Arthur Brain
Well-known member
I'm not here defending activists, I'm here to argue for the right of people to reasonably be what they are without righteous interfering bigots trying to have them locked up.lain:
You sexual anarchist...
I'm not here defending activists, I'm here to argue for the right of people to reasonably be what they are without righteous interfering bigots trying to have them locked up.lain:
I realize that buggery is at the forefront of your fixation but I simply agree with the laws of the land whereby consenting adults have the liberty to a private life and sexual relations outside of legal 'moralists' who would usurp the very same. I have no need to be an activist as what I advocate is already in place.
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You act like you're ashamed of defending buggery Art.
We've seen what's happened since homosexuality was decriminalized (but as a pagan you really shouldn't be concerned about things like jack booted thuggery, disease, misery, death, loss of parental rights, indoctrination of children, invaluable institutions being destroyed, etc.)
While I would like to take full credit for the idea of criminalizing homosexuality, I do believe that western nations modeled their laws after Leviticus 18:22 and other verses in the Bible.
Yet you promoted 'gay' marriage before it was legal here in the US. What would you call that? (I call it activism).
All personal freedoms and private choices should be banned! :IA:
Bump for Art Brain regarding being an activist.!-Part-4&p=4654621&viewfull=1#post4654621
Keep in mind that there are a few items from the original 1972 homosexual agenda that haven't been accomplished.
3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.
When these issues come up (like issues before them: marriage, adoption, youth mentoring, etc.), will you be "active" in promoting them or stay silent Art?
If there were ever (which there won't be) a law repealing the age of consent then I wouldn't be silent on it. Your other 'examples' and the above are hardly part of some 'gay agenda' anyway.!-Part-4&p=4654466&viewfull=1#post4654466...but I simply agree with the laws of the land whereby consenting adults have the liberty to a private life and sexual relations outside of legal 'moralists' who would usurp the very same.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When these issues come up (like issues before them: marriage, adoption, youth mentoring, etc.), will you be "active" in promoting them or stay silent Art?
You act like the legalization of prostitution and polygamy is something from another world. You have supported "consenting adults having the liberty to private life and sexual relations...", so why the hesitation with prostitution and polygamy?!-Part-4&p=4654466&viewfull=1#post4654466
Regarding age of consent laws: As I've pointed out numerous times: In the State of Oregon (where the Governoress is a bisexual...the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) minors can get abortions and have genital mutilation surgery without parental consent. I'm sure that Oregon isn't the only US State that allows it.
That being said: I am so relieved that you appear to be against lowering the age of sexual consent. How about you call the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist Peter Tactchell a filthy pervert for suggesting such a thing?
After that you can call the founder of the largest homosexual activist organization (Terry Bean, Human Rights Campaign/HRC) a filthy pervert for having sex with underage boys and getting away with it.
Since I wouldn't expect you to type that sort of thing out yourself, how bout I do it for you and you can just copy and paste it for your next post?
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."
"HRC founder Terry Bean, is a filthy pervert for having sex with an underage boys and when caught, paying one of them not to testify against him in court (which is legal in the bisexual governoress' state)."
There are sooooooo many more pedophiles and pederasts out there that are seen as 'icons' in the 'gay' community Art, so after you're finished calling Tatchell and Bean disgusting pieces of human filth, how about do the same to others like Harvey Milk, Frank Kameny and Harry Hay?
You act like the legalization of prostitution and polygamy is something from another world. You have supported "consenting adults having the liberty to private life and sexual relations...", so why the hesitation with prostitution and polygamy?
Regarding age of consent laws: As I've pointed out numerous times: In the State of Oregon (where the Governoress is a bisexual...the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) minors can get abortions and have genital mutilation surgery without parental consent. I'm sure that Oregon isn't the only US State that allows it.
That being said: I am so relieved that you appear to be against lowering the age of sexual consent. How about you call the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist Peter Tactchell a filthy pervert for suggesting such a thing?
After that you can call the founder of the largest homosexual activist organization (Terry Bean, Human Rights Campaign/HRC) a filthy pervert for having sex with underage boys and getting away with it.
Since I wouldn't expect you to type that sort of thing out yourself, how bout I do it for you and you can just copy and paste it for your next post?
"Peter Tatchell, the United Kingdom's most famous homosexual activist, is a filthy pervert for suggesting that adult-child sex is not always "unwanted" by the child."
"HRC founder Terry Bean, is a filthy pervert for having sex with an underage boys and when caught, paying one of them not to testify against him in court (which is legal in the bisexual governoress' state)."
There are sooooooo many more pedophiles and pederasts out there that are seen as 'icons' in the 'gay' community Art, so after you're finished calling Tatchell and Bean disgusting pieces of human filth, how about do the same to others like Harvey Milk, Frank Kameny and Harry Hay?
How about you condemn Phil 'Duck Dynasty' Robertson for publicly advocating 'getting girls' when they're 15? I'll condemn anyone who promotes sex with kids aCW, no bother at all. What I won't do is glibly and ignorantly morph it into being some vast homosexual agenda as it isn't.
All children deserve protection from sexual predation. Do you care about the female victims of sexual predation too?
How about you condemn Phil 'Duck Dynasty' Robertson for publicly advocating 'getting girls' when they're 15? I'll condemn anyone who promotes sex with kids aCW, no bother at all. What I won't do is glibly and ignorantly morph it into being some vast homosexual agenda as it isn't.
There's already threads on both of those subjects and I've aired my opinions on them already. I think there's a case to be made for legalizing prostitution from a safety standpoint but then you already know this.
I'm sure it isn't…
but then I was talking about age of consent laws in regards to having sex. Even you are on record for not forcing a child to take a pregnancy to full term, remember?
I don't know why you're relieved frankly. I've stated often enough that I'm completely against lowering the present age of consent and your Tatchell bunny trail has been addressed ad nauseum as it is already
How about you condemn Phil 'Duck Dynasty' Robertson for publicly advocating 'getting girls' when they're 15?
I'll condemn anyone who promotes sex with kids aCW, no bother at all….
Clearly you aren't exactly famed for being fair minded and balance aCW but wouldn't you for once like to try to enhance your standing by actually showing that Tatchell has ever molested anyone?Call Peter Tatchell and Terry Bean what they are: disgusting child molesting perverts.
After that we can continue with your therapy by calling dozens of LGBTQ ‘icons’ who have promoted adult-child sex the same.
Clearly you aren't exactly famed for being fair minded and balance aCW but wouldn't you for once like to try to enhance your standing by actually showing that Tatchell has ever molested anyone?
I realise that you want to try to make is seem that anyone unfortunate enough to be gay…
is automatically a child molester, and for that reason alone, in your tiny mind, perhaps you can live with the criminalising of otherwise quite innocent people.
So as far as you know he hasn't actually molested anyone then, got it.:up:By attempting to justify adult-child sex in his letter to the editor, leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell encouraged others to have sex with children. The harm that he’s brought to countless innocent children because of his words is immeasurable.
Perhaps we can agree here that no one would ever freely choose to participate in a sexual lifestyle that they didn't want, and that therefore homosexuality is natural and innate, ..good.:up:Thanks for acknowledging once again that ‘No one wants to have same sex desires’, hence the need for laws and therapy that will help these sexually confused people leave their “unfortunate” lifestyle.
I approve of the current laws and have no axe to grind. I do however object to those dipsticks who try to claim that paedophilia is somehow in lockstep with homosexuality, which of course is only true in the "mind" of the homophobic bigot.The purpose of this ‘exercise’ is to show the activism of your average defender of homosexuality. I’ve named several icons in the LGBTQ movement that openly promoted adult-child sex, yet no one (Art Brain, you, annateddenetti, or Sandy) have come forward to vigorously condemn them (instead, the same ole song is dance is played: ‘But Phil Robertson wants to lower the age of consent as well!’)
I certainly won't condemn any adult for doing something mutually consensual in private that is none of my business anyway.Remember what we talked about throughout this 4 part thread Al?
Sinners won’t openly condemn another’s sin, i.e. the shoplifter won’t condemn the burglar just as the homosexual won’t condemn the child molester, because they’re all involved in sinful behavior and if you start judging other sins, then that opens the door to judge yours.