What is the express image of God?


New member
Well, I don't know what the site had in mind, but in my case it's a Messianic Jewish Christian.

There is no such thing as a Messianic Jewish Christian.
There is no such thing as a Black Christian.
There is no such thing as a White Christian.
etc., etc., etc., Ad nauseum

You're either a Christian or you are not a Christian.

When a 'Christian' starts saying I am <this kind> or <that kind> of Christian, you're promoting division, saying 'I am better than that other 'Christian'.

I, lifeisgood, am a Christian.


New member
There is no such thing as a Messianic Jewish Christian.
There is no such thing as a Black Christian.
There is no such thing as a White Christian.
etc., etc., etc., Ad nauseum

You're either a Christian or you are not a Christian.

When a 'Christian' starts saying I am <this kind> or <that kind> of Christian, you're promoting division, saying 'I am better than that other 'Christian'.

I, lifeisgood, am a Christian.

I guess you'd have to take that up with the site, who asked the question. I just answered it in the most descriptive way possible.


New member
There is no such thing as a Messianic Jewish Christian.
There is no such thing as a Black Christian.
There is no such thing as a White Christian.
etc., etc., etc., Ad nauseum

You're either a Christian or you are not a Christian.

When a 'Christian' starts saying I am <this kind> or <that kind> of Christian, you're promoting division, saying 'I am better than that other 'Christian'.

I, lifeisgood, am a Christian.
When I state Catholics do not believe exactly the same as, say, Baptists am I promoting division or am I just stating a fact?
I think many denominations are Christians but none of them is 100% correct/Christian. Simply because our human mind is unable too fully comprehend Scripture.
Very likely some denominations are closer to 100% truth than others.
If a person is 99% right in the things he/she believes I would call that person a Christian. Also when 98%. But when someone can't be called a Christian anymore 70%? 50%? 10%?


New member

You tell me - it is glaringly obvious.
"No man comes to God except through Christ"
This is a beautifully statement manifesting the earliest known post Biblical Christology as seen in Clement and Dynamic Monarchianism.


That's right, because God is Christ and Christ is the saviour of mankind.
The earliest declaration of who Christ is, is found in Matt 16:16 (NIV)

God made it this way and we have to follow HIS way to be saved. NOT another way. The real God is the only one that is our saviour, no one else, so if Jesus IS the real saviour, then He IS the real God.

Jesus is God because his Father, God, addressed him as "O God"- Hebrews 1:8 , Psalms 45:6
Jesus is God because he, himself, says he is God: "I will be his God"- Revelation 21:7
Jesus is God because the bible says he is God: "The mighty God" - Isaiah 9:6
Jesus is God because his disciples knew he was God:
"my Lord and my God" - John 20:28
"our God and Savior Jesus Christ" - 2 Peter 1:1
"the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ" - Titus 2:13
Jesus is God because the OT says Israel's Rock was God & Christ was that same Rock: Psalms 78:35, 1 Corinthians 10:4


New member

I believe it is appropriate to address your observation of my condescending attitude and my lack of respect for you first.



New member
The earliest declaration of who Christ is, is found in Matt 16:16 (NIV)


This one statement you made is true. Though you have me at a loss - this text beautifully demonstrates that Jesus is NOT God - He is the Messiah - and the Son of God....



New member
That's right, because God is Christ

Stan -

The problem with your statement is simple - the Bible teaches that Jesus is a man - not an impersonal human nature as trin teaches... Below are just a couple of the several vss that establish this fact. In fact, Jesus necessarily had to be a man for there to be a ressurection of men. Your Christology leaves us all in the grave...:noid:

I trust you understand the anhypostasis of the human nature of Christ as taught in the hypostatic union??


John 8:40 but now you seek to kill me, a man [ἄνθρωπος] who has told you the truth that I heard from God.

Acts 2:22, 23 “Men [Aνδρες] of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man [ἄνδρα] and attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— 23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men

Acts 17:30, 31 “The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man [ἀνὴρ] whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”

Rom 5:15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man [ἄνθρωπος] Jesus Christ abound unto the many.

I Cor 15:21 For as by [δι’] a man [ἄνθρωπος] came death, by [δι’] a man [ἄνθρωπος] has come also the resurrection of the dead.

I Cor 15:47 The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man [ἄνθρωπος] is from heaven
ὁ πρῶτος ἄνθρωπος ἐκ γῆς χοϊκός, ὁ δεύτερος ἄνθρωπος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ.

Phil 2:7, 8 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;
8 and being found in fashion as a man [ἄνθρωπος], he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.

I Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man [ἄνθρωπος] Christ Jesus,


New member
When I state Catholics do not believe exactly the same as, say, Baptists am I promoting division or am I just stating a fact?

Different issue.

I think many denominations are Christians but none of them is 100% correct/Christian. Simply because our human mind is unable too fully comprehend Scripture.

It is not that we are unable to fully comprehend Scripture, for we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

The issue is that we do NOT believe the Scripture as written and we make our own scripture.

Very likely some denominations are closer to 100% truth than others.
If a person is 99% right in the things he/she believes I would call that person a Christian. Also when 98%. But when someone can't be called a Christian anymore 70%? 50%? 10%?

Being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with percentages.
It has to do with my total, complete, absolute BELIEF in Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary exclusively plus absolutely nothing for everything.

So in conclusion:
There is no such thing as a Messianic Jewish Christian.
There is no such thing as a Black Christian.
There is no such thing as a White Christian.
etc., etc., etc., Ad nauseum

You're either a Christian or you are not a Christian.

Now, if we said
I am a Christian of Jewish descent.
I am a Christian of African descent.
I am a Christian of Caucasian descent.

Can you see the unity?
I am a Christian.


It is the same when people say:
I am African-American.
I am Mexican-American.
I am <place whatever here>-American.

I say, NO, you are not African-American, you are not Mexican-American, you are not <place whatever here>-American for this produces division. You are an American.

Now, if a person tells me:
I am an American of African descent. That is correct.
I am an American of Mexican descent. That is correct.
I am an American of Spaniard descent. That is correct.

Can you see the unity?
I am an American.


New member
Stan -
The problem with your statement is simple - the Bible teaches that Jesus is a man - not an impersonal human nature as trin teaches... Below are just a couple of the several vss that establish this fact. In fact, Jesus necessarily had to be a man for there to be a ressurection of men. Your Christology leaves us all in the grave...
I trust you understand the anhypostasis of the human nature of Christ as taught in the hypostatic union??

No problem with MY statement or post, all I did was post scripture that you ignore or refuse to deal with.

Jesus is BOTH man and God.

You use anhypostasis, the Bible doesn't. This is another typical deflection and ploy of you and your ilk. The hypostatic union of Jesus and God is clearly taught in the Bible, despite your denial and unwillingness to even admit to what is clearly written.
IF you actually read the Bible with ANY comprehension, you would see the Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive. NOTHING impersonal about that at all. Matt 1:20


New member
No problem with MY statement or post, all I did was post scripture that you ignore or refuse to deal with.

Jesus is BOTH man and God.

You use anhypostasis, the Bible doesn't. This is another typical deflection and ploy of you and your ilk. The hypostatic union of Jesus and God is clearly taught in the Bible, despite your denial and unwillingness to even admit to what is clearly written.
IF you actually read the Bible with ANY comprehension, you would see the Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive. NOTHING impersonal about that at all. Matt 1:20

So let me get this straight - you believe that the Jesus conceived was a created human person - human center of consciousness - just like you and I??

You believe this Jesus that was conceived could fully independently function independent of any incarnated deity just like you and I?

I look forward to adjusting my perspective of your insight.
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New member
So let me get this straight - you believe that the Jesus conceived was a created human person - human center of consciousness - just like you and I??

You believe this Jesus that was conceived could fully independently function independent of any incarnated deity just like you and I?

I look forward to adjusting my perspective of your insight.

He had to be fully man; otherwise, He could not represent you or me. [you are of the human race as am I, right? :chuckle:]

He had to be fully God; otherwise, He could not save you or me or anyone else for that matter.

And angels long to look into these things (1 Peter 1:12).


New member
So let me get this straight - you believe that the Jesus conceived was a created human person - human center of consciousness - just like you and I??

You believe this Jesus that was conceived could fully independently function independent of any incarnated deity just like you and I?

I look forward to adjusting my perspective of your insight.

I really wish you COULD get this straight, and I look forward to you actually answering questions with answers and not questions, but it looks like we will BOTH be disappointed. Not unexpected from my perspective. ALL of your ilk do this.


New member
I really wish you COULD get this straight, and I look forward to you actually answering questions with answers and not questions, but it looks like we will BOTH be disappointed. Not unexpected from my perspective. ALL of your ilk do this.

Aner said:
So let me get this straight - you believe that the Jesus conceived was a created human person - human center of consciousness - just like you and I??

You believe this Jesus that was conceived could fully independently function independent of any incarnated deity just like you and I?


I am asking a simply question based on your statements. Why can't you simply answer it without getting a such a fleshly, childish attitude? And neatly evade actually dealing with the question which is the crux of the issue ....:noid:



New member
He had to be fully man; otherwise, He could not represent you or me. [you are of the human race as am I, right? :chuckle:]

He had to be fully God; otherwise, He could not save you or me or anyone else for that matter.

And angels long to look into these things (1 Peter 1:12).

Any way you can answer the specific questions I am asking??

Originally Posted by Aner
So let me get this straight - you believe that the Jesus conceived was a created human person - human center of consciousness - just like you and I??

You believe this Jesus that was conceived could fully independently function independent of any incarnated deity just like you and I?