Town Quixote's

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You have to watch ol' Churchill, it is often not what he records but what he omits from history...Kissinger is a villain.

History is a science in which the truth takes hundreds of years to mature.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Open again for business:

The Mostly Somber Thursday Evening Gazette​

There was CW determined to make her agreement with THall clear beyond reason (either)...
.....boy are you an ignorant retard.
You need a thesaurus...and a sedative.

Here is what Mahatma Gandhi said about your heroes....
No, he didn't, but I don't follow Gandhi. I follow Christ, the Lord God. And he said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.." John 15:13

We all know you prefer cowardice to the point of glorifying it.
No, "we" don't. Have you ever been on the other side of a gun aimed with lethal intent? I wouldn't call anyone running from that, were they unarmed, a coward. And to say that someone who shielded others from harm at the cost of their lives is a coward is dishonorable, low and a malicious lie at odds with God's own word.

...22 posts from you today, why not stop acting like a queer and start spending time with your child, act like a real parent. Grow up.
I just include that as a character reference.

...All of your heroes in that theater could not muster one ounce of violence on a creep shooting innocent people.
Argue with Christ. I gave you the scripture.

Watch and learn queen.
If the powers that be are content to see discourse sink to that level without challenge then there's nothing to restrain you, certainly not simple human decency, which seems beyond you.

That said, it only harms you, whether you know it or not.

Unwinding at last in...
I didn't say I was, I said you aren't. You told me what you think. I gave you scripture demonstrating what God says about the love and sacrifice you called cowardice, about using fool as you did and you raged on, ignoring the word.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

I realize it must be hard for a narcissistic axis two queen like you to understand why no sane person would take advice from you on how to survive a potentially lethal encounter or how to be a human shield.
I didn't give any advice on that. I said you were wrong to call them cowards and you were and are wrong. You're wrong to call me a fool or queer or a queen. And when confronted with the word of God on the points you stepped around it to tell me what you think you know.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

...Your pacifist delusions of human shield heroism are only enabled by your half a year of law school and your rookie level experience as a parent.
I'm not a pacifist and it isn't my notion. It's God's word on that sort of sacrifice. He said they demonstrated the greatest human love. You called them cowards.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

Took on Pure over...something...
...All those guns are just an indication of how irrationally paranoid we are about each other. They indicate the level of our feeling of weakness, and powerlessness, within our own society.
Have you ever tried to hunt a squirrel with a pocket knife? Well I have and I still can't tell you how the rascal got one. :plain:

I wonder how long it will be before someone gets seriously arrested. :think: Because right now it's looking a lot like the last financial crisis.

Talked racism with AScon...
The history of racism amongst democrats goes back a long ways:
That's true, except you left out the important bit: the Wallace loving, segregationist, true blue Democrats of yesteryear mostly became Republicans once the Civil Rights Act became the operating law of the land. But that only matters if the point here is playing politics.

THall sounded off on an old, self inflicted wound of his...
...The simplest fact that is still lost on you, because you have no real
world experience, is that you NEVER teach someone to stop moving in an active shooter present danger situation.

Some of those who died in that theater were men trained for combat and in tactics and they were on the ground, in the soup. They did what they thought was best and saved people. Maybe if they'd rushed him without coordination they'd have simply died faster and their loved ones would have perished in a glut trying to evade through whatever open exit remained.

I don't know. Neither do you. What I do know is that scripture tells us their sacrifice was the greatest love a man can express. And what I know from having read you is that you defamed them, called them cowards.

By your own description that is exactly what some of them did, freeze.
No it isn't. You're a liar. Nothing else to call you. The accounts don't illustrate those men freezing, but actively shielding and attempting to secure their loved ones from harm. Shame on you.

You giving someone God's voice is very similar to Vladimir Putin giving the world freedom and democracy.
That's you running from the truth by attempting to concentrate on the messenger. You didn't address it any more than CW. And that, my non friend, is cowardice.

Tomorrow? Not so jolly ranchers, coconut oil and someone gets up on the wrong side of the century. :plain:
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Morning Gazette

Things were jumping in the debate thread...
I would choose Arthur Brain and this would be our team's theme song, only you'd change Pinky to Quincy.

narf!!! :noid:
Sounds reasonable, which begs the question: why are you posting here? :plain: :eek:

Preserved THall's methodology...
You are in more dire need
of a mirror
when you talk smack
like that,
than anyone on the net.
You gave Psalmist a neg rep.

Your estimation of character is about on par with your grammar. :plain:

Then tet thought the way to go was to...
...]Republicans try to teach black people to fish, and they are called racists.
What specific program do you see as this effort to teach black people to fish?

(He never named it)
You and your Southern friend are trying to downplay the words of LBJ and other southern Democrats from the 60's by claiming everyone talked that way down there back then,
You should either quote me doing that or retract it. (he never did)

That's the problem with lump sum thinking, it spills over onto other things and people without warrant. :idunno:

While back in the debate thread...
Someone told me there'd be cheese :eek: ?
Always...and an abundance of crackers. :plain:

Have you guys ever ate at Cracker Barrel?

It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys.....
Barbecued monkeys or the regular sort? :think: Because I have to tell makes a difference.

Took time for another one sentence movie review...
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: as good as I imagined.

While over in the signature thread...
I thought you ran the place. :idunno:
Look at your signature. You think all sorts of crazy. :plain:
Laughed at herself...and not in the creepy, I didn't actually make a joke but I'm going to cackle at myself anyway fashion...who said there wasn't hope for SD? :)

And still found time to wax athletic...:think: There's probably a better way to say that...
Mike Antonio is no longer coach of the Lakers.

I know what you're thinking, but anyone who's watched them the last two years understands the "D" is silent. :plain:

Then THall tried to articulate something..."we" aren't certain what...
Boy are you lost.
I don't need a map to find you, given how all over it you tend to be. :plain:

We are all getting used to your inconsequential rants with zero proof.:nono:
There were armed men present to support Bundy in defiance of a lawful order. That, in my book, makes hot heads an apt description. You want to see it some other way, be my guest.

Where is the hot headed evidence you histrionic liar.
Because nothing says calm, cool, collected and rationally stable quite like calling someone a "histrionic liar" without cause.

That Word Power book just isn't paying real dividends for you, is it? :poly:

Before things wrapped up with John w taking a stab at the humble crown...
...And you forgot to add "humility" to the long list of my admirable attributes.
Sorry, pal, you're going to have to get in line for a nod on the humility wagon. I've already called shotgun...and I'll use it if I have to. :plain:

I agree, Heretic of Town-you are more humble than me. Wait...that was my most humblest statement, since I took credit for running "god"rulz out of town, and that puts me in the driver's seat.

Shoot...well, there's always next year. :IA:

Yeah, I'd have taken him but then he'd have won. :think: Wait a minute...

Tomorrow? I find out how the Gulfarium could close due to flooding.


New member
The Saturday Morning Gazette

Things were jumping in the debate thread...

Preserved THall's methodology...

Then tet thought the way to go was to...

That's the problem with lump sum thinking, it spills over onto other things and people without warrant. :idunno:

While back in the debate thread...


Took time for another one sentence movie review...

While over in the signature thread...

Laughed at herself...and not in the creepy, I didn't actually make a joke but I'm going to cackle at myself anyway fashion...who said there wasn't hope for SD? :)

And still found time to wax athletic...:think: There's probably a better way to say that...

Then THall tried to articulate something..."we" aren't certain what...


Before things wrapped up with John w taking a stab at the humble crown...


Yeah, I'd have taken him but then he'd have won. :think: Wait a minute...

Tomorrow? I find out how the Gulfarium could close due to flooding.

I believe I've detected a sort of "sea change" in SD lately. I'll be adding her to my "Stalwart" thread any day now!
I do love to become friends!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

Talked geography with THall...
Boy are you lost.
I don't need a map to find you, given how all over it you tend to be. :plain:

Just your existence could be a violation
of natural law
And you could have a conscience, but really, what are the odds? :plain:

Pointed out a problem with chrys' standards...
you gave me a neg rep
Yeah, I did, among God knows how many pos reps. A single point against thousands that did no real damage but did register the depth of my objection.

said it was because you knew how much I disliked them
No, it wouldn't have mattered....

that is immature
It's immature because you don't like it and I know you don't? :plain:

That's your definition of maturity? Then you're remarkably immature, since you intentionally offend people knowing that no one likes to be offended.

See how that doesn't work out for you? :nono:

CW started a pattern of shanking it into the grandstands...
TH says "Armed men = hot heads"
No, I didn't. What I wrote was:

There were armed men present to support Bundy in defiance of a lawful order. That, in my book, makes hot heads an apt description. You want to see it some other way, be my guest.​

Yet the evidence says over 1,000 armed men never fired a single shot or used there weapons at all,
You think they should get a certificate of some sort for that? :rolleyes:

They aren't supposed to fire a shot at people executing a court order. They also aren't supposed to obstruct. But showing up to a stranger's house armed to oppose a court order warrants my description. If it makes you feel better I could call them criminals. That sound better to you?

Revisited a ghost of Christmas past noting Palin supports torturing for information...
From the American Conservative:

Disgusting. Torture is fundamentally anti-Christian and should be universally condemned by those who follow Christ.
I knew Sarah was pro torture the first time I listened to her debate. :plain:

Then CW kept being CW...
...You are not fit to comment on those that serve or defend our country.
Which ones? The "cowards" who didn't meet your or THall's he-man expectations or the "heroes" who showed up in numbers and armed to posture together?

...Your credibility is zero with anyone able to reason beyond a kindergartner loser.:loser:
So, you do find me credible after all. :)

No one finds you credible other than Harry Reid, the actual criminal you support.
Well, at least you can spell credible. :plain:

Guess you missed this part?

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Probably because it wasn't in your answer. I also didn't read The Hobbit in your answer to zoo. Same reason. :poly: Did you mean to put The Hobbit in your answer? Because that would have at least made it interesting.

Tomorrow? Well, it won't be anything new by THall, that's for certain... :plain:


THall responded to a member and took a hit for disrespect to a mod. TOL should have instant replay rules.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
THall responded to a member and took a hit for disrespect to a mod. TOL should have instant replay rules.
IK is a mod. She was responding to someone else (zoo) and THall did what he does with everyone who doesn't agree with him, only this time it was a mod. Delmar, not IK, handled the rule violation.

That said, he's lucky to be here given how many times he routinely uses the sort of insult that should be construed as a violation under the rules. I think it's more disappointing that it takes a flagrant foul.

So there you go.


IK is a mod. She was responding to someone else (zoo) and THall did what he does with everyone who doesn't agree with him, only this time it was a mod. Delmar, not IK, handled the rule violation.

That said, he's lucky to be here given how many times he routinely uses the sort of insult that should be construed as a violation under the rules. I think it's more disappointing that it takes a flagrant foul.

So there you go.
Baloney. When a mod responds as a user then a retort should be allowed. If Delmar challenges me in his capacity as a member then I should be able to issue a retort without fear of some sort of violation of the sanctity of Mods. Knight can take a punch as a user so why can't Inzl?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Baloney. When a mod responds as a user then a retort should be allowed.
It's not a matter of answering or disagreeing, but how.

THall should have been booted a long while back, so I'm not going to cry over him getting called for something that's in the rules around here. He knows better.


It's not a matter of answering or disagreeing, but how.

THall should have been booted a long while back, so I'm not going to cry over him getting called for something that's in the rules around here. He knows better.
OK. You know I disagree but that is supra.


Hall of Fame
Baloney. When a mod responds as a user then a retort should be allowed. If Delmar challenges me in his capacity as a member then I should be able to issue a retort without fear of some sort of violation of the sanctity of Mods. Knight can take a punch as a user so why can't Inzl?

Why is this any of your concern? IK did not give the infraction. Quit being such an instigator.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I forgot, better than Danny Kaye's?
I can't be objective where Kaye is concerned. Grew up watching and loving his movies. It's a more mature treatment, a more human one, but nothing is more entertaining than Kaye in his element.


New member
I can't be objective where Kaye is concerned. Grew up watching and loving his movies. It's a more mature treatment, a more human one, but nothing is more entertaining than Kaye in his element.

I loved it when he sang! He had that kind of mien wherein one felt this is a good guy!


I forgot, better than Danny Kaye's?

Was Danny Kaye gay?

People looking for Kaye to be gay cite from a long list. He was a slightly effeminate blond man with fluttery hands and a silly grin. He was, as one writer has it, "pretty far from John Wayne on the masculinity spectrum." He sang some incredibly campy songs, like "Anatole of Paris," about a mad-queen hat designer who "shrieks with chic"; and "The Fairy Pipers," with Kaye extravagantly queening up a not-so-subtle subtext. He was coolly rote when playing heterosexual love scenes; he often camouflaged himself within drag, disguises, and dual roles.

And then along came Donald Spoto's bio, which claimed as fact a Kaye affair with Sir Lawrence Olivier. Spoto has Olivier's then-current wife, Dame Joan Plowright, blurting out the secret when she tired of being blamed for ending Olivier's marriage to Vivien Leigh. "'No, no,' she averred. 'Not guilty. Danny Kaye was on the scene long before I came along.'"


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You should get your mind and dishonest habit out of the gutter.

Enjoy the view from the outside again...sheesh. You have a real problem.

The Hump Day Gazette

Talked geography with THall...
Boy are you lost.
I don't need a map to find you, given how all over it you tend to be. :plain:

Just your existence could be a violation
of natural law
And you could have a conscience, but really, what are the odds? :plain:

Pointed out a problem with chrys' standards...
you gave me a neg rep
Yeah, I did, among God knows how many pos reps. A single point against thousands that did no real damage but did register the depth of my objection.

said it was because you knew how much I disliked them
No, it wouldn't have mattered....

that is immature
It's immature because you don't like it and I know you don't? :plain:

That's your definition of maturity? Then you're remarkably immature, since you intentionally offend people knowing that no one likes to be offended.

See how that doesn't work out for you? :nono:

CW started a pattern of shanking it into the grandstands...
TH says "Armed men = hot heads"
No, I didn't. What I wrote was:

There were armed men present to support Bundy in defiance of a lawful order. That, in my book, makes hot heads an apt description. You want to see it some other way, be my guest.​

Yet the evidence says over 1,000 armed men never fired a single shot or used there weapons at all,
You think they should get a certificate of some sort for that? :rolleyes:

They aren't supposed to fire a shot at people executing a court order. They also aren't supposed to obstruct. But showing up to a stranger's house armed to oppose a court order warrants my description. If it makes you feel better I could call them criminals. That sound better to you?

Revisited a ghost of Christmas past noting Palin supports torturing for information...
From the American Conservative:

Disgusting. Torture is fundamentally anti-Christian and should be universally condemned by those who follow Christ.
I knew Sarah was pro torture the first time I listened to her debate. :plain:

Then CW kept being CW...
...You are not fit to comment on those that serve or defend our country.
Which ones? The "cowards" who didn't meet your or THall's he-man expectations or the "heroes" who showed up in numbers and armed to posture together?

...Your credibility is zero with anyone able to reason beyond a kindergartner loser.:loser:
So, you do find me credible after all. :)

No one finds you credible other than Harry Reid, the actual criminal you support.
Well, at least you can spell credible. :plain:

Guess you missed this part?

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Probably because it wasn't in your answer. I also didn't read The Hobbit in your answer to zoo. Same reason. :poly: Did you mean to put The Hobbit in your answer? Because that would have at least made it interesting.

Tomorrow? Well, it won't be anything new by THall, that's for certain... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Book excerpt from Nobody's Fool, a portrait of Danny Kaye:

From Publishers Weekly

Brooklyn-born in 1913 as David Daniel Kaminski, this kinetic comedian with the crooked smile got his start in summer vaudeville. Beginning at age 16, he learned the hard way and learned well. He could mesmerize a nightclub audience, reduce it to tears of laughter and then get everyone to dance the conga. His rags-to-riches career took him to Hollywood, Broadway, the London Palladium (where he performed a triple act with Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh and drank champagne with Princess Margaret). Through all this he was coached by his wife, Sylvia Fine, who wrote the songs and devised the comic business that launched his career. The couple stayed together for 47 years (Kaye died in 1987). However, Gottfried (All His Jazz: The Life and Death of Bob Fosse) isn't telling a fairy tale here. Despite worldwide acclaim, good works with UNICEF and a mega-movie hit with Hans Christian Andersen, there was a cold and dark side to Kaye. No one quoted in this detailed biography felt close to him; even Sylvia played more the role of mother and manager than wife or lover. Convincingly discredited as well are recent assertions that Kay and Olivier were once lovers. "Perhaps he could not be intimate with any individual," Gottfried writes, "but he certainly could be with an audience." Audiences everywhere loved him and felt loved by him. Perhaps that is the way to remember him: the redheaded singing elf who spread happiness.​

Quixote's isn't the place for trolls to defame the dead to advance their spite, Sod.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Welcome to Quixote's. Our new summer hours: 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. most days, or longer when staff can make the schedule.

Friday Morning Gazette

Someone tried the "why not marry your PC" approach to narrowing...
Marriage is a contract. The PC may have capacitors, but it lacks capacity. Same with animals, other inanimate objects and political extremists. :plain:

So Connie decided to call all gays political extremists...
political extremists
Wanting to be married doesn't make you an extremist, though it might make you a masochist. :plain: Depending.

Tried to set CW and company straight on calling violators of an oath of office "honorable"... should leave this country, as it was founded by honorable men you would call criminals.
I didn't say every criminal act is dishonorable. I said a man who breaks faith with his oath of office shouldn't be held up within the context of that office, which is what you did. And while I believe civil disobedience should be a last resort and a non violent one, I know from history that it can be effective.

I don't respect the men who showed up armed and brought women and children into a real potential for harm. Not even a little.

Then having enough of poor loser nonsense...
Caught in another lie, fairy. "They aren't honorable if they're advocating criminal activity." "I didn't say every criminal act is dishonorable." Parse your way out of those two direct quotes, liar.

We all know you are the liar ms. fairy dust....
Forget links, here's the whole thing again for any honest soul to consider:

Because your long winded non-sequitur
Neither of which is demonstrated, only declared.
so much more useful than honorable Judges
They aren't honorable if they're advocating criminal activity.

Now here's the second:
... you should leave this country, as it was founded by honorable men you would call criminals.
I didn't say every criminal act is dishonorable. I said a man who breaks faith with his oath of office shouldn't be held up within the context of that office, which is what you did.
So the whole and consistent point was to note those judges and law enforcement officers you were trumpeting weren't as advertised by the standard they swore to uphold, you enormous doofus.

While elsewhere...
Good point. I would dance nude in front of the weather map for less if that is what the station wanted. :)
What if they offered you twenty five cents to do it? :plain:

chrys picked the wrong fight, as per...
that is not reasonable
you have no reason to believe he has a sufficient reservation
I in fact do. When someone essentially asks why they shouldn't do a thing then they're resisting the change on some level. The only real question for them is why.

you have no reason to believe this is not a sincere inquiry
I didn't say it was an insincere inquiry. I said that was the alternative and IF/THEN.

this is just another one of your clever insinuations
You're confusing my practice with your own. It isn't. And it's a particularly peculiar bid given my record here in not being someone who attacks your church.

...anything you want to wave away, just compare it to slavery
...try reading the fairly substantive examination on the point of contention and recognize my response on the second point was to note our Founding Fathers don't always command the moral, ethical or even legal highground.

intellectually lazy,
Like being lectured on table manners by a wolf. Try reading in context and reading the document provided...

Before things got real serious in the movie thread...
No "Lonesome Dove?"
I didn't include made for television. Good series/serial though.

Shut your pie hole
With pie..sure.

... and which "True Grit?"
That's what I say. :plain: :eek:

So stain made a not so clever little and anna gave a smile and stain said, "If you say so" and I noted she had so, naturally...
If you say so.
You said if she said so and she said so.

Is it important to you that everyone knows how indifferent you are?

:think: Continuing to post on it seems a little counter productive.

Then Rusha said...
She fooled you? You don't say. She must be a magician. :plain:
annahoudinedetti :)

Tomorrow? I won't promise...