Town Quixote's


like marbles on glass
So here is a thread with 238,000 plus views and on the ..And The Rest page it says Zero likes - and some other threads with a handful of views show a few likes. Really?

patrick, the old TOL didn't have the ability to register/count likes. So the old threads that carried over from the old system to the new system came without any likes and most people don't bother to go back and like the OP on an old thread. New threads made after the switch are more likely to have a like or two, but it's not a big deal if they don't.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So I've been spending a lot of time on Twitter during the election year. Took me off most everything else. It's gone, at times, like this:

Twittering About...

Someone asked: "What is your dream job."

Me: "Interpretation...though now that I think your question over, I might not be cut our for it."


The Girl Scouts put out an odd celebratory bit about Barrett's elevation to the Court.

Me: "My wife tried your Coney-Barretts and couldn't wait to ask me if she liked them."

The Barbarian

For some reason, I never got into Twitter. I registered, went in, looked around a bit, and thought "well-named." Never went back.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For some reason, I never got into Twitter. I registered, went in, looked around a bit, and thought "well-named." Never went back.
I like it. It's the haiku of social media. You have to aim very concentrated bits, which can be terrific for honing brevity of wit. I'm no whale, only really having committed to posting within the last year after hit and miss for around four. I have just over 4k followers and who is reading/responding on a given day tends to change, which I like.

Also good for finding topics.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I like it. It's the haiku of social media. You have to aim very concentrated bits, which can be terrific for honing brevity of wit. I'm no whale, only really having committed to posting within the last year after hit and miss for around four. I have just over 4k followers and who is reading/responding on a given day tends to change, which I like.

Also good for finding topics.
Must be tough being a Biden supporter entirely within the Overton window on twitter. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Must be tough being a Biden supporter entirely within the Overton window on twitter. :eek:

I've always spoken my mind wherever I go. So far, on Twitter, there's no real downside to it, as I've never been inclined to profanity, and a great deal of encouragement. I also get to speak directly to power here and there...and Tom Hanks friended me. So, that's not half-bad.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I've always spoken my mind wherever I go.
If nothing else, that's what social media is for.
So far, on Twitter, there's no real downside to it, as I've never been inclined to profanity
When I first started my account was throttled quite a few times because I indulged in liberal profanity and vulgarity. I have my limits, that I did not cross, but to anyone like you who just finds certain cuss words distasteful, I was limiting my audience, even if I attracted certain other users because of the salty language. With better writing, I figure I can appeal to a wider audience without using cuss words, so I've change my approach, and the site hasn't throttled my account even once since I changed to "clean" language.
, and a great deal of encouragement. I also get to speak directly to power here and there...
I got to share the Gospel with Stormy Daniels, her account went back and forth with me for a while. I don't know how else I could ever do something like that, if not for social media. Of course the peanut gallery on that conversation was just awful, as you might imagine. It began with her posting something, given her history, there's no way she could go to heaven! It was a golden invitation that I couldn't pass up, and her account actually bit.
and Tom Hanks friended me. So, that's not half-bad.
There are basically four types of accounts, two types are blue check mark accounts, and two are not. There are blue chip blue check marks, like Hanks and other known either celebrities or other public figures. Then there are a plethora of blue check marks that you've never heard of. Then there are non-blue check mark accounts that are nonetheless public figures (George Conway, Rush Limbaugh e.g.), and then there's the rest of us. I have a fairly big name blue check mark following me for some reason, not as big as Hanks, but a known Hollywood actor. Who knows why they follow who they do, unless they actually interact with you.