What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
KeyPurr - With all due respect, this is incorrect. Jesus did not exist until He was created via the Holy Spirit and He was not anointed (Christed) until His baptism (though in the mind of God, of course, He was Messiah prior to the foundation of the earth - as were you redeemed before the foundation of the earth).


Your buddy


I am not so sure we disagree with this my brother.

My words are different but the results are the same.

As you can see, I am not good express myself sometimes.


New member
How about rather we work together to achieve the truth of God's Word? Doesn't that sound much more like how the church of Jesus Christ is supposed to work? Searching these things out to see if they be so?

You do not want a conversation.

I have no problems working with a person that really wants a conversation, you comes across as a know it all.

I have problems with know it alls.


Well-known member
You do not want a conversation.

I have no problems working with a person that really wants a conversation, you comes across as a know it all.

I have problems with know it alls.

No one knows it all.

But Aner is a smart guy, He always has something good to share.


New member
Actually He was BORN as our Messiah and that means Anointed, you would be mistaken here. Luke 2:11

Stan - This is a GREAT text - I love this text. The issue is the sense in which He was Christos prior to His actual anointing. Of course He was Christos from before the foundation of the world - as He was slain before the foundation of the world (Rev13:8). The issue is when He was personally anointed...

I guess the place to start is - what does it mean to be "anointed"? What do you think?

Greg Logan


New member
You do not want a conversation.

I have no problems working with a person that really wants a conversation, you comes across as a know it all.

I have problems with know it alls.

No one knows as they ought to know - however, I do know this subject pretty well. I am ignorant in a lot of subjects - but not the anhypostasis - I know this one because it is like walking - once you get it - you got it... Nothing more to it.

Would you like to explore the Word of God together on this matter or not?


Well-known member
Stan - This is a GREAT text - I love this text. The issue is the sense in which He was Christos prior to His actual anointing. Of course He was Christos from before the foundation of the world - as He was slain before the foundation of the world (Rev13:8). The issue is when He was personally anointed...

I guess the place to start is - what does it mean to be "anointed"? What do you think?

Greg Logan

What was he anointed with at his baptism?


New member
No one knows as they ought to know - however, I do know this subject pretty well. I am ignorant in a lot of subjects - but not the anhypostasis - I know this one because it is like walking - once you get it - you got it... Nothing more to it.

Would you like to explore the Word of God together on this matter or not?

Like I said, you definitely do not desire to engage in a conversation.

Now, had Aner started his/her 'desired' conversation with, 'hey, I, Aner, discovered something that I find fascinating and I would like to converse with you about anhypostatis,' are you interested, lifeisgood?

That would have been a fascinating conversation to engage in, however, as you came across, and continue to come across, as a know it all and I, lifeisgood, personally have problems with know it alls, the answer is no, I, lifeisgood, do not desire to engage in a conversation with Aner about anhypostatis even though it would have been a fascinating conversation to engage in.


New member
Like I said, you definitely do not desire to engage in a conversation.

Now, had Aner started his/her 'desired' conversation with, 'hey, I, Aner, discovered something that I find fascinating and I would like to converse with you about anhypostatis,' are you interested, lifeisgood?

That would have been a fascinating conversation to engage in, however, as you came across, and continue to come across, as a know it all and I, lifeisgood, personally have problems with know it alls, the answer is no, I, lifeisgood, do not desire to engage in a conversation with Aner about anhypostatis even though it would have been a fascinating conversation to engage in.

Your call.

BTW - your statement "No man comes to God except through Christ" is quite accurate - and very non-trinitarian.


New member
Stan - This is a GREAT text - I love this text. The issue is the sense in which He was Christos prior to His actual anointing. Of course He was Christos from before the foundation of the world - as He was slain before the foundation of the world (Rev13:8). The issue is when He was personally anointed...
I guess the place to start is - what does it mean to be "anointed"? What do you think?
Greg Logan

There are many types of anointing, but the messianic kind is what Jesus had, FROM birth. He was BORN Messiah and He was God incarnate when He was born. Matt 1:21-23 (NASB) What Jesus did in Matt 3:13-17 was to "fulfill all righteousness", not to be anointed, as He already was. See Luke 2:49 (NASB)
As far as Rev 13:8 (NASB) is concerned I find it states very clearly;
All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.

The LAMB was not slain from the beginning, but the names have been written in and added to the book of life which has existed since the beginning. The there is the issue of which book of life?


New member
There are many types of anointing, but the messianic kind is what Jesus had, FROM birth. He was BORN Messiah and He was God incarnate when He was born. Matt 1:21-23 (NASB) What Jesus did in Matt 3:13-17 was to "fulfill all righteousness", not to be anointed, as He already was. See Luke 2:49 (NASB)
As far as Rev 13:8 (NASB) is concerned I find it states very clearly;
All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.

The LAMB was not slain from the beginning, but the names have been written in and added to the book of life which has existed since the beginning. The there is the issue of which book of life?

Stan - With all due respect, the texts don't in anyway support the assertions being made and the reading in Rev13:8 is simply in error. I recommend simply reading Rev13:8 in the Greek - the natural sense as typically provided perfectly fits Eph1:4 and IPet1:20 and the whole conception of foreknowledge which is really a very basic Biblical concept.

Your sense of the "christing" is in error based on Acts2:22ff (esp. v36) which does not fit the scheme of Jesus being made the Christ at His birth (at which time there was NO anointing - the only anointing was at His baptism).
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New member
You'll have to qualify this. How exactly does it negate the Trinity?


You tell me - it is glaringly obvious.
"No man comes to God except through Christ"

This is a beautifully statement manifesting the earliest known post Biblical Christology as seen in Clement and Dynamic Monarchianism.


Lazy afternoon

Actually He was BORN as our Messiah and that means Anointed, you would be mistaken here. Luke 2:11

Jesus bore His Fathers name as His son from birth but only anointed at His Baptism on,

However the anointing was not permanent during His entire life after that either.



Well-known member
KeyPurr - Great text - I was looking for this. This is the actual text that Stan is looking for. I would throw some "power" on top of the Holy Spirit...:DK:

My friend, I see that power as the express image of THE father, a spirit being given the fullness of the Father. Jesus was anointed with this spirit son on God. I see this as the son God sent to us. In Heb 10:5 we see Christ has a body prepared for him, Jesus is that body. These are my thoughts.


New member
My friend, I see that power as the express image of THE father, a spirit being given the fullness of the Father. Jesus was anointed with this spirit son on God. I see this as the son God sent to us. In Heb 10:5 we see Christ has a body prepared for him, Jesus is that body. These are my thoughts.


Why doesn't dunamis retain its standard meaning in this text - that is how I have always read it... I find no reason to read otherwise that maintain the standard meaning.

Regardless - GREAT text - I really appreciate it.