What is the express image of God?


Well-known member

Why doesn't dunamis retain its standard meaning in this text - that is how I have always read it... I find no reason to read otherwise that maintain the standard meaning.

Regardless - GREAT text - I really appreciate it.

It all comes back to how we look at Heb 1:3.

It appears that the fullness of the creator was given to his first creation, the express image who is the spiritual son who was at the creation of all.

Consider what just might be friend.


New member
It all comes back to how we look at Heb 1:3.

It appears that the fullness of the creator was given to his first creation, the express image who is the spiritual son who was at the creation of all.

Consider what just might be friend.

Certainly some fascinating statements in this text!!

However, I am puzzled - the Acts 10:36 spoke of a Jesus - spoke of Holy Spirit and spoke of power (albeit not personally). Why isn't the Heb1:3 text referring to the Jesus who was anointed? That would be the natural reading of the text... Adding now a fourth person to the scene is, well, not really fitting with the entirety of scripture which sums up in Rev20 - wherein we see only Jesus and God the Father - no Holy Spirit, no spiritual son (or, power)...


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Hall of Fame

You tell me - it is glaringly obvious.
"No man comes to God except through Christ"

This is a beautifully statement manifesting the earliest known post Biblical Christology as seen in Clement and Dynamic Monarchianism.


modalistic Monarchians:chuckle:


Well-known member
Certainly some fascinating statements in this text!!

However, I am puzzled - the Acts 10:36 spoke of a Jesus - spoke of Holy Spirit and spoke of power (albeit not personally). Why isn't the Heb1:3 text referring to the Jesus who was anointed? That would be the natural reading of the text... Adding now a fourth person to the scene is, well, not really fitting with the entirety of scripture which sums up in Rev20 - wherein we see only Jesus and God the Father - no Holy Spirit, no spiritual son (or, power)...

Heb 1:3 is about the spirit Christ and Jesus. Jesus the human came years after the creation. Col 1 speaks of Christ as firstborn of all creatures. Consider Christ as the express image of the Father. Christ became flesh in Jesus at his anointing.


New member
Do we all understand here that there is a difference between the function of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost? It's not worded two different words for nothing. In Acts 2 Peter tells us that the CHRIST (Seed Son) they crucified, hath SHED forth this which you both see and hear. There's a reason why it was the Holy Ghost, and not the Holy Spirit that was shed, and I'll go into that later, when I have more time.

Same spirit, but diversities thereof. In the pattern, the gold lining inside the ark of the covenant, represents our inward anointing, and the outside covering of gold represents our outward anointing, ie. the baptism in the Holy Ghost. That's why there are two baptisms and two veils; one represents being baptized into His death, the other being baptized into His life.

Yeshua was born with the first anointing by way of who His Father was, but received the second anointing later. We too follow the same pattern, when we are born from above (not born again-bad translation) with the first public display of faith symbolizing our agreement with our requirement to die (to self), and then being baptized in the Holy Ghost, symbolizing and fulfilling our entrance into the likeness of His zoe life, making our adoption "legal".

And so in this pattern, you have FAITH (public display of faith with water baptism) WITH WORKS (the Holy Ghost does the works).

In Acts 2 (which IS STILL AVAILABLE TODAY), it relates the giving of the earnest of our inheritance. Earnest means to apportion something out as a pledge or down payment, such as earnest money on a house. Fortunately for us, the priest's portion is HaShem HIMSELF. It wouldn't be normal in the natural world to put a down payment on a house to live in and then never go back and live in it.

Because HaShem has a spiritual house, whose house we are, He anointed us with a portion of His Seed Son's inheritance, which is to be just like His Father, in nature and power. To anoint is to consecrate or set apart for Holy service, ie. like the nation of priests, a peculiar (means chosen) people. Peace


New member


I wonder about your salvation.

Personally, I think a more correct word would be, "birthed". He was birthed out from HaShem and wisdom, who was with Him in the beginning.

In a similar fashion we are "birthing" Him now, as light swallows up the darkness in us, as Paul compares it to a woman in travail.

Don't worry about his salvation, worry about your own. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Peace


Well-known member
Hall of Fame


I wonder about your salvation.

He lives in the flesh.
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

He does not understand this.


New member
And I would say he is not denying the Son, you are.

He is the firstborn of every creature (INCLUDING THE MAN YESHUA, THE SON IS NOT A CREATURE), which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for it to be the man of flesh, Yeshua. Every seed bears fruit after it's own kind.

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

And this is WHY you can't have the Father without (the true) Son, nor the Son without the Father, BECAUSE EACH COME TO UNVEIL/UNCOVER THE OTHER.

The reason this is so vitally important to have revealed right now, is because time is running out to present the tithe to the Father. CHRIST IS the FIRSTFRUITS OFFERING, HE IS OUR TITHE.

WAKE UP! you sons of HaShem that are still sleeping in the earth-en vessels.

Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
And I would say he is not denying the Son, you are.

He is the firstborn of every creature (INCLUDING THE MAN YESHUA, THE SON IS NOT A CREATURE), which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for it to be the man of flesh, Yeshua. Every seed bears fruit after it's own kind.

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

And this is WHY you can't have the Father without (the true) Son, nor the Son without the Father, BECAUSE EACH COME TO UNVEIL/UNCOVER THE OTHER.

The reason this is so vitally important to have revealed right now, is because time is running out to present the tithe to the Father. CHRIST IS the FIRSTFRUITS OFFERING, HE IS OUR TITHE.

WAKE UP! you sons of HaShem that are still sleeping in the earth-en vessels.
John 14:7 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Father Revealed
7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And I would say he is not denying the Son, you are.

He is the firstborn of every creature (INCLUDING THE MAN YESHUA, THE SON IS NOT A CREATURE), which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for it to be the man of flesh, Yeshua. Every seed bears fruit after it's own kind.

And this is WHY you can't have the Father without (the true) Son, nor the Son without the Father, BECAUSE EACH COME TO UNVEIL/UNCOVER THE OTHER.


This seems like docetism, or you are a bit :kookoo: ?

The post drama is unnecessary.


New member
WAKE UP! you sons of HaShem that are still sleeping in the earth-en vessels.

We will live eternity in earthen vessels RBBI, and yelling for the majority to wake up is your own personal nightmare, NOT reality.
Those who KNOW our triune God and Savior, ARE indeed AWAKE.


Well-known member


I wonder about your salvation.

Jesus is a man, he was born. That makes him a creation.

Christ, the spirit that was in Jesus, was God's first creation for all things were created through him. Christ is the express image of the Father. Heb 1:3


Well-known member
He lives in the flesh.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

He does not understand this.

I understand more than you think friend.
You deny that God made an exact copy of himself. His first creation on record.


New member
John 14:7 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Father Revealed
7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”

And those that saw HIM, the SEED Son, did then know and see Him, like when He was revealed to Peter and Paul. It even tells you Peter's revelation of who the flesh man standing in front of him was, IS the rock His body is built upon, and His body is Spirit enrobed in flesh, JUST AS HE WAS.

The revelation was called a rock for a very important reason. His kingdom is made up of living stones, made without hands (hands speaks of works). Without hands here, means the flesh of man had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

Common sense. If you were Yeshua's fleshly family, do you not think you would have noticed GOD in your midst those 30 years?

And in those 30 years, wouldn't He have been a respecter of persons if He had not healed those that were afflicted, say a dying child, perhaps? I'd be pretty ticked off if my child played with Him and He could heal her and didn't, wouldn't you? Or did He say, "I'm sorry, I'm not 30 years old yet, let the child die?" PUL-lease....

And they knew Him, so did they know the Father too? Or if they didn't know Him, why not? THINK, and ask HIM to teach you His Word, don't accept the vain traditions of your fathers or their father's fathers.

Anything, PRINCIPLE-WISE, you learned via your carnal mind and not from the Spirit of HaShem that does not line up with the pattern, IS A LIE, because the carnal mind was one of the two trees in the garden,, and it is enmity to Him. WE are the garden of the Lord, He plants IN US (Matt. 13 the good seed). Peace


New member
This seems like docetism, or you are a bit :kookoo: ?

The post drama is unnecessary.

You seem to like to throw around ism's of all sorts. Why waste precious time studying the different schISM'S created by men?

"post drama" ? I'm surprised He hasn't had a naked prophet run through here a dozen times already.....:chuckle: