What is the appropriate level of giving for retired people?


New member
One should consider their own circumstances in deciding. If their monetary increase has been set aside for retirement, paying off their house, helping children or grandchildren, etc, these are factors they have to consider. It should never be left to the church or it's leaders to decide what amount is appropriate. This is what comes from the Bible. (If you would like me to provide scriptural proof, I can do so). In our organization, there is never a set, or even a suggested amount, yet all the bills get paid, repairs are made, and we still have money left over. 2 Corinthians 8 and in particular, verse 14 explains how we feel about contributions. As a side point, our contribution boxes are not even in a location where others can see what an individual drops in, and unless one contributes by check, no one is the wiser. Even then it's no one's business who that check belonged to. A running total is documented at the end of each meeting by two qualified men and deposited into our congregation bank account.

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The couple in post 3 has no debt. They own their house. Their kids are on their own. Their parents are dead.
They own two good cars with extended warranties.

Can you be more specific now?

My church doesn’t pass a plate anymore. Enough people give online.
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The couple in post 3 has no debt. They own their house. Their kids are on their own. Their parents are dead.
They own two good cars with extended warranties.

Can you be more specific now?

My church doesn’t pass a plate anymore. Enough people give online.
They're entitled to keep 100% of their income. What they give to anyone should be they're own business. The fact that any religion would have a say in this is bordering on extortion and is reprehensible! Just because people have been told over and over again from day one that they must tithe, doesn't make it right, true, law or even obligatory. And just because it was first practiced many hundreds of years ago, doesn't mean that it must be observed today. Those who are inclined to do such things, more power to you, however don't throw rocks at those who don't agree with your outdated views.

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New member
They're entitled to keep 100% of their income. What they give to anyone should be they're own business. The fact that any religion would have a say in this is bordering on extortion and is reprehensible! Just because people have been told over and over again from day one that they must tithe, doesn't make it right, true, law or even obligatory. And just because it was first practiced many hundreds of years ago, doesn't mean that it must be observed today. Those who are inclined to do such things, more power to you, however don't throw rocks at those who don't agree with your outdated views.

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I never implied the church should tell them what to give.

I asked what you thought would be appropriate.

I understand the church shouldn’t tell them to tithe or what to give.

That is not the question.

I can make it simpler: if you were in that situation, what do you suppose would be appropriate for you?


Well-known member
True Christians are never rude or accusatory. You have failed the test. Accept it.

A test? :shocked:

I wonder if Jesus knew about this test? :think:

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.​


A test? :shocked:

I wonder if Jesus knew about this test? :think:

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.​

Because you quote Matthew 23:27, it's supposed to apply to me? Where is your evidence? Before you get involved next time, make sure you do your research.

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I never implied the church should tell them what to give.

I asked what you thought would be appropriate.

I understand the church shouldn’t tell them to tithe or what to give.

That is not the question.

I can make it simpler: if you were in that situation, what do you suppose would be appropriate for you?

Whatever I feel like giving would be appropriate for me. If I want to donate $5.00, $50.00 or $5000.00, the decision is mine and mine alone. There isn't another person on this planet who can, or should, make that decision for me.

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Well-known member
True Christians are never rude or accusatory. You have failed the test. Accept it.

A test? :shocked:

I wonder if Jesus knew about this test? :think:

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Because you quote Matthew 23:27, it's supposed to apply to me?

I was using Jesus' words as an example of how your TEST falls short.

Jesus sounded quite "rude and accusatory" in that verse. He flunked your TEST.

Where is your evidence? Before you get involved next time, make sure you do your research.

Who made you my daddy? I'll get involved whenever I feel like it.

And, I don't need to do research to see how dumb your "test" is. :chew:


I was using Jesus' words as an example of how your TEST falls short.

Jesus sounded quite "rude and accusatory" in that verse. He flunked your TEST.

Who made you my daddy? I'll get involved whenever I feel like it.

And, I don't need to do research to see how dumb your "test" is. :chew:

My 'test' reference was facetious. And Jesus was NEVER rude or accusatory. Prior to your reference to Matthew, you were not involved in the discussion, so how about dropping the attitude.

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New member
What are you giving to? If you are giving to an organized church that has no Gospel or very little Gospel, it is like stuffing money down a rat hole.

I give to five ministries. Of course I support my local church. It does a great work for the kingdom of God.

What do you give to?