Great article, speaks truth to leftist power. However, the last line is one reason illegals are being imported en masse and in some places are already allowed to vote.
Just another cog on the propaganda wheel that keeps the friction alive and well among the 99% who know something is really wrong but can't face the facts about their true condition, GMO, Big Pharma, Insurance companies, Two Party charade, debt scheme from birth to grave, Legal surname slaves, playing christian while being of the world, by the world, and for this world system.
Vote? better get that delusion out of you're mind because it doesn't, and hasn't ever mattered in the major elections. Only land owners get to actually vote and if you pay property tax or rent you are a mere tenant, just like the old share cropper who never owned the land, a foreigner. Everyone who claims they are home owners and pay property tax, or have a perception their vote matters are duped and deceived like dump blind sheep.
Plus Black and White in the legal world isn't about skin color, one can be of any color and be considered white or black, they keep the common folks fighting among each other over terms they think is a racial one when it's ignorance of the law and the terms they use to keep the 99% in ignorance and slavery, two wolves and sheep trying to decide whats for dinner.