Great article, speaks truth to leftist power. However, the last line is one reason illegals are being imported en masse and in some places are already allowed to vote.
u don't explain why they are being "imported"
And you come across as saying the person who wrote it must be an uncle tom or a house ------, as other blacks routinely call those of their race who are honest about the problems, right?
Not the same thing but black people should be afraid of the cops than white people, for good reason.Like what you did there, you pretended that afraid and dislike are the same thing. At least you can admit there is reason for white people to be afraid. Its that dislike intensely that you extreme liberals push and push. We should be afraid.
Not the same thing but black people should be afraid of the cops than white people, for good reason.
The author does represent a minority opinion, likely for a reason, and I don't think "mass delusion" qualifies as a reason.
Not the same thing but black people should be afraid of the cops than white people, for good reason.
Whites are much more likely to be victims of other whites though. So why aren't we afraid of other white people?
So whites are twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black by a white? Despite the much larger number of whites over blacks? Interesting.
What leftist really think of blacks
And to the Black Lives Matter idiots, why do you Democrats vehemently defend PP, which targets black babies? Yes, 79% of PP abortion centers are in minority neighborhoods...
And to the Black Lives Matter idiots, why do you Democrats vehemently defend PP, which targets black babies? Yes, 79% of PP abortion centers are in minority neighborhoods.
Margaret Sanger, PP's founder, said, “...we don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population….” Sanger felt blacks are mentally inferior and breed too often.
This video is hilarious! :rotfl:
This video is hilarious! :rotfl:
Hysterical??? No, not so much, it shows how desperately ignorant and outright racist the left wing really is.... I believe it is safe to say all of those rubes in this video are liberals... They are from Berkley after all, a liberal Mecca of ignorance.
Hysterical??? No, not so much, it shows how desperately ignorant and outright racist the left wing really is.... I believe it is safe to say all of those rubes in this video are liberals... They are from Berkley after all, a liberal Mecca of ignorance.
Hysterical??? No, not so much, it shows how desperately ignorant and outright racist the left wing really is.... I believe it is safe to say all of those rubes in this video are liberals... They are from Berkley after all, a liberal Mecca of ignorance.
My favorite part was when the white Berkeley students said Black people don't know where to find the Department of Motor Vehicles. :rotfl:
I just find this video amusing because these young college students are supposed to be "enlightened" but for some reason they hold very bizarre, and bordering on racist, views of Black people. Do they really believe that the majority of Black people are uneducated and live in poverty? :idunno:
Hysterical??? No, not so much, it shows how desperately ignorant and outright racist the left wing really is.... I believe it is safe to say all of those rubes in this video are liberals... They are from Berkley after all, a liberal Mecca of ignorance.