What leftist really think of blacks


Well-known member
In his case that is certainly true. Imagine, a liberal, still dealing with 1960s issues.:confused:

Yeah, it was "self examination" then, and it's selfies now. Being self centered is something one must grow out of. Some do and some never will.


Well-known member
Because you are taking it way too serious! That makes you seem like a sensitive defenseless baby to me. Is that who you are? A defenseless little person who need to be coddled with soft language? Sorry, I cannot abide by that!

A woman after my own heart. Nice to have you back, sister. :thumb:

You're going to be amazed if you continue this conversation. Let's see how long you last. :chuckle:


Because you are taking it way too serious! That makes you seem like a sensitive defenseless baby to me. Is that who you are? A defenseless little person who need to be coddled with soft language? Sorry, I cannot abide by that!
Sometimes I revert back to helplessness to get my way. All I can say is that your evaluation says more about yourself than it does about me in this instance.

Doing mediation, working with adolescent addicts and having a job dealing with end-stage cancer patients and their families has taught me that when people exhibit helplessness I never attacked them as “defenseless babies.” I try to help both of us understand the positive intention behind their reaction and work with them to develop more helpful and healthy ways to express those intentions.

But that’s just me. I am beginning to realize that your reaction to helplessness or “learned helplessness” is you just doing the best you can.

I have found that a rigorous self-examination demands of me a fearless moral inventory. And that ability keeps me honest.
Am I always perfectly honest with myself and others?
No. I continually fail. But with God’s help I manage to get back up on my feet and continuing following Jesus.


Well-known member
Sometimes I revert back to helplessness to get my way. All I can say is that your evaluation says more about yourself than it does about me in this instance.

Doing mediation, working with adolescent addicts and having a job dealing with end-stage cancer patients and their families has taught me that when people exhibit helplessness I never attacked them as “defenseless babies.” I try to help both of us understand the positive intention behind their reaction and work with them to develop more helpful and healthy ways to express those intentions.

But that’s just me. I am beginning to realize that your reaction to helplessness or “learned helplessness” is you just doing the best you can.

I have found that a rigorous self-examination demands of me a fearless moral inventory. And that ability keeps me honest.
Am I always perfectly honest with myself and others?
No. I continually fail. But with God’s help I manage to get back up on my feet and continuing following Jesus.

You should start your own thread and title it LAUGH A MINUTE. :rotfl:

This thread is about blacks and liberals. You're a liberal....what do you think about blacks? Do you feels as sorry for them as you do the rest of us? Do we all need your services equally?


A woman after my own heart. Nice to have you back, sister. :thumb:

You're going to be amazed if you continue this conversation. Let's see how long you last. :chuckle:
Am I really such a tough guy?
Don’t I at least succeed sometimes at saying why and how I post those “awful” posts?
Does it do much good?

Not with folks like you, glorydaz.
When you finally realize that fact you should probably stop.

Doing the same thing over and over again is a definition of insanity.
Maybe the difference between us is that I never give up--even on schizophrenics or meth addicts (which was what my step daughter struggled with!).


In his case that is certainly true. Imagine, a liberal, still dealing with 1960s issues.:confused:
Assuming things that are not true.

I was a strong and constant critic of “New Age” values since I was a gangly adolescent!

“Never ‘ass’ ‘u’ ‘me’ (“assume”), because it makes a donkey out of “U” and “ME."


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, it was "self examination" then, and it's selfies now. Being self centered is something one must grow out of. Some do and some never will.
I would think so too. I mean how many conservatives are there who have issues with this today.
I do know one old man, on the topic of Ben Carson for president, who said, " My problem is, we had one Negro president, now we might have another?" Well the man is in his nineties, he was older when any of the social changes happened, so he is lost in the distant past. Now how many people think this way? I believe very few, unless they are the skinhead-tripe, who are not old, but they use old ideas because they have no ability for thought innovation.

A woman after my own heart. Nice to have you back, sister. :thumb:

You're going to be amazed if you continue this conversation. Let's see how long you last. :chuckle:

I was at my home in Louisiana, where I spend more time with my granddaughters babes. Then it tires me out and I drift into TV land:)

It seems the baby act is totally silly, then again, we have heard about teenage girls having a fit over someone posting nonsense about them. Maybe what we have here is a teenage girl pretending to be an old man? I totally do not get the fantasy, should it be true, so, I will assume it only seems that way.:)


You look for all these hidden motives because you cannot recognize common sense when you see it. It baffles you, doesn't it? That's because there is no room in the liberal mind for common sense.
Those motives are far from hidden, no matter how "baffled" I make myself.

Where do you get the idea that I do not recognize "common sense"?
You are only going by YOUR interpretation of the phrase. All of us pick up on the shared wisdom we all learn. But as finite beings we cannot get it all.

We are condemned to "cherry pick" what we believe is "common sense" and what is not.

As I have said before (*sigh*), I have worked with all sorts of people. They all had "common sense" yet they were suffering. We were able to find out some other choices to use with their "common sense."

I found out I loved working with others and doing a lot of listening and empathy. My tools are useful ones and I use them even in my "away-from-work" existence. I raised a remarkable daughter because of them, and my life today is precious and sweet, even though I have my share of serious problems.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sometimes I revert back to helplessness to get my way. All I can say is that your evaluation says more about yourself than it does about me in this instance.

That used to be the most common comment new freshmen psychology students made. Maybe you have taken a freshmen psychology class, good for you.:)


New member
If they are “unbelievable,” then it is fair to explain to me what you mean. I don’t think condemnation and labeling will help me or anyone else do some healthy self-examination.

I don't think that saying I can't believe your posts is condemning or labeling. And I think I did explain what I meant.

I did not say that. I made an effort to say that fear and defensiveness comes up for myself I am liberal or conservative depending on the issue. And in my case, I feel that my fears are defensive in nature and represent to me a reflexive conservatism in myself.

Yes you did. And you just did it again.
You said:
"I am emotionally conservative because I have a real defensiveness and fear that can come over me in a second." That defines conservatism as reacting in fear and defensiveness.

I am empathetic as far as your feelings about “the other.” And I DO understand your feelings here. I can only say that this belief of mine has come about because of my long history of working with people in difficulties and crisis. I have reached the conclusion that it is an all-too-human quality found in ALL of us to some degree. We are naturally suspicious of others at first--just as the Neanderthals were suspicious of the Cro-Magmon tribes when they first came face-to-face. It’s a necessary quality that every one of us feels. It’s an evolutionary quality that helps keep us safe.

Evidently you DON'T understand my feelings here. Our beliefs and recognition of right and wrong and thought out and reasoned opinions of things are NOT based on fear or suspicion of "the other".

This is an honest question: Why do you think that Jesus preached so many times about overcoming that dysfunctional fear?

“Give to everyone who begs of you”
“[Shall we forgive only so many times?] Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
”Do not judge”
”Love your enemies.”

I don't see how any of those teachings have anything to do with fear.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I finally took a close look at the icon you chose to represent you on line.

To me the word “Whut” symbolizes your reaction to the world itself.
It seems like a bottom-line attitude to anyone who posts a reply to yours.

How did you come to choose this picture?
Are my assumptions true in any way?
If not, why not?

I am not going to “make” you wrong for your answer(s). I want to get to know all the posters here.

I think it would be brilliant if TOL would sponsor a get-together-meal for all of us so we could see each other face-to-face! I know I would get so much out of it!

There were picture some of us had made using Photoshop; I do not have this, my granddaughter has it and set this one up for me.

"What do I know" is something I used to say often, as a pun. I cannot remember anymore detail about it.

If I ever become more healthy, I would consider going to such an event; however, at my age I look more like this today


Well-known member
Am I really such a tough guy?
Don’t I at least succeed sometimes at saying why and how I post those “awful” posts?
Does it do much good?

Not with folks like you, glorydaz.
When you finally realize that fact you should probably stop.

Doing the same thing over and over again is a definition of insanity.
Maybe the difference between us is that I never give up--even on schizophrenics or meth addicts (which was what my step daughter struggled with!).

I don't think you're a "tough guy" at all....quite the opposite. I know you are quite impressed with yourself in spite of your constant protests and denials of that obvious fact.

That you continue to post the same judgmental drivel ...that you know others better than they know themselves only gives me the desire to set you straight. It isn't any more complicated than that.

Like many others, I've had my share of interactions with schizophrenics and meth heads, so why you think you're so special never ceases to amaze me. It's always something to do with you being some extraordinary individual in some outlandish way. :chuckle:


I don't think you're a "tough guy" at all....quite the opposite. I know you are quite impressed with yourself in spite of your constant protests and denials of that obvious fact.

You are right. Sometimes I myself don't always feel so "tough."

I have never denied that I am impressed with myself. I have come a long way in my Christian journey and had to overcome a lot of grief, confusion, depression and what I like to call "social retardation."

I know it doesn't impress you because you seem out for an attack on those in your neighborhood that the gang feels "needs to be taught a lesson." But I like myself and am proud of my life. I will continue to be impressed. I think I have a lot to be impressed about.

That you continue to post the same judgmental drivel ...that you know others better than they know themselves only gives me the desire to set you straight. It isn't any more complicated than that.
I am blessed by God to have discovered a gift when it comes to working with other people. And I am very proud of that gift. It has served me well in my parenting skills, my relationship with my wife, my work as a mediator, my counseling in the drug/alcohol field and my work with end-stage cancer patients and their families.

Like many others, I've had my share of interactions with schizophrenics and meth heads, so why you think you're so special never ceases to amaze me. It's always something to do with you being some extraordinary individual in some outlandish way. :chuckle:
My interactions are healing. I know my way around.

I am sorry you are unable to read my posts without thinking I am telling you how extraordinary I am. I'm not that extraordinary, truth be told. But I am very, very happy and fulfilled. In spite of the medical reasons, life for me continues to be is good and sweet.

Why don't you try something more useful and show me how YOU would communicate your good points in a way that does not come across as "drivel"?

As I have said before, I thrive on adult criticism and love it when my little rug is ripped out from under my feet. Adult feedback and evaluation is one of the few ways I can actually learn new things.

But you have to play nice with me. I don't like bullies.


Well-known member
The article was written by a black person. Thanks for proving the point of the op, racist.

So because any black person says something, that means he or she speaks for the whole race, right?

That's what you're saying isn't it?

I'm glad that doesn't apply to white people, or we'd all have to be Hitler.

But hey if the black person says something you agree with, that automatically makes all the other black people wrong deluded or just plain stupid. Those "other" black people couldn't actually have a point, nah that'd be too difficulty for white people to deal with.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So because any black person says something, that means he or she speaks for the whole race, right?

that seems to be what you're saying

at least, as long as it's a leftist opinion that you agree with

But hey if the black person says something you agree with, that automatically makes all the other black people wrong deluded or just plain stupid. Those "other" black people couldn't actually have a point, nah that'd be too difficulty for white people to deal with.

aren't you doing exactly the same thing, discarding the opinion of this black because you disagree with it? :freak:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
say, i have an idea

how about we stop looking at color and just see all of us as members of the human race?


Well-known member
that seems to be what you're saying

at least, as long as it's a leftist opinion that you agree with

aren't you doing exactly the same thing, discarding the opinion of this black because you disagree with it? :freak:
No, the question is, if you're going to ask the opinion of a group, do you cherry pick the ones you agree with or look at percentages. The vast majority of people of color don't see democrats or the left as the source of their problems.

It's like you went to dozens of oncologists to assess a spot on your arm and they all say it's cancerous and remove it. But you want to listen to the one guy that says it's fine.

It's not cherry picking if you listen to the majority.