Town Quixote's


New member
The Tuesday Morning Gazette

Our resident grump asked a good question...

Summed my position on the Redskins business...

Q tried a narrower objection...

CW took a shot at humor with results so startling it can only be referred to indirectly...

Took on captain furry over the Tea Party hijacking...

Paused for a nostalgic reflection...

Then chrys asked...

It actually took him another day or so more to get around to doing that, but you don't need to be Nostradamus to see some people coming.



Before Trad ciphered sumthing...

And anna added things up...

And another day or so was done. Medium rare. :plain: Tomorrow? Cheesecake, maybe. :think: Maybe more ham (either). added ham? Okay, protein's good! :cool:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Best bit from the recent Don Rickles tribute: "I don’t know how tell you this Don, but Frank (Sinatra) is dead. Incidentally, Dead is also the average age of your fans."


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

So anna said to Trad...
I have 19 words for you:

"She could never be a saint, but she thought she could be a martyr if they killed her quick."

--Flannery O'Connor
Very funny. :) Great response. I think Trad suffers from a serious case of plank build up. It can harden the disposition and lead to fewer strokes of insight if left untreated by liberal, daily doses of satire and sarcasm, administered via shots to the funny bone that should work their way up.

It's the liberal part that keeps so many, tragically, from seeking help. :plain:

Noted many diminishing returns...
Chrys Awards

2011: 1080 posts, 31,834 views, 29.5 per post view average.

2012: 1216 posts, 33,936 views, 27.9 per post view average.

2013: 2120 posts, 47,130 views, 22.2 per post view average.

2014: 993 posts, 13,531 views, 13.6 per post view average.

thank you town for keeping track of my numbers
It was easy....Took a minute. No need to thank me.

Did you know you tend to contribute around 22% of the posts to these? Except this year. It's about 32% so far. So at least your interest is up. :)

Ending with...
I know the thrill is gone
it is hard to keep it fresh and exciting
will try harder the next time
Try more real humor, aim some of it at yourself and demonstrate that the harder awards aren't so obviously all about your enemies list, so to speak.

Watching Trad and zip expand a trash me thread into a who's next, noted...
You two just need clothes lines and a fence.

Then THall went after himself again...
To some lawyers the truth is unobtainable.
You don't believe that or you couldn't know who to judge. :)

And, somehow, the Tea Party thread turned into a thread about me...but really, what doesn't these days? :plain:
you would pretend to understand and laugh at his jokes
if you were his friend
Or if you had a sense of humor and a decent education. So I agree right there it's a limited appeal.

While Pure seemed determined to earn his stripes...
... there are many times when being Christlike can be really difficult, and even dangerous. After all, it got Jesus killed. And the type of people who killed him are still around, in abundance, today.
Likely. But I really think you missed my point. It's all about the context. You can suffer and grow bitter or you can struggle through suffering and grow in grace. But the notion that it's hard to be a Christian seems almost insufferably self promoting and wrong headed to me. It's hard to accept the world's standards. There's no satisfaction in them, only a chasing after. "I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round." :)

And I wrap with a wrestling's hard to tell...
I think people should stop trying to pin Town down on this issue...

How interesting...

Except it wasn't...

You have to realize how hard it is to pin me down, AB. I mean I said, morally it's a sin and legally there's no cause to prohibit it.

It's like some bizarre, futuristic physics or indecipherable ancient tongue. :plain: If you've had a significant head injury. Like the kind you might get, I don't know, falling from a pole or running into a pole or somehow being hit by a pole. That sort of thing.

Tomorrow? The seventh inning stretch and someone gets kicked by a pony. :shocked:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So when you take your several times daily trip to the confessional, as needed, bring her along in spirit!

I go once a week, thank you, but I won't bring an evil spirit with me.

And for the record: Blunt speech that might offend liars and frauds is not a sin. Jesus never commanded us to be diplomats. I have my faults, but one of my virtues is I always tell the truth whether it offends or not.

Better to have the truth delivered bluntly then to be told lies that are smothered in sticky sweet sugar.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Didn't want this overlooked. Gazette link at the end.

The Gazette Racing Update

To remind, Angel took on and defeated all comers to start the year off and continued her streak through February, though she had strong competition. Beginning where I left off then:

March started off all Angel and ended with her coasting to an easy victory (22) with AMR, Musterion, Res and GM neck and neck but 13 lengths back. Not much of a horserace and congrats to Angel. :first:

And an old champion comes roaring back down the stretch as Resurrected takes the field at 22 with last month's winner, Angel, fading at the tape and back by four (18). GrosM comes in a distant third at 20. Congrats Resurrected.

April, the cruelest month, belongs to Res.

May Repeating a stellar performance from last April, Resurrected is out of the gate by several lengths and never falters line to line, cruising to an easy victory by six lengths (20) over the late rally of Lon (14) whose last leg nosed out third place finisher Angel (13). Once again, the reporting crown rests on the head of Resurrected. Congrats! :first:

June A weak field left the course wide open for repeat champ Resurrected to once again cross the "I object!" finish linen nearly unopposed (18) a good four lengths ahead of IMJ (14) and easily outdistancing the always game Angel (11) tying her for the overall lead in wins this year.

July: Tracer Bullet got off to a blistering start out of the gate, but our returning champion quickly caught and passed him before pulling up lame, twice, and opening to a game field.

At the half way mark it's still Res (18) with jerzy closing (16) and Nang (14) two lengths back in third place. Behind them and in contention a strong pack led by glorydaze (11) and CathCrus (11) with Angel (10) and the former front running Tracer (10) not done yet.

It's a furious, contentious race in a month of serious hoof stomping. I'll be back with the turn to the final stretch in a few days.

Hold onto your ticket stubs, this one could go down to the wire. :)

Last Gazette here.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Night Special Gazette

SH said...
The thing about smart people is that they sound like crazy people to dumb people.
I don't know what that means. It's a jumble of words or something. Nutter.

While Trad was telling anna...
...For a moment, try to separate yourself from your feelings. Stop thinking like a mom, a sister, a daughter, etc, and start using your mind. Try to see this from the disinterested point of view of your reason. You may see things differently.
Do you mean to be ironic or is it simply inevitable?

Then Pure kept trying suggesting Christianity had to be hard to have meaning...
How are these divorced from each other, unless one's Christianity is just an ideal, existing only in one's mind, but not in the world?
Christianity is the context for our experience, allows us to find joy in God in the midst of suffering and deprivation. It isn't a hardship, it's the strength and context with which to meet hardship...and plenty. Jesus said that his burden was easy and his yoke was (and remains) light. Matthew 11:30 He called the downtrodden and suffering to him. And he did it with an eye on the cross. That's why antiquity contains the illustration of martyrs who died horrific deaths singing praises to God.

It isn't that they didn't understand life can be hard for some folks.

Before CC went on a...
Leftwing snivelers are the ones who need to be informed, not do the informing. The only thing you can inform us about is how to cry like a little girl over any perceived slight. Excusing whining and dismissing being a mature adult. That's the sort of stupid idiot response I's expect from a lawyer or a leftwinger. Oh, wait a minute.........Translation: You like to cry and snivel instead of acting like a man.
I've never met a king who had to call himself one, to borrow.

Then THall was back in...any thread really...
The idiot despotic moron says,
Are you trying to keep us in suspense?

Thomas Jefferson wrote,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"
That's not the Constitution and he also didn't believe in the God of your understanding. He removed the miracles from his copy of the Bible, by way of, so good luck identifying with that slave holding hypocrite, his work in founding a greater notion notwithstanding.

Can anybody see a difference? :idunno:
Yes. I've never squandered a fortune, owned a slave...and I'm taller. :)

And to put a cherry on top of that, elsewhere...
...You know, you have a tendency to overreact not to mention put words in peoples mouths?
You must be talking
about TH?
Well, if she wasn't you'll make up for it. :plain:

Clarified a point or two with Yor...
Correct me if I'm wrong. The issue you are presenting is that 10% of a group is enough when offended to act on their claim.
I don't know that the number matters if a) you're serious about not meaning to offend and b) you realize you're actually offending people. I only used the number to dispel the nonsense about only white people caring or something similarly underinformed that some people were trotting out.

That's wrong. The percentage should be closer to your example as follows: 100%
You missed the point of that illustration, which was to underscore that if you don't mean to offend someone and you do then it's time to stop doing that. So if you say a thing not meaning to offend and one in ten of the people you use it on are offended it seems you should do for them what you'd do for an individual.

Then gen offered...
...there is no right to be free from being offended,
Couldn't agree more. We're free to be any odious thing we want to be within the context of what we think and say. But my argument was for people who claimed not to mean to offend. If you weren't one of them then I'm not trying to reach you and my argument isn't for you.

And TM said to CW...
Did you say something?
She's not saying much these days. It's some of her best work. :)

It was that sort of day...Tomorrow? Irony and eight other TOL essentials. :chew: