What is the Gospel?

God's Truth

New member
False dichotomy. Sell all you have.

Thus the words of Jesus Christ have no effect on you. How sad.

See how that works?

Jesus did not tell everyone to sell all they have. Jesus told that to those who would be a part of his earthly ministry.


Just because someone says they are a Christian, it does not mean they are and it does not mean the explanations they give to the scriptures are true.

The gospel was and is still rejected by many.

Jesus taught that we are made clean by faith in his blood, his blood that was sacrificed for us on the cross.

We have to have faith that Jesus' blood cleans us and that we become the temple of the Living God.

Don't you believe we have to be made clean before we are reconciled to God and become the temple of His Spirit?

You are imagining things, Jesus never taught that Gods forgiveness was conditional to his Son being killed. In fact Jesus asked the Father to forgive those doing it.

We are made clean by getting honest, not some kind of barbaric human sacrifice. Killing Jesus was a sin, basing salvation in his death is a different gospel.

People were saved by faith before the tragic cross, I don't belive in the Pagan theories.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Peter, according to most rebels:" Hey everyone! Good news! The master is going to die, be raised again for our justification! Believe this "good news" I am preaching, "the gospel of the kingdom," which the master told me, and the 11 to preach, including that great "the gospel" preacher Judas, to be justified!!! Well, gotta go, as I hear the master is about to talk about His impending death, and I need to prevent this, even though it will reconcile me, and He is also talking about His resurrection, which, it turns out, I won't believe, initially, after it happens...........

Straight jacket time.


John W doesn't always win. But when he does, he runs up the score.



The gospel changed after Jesus left.

* The original gospel was about salvation through faith in the Father.

* Pauls new gospel was about faith in the human sacrifice of God the Son.

God's Truth

New member
You are imagining things,
You resort to the same insults of your enemies. What else do you got? You don't have truth so you have to result to insults, just like them.

Jesus never taught that Gods forgiveness was conditional to his Son being killed.

Of course that is what was taught. That is what the animal sacrifices were for, a teaching tool, a shadow of what was coming, Jesus Christ.

In fact Jesus asked the Father to forgive those doing it.

We all have to forgive. Those people were not forgiven unless they asked for forgiveness and forgave those who sinned against them.

We are made clean by getting honest, not some kind of barbaric human sacrifice. Killing Jesus was a sin, basing salvation in his death is a different gospel.

There is no Greater Love than Jesus laying down his life for us.

People were saved by faith before the tragic cross, I don't belive in the Pagan theories.

People were saved by faith AND OBEDIENCE before the cross; HOWEVER, they were not all the temple of the Living God before the cross.

Now please answer the question I asked you earlier. Don't you believe we have to be cleaned before we become the temple of God?

God's Truth

New member
The gospel changed after Jesus left.

* The original gospel was about salvation through faith in the Father.

* Pauls new gospel was about faith in the human sacrifice of God the Son.

When Jesus came to earth, he came first for those who already belonged to God. They were God's by faith and they had to go through Jesus to remain God's. Jesus said he would not lose one that God gave him.

John 17:6
"I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.


The old Persian concepts of original, inherited sin, the theory that man is born into sin-debt and mans constant need for reconciliation, is one of many concepts that contaminated the gospel when they put the new wine into the old wineskins. "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.


God's Truth

New member
This is the Gospel;

1 Corinthians 15:1-4Modern English Version (MEV)

The Resurrection of Christ
15 Now, brothers, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which you have received, and in which you stand.

2 Through it you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached to you, unless you have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: how Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

4 was buried, rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,

Jesus preached the gospel and Paul preached the same gospel that Jesus preached when Jesus walked the earth.

John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins."


You resort to the same insults of your enemies. What else do you got? You don't have truth so you have to result to insults, just like them.

Of course that is what was taught. That is what the animal sacrifices were for, a teaching tool, a shadow of what was coming, Jesus Christ.

We all have to forgive. Those people were not forgiven unless they asked for forgiveness and forgave those who sinned against them.

There is no Greater Love than Jesus laying down his life for us.

People were saved by faith AND OBEDIENCE before the cross; HOWEVER, they were not all the temple of the Living God before the cross.

Now please answer the question I asked you earlier. Don't you believe we have to be cleaned before we become the temple of God?

I did answer your question, if one is separated from God such as the Prodigal Son, living in sin, then they need to get honest, repent, have a sincere change of heart, and return to the fold. Atonement theory is a cop out, a short cut, a substitute for a real change of heart.

"For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise"

Is it any wonder that the Jews do not belive in Pauls Paganized version of the original?

God's Truth

New member
I did answer your question, if one is separated from God such as the Prodigal Son, living in sin, then they need to get honest, repent, have a sincere change of heart, and return to the fold. Atonement theory is a cop out, a short cut, a substitute for a real change of heart.

"For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise"

Is it any wonder that the Jews do not belive in Pauls Paganized version of the original?

You did not answer the questions I asked you.

Do you believe the Spirit of God is living inside you?


When Jesus came to earth, he came first for those who already belonged to God. They were God's by faith and they had to go through Jesus to remain God's. Jesus said he would not lose one that God gave him.

John 17:6
"I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

Jesus taught that ALL men and women are children of God. The arrogant Jews wrote about themselves as being special when they are just bozos on the bus like the rest of us. They aren't pure anyway, they intermixed with the Canaanites, but when the exiled preist redacted the OT books they claimed they killed all the Canaanites which would have been themselves......I digress

God's Truth

New member
John w. claims if you say there is only one gospel then you are preaching the same gospel Judas preached. He does not see that Christ himself was preaching the DBR before he had risen.

Judas did preach the same gospel as Jesus. Jesus sent out the twelve to preach the gospel. Just because Judas was a sinner and a betrayer does not mean he did not preach the gospel.


You did not answer the questions I asked you.

Do you believe the Spirit of God is living inside you?

Yes, not only is the father in the heart of every person of sound mind, but I was spirit born 30 years ago, it had nothing to do with the Jews killing Jesus. In fact Jesus had already been teaching the spirit birth.


Active member
Judas did preach the same gospel as Jesus. Jesus sent out the twelve to preach the gospel. Just because Judas was a sinner and a betrayer does not mean he did not preach the gospel.

Since Judas did not write down what he preached how can we know? He was a liar, a thief and a murder. How can anything he preached be trusted?

God's Truth

New member
Jesus taught that ALL men and women are children of God.

We are God's children if we do what God does. We are the devil's children if we do what the devil does.

The arrogant Jews wrote about themselves as being special when they are just bozos on the bus like the rest of us. They aren't pure anyway, they intermixed with the Canaanites, but when the exiled preist redacted the OT books they claimed they killed all the Canaanites which would have been themselves......I digress

Please answer my question. Do you believe you have the Spirit of God living inside you?


Judas did preach the same gospel as Jesus. Jesus sent out the twelve to preach the gospel. Just because Judas was a sinner and a betrayer does not mean he did not preach the gospel.

True, but then Judas lost faith in the Gospel and the authority of Jesus.