Arthur Brain
Well-known member
As there's a case to recriminalize homosexuality from many standpoints (health, child indoctrination, violence, etc.) Of course you already know this.
No there isn't. If you were that concerned with health you'd have just a much a bee in your bonnet over a plethora of heterosexual practices and behaviour but you haven't. Child indoctrination? Sounds like more of a fundamentalist practice to me...and violence? That's just plain dumb aCW. Being gay doesn't make anyone more prone to violence.
Again: Why the hesitation with promoting the legalization of prostitution and polygamy? Remember that “consenting adults have the liberty to private life and sexual relations…”. You’re surely not one of those theocratic religious zealots that would deny hookers and their johns ‘consensual sexual relations’ or a lesbian “throuple” the supposed right to marry?
I just said I thought there was a case for legalizing prostitution and if you wanna talk more about that and polygamy then take it to the relevant threads on the subjects.
You’re sure what isn’t? You're surely not saying that the LGBTQ movement is taking parental rights away in other US States besides Oregon are you?
You're right, I wasn't saying that.
So you have no problem with lack of parental rights when it comes to an underage teen having an abortion or mutilating their genitals, but if laws change to make it legal to have adult-child sex, you'll go on the warpath?
You're on record for saying you wouldn't force an underage child to take pregnancy to full term remember? Nothing to say on that? How you think any of this is comparable to child rape is baffling.
You might want to take note that HRC founder/pederast Terry Bean got off of criminal charges because of an Oregon law that allows the accused to settle with the victim of his crime monetarily. What should we do to keep other youth from being raped by the likes of Terry Bean, who I don't know if I mentioned, was the founder of the largest homosexual organization in the world (HRC)?
If he got off after raping a kid then I hope the law catches up with him along with anyone else guilty of the same. Nothing to do with homosexuality however.
Then you’ll have no problem copying and pasting what I wrote below:
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."
Addressed a myriad times already by Al and the day I copy and paste off you for my own response will be the day homosexuality is recriminalized, ie, ain't gonna happen.
I won’t continue to aid and abet your sickness by discussing the words of a Christian totally taken out of context. If you need to review the discussion that we had about how the homosexual editor of TMZ only showed a small portion of Phil Robertson’s speech, refer to the table of contents.
You know fine well he wasn't taken out of context in the slightest. He said what he did with no misquoting or out of context quote mining or editing and a completely unedited video and transcript has been supplied to you time and again. This is desperate even for you. Phil Robertson advocates 'getting 15 year old girls'. Do I need to show you the video again? Not the TMZ one aCW so don't worry even though we both know that you know he said exactly what he did? If you continue to give him a pass then it shows that you're all okay with 15 year old girls being molested and manipulated. Your call.
Good, now we’re getting somewhere.
Call Peter Tatchell and Terry Bean what they are: disgusting child molesting perverts.
After that we can continue with your therapy by calling dozens of LGBTQ ‘icons’ who have promoted adult-child sex the same.
I've already said what I think of anyone who rapes or advocates molesting children. That ball is now in your court with the above. I wonder if you'll finally be honest enough to criticize the filthy pervert who is all okay with advocating getting girls at 15? We'll see...