Was Jesus a man of color .

God's Truth

New member

You said that there was no broken broken parts, but the shroud you are promoting says that there was.
Could you respond to this contradiction in your beliefs?

The Shroud of Turin


"Jesus was struck at the head and spat upon (Matt. 26:68, 27:30; Mark 14:65, 15:19; Luke 22:63-64; John 18:22, 19:3). The image on the Shroud shows a bruised face, a broken nose and a swollen right eye that is almost closed." (Guerrera, V., 2001, "The Shroud of Turin: A Case for Authenticity," TAN: Rockford IL, p.38. Italics original)


Why didn't you reply to this post?
Did Jesus have a broken nose or not?


Well-known member
You expose everything that your are when you falsely judge me.

Your statement comes from ignorance because you have ignored the evidence in the film. I can say you are ignorant because I have not ignored the evidence in the film and therefore can make this considered judgement of you.


Well-known member
Because you can go so far as to repeatedly stated that we are saved by blood, but repeatedly go no further.

You acting like it is due to forum manners is....an act.

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Can you re-word that so that it makes better sense. The OP is about Jesus' skin colour not about His Blood or the colour of His blood if that is what you are confusing.


Well-known member
You seem to contradict yourself? As per is bolded parts.

Christ's was the fulfilment of the sacrificial law, without His death we would not have been saved.
Jesus dying for our sins isn't Jesus being crucified to save us, Jesus was put to death whilst trying to save us who are sinful, by the gospel, by the word of God, preaching with the hope that many would believe and be saved from the world, and he was murdered for it, thus he died for our sins, Jesus lived to save us, we are saved by his life. Jesus was dead to the flesh and alive in God, preaching the truth hoping to save as many as would believe in him, and he was murdered for it at the hands of wicked men with wicked hearts who's father was the devil.

As I said, the parable of the wicked vine servants is about Jesus, just from that we can see it was wrong to kill him. And Paul clearly says in 2 Thessalonians that they pleased not God.

You say that I contradict myself, no, it's not me saying that they pleased not God, it's Paul. And so did Stephen when he said, they were betrayers and murders because they have slain our Lord Jesus. And there's more verses in the Bible showing that it was wrong to kill Jesus, it was a sin and God has nothing to do with sin.

Life saves, death doesn't save anyone.