Why are you even on a Christian website? :idunno:
I think he trying to achieve liberation from samsara.
Why are you even on a Christian website? :idunno:
No way, Jamie. Nirvana. He's trying to get to Nirvana. Or listen to 'em. Not sure.I think he trying to achieve liberation from samsara.
There is body, spirit and soul
Hope that this is helpful.
Do you even interpret what you are reading or do you leave that up to someone else to do for you?
Quick lesson since you couldn't get it: ONLY in Christ is one's spirit alive. You and I were born dead, exactly the opposite of your message.Romans 8:10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Ephesians 2:4,5 But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in our trespasses. It is by grace you have been saved!
On TOL? :doh: :nono: and I doubt anybody called you to anything. It definitely wouldn't be on TOL. Our audience here is not that large. What are you talking to? About a hundred people if that?I've been called to stand up and speak.
You are now being called to take a seat and be quietThe soul is not nonsense. It is natural. It is reality. What's nonsense is believing we can separate from infinity and eternity. Is creation and human history separate from what is infinite? If you think so then get the heck out of here and return to first grade where you belong because you don't even know the basics.
There is body, spirit and soul
Matthews: 10 KJV N.T.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
1 Corinthians: 15 KJV N.T.
35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.
1. Soul: A person's soul is his individual identity in pure ideas format. In potentiality. Each human is first, simply a concept, an idea. This idea or concept is one's soul. A person's soul is a specific set of ideas that is simply a combination or permutation selected from All ideas in the the creation. A person's soul is a specific and unique selection of some of the ideas that comprise the soul of God.
All ideas in the creation is the soul of God. This is God simply as All knowledge in existence. This is God in pure potentiality. This is the entire creation only in concept or idea form. This is God The Father. Pure omniscience.
This is like the w.w.w. server. It simply contain information without doing any thing. The Father is God in a similar form i.e. not active but all knowing. The Father is like a server containing all possible information without doing anything.
2. Spirit: A human spirit is called an inward man or spiritual body. A person's spirit is literally a force that is created and sustained by his love for his soul. A person's spirit is literally a force that is created and sustained by his love for the ideas that is his soul. This is the ideas of one's soul in dynamic form. A person's love for his soul creates and sustains his individual spirit.
God's love for His soul (all the ideas in creation) creates and sustains the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Father in dynamic expression. The Holy Spirit is All ideas in dynamic expression. This is God as All power, omnipotence.
:idea: To understand how an individual spirit/force is created and sustained you have to look inward to your own motivation. Every motivation which arises and is sustained is a spirit. Think of all the ideas which come to you in any given day (from friends, relatives observation etc.). These could add up to millions in any given day. And even so these ideas are only a small part of all ideas available.
However most of these ideas simply flow through you. Most do not create and sustain a rise in you. That is, most of these ideas simply remain in ideas form and flows out of you. However a few of these create rises in you. These rises are the spirits created and sustained from those ideas. Therefore some of these ideas becomes spirit (which can haunt you).
This happens simply because love arises and are sustained within you for those few specific ideas from among millions which come to you. This is how spirits are born and sustained. Spirits are simply love for a specific set of ideas. Spirits are forces, driving forces.
A individual human spirit is simply love for a specific set of ideas. These sets of ideas are simply small sets from the totality of ideas in existence. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit is love for all ideas in creation. Humans have small spirit. God have the total and big Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
3. Body: The body is our natural man or physical body. Each human physical body is born from and sustained by, each person's spirit. That is when the ideas of one's soul include having a physical human body, one has a spirit that drives one to create and sustain a physical body on earth.
On the other hand, angels are being with spirit and souls and no physical bodies. The souls of angels does not include any ideas of a physical body and their spirit does not contain love for a physical body. Having physical bodies does not interest them.
On the other hand, the souls of humans on earth includes ideas of and for physical bodies. And their spirits include love for a physical body. Humans are co-creators of their own physical bodies out of their own individual spirits and souls.
Each human physical body is an expression of that person's own (soul) ideas of a physical human body which he loved in his spirit before his birth. Each person is in a physical by his or her own choice, idea and love for that physical body.
All creation happens in the same way, as follows:
1. First a specific set of ideas reaches one. For example a particular design of a house reaches a person. This is the ideas or soul stage.
2. Then love arises and is sustained for this specific set of ideas. That is, love arises and is sustained in this person for the particular design of a house.
This love for the particular design of house creates and sustains a spirit or driving force in the person. This is the spirit stage.
3. Then this spirit or force (the love for the particular design of a house) pushes the person to create and sustain a house which is a physical/material manifestation/expression of the abstract soul/idea/design of the house.
All material or other creation (including our human bodies) are born out of love for ideas.
The ideas which a person loves in his spirit or heart is his soul. A person through the drive of his spirit creates a physical body that is exactly according to the ideas that is his soul.
Hope that this is helpful.
No way, Jamie. Nirvana. He's trying to get to Nirvana. Or listen to 'em. Not sure.
Hahahaha. Fantastic!Release from samsara is Nirvana, a state of being.
lain: You just told everybody else they needed the first grade :doh:
Quick lesson since you couldn't get it: ONLY in Christ is one's spirit alive. You and I were born dead, exactly the opposite of your message.
On TOL? :doh: :nono: and I doubt anybody called you to anything. It definitely wouldn't be on TOL. Our audience here is not that large. What are you talking to? About a hundred people if that?
I refuse to remain silent about it.
Those of Israel must lose their life to find it. They must die/overcometh/love not their own lives unto the death (Matthew 16:25 KJV, Revelation 12:11 KJV)What one must do in order to be chosen for God's kingdom of heaven:
The fact that God is everywhere is a fundamental truth that we choose to forget and ignore. Why? You are correct in saying only in Christ is one's spirit alive but Christ represents the infinite and eternal part of us.SpoilerThis includes the ego. How could it not? We are not born dead. That is a judgment of the personality and judgment is the downfall of mankind. Do you think newborn babies are born dead too? That is the purest state of innocence from which we are all born but when we get older we turn our back on it, neglecting, ignoring and trampling it as insignificant. This is equivalent to the burial of Christ. Growing into adulthood we begin to identify with the personality instead which we think will bring us safety, security, comfort, protection, defense and the ability to control and manipulate our world.
If we continue like this for too long we notice something is wrong or something is missing. We can reverse engineer the personality and re-trace our steps to see how we have actually played a role in our own disconnection. We re-establish the lost connection to our innocence of youth and become reborn and resurrected. It is a miracle beyond anything we ever thought we wanted or needed or even thought possible. The soul was always there. It's the identification with the limits and confines of the personality as our whole self without knowing the infinite eternal soul that causes us to think we are born dead. It's not true.
Please don't worry about me and my calling. The enemy is so desperate to prevent us from looking within to our own inner divinity at all costs, to the point it will kill. I think it's best to save our energy and pick our battles wisely. It takes consistent effort to reverse engineer the personality to see how we are contributing to our own destruction. There is also a collective personality which reinforces the individual personality. We all contribute to making it stronger and its forces have been snowballing out of control since the dawn of man. No one hardly notices this to be a problem. The collective personality has had much time to grow in power and fortify its tactics. It is really good at what it does. That is why it is so successful with running rampant in society. I refuse to remain silent about it.
Those of Israel must lose their life to find it. They must die/overcometh/love not their own lives unto the death (Matthew 16:25 KJV, Revelation 12:11 KJV)
Gentiles must bless Israel during the Great Trib to enter the kingdom prepared for them (Matthew 25:31-40 KJV)
Look. A Christian is interested in nothing but scripture. Opinions of yet another guy on the internet is never ever going to cut it. It frankly can't beatz. It can't. :nono:
Look. A Christian is interested in nothing but scripture. Opinions of yet another guy on the internet is never ever going to cut it. It frankly can't beatz. It can't. :nono: