a relationship with a woman UNLESS she was already bi-sexual.

Yet I've posted numerous testimonies from women in this 4 part thread who stated that because of physical and/or psychological abuse, they turned to lesbianism. Are they lying or were they just not aware of their "predisposition towards bisexuality"?

Back to the person who encourages adult men to prey on teen girls ... aka Phil ... why is it so hard for you to admit that his comment encourages adult men to prey on teens?

I must say that the LGBTQ movement took Phil's belittling of homosexual males extremely hard.

BTW, I see that you refused to denounce the guy you voted for President (twice) for meeting with Frank Kameny, a known promoter of pedophilia.


Hall of Fame
BTW, I see that you refused to denounce the guy you voted for President (twice) for meeting with Frank Kameny, a known promoter of pedophilia.

:yawn: Interestingly enough, the only quote from me on TOL that can be produced in regards to voting is about Reagan. However, I understand that it is easier for you to project your double standards on others by refusing to condemn Phil for encouraging men to prey on teenage girls.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

By attempting to justify adult-child sex in his letter to the editor, leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell encouraged others to have sex with children. The harm that he’s brought to countless innocent children because of his words is immeasurable.

(As if Tatchell’s letter to the editor defending pedophilia wasn’t convincing enough.)

Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds
Posted on March 12, 2014 by Matthew Hopkins
Matthew Hopkins reveals Peter Tatchell’s association with PIE members, his written assertions that paedophile abuse brought 9-year olds ‘great joy’ and exposes other misguided advocates of reducing the age of consent.
Peter Tatchell is a supposedly respectable, establishment figure. A man at the heart of the campaign to lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16 he was a Labour Parliamentary candidate and official, currently has his own section of the Guardian website, and describes himself on his website as the Green Party spokesman on Human Rights.
The reality is that Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book compiled by members of the sinister Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) – a book with the sole and stated goal of abolishing the age of consent entirely, making children, toddlers and babes in arms fair game for paedophiles of all ages. Even today Tatchell advocates reducing the age of consent, albeit now just to 14.
The book, ‘The Betrayal Of Youth’ (BOY for short) was put together by convicted paedophile Warren Middleton (aka John Parratt), former vice-chairperson of PIE and published in 1986, only three years after Peter Tatchell stood as the Labour Party Parliamentary candidate for Bermondsey.
Tatchell often makes vague statements to the effect that the BNP ‘fabricated’, ‘smears’ against him. It does appear that the BNP or its supporters forged an image of Tatchell holding a PIE sign.
So on the advice of Louise Mensch your humble inquisitor accessed a number of archives including a personal visit to the British Library to be allowed access to the original copy of Tatchell’s book held there. Because the book consists only of text it is neither illegal for the library to possess a copy nor for members of the public to view it.
Fortunately the responsible British Library authorities have ensured that the vile tome is held in the vaults and tied with a security band to prevent it being viewed by accident. Readers are required to view the book under supervised conditions at the restricted desks marked in red.
Having obtained the copy, the author carefully checked the claims against Tatchell. Contrary to his protestations, it seems that Tatchell was indeed a contributor to the book, BOY and the allegations about it are broadly true.
Read more: http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=436

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is the person who incites a riot where lives are lost and property destroyed not guilty because he didn't physically hurt anyone or destroy property?

You mean when I say things like ‘homosexuals should be stoned to death’?
Oh wait, I’m the one that wants to help sexually confused people through therapy (nice try Al).

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)

No confusion here Al; you’re the guy who throughout this 4 part thread has adamantly defended the leading homosexual activist in the UK (Peter Tatchell) for promoting lowering age of sexual consent laws and pedophilia.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you'll step forward and denounce all of the major LGBTQ movement 'icons' (Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk, Peter Tatchell, etc. etc. etc.) as filthy disgusting child molesting perverts that want to lower and eventually abolish age of sexual consent laws.

Say it Al.

Say it Al.

It’s been pointed out numerous times how the leading ‘icons’ of the LGBTQ movement felt about adult-child sex, yet you and others in the LGBTQ movement still refuse to denounce them.

That being said: If only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would step forward and prove me wrong by stating when asked by a child if his or her behavior and lifestyle is immoral, the response would be “Yes, very much so.”


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Remember what we talked about throughout this 4 part thread Al?
Sinners won’t openly condemn another’s sin, i.e. the shoplifter won’t condemn the burglar just as the homosexual won’t condemn the child molester, because they’re all involved in sinful behavior and if you start judging other sins, then that opens the door to judge yours.

Still defending UK leading homosexual activist and promoter of pedophilia Peter “the pedophile” Tatchell I see.

If homosexuals/child molesters can write their own moral code, why can’t shoplifters and burglars? I'll guarantee you that a lot more lives have been lost through homosexuality than through shoplifting and burglaries.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So we can put it on record that you're in favor of the legalization of prostitution, adult incest, polygamy and a wide array of other perversions as long as it involves adults and is consensual?

Ohhhhhh, so you can be quoted as saying people have every supposed ‘right’ to destroy their own lives but if there are victims to their actions, then their behavior should be illegal?

So many rules for someone that at one time firmly believed in what consenting people/adults (depending on the post, Al sometimes didn’t require adulthood) do should be of no one else’s concern.
Your random drivel, previously answered and miscellaneous rabbit trails aren't a response to what I said before, I don't intend to honour it with any effort. :nono:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

BTW, I see that you refused to denounce the guy you voted for President (twice) for meeting with Frank Kameny, a known promoter of pedophilia.

:yawn: Interestingly enough, the only quote from me on TOL that can be produced in regards to voting is about Reagan. However, I understand that it is easier for you to project your double standards on others by refusing to condemn Phil for encouraging men to prey on teenage girls.

The last thing in the world I would ever want to do Sandy is falsely give people the impression that you voted for the baby murdering-sodomite loving Barack Hussein Obama.

These simple words coming from you will clear up any misunderstanding:

"I did not vote for the baby murdering-sodomite loving Barack Hussein Obama nor do I intend on voting for Hilary Clinton who espouses the same 'values'."

See how easy I make it to clear up any misunderstandings Sandy?

Oh and btw: I see that you still refuse to denounce LGBTQ 'icon' Frank Kameny even though he spoke to the child molesters at NAMBLA.

Perhaps we can get a 'two-fer' in your next post?


Connie, I'm not interested in addressing anything - rabbit trails included - until you man up and address Phil Robertson's comments and condemn them for the vile crap that they were. If you can't do that then you have no consistency in regards to child abuse etc. He was not 'taken out of context' or 'misquoted' as you well know so what's it going to be? You gonna let his spew fly just because he's a supposedly "Christian conservative"?

If so then you vicariously support the abuse of 15 year old girls. I OTOH outright condemn any child molestation regardless of who does it or advocates it.

Your random drivel, previously answered and miscellaneous rabbit trails aren't a response to what I said before, I don't intend to honour it with any effort. :nono:

("Rabbit trails" seems to be a very popular term amongst the UK LGBTQ crowd).

Thanks for taking time to help me prove my point fellas about child molestation amongst the LGBTQ movement. On that note, why don't you boyz get together and light up a couple of fags?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
("Rabbit trails" seems to be a very popular term amongst the UK LGBTQ crowd).

Thanks for taking time to help me prove my point fellas about child molestation amongst the LGBTQ movement. On that note, why don't you boyz get together and light up a couple of fags?


Thanks for proving that you have no problem with men preying on 15 year old girls.



New member
("Rabbit trails" seems to be a very popular term amongst the UK LGBTQ crowd).

Thanks for taking time to help me prove my point fellas about child molestation amongst the LGBTQ movement. On that note, why don't you boyz get together and light up a couple of fags?

I've gone out of my way not to argue about what activists may do or say since this is about homosexuals generally not activists and pressure groups, but it does rather show that you need a LGBTQ movement to exist else your homophobic arsenal is empty.
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