I was wondering how long it would take the twin trolls to become frustrated about not getting my attention elsewhere and show up here. Ah, well. Back outside with both of you, shoo. Press your little troll noses against the glass again...kids...sheesh.
Helped out in the upskirt thread...
Mused with chrys...
Stopped by the One Sentence Movie Review to up the ante...
Having grown weary of seeing TSF grapple with the selective nature of some moral objection...
Answered meshak on war and faith...
And race...
Then felt obliged to offer a contract...
Tomorrow? Seven deadly sentences, blasphemy, horrible musicals and Klingons...
The Friday Night Gazette
Helped out in the upskirt thread...
...If a female , on a crowded bus, were to grab your crotch and hang on for the duration of the ride, would you consider that an invasion of your personal space?Additional kmo considered responses:Depends on the female.![]()
"I've had worse dates."
"More of a friendly annexation."
"Viva la France!"
"Depends--is she the bus driver? Because that's just not safe."
So, it could have been worse.lain:
Mused with chrys...
Allowed?? Do you ever read the POTDs?Should morons be allowed to post?lain:
Stopped by the One Sentence Movie Review to up the ante...
Frozen: cool.
Having grown weary of seeing TSF grapple with the selective nature of some moral objection...
I don't believe in speaking to someone without an advanced education as though I was instructing a dog or a small child......If someone makes his words or meaning obscure, i figure he doesn't really want to communicate, but just wants to look like he is educated or whateve...it doesn't work 4 me because all it says to me is you don't care whether "everyone" will get what u r saying... I don't believe in only speaking to college educated people, myself...
As to your complaint, again, I suspect that if you ran a fog index on what you claim was mystifying it would come back relatively accessible to you or anyone similarly situated.
:think: Let's see...
A FOG index grades the difficulty of the writing for the reader. The FOG index on what you purported to be flummoxed by came out at 12.68. An advanced senior in high school should be able to comprehend it...
Now that wasn't stupid, but it wasn't bright. To begin with it wasn't a case, an argument...it was a pronouncement with a little talking head gem ("lieberal") and an assumption at its heart.i think a lot of college educated people are STUPID...What do i mean by that? well, most of them are lieberals... I rest my case
But the people who coined that and likened words, I hate to tell you, were well educated too. They simply use theirs to focus you on what they want you to be outraged about, play the chords on that organ between your ears (your brain) that they know will sound like music to your ears (get you to dance to their tune or take their ideas as your own) and then go about lining their pockets with your outrage and contributions (votes/dollars).
I put helpful bits in that last. Was it (helpful)?
Gosh, thanks.in any case, being homosexual (acting on that) doesn't have the same moral implications as being Black (sarcasm alert)My actual point being that legal barriers to interracial marriage were examples of people attempting to legislate bias, to discriminate without a sustainable, rational objection independent of a context that had to be taken singularly on faith.
You had to accept the notion that other races were inferior or that there was something dangerous and wrong about marriage between races. No reason would bring you to that point, but there people went anyway and founded bad law to back their bias.
Only those operating mostly by motor reflex and a strong sense of smell. So they'll likely forget their objection (and the day of the week) any old minute. Not to worry.sorry you seem to think otherwise, which might cause some to find you racist...
Answered meshak on war and faith...
God has sent people to war....Jesus teaches to love your enemy yet Trinitarians disregard this command and hate Muslims and wage war against them.
God never commands people to sin.
So when you think Jesus is putting God's command in a sinful light you might want to consider the possibility that you aren't reading Jesus correctly.
And race...
And breaking into spirituals?Black people are built for sports.lain:
Today's faux pas brought to you by Racists Peanut Butter Cups
Racists Peanut Butter Cups, they taste sweet but they're still bad for your complexion. :chew:
Then felt obliged to offer a contract...
Ok, if you say so.Contract for Sale of Last Word
THIS CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LAST WORD, made and entered into this 26th day of March, 2014, by and between Town Heretic, party of the first part and hereinafter referred to as “The Thorn” and meshak, party of the second part and hereinafter referred to as “The Side”;
THAT WHEREAS, The Thorn has a certain interest in argument, including but not limited to: reason, virtue and a generally good time; and
WHEREAS, The Side inarguably desires to purchase the concluding point of said interest; and
WHEREAS, The Thorn and The Side have determined a reasonable price for such a sale, and having agreed to the terms of purchase;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed:
1. AMOUNT: The Side agrees to pay the sum of Bupkis ($0,000.00) dollars and doughnuts and a rousing "Blessings!", representing The Thorn's principle interest in said nonsense,
2. TERMS OF PAYMENT: The Side will pay to The Thorn the sum of Bupkis each month, and by no later than the 15th of each month, following the date of execution of this contract, until such time as the balance is paid in full.
(a) The Thorn will retain the right to routinely ridicule, elbow in and generally make nuisance of himself on any particular point of contention between the parties and;
(b) The Side agrees to pay full attention to said falderal and nonsense and in a timely fashion respond and;
(c) The Thorn agrees to maintain a mostly straight face throughout.
4. DEFAULT: Should The Side fail to fulfill any of the conditions of sale listed above, The Side will be considered in Default of this contract and The Thorn, at his discretion, may reclaim any interest he had with continuing the conversation without compensation to the The Side.
5. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT: The Side agrees on behalf of herself and her far too particularly noted heirs that this Contract shall not be assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated in any way by The Side or any executor, administrator, heir, legatee, distribute or other persons claiming under Herself by virtue of this Agreement and shall not be subject to execution, attachment or similar process. Any attempt to assign, transfer, pledge or hypothecate or other disposition of this Contract or of such rights, interests and benefits contrary to the foregoing provision, or the levy of any attachments or similar process thereupon shall be null and void and without effect and shall relieve The Thorn of any and all liability hereunder.
6. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the law of the State of Euphoria, irrespective of the fact that said State may at some point become another state entirely.
7. INVALID PROVISION: There will be no particular provision for invalids, noting The Side has agreed to run barefoot of her own volition and any injury sustained to the organ responsible for processing argument and making agreement, harmed within the scope and duty of feet to the larger entity is assumed hereafter and forever by The Side, heirs and assigns.
8. BINDING EFFECT: This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of The Thorn and The Side and their respective heirs, legal representative, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, casual readers and those who accidentally stumble upon a thread wherein the agreement is fulfilled.
9. PROFESSIONAL FEES: If a lawsuit or other proceedings are instituted by any party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Contract against any other party hereto, the prevailing party in such litigation or proceedings shall be entitled, as an additional item of damages, to such reasonable attorneys’ and other professional fees and court costs or costs of such other proceedings as may be fixed by any court of competent jurisdiction, or other judicial or quasi-judicial body having jurisdiction thereof, whether or not such litigation or proceedings proceed to a final judgment or award.
Because money is money.
10. WAIVER: :wave2:
11. TIME OF ESSENCE: The parties acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to each and every term, condition, obligation and provision hereof. Failure to timely perform any of the terms, conditions, obligations or provisions hereof by any party shall constitute a material breach of this Contract by the party so failing to perform and be cause for a general celebration.
12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: Sole Agreement: This Contract contains the parties’ sole and entire agreement regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all other agreements between them.
IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties have set their jaws this 26th day of March, 2014.
Witnesses:…everyone, really.lain:
Tomorrow? Seven deadly sentences, blasphemy, horrible musicals and Klingons...