What is the appropriate level of giving for retired people?


New member
This was a SPECIFIC collection to help a SPECIFIC group of people at a SPECIFIC time for a SPECIFIC need.

Your question seemed to be about GENERAL giving.

I did NOT says that you should not take OTHER things into account when you PURPOSE IN YOUR HEART what to give freely.

I know there were many things that you did not say. Would you like to say something about the appropriate level of giving for the couple in post 3?

It is fine if you have no opinion; I just can’t tell that this is the case.


New member
Yeah, I did not mean what I said to derail, but wanted to state it as the simple fact that it is, pertaining to what Oatmeal had said, because it concerns circumcision, (which was already brought up earlier up by someone else, and shot down as off-topic by you, and rightly so, (but now it is there for future reference if that topic comes up again and you allow it)).

But as for mammon will you give some of your mammon to Elohim? Where in the Tanach or Old Testament does it say to give some of your mammon to a church or congregation? So I suppose it depends who you plan to give your mammon to, for there are good things you could do with your mammon, and bad things you could do with your mammon: but what about, "Sell all that you have and follow Messiah", do you suppose that statement only pertains to mammon? I suggest to you that it does not necessarily mean that but because the rich young man was only able to see it in that manner he was dejected and went away. In those times buying and selling was more like "going to market" and bartering: the fisherman would trade some fish for some wheat, flour, or maybe bread from the farmer, because each one had his own occupation. The fisherman did not have a farm and the farmer did not have a sea galley or fishing boat operation.

The Master says to us all, (not just Laodicea), "I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, so that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye-salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

How are you going to purchase gold tried in the fire from the Master? What do you really have that is critical and meaningful in the kingdom of Elohim? Will he accept your mammon? or the persons of men? You have some doctrines that are dear to you; but if they do not agree with the Word, and yet you do not trade them in for the true pure gold, then even what you think to have will be taken from you in the long run, (it is surely the same for us all). Therefore I say, trade off all that you have and take up your stake and follow the Word. :)

Daqq, does this mean that you don’t believe in giving to a local church? Or to the poor?

I can’t see any comments in your post as to what you think might be an appropriate giving range for the hypothetical couple that I described in post 3.


New member
Well, I don’t know if that is true or not.

Livestock and agricultural products were tithed.

Jesus was a craftsman in the building trades.

Paul was a tentmaker.

Others were fishermen, none were farmers or ranchers.


New member
Thank you for your post, and I agree.

That raises the question: tithing on what? Tithing is typically applied to income received, and that may miss some important things.

Maybe an example will help:
Suppose a retired couple has a retirement income from pensions of $30000/year and investment income from stocks of $20000/year for a total income of $50000/year.

A tithe on that would be $5000/year.

However, to generate $20000/year in dividends would require $1,000,000 in investments.

The stock market rose nearly 20%, meaning the increase in the couple’s stock account would have increased $200,000 in 2017. Should that increase be considered?

I will give my opinion, and I am quick to note that it is not a teaching of scripture. It is just a personal opinion informed by various scriptures.

I think a good approach is to look at:
1) Income for the year,
2) Increase in net worth from year to year, and
3) Future expectations and projections of income and needs
to estimate what can be given while still caring for family.

If that estimate of what can be given comes out to something more than 10% of income or the increase in net worth, then it seems appropriate — and this should all be considered prayerfully and with a heart receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


New member
Livestock and agricultural products were tithed.

Jesus was a craftsman in the building trades.

Paul was a tentmaker.

Others were fishermen, none were farmers or ranchers.

Are you saying that you think only farmers and ranchers gave?


New member
Are you saying that you think only farmers and ranchers gave?

No, what I said was that only food products were subject to tithing.

What did the Pharisees tithe?

To whom do tithes belong?

Do Jews currently tithe?


New member
Is there any scripture that says they didn't?

Do you not know the law?

You might read Deuteronomy 16:16.

"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you." (Deuteronomy 16:17)


Well-known member
Do you have an opinion on the appropriate level of giving for the hypothetical couple in post 3?

There is no "appropriate level of giving" for your hypothetical couple.

What is appropriate is to meet whatever need the Lord puts on your heart...even if it takes your last dime. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Of course, I'm only talking about those who walk by faith....which isn't you, is it?


New member
No, what I said was that only food products were subject to tithing.

What did the Pharisees tithe?

To whom do tithes belong?

Do Jews currently tithe?

All interesting questions. Perhaps someone knows the answer and can share.

It does sound like you don’t think craftsmen tithed. I would be surprised if that were the case.


New member
There is no "appropriate level of giving" for your hypothetical couple.

What is appropriate is to meet whatever need the Lord puts on your heart...even if it takes your last dime. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Of course, I'm only talking about those who walk by faith....which isn't you, is it?

So you are saying the appropriate level is whatever God puts on their heart.

That is a reasonable answer, thanks.

There are people who do want some guidance, to help them be more certain about what they believe they hear in their hearts.