Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can only imagine how painful it is for you to have to sit back and not be able to come forward and say from personal experience that not all homosexual males are pedophiles and pederasts Art (I'm not saying that all homosexuals physically molest children, I am saying that all proud and unrepentant homosexuals will psychologically molest innocent children, and I've proven that point time and time again).

Make Phil Robertson your scapegoat if you must Art. He still loves you as I do and wants those who struggle with and have given into immoral sexual desires and behaviors to come to know God.

A quick review of the homosexual at TMZ who made the hit piece video on Phil Robertson:


As before aCW, no amount of desperate deflection or obfuscation is going to help you here. You can see - and have been shown the video of Robertson saying all of his crap unfettered and uninterrupted, not just the TMZ video...

If you're saying that there is a video out there showing Phil Robertson's entire speech (when it was given, what location, who it was given to, etc.), then I'd love to see it.

The only piece of 'evidence' you've provided in your last round of anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson was a 2+ minute video produced by the homosexual producer Harvey Levin at TMZ.

I really shouldn't continue to fuel your mental illness Art. You remind me of when WizardofOz was so obsessed with my pastor (the late great Ken Hutcherson) that he emailed him asking him if he thought homosexuality should be recriminalized.

WizardofOz aka...aka...has removed himself from this thread because of how painful it's been for him to see the truth about homosexuality, perhaps you should do the same.


New member
As I've pointed out many times before: There are laws on the books that would protect children from homosexuals only if they were enforced:
Unfortunately for you aCW I'm pretty sure that there are no laws to protect children from homosexuals. Children are however at risk from paedophiles and hence there are such laws and an age of consent. You may not like the idea that homosexuals are allowed to be around children, just as heterosexuals are, tough, live with it.

Public nudity/exhibition laws (it's no fun to have a 'gay' pride parade if you can't expose yourself to innocent children is it Al?)
I've learnt that your idea of what constitutes public nudity is spurious, only applies to gay men and is typically not even nudity at all. Skimpy clothing in a parade is about all it amounts to but which you will no doubt go out of your way to be vicariously offended by because it suits your agenda to be thus offended. :rolleyes:

Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (encouraging underage youth to experiment with homosexuality).

Etc. Etc.

Once again Alwight the atheist defends the indoctrination (and often times physical molestation) of innocent children by the LGBTQ movement. Why am I not surprised?
How many more times, there are laws about paedophilia, use them.

While I have documented a fair amount on page 1's index about youth molestation and indoctrination by the LGBTQueer movement and by individual homosexuals, there will be so very much more to add. Expect an entire segment on how individual homosexuals physically molest innocent children at a far greater rate than those who identify as heterosexual do (Boys Scouts, Catholic Church, etc.), and massive evidence showing how the LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates sexually and gender confused children through various clubs and programs.
I really don't give a rat's what you claim activists do. You are an activist, and activists will typically lie, spin and cheat if it suits their purposes, and you are as far from being an exception to that as it gets.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've pointed out many times before: There are laws on the books that would protect children from homosexuals only if they were enforced:

Unfortunately for you aCW I'm pretty sure that there are no laws to protect children from homosexuals...

It's "unfortunate" for the children that are psychologically, spiritually and often times physically molested by these evil people.

You have to remember Al that these children (as has been pointed out in an earlier article by Dr. Judith Reisman) are walking time bombs waiting to explode. When they do "explode" as teens or adults, who will be their victims:

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).


Putting Art Brain's anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson to rest (until the next time he brings it up).

Here is video showing more of Phil's speech than what the homosexual Harvey Levin at TMZ showed.

Note how he's talking to a "boy" and the subject is marriage.

Nice try Art; again: seek help.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you're saying that there is a video out there showing Phil Robertson's entire speech (when it was given, what location, who it was given to, etc.), then I'd love to see it.

aCW, if you're going to claim that this isn't Phil Robertson on video and that he's not saying exactly what he's saying in it then there's a plethora of clips out there including talk show reviews on the very same. It's him all right and you know it. Here's the very same (no TMZ production involved...

The only piece of 'evidence' you've provided in your last round of anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson was a 2+ minute video produced by the homosexual producer Harvey Levin at TMZ.

I really shouldn't continue to fuel your mental illness Art. You remind me of when WizardofOz was so obsessed with my pastor (the late great Ken Hutcherson) that he emailed him asking him if he thought homosexuality should be recriminalized.

WizardofOz aka...aka...has removed himself from this thread because of how painful it's been for him to see the truth about homosexuality, perhaps you should do the same.

Now if you're still going to deny that this fruitcake said what he said or that it's all some vast liberal conspiracy then you're an idiot - well okay, more of one then. Now that it's been established that this is for real then what do you have to say on it? Two reviews rightfully pointed out that in most states what he advocates is statutory rape, now you surely wouldn't be agreeing with anyone who proposes that would you?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Putting Art Brain's anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson to rest (until the next time he brings it up).

Here is video showing more of Phil's speech than what the homosexual Harvey Levin at TMZ showed.

Note how he's talking to a "boy" and the subject is marriage.

Nice try Art; again: seek help.

So you're not denying he said what he did then? You agree with his sentiments? 'Getting girls at 15' is statutory rape in most states aCW and you're all in agreement with his comments about women/girls as well?

You're as much of a loony sleaze as he is...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Maybe Phil was talking to 15-17 year old boys and not 25 year old men

He was addressing an audience and somehow I doubt it was full of teenagers. Furthermore he doesn't specify an age on the man as he does with girls and the 'waiting' part underlines that. What he promotes (and his misogynistic 'reasoning') is the younger a girl is the more malleable and subservient she's likely to be. At 15 years old that's statutory rape.


So you're not denying he said what he did then? You agree with his sentiments? 'Getting girls at 15' is statutory rape in most states aCW and you're all in agreement with his comments about women/girls as well?

You're as much of a loony sleaze as he is...

I see you failed to notice the word "marry" along with "your parents permission" Art.

I've contributed to your anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson long enough and would only be aiding and abetting your mental illness if I were to continue Art.

That being said: It's time to prove another point:

Uncle Art is babysitting a friend's 3rd grade daughter (around 8 years old) and she says the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"

1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome. God has one message on this behavior and it’s a loud and unchanging “No.”

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

One scenario presented, only eleven more to go Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see you failed to notice the word "marry" along with "your parents permission" Art.

I've contributed to your anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson long enough and would only be aiding and abetting your mental illness if I were to continue Art.

You're missing the words 'statutory rape' which is what 'getting girls at 15' is in most states and should be all of them. I could care less about 'parental permission', the girl is 15 years old. It just proves once again that you'll give a crank like Robertson a free pass to spew out any old tripe no matter how sleazy.

That being said: It's time to prove another point:

Uncle Art is babysitting a friend's 3rd grade daughter (around 8 years old) and she says the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"

1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

12. By early corruption, homosexuals may put a stumbling block in the way of eternal salvation for many children, one that is often difficult to overcome. God has one message on this behavior and it’s a loud and unchanging “No.”

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

One scenario presented, only eleven more to go Art.

Can't wait...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see you failed to notice the word "marry" along with "your parents permission" Art.

I've contributed to your anal retentive obsession with Phil Robertson long enough and would only be aiding and abetting your mental illness if I were to continue Art.

You're missing the words 'statutory rape' which is what 'getting girls at 15' is in most states and should be all of them.

You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible and quoted: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).

I could care less about 'parental permission',...

That's already been established when you failed to denounce abortion on demand laws for minors (without parental consent) in numerous US States and gender mutilation surgery for minors without parental consent in States such as Oregon.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: It's time to prove another point:

Uncle Art is babysitting a friend's 3rd grade daughter (around 8 years old) and she says the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"

One scenario presented, only eleven more to go Art.

Can't wait...


Presented, but not yet answered.

Who is wrong: the lesbian teacher or God?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible. For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).

I could care less if he's holding up a bible, a porcupine or a copy of 'Duck Hunting Monthly'. If he's advocating the abuse of 15 year old girls it doesn't matter what he's holding up. He is pathetic and so are you for agreeing with him for getting young girls when they'll be more likely to be pliable and subservient. Maybe you would wish to see the age of consent lowered where you're at so this wouldn't amount to statutory rape. Let's see how you'll try and squirm and dodge around answering that one...

That's already been established when you failed to denounce abortion on demand laws for minors (without parental consent) in numerous US States and gender mutilation surgery for minors without parental consent in States such as Oregon.

I don't see it all as completely black and white and neither do you where it comes to abortion in certain cases either, remember?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: It's time to prove another point:

Uncle Art is babysitting a friend's 3rd grade daughter (around 8 years old) and she says the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"

One scenario presented, only eleven more to go Art.

Presented, but not yet answered.

Who is wrong: the lesbian teacher or God?

Well first things first then. I'd start off by saying that her teacher obviously isn't called 'Butch Van Bull Dyke' and where she'd heard such a lame and unfunny name. Then I'd tell her that people are often self appointed spokespersons for God who are often self righteous and full of their own importance as much as anything else and then encourage her to think for herself on the subject but not to get too concerned with it at her age either.

I'm sure in your view that amounts to liberal evil but I'm not into indoctrinating kids with unthinking fundy garbage.


New member
It's "unfortunate" for the children that are psychologically, spiritually and often times physically molested by these evil people.
And I thought that you had a genuine sympathy for all the "unfortunate" people who just happen to be gay but now are deemed "evil". :rolleyes:

You have to remember Al that these children (as has been pointed out in an earlier article by Dr. Judith Reisman) are walking time bombs waiting to explode. When they do "explode" as teens or adults, who will be their victims:
Please don't bother regaling me with all the melodramatic claptrap and fear mongering aCW. Some people just happen to be gay, it isn't a contagious disease and most of them won't even consider themselves to be unfortunate and certainly not evil.

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).
Yes but molested young people can be of both genders and any after-effects are by no means confined to homosexuality, however much you try to spin it that way. :plain:


New member
You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible and quoted: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).
I think that your Islamist counterpart will probably tell us that "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without Allah and the Quran".
Your Islamic counterpart will also probably "reason" that it means all infidels are evil sinners and that the onus is on him to apply Quranic divine retribution, oh and if in the process he finds himself in Paradise with 72 virgins then it's just a fringe benefit of course :).
His Islamic list of absolute mortal sins and who happens to be evil may often be quite different from yours perhaps aCW but the fundamentalist "thinking" process involved clearly isn't. You both think that you are the divine representatives of a scripture based absolute morality, which probably just happens to coincide with your own, amazingly enough.:think:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible. For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).

I could care less if he's holding up a bible,

Let me finish that sentence for you Art:

"Or what's in it."

What happens to be "in it" is a whole lotta verses and passages on sexual immorality and the importance of marriage.

I'll share just a few:

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Hebrews 13:4

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24

Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:2

Etc. etc. etc. The Holy Bible is a beautiful knowledgeable Book Art and Phil Robertson knows it extremely well. You really should pick it up sometime and read it other than for just looking for out of context verses.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That's already been established [that you don't care about parental consent/rights] when you failed to denounce abortion on demand laws for minors (without parental consent) in numerous US States and gender mutilation surgery for minors without parental consent in States such as Oregon.

I don't see it all as completely black and white and neither do you where it comes to abortion in certain cases either, remember?

I forgot to mention that you don't care about parental rights when it comes to loving parents wanting to help their sexually or gender confused child with therapy as well.

What is your stance on abortion Art, cuz mine is only in cases where it can be verified by state certified doctors that the mother's life in endangered. Your turn (but remember: if they start passing laws stating what a woman can or can't do with her own body, then they'll pass laws stating what a man can or cannot do with his ;) ).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: It's time to prove another point:

Uncle Art is babysitting a friend's 3rd grade daughter (around 8 years old) and she says the following:

"Uncle Art: My teacher Butch Van Bull Dyke brought her 'wife' in to meet our class today. She seemed very nice but my Sunday School teacher says that God only wants a man and woman to marry; who is wrong, my teacher and her 'wife' or God?"...

One scenario presented, only eleven more to go Art.

Presented, but not yet answered.

Who is wrong: the lesbian teacher or God?

Well first things first then. I'd start off by saying that her teacher obviously isn't called 'Butch Van Bull Dyke' and where she'd heard such a lame and unfunny name.

You seem to take offense by terms openly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Butch (Dagger) : A masculine lesbian
Bull (Dagger) 2. A very tough, usually butch, lesbian


Boy Art, the next thing you'll be doing is berating the lesbian icons "Dykes on Bikes".

Then I'd tell her that people are often self appointed spokespersons for God who are often self righteous and full of their own importance as much as anything else

Uncle Art just told the little 8 year old girl that her Sunday School teacher is a liar.

...and then encourage her to think for herself on the subject but not to get too concerned with it at her age either.

Ah yes, Uncle Art says at age 8, write your own moral code, but to not be overly concerned when someone tries to tell you things that go against God's Word.

I'm sure in your view that amounts to liberal evil but I'm not into indoctrinating kids with unthinking fundy garbage.

You once against passed the moral relativist test with flying rainbow colors Art. The child indoctrinators at HRC (founded by pederast Terry Bean) are proud of you.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's "unfortunate" for the children that are psychologically, spiritually and often times physically molested by these evil people.

And I thought that you had a genuine sympathy for all the "unfortunate" people who just happen to be gay but now are deemed "evil".

A person can hold sympathy for someone who as a child was subjected to unmentionable acts by adult homosexuals and because of that later contracted same sex/perverted desires, yet still acknowledge that what he or she does later in life is evil.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You have to remember Al that these children (as has been pointed out in an earlier article by Dr. Judith Reisman) are walking time bombs waiting to explode. When they do "explode" as teens or adults, who will be their victims:

Please don't bother regaling me with all the melodramatic claptrap and fear mongering aCW. Some people just happen to be gay, it isn't a contagious disease and most of them won't even consider themselves to be unfortunate and certainly not evil.

The Advocate reports 21 percent of its upscale, largely white, male respondents were sex abuse victims by age 15. Since a large number of boys are victimized between age 15 and 18, this brings the angry boy victim population into the millions. In fact, with roughly a 17 percent boy sex abuse population, the estimates of boy victims are between 6 and 8 million, some might say, walking time bombs.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Other children (the molested often times molests) and/or the adults that physically, psychologically and spiritually molested them? (I've shown numerous cases of retribution).
Yes but molested young people can be of both genders and any after-effects are by no means confined to homosexuality, however much you try to spin it that way.

Dr. Reisman stated that it's hardest on the boys and they're more apt to lash out later in life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let me finish that sentence for you Art:

"Or what's in it."

You're not much good at finishing your own sentences off aCW so don't bother dimly attempting to take mine out of context thanks.

What happens to be "in it" is a whole lotta verses and passages on sexual immorality and the importance of marriage.

What does this have to do with a grown man encouraging men to get 15 year old girls which would be statutory rape in most of your country? Is it sexually moral to prey on underage girls under the guise of marriage as waiting for them to reach adulthood is too late? That's what Robertson advocates. You need someone to pick your ducks for you aCW?

I'll share just a few:

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Hebrews 13:4

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and tbe 2joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24

Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:2

Etc. etc. etc. The Holy Bible is a beautiful knowledgeable Book Art and Phil Robertson knows it extremely well. You really should pick it up sometime and read it other than for just looking for out of context verses.

So is it also biblical to talk in such a derogatory manner about women and encourage men to get the fairer sex when they're underage girls? That's what Robertson did and you by association if you agree with the crank.

What is your stance on abortion Art, cuz mine is only in cases where it can be verified by state certified doctors that the mother's life in endangered. Your turn (but remember: if they start passing laws stating what a woman can or can't do with her own body, then they'll pass laws stating what a man can or cannot do with his ;) ).

Well that's not true. You voiced that you wouldn't force the victim of a brutal gang rape to be forced to carry to term and that wasn't just because of any potential danger to herself physically if you recall? I'm not as hard line on abortion as some are (though I can see some of their reasoning). I don't think any child or rape victim should be forced to carry to term under law by way of. I do think the present cut off points for abortion should be lowered considerably but if you wanna talk about abortion then let's take it to a relevant thread.

You seem to take offense by terms openly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Not why you were using such a term so don't play coy, it don't suit you.

Uncle Art just told the little 8 year old girl that her Sunday School teacher is a liar.

No, I didn't. I effectively told her that thinking for herself is a valued commodity and not to just buy what the 'religious' say if you could read.

Ah yes, Uncle Art says at age 8, write your own moral code, but to not be overly concerned when someone tries to tell you things that go against God's Word (especially if it's coming from that nosey mommy and daddy of yours).

Again, no. As above.

You once against passed the moral relativist test with flying rainbow colors Art. The child indoctrinators at HRC (founded by pederast Terry Bean) are proud of you.

Yet out of the two of us I'm completely hard line against the molestation of children and those who do so or support the sexual violation of them. Go figure...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible and quoted: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).

I think that your Islamist counterpart will probably tell us that "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without Allah and the Quran".

How soon you forget Al that you secular humanists and Muslims are one in the same:
1). Your hatred of Judeo-Christian doctrine is undeniable.
2). Pedophilia and pederasty runs rampant in both movements (your leaders and their male followers like little boys more, Muhammad and his fellow Muslims like little girls, although pederasty runs deep in Islam. Need I tell the story of 6 year old Aisha and 49 year old Muhammad again Al?).


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You missed in the video where Phil Robertson held up a Bible and quoted: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". For someone that spends as much time on a Christian website as you do Art, you should pick one up sometime. Amongst other things you'd find out what God says about out of wedlock sex (it's wrong).

How soon you forget Al that you secular humanists and Muslims are one in the same:
1). Your hatred of Judeo-Christian doctrine is undeniable.
2). Pedophilia and pederasty runs rampant in both movements (your leaders and their male followers like little boys more, Muhammad and his fellow Muslims like little girls, although pederasty runs deep in Islam. Need I tell the story of 6 year old Aisha and 49 year old Muhammad again Al?).


I think I can safely speak for Al as well as myself whereby we both condemn the practice of preying on 15 year old girls aCW.

That hole you've dug just keeps on getting deeper and deeper...


So not to encourage Art's sick infatuation with Phil Robertson, I'll discontinue any further comments and let him dwell on the bearded Christian from Louisiana until he decides to on his own or is forced to get psychological help.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What is your stance on abortion Art, cuz mine is only in cases where it can be verified by state certified doctors that the mother's life in endangered. Your turn (but remember: if they start passing laws stating what a woman can or can't do with her own body, then they'll pass laws stating what a man can or cannot do with his ).

Well that's not true. You voiced that you wouldn't force the victim of a brutal gang rape to be forced to carry to term and that wasn't just because of any potential danger to herself physically if you recall?

My stance of only allowing abortion in cases where the mother's life is endangered which would be confirmed by state certified doctors is a quite a bit different than "any potential danger to herself" Art.

I'm not as hard line on abortion as some are...

I came to that conclusion when you failed to denounce abortion on demand for minors in numerous US States without even having parental consent.

...but if you wanna talk about abortion then let's take it to a relevant thread.

I've purposely put several articles on abortion in the index on page 1 showing that there is inseparable ties between the LGBTQueer movement and the abortion movements. Just because the thread title mentions homosexuality, doesn't mean that other sexual sins can't be discussed as well.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You seem to take offense by terms openly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community"....

Not why you were using such a term so don't play coy, it don't suit you.

When I use the term "Bull Dyke", how is it different when a member of the LGBTQueer movement uses it?

Quote: Orginally posted by aCultureWarrior
Uncle Art just told the little 8 year old girl that her Sunday School teacher is a liar.

No, I didn't. I effectively told her that thinking for herself is a valued commodity and not to just buy what the 'religious' say if you could read.

Do you think that a few trips with Butch Van Bull Dyke and her 'wife' to some good wholesome 'gay' pride parades ought to help the little girl make that decision Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Ah yes, Uncle Art says at age 8, write your own moral code, but to not be overly concerned when someone tries to tell you things that go against God's Word.

Again, no. As above.

i.e.moral relativism amongst 8 year old children is a "valued commodity".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You once against passed the moral relativist test with flying rainbow colors Art. The child indoctrinators at HRC (founded by pederast Terry Bean) are proud of you.

Yet out of the two of us I'm completely hard line against the molestation of children and those who do so or support the sexual violation of them. Go figure...

Yep Art, you're a regular theocrat.

Moving on...
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