Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I was wondering how long it would take the twin trolls to become frustrated about not getting my attention elsewhere and show up here. Ah, well. Back outside with both of you, shoo. Press your little troll noses against the glass

The Friday Night Gazette

Helped out in the upskirt thread...
...If a female , on a crowded bus, were to grab your crotch and hang on for the duration of the ride, would you consider that an invasion of your personal space?
Depends on the female. :eek:
Additional kmo considered responses:

"I've had worse dates."

"More of a friendly annexation."

"Viva la France!"

"Depends--is she the bus driver? Because that's just not safe."

So, it could have been worse. :plain:

Mused with chrys...
Should morons be allowed to post?
Allowed?? Do you ever read the POTDs? :plain: :eek:

Stopped by the One Sentence Movie Review to up the ante...
Frozen: cool.

Having grown weary of seeing TSF grapple with the selective nature of some moral objection...
...If someone makes his words or meaning obscure, i figure he doesn't really want to communicate, but just wants to look like he is educated or doesn't work 4 me because all it says to me is you don't care whether "everyone" will get what u r saying... I don't believe in only speaking to college educated people, myself...
I don't believe in speaking to someone without an advanced education as though I was instructing a dog or a small child...

As to your complaint, again, I suspect that if you ran a fog index on what you claim was mystifying it would come back relatively accessible to you or anyone similarly situated.

:think: Let's see...

A FOG index grades the difficulty of the writing for the reader. The FOG index on what you purported to be flummoxed by came out at 12.68. An advanced senior in high school should be able to comprehend it...

i think a lot of college educated people are STUPID...What do i mean by that? well, most of them are lieberals... I rest my case
Now that wasn't stupid, but it wasn't bright. To begin with it wasn't a case, an was a pronouncement with a little talking head gem ("lieberal") and an assumption at its heart.

But the people who coined that and likened words, I hate to tell you, were well educated too. They simply use theirs to focus you on what they want you to be outraged about, play the chords on that organ between your ears (your brain) that they know will sound like music to your ears (get you to dance to their tune or take their ideas as your own) and then go about lining their pockets with your outrage and contributions (votes/dollars).

I put helpful bits in that last. Was it (helpful)?

in any case, being homosexual (acting on that) doesn't have the same moral implications as being Black (sarcasm alert)
Gosh, thanks. :rolleyes: My actual point being that legal barriers to interracial marriage were examples of people attempting to legislate bias, to discriminate without a sustainable, rational objection independent of a context that had to be taken singularly on faith.

You had to accept the notion that other races were inferior or that there was something dangerous and wrong about marriage between races. No reason would bring you to that point, but there people went anyway and founded bad law to back their bias.

sorry you seem to think otherwise, which might cause some to find you racist...
Only those operating mostly by motor reflex and a strong sense of smell. So they'll likely forget their objection (and the day of the week) any old minute. Not to worry.

Answered meshak on war and faith...
...Jesus teaches to love your enemy yet Trinitarians disregard this command and hate Muslims and wage war against them.
God has sent people to war.

God never commands people to sin.

So when you think Jesus is putting God's command in a sinful light you might want to consider the possibility that you aren't reading Jesus correctly.

And race...
Black people are built for sports.
And breaking into spirituals? :plain:

Today's faux pas brought to you by Racists Peanut Butter Cups

Racists Peanut Butter Cups, they taste sweet but they're still bad for your complexion. :chew:

Then felt obliged to offer a contract...
Ok, if you say so.
Contract for Sale of Last Word

THIS CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LAST WORD, made and entered into this 26th day of March, 2014, by and between Town Heretic, party of the first part and hereinafter referred to as “The Thorn” and meshak, party of the second part and hereinafter referred to as “The Side”;


THAT WHEREAS, The Thorn has a certain interest in argument, including but not limited to: reason, virtue and a generally good time; and

WHEREAS, The Side inarguably desires to purchase the concluding point of said interest; and

WHEREAS, The Thorn and The Side have determined a reasonable price for such a sale, and having agreed to the terms of purchase;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed:

1. AMOUNT: The Side agrees to pay the sum of Bupkis ($0,000.00) dollars and doughnuts and a rousing "Blessings!", representing The Thorn's principle interest in said nonsense,

2. TERMS OF PAYMENT: The Side will pay to The Thorn the sum of Bupkis each month, and by no later than the 15th of each month, following the date of execution of this contract, until such time as the balance is paid in full.


(a) The Thorn will retain the right to routinely ridicule, elbow in and generally make nuisance of himself on any particular point of contention between the parties and;

(b) The Side agrees to pay full attention to said falderal and nonsense and in a timely fashion respond and;

(c) The Thorn agrees to maintain a mostly straight face throughout.

4. DEFAULT: Should The Side fail to fulfill any of the conditions of sale listed above, The Side will be considered in Default of this contract and The Thorn, at his discretion, may reclaim any interest he had with continuing the conversation without compensation to the The Side.

5. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT: The Side agrees on behalf of herself and her far too particularly noted heirs that this Contract shall not be assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated in any way by The Side or any executor, administrator, heir, legatee, distribute or other persons claiming under Herself by virtue of this Agreement and shall not be subject to execution, attachment or similar process. Any attempt to assign, transfer, pledge or hypothecate or other disposition of this Contract or of such rights, interests and benefits contrary to the foregoing provision, or the levy of any attachments or similar process thereupon shall be null and void and without effect and shall relieve The Thorn of any and all liability hereunder.

6. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the law of the State of Euphoria, irrespective of the fact that said State may at some point become another state entirely.

7. INVALID PROVISION: There will be no particular provision for invalids, noting The Side has agreed to run barefoot of her own volition and any injury sustained to the organ responsible for processing argument and making agreement, harmed within the scope and duty of feet to the larger entity is assumed hereafter and forever by The Side, heirs and assigns.

8. BINDING EFFECT: This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of The Thorn and The Side and their respective heirs, legal representative, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, casual readers and those who accidentally stumble upon a thread wherein the agreement is fulfilled.

9. PROFESSIONAL FEES: If a lawsuit or other proceedings are instituted by any party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Contract against any other party hereto, the prevailing party in such litigation or proceedings shall be entitled, as an additional item of damages, to such reasonable attorneys’ and other professional fees and court costs or costs of such other proceedings as may be fixed by any court of competent jurisdiction, or other judicial or quasi-judicial body having jurisdiction thereof, whether or not such litigation or proceedings proceed to a final judgment or award.

Because money is money.

10. WAIVER: :wave2:

11. TIME OF ESSENCE: The parties acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to each and every term, condition, obligation and provision hereof. Failure to timely perform any of the terms, conditions, obligations or provisions hereof by any party shall constitute a material breach of this Contract by the party so failing to perform and be cause for a general celebration.

12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: Sole Agreement: This Contract contains the parties’ sole and entire agreement regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all other agreements between them.

IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties have set their jaws this 26th day of March, 2014.

Witnesses:…everyone, really. :plain:

Tomorrow? Seven deadly sentences, blasphemy, horrible musicals and Klingons...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"The kingdom of God is gotten by violence; but what if it could be gotten by unjust violence? Were it against reason so to get it, when it is impossible to receive hurt by it? And, if it be not against reason, it is not against justice, or else justice is not to be approved for good. From such reasoning as this, successful wickedness hath obtained the name of virtue, and some that in all other things have disallowed the violation of faith, yet have allowed it when it is for the getting of a kingdom."

Thomas Hobbes

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Monday Evening Gazette

Took a shot at answering the new guy...

The Tanach, for the Christians the OT, teaches very clearly that there is only ONE God, and that is.
Scripture reminds us that only God can pardon sin. Christ pardoned sin. He also said that he and the Father were ONE.

Lastly, really, really, really long posts are only typically read by one of two people locked into an involved conversation...and only arguably then.

Presented meshak with a problem...
You don't have to kill anyone to defend innocent.
Sometimes you absolutely do. Example? A Nazi tank is rolling toward a town containing Jews, old, young, children. Try defending them without killing. That's what a righteous war looks like.

While over in the DRAMA thread things were taking a turn for the verse...
GM has evolved! I assure me!
I hear you...all you need is a majority. By way of, I trust me explicitly but I'm not so sure about myself. :plain:
Definition of a TOL "crazy"
I can't give you a working definition, but I know it when I post it. :think:

I don't blame me!
Well if you don't, who's going to? :think: Apparently not me, at least if I know what's good for you.

This is starting to feel like open mic night at the Grammar Hut. :plain:

Gave meshak a positive difference and thought...
Hey TH,

I just read your TQ and it is so funny when you collect them like that. And you seem to find me interesting.:)
You do make for good copy and illustration on a given day. :)

I find most earnest people interesting, even when I'm sure they're wrong. Only the insincere and malicious make me weary and disinterested and not even those without a good deal of time and exposure.

The trick, I think, is to desire the good for people and to separate yourself from those whose nature or anger or wounding won't let you sustain that good will...I try to love my's a hit and miss proposition, but more often than not I manage. You're lovable enough, wrong headed as I think you are on a few points of importance.

Have a beautiful day and mind your feet. :eek:

It is just so strange that American support the Israel who blaspheme God the way Jews do.
It's a secular state and an ally. We also support France. Go figure. :plain:

American's Christianity is just shame. It is laughing stock.
Only to people with the overwhelming urge to feel superior without actually having to be superior at anything to manage it.

God uses evil to pay the consequences of our choice of living. What happened to Jewish in WW2 is the consequences of rejecting God.
No, that's just you doing the racist bit again. Only this time it's a lot easier to see than the "blacks are made for sports" nonsense.

Japanese paid the consequences of their ungodly nation and so did Jewish.
But you think we're ungodly and we won that war.

We cannot mock God.
We aren't trying to. :plain:

Ascon stopped by to spread his usual and having had a bellyful of liars I said...
Welcome to today's "Christianity" people.
Oh do shut up and save the air for an honest breath.

Continuing in a surly mood and having reason met with...
Ok. Blabber mouth.
Why don't you try growing up? You asked a question and got a considered reply. If that bothers you then go outside and yell at people passing your house. Throw rocks at cars. That sort of thing. :plain:

...Why are so many Christians irrational when it comes to marriage equality.
They aren't irrational. They object, mostly, on moral grounds. I object to homosexuality as a moral proposition, but I think it's one of those things that belongs between the individual and his or her conscience and not mine.

Then, in response to FS's sentiment about keeping her children, I wrote...
We feel the same way. I would love for my kids to live at home always. :D ..
I'm considering home schooling, followed by home university, employment and retirement for my Jack. :eek:

Which was “answered” by Res thusly…
well, that would certainly be one way to shield him from the perversion you want the rest of us to accept

If you want to find out what happened next you should read the Woodshed. It's remarkable...and you’ll find more pure fiction in some responses there than in many a library. :poly:

Tomorrow? Meh.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Really Late Thursday Evening Gazette

Answered al on a mistaken notion...
You won't catch me doing any of that kind of stuff TH, genuflecting and kowtowing, oh no. :nono:
There are alters and then there are alters, al. And sacred cows abound in sheeps clothing. I love both the truth and every man's right to stumble toward it as best he can while leaving the other fellow free in his own faltering.

So chrys made a last ditch attempt to win at least one point, even of the imaginative sort...
...and that is the last word
at least until town posts again
I don't get why that's ever an issue in a forum where no one is forced to read or write always seems like a poor man's bully attempt, trying to get something by suggesting that anyone else who might appear to want it is somehow suspect...peculiar. :plain:

as soon as I log off he will post the last word
Supra. Just...weird and blindly ironic.

Then Eeset piled on elsewhere as if small numbers made for larger truths...
But proven once again.
And the trollfecta is complete.

Reminds me of when that new kid swore I was holding her in a thread and kept at it for fifty posts after I, wait for it, gave her the last word and then some.

Very funny stuff...a point of invention made into a virtue absent in the person aiming it.

Mehylee decided to roll for sevens...
The idea that god wanted animal blood to atone for sin is psychotic, barbaric, and disgusting. Good old Yaweh. What a freak
So your understanding of God and grammar are on par. Enjoy wherever you go next. Much good may it do you.

Had a round disagreement with chrys on, well...
...what they really need and want are mommies and daddies
Finally took that biology class did you? :plain:

how is that working out?
how many have a mommy that stays home?
How about stop fighting unions and a living wage.

how many have a daddy?
All of them. A responsible daddy? Fewer.

I know
I know
somebody has to protect two guys living together
Because that's the choice: fathers at home or equal protection under the law. [/massive sarcasm]

I guess that is your job
It's my job to be consistent, honest and rational. You should try one of the latter two.

Tried to lead meshak to water...
He does not say you can remarry if your spouse cheats on you. He is only saying you can divorce if she cheats you.
He also doesn't say, anywhere in the NT, that you can breath.

And do you know why he doesn't say it? :plain:

Before chrys came back to underscore my point...
do you think arguing for the protection of children and marriage makes me dishonest, irrational, a jerk, and a weasel?
No one called you a jerk, irrational and/or a weasel for arguing for protection of children and/or marriage. Literally no one did that. :plain:

Implying that was done, however, is dishonest, jerk like and weaselly.

Thought I saw a gleam in kmo's eye in the Angry Poster thread...
Being hungry can make people cranky. Maybe TOLers just need to eat more. :plain:
Did he just tell us to get stuffed? :mmph:

Then, in General Sports...
How can you not like college football. All I had to do was type into google "war eagle Nick Saban", and the jokes just come. TH, you can't be mad over it.
The idea of an Auburn fan who can read is already funny enough. :eek:

Tomorrow? Could be any day, couldn't it... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Photo Bonus: dogwood


It's larger than this, of course, like a good canvas. I was drawn to the three dark trunks and the splash of light the dogwoods brought with evening coming on. Had an impressionistic turn to it. Comes off a little darker here, but you can get the sense of it.


like marbles on glass
Photo Bonus: dogwood


It's larger than this, of course, like a good canvas. I was drawn to the three dark trunks and the splash of light the dogwoods brought with evening coming on. Had an impressionistic turn to it. Comes off a little darker here, but you can get the sense of it.

Beautiful photo, TH. :) It reminds me of the Imagist poem by Ezra Pound:
In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.​


New member
Beautiful photo, TH. :) It reminds me of the Imagist poem by Ezra Pound:
In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.​

Lovely thought Anna.
I love the Woods. There is always something new to discover. And I know that the Wood Fairies issue blessings on gardeners who enter.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The It's Thursday Evening Again Already Gazette​

Said to chrys, at the end of a very long day....
I believe what God has joined together no man should put asunder and I believe it is the child that joins them together not marriage
You might as well believe it's the seventh anniversary. It's as Biblical.

Found time for a movie review...
Cloud Atlas: all over the map.

Or two...
The Winter Soldier: summer movies/summer spectacles.
See what I did there? :D

In the Pastor tries atheism thread...
...A real Christian will never experience doubt?
A Christian should understand the object of his doubt should never be the object of his adoration.

And what's a day without meshak (short of a ban, who knows?)...
with res gone they will come after you and me
I hate to tell you this
you are now in first place

stay cool

with res gone they will come after you and me
I hate to tell you this
you are now in first place

stay cool
I have been there tons of times.

Thanks for separating the two responses. I really hate wading through super long posts. :plain:

Tomorrow? Wealthy Christians, something puzzling about ACW and dramatic understatement.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tuesday Evening Gazette

Discussed the cover of books with meshak...
I do love my enemy. What makes you thing I don't. Just because I don't accommodate your worldly faith does not mean I don't love my enemy.
That's rich...uh-oh. :shocked: (see what I did there?)

And ACW with bybee...
His is an openly sneer/smear campaign of sorts. He is a puzzle to me.
With one giant piece? :think:

Then meshak topped herself...
What you are doing is to focusing away from the OP. It is deceptive tactic and it is the same as trolling what you have been doing too.

good day.
You just called holding scripture up for consideration deceptive and the same as trolling. :plain: You may have a standards problem.

Chided the newest grandiose inquisitor...
...People need to be teased cause they're morons
I'd say that's one of the more cynical things I've read around here, but I don't discuss things like that outside of my species. :plain: See what I did?

Before differing with whoever has Stux's password over Rusha...
Yes, she embraced self, she has zero excuse, in God's terms.
If she "finds" God will you see that as to her glory or to His? And weren't any of us prior to faith who desired the truth of it in the position she is in? And is there in that position something worthy of being chastised for or is it a place where we may encourage and give our witness?

I think it's important to distinguish between someone willfully opposing and striving against God and someone seeking truth who hasn't found it yet. I believe our approach should reflect that as well.

Easy big fella,
Not upset with you, only noting something that seems important to me.

she was "raised" with God. Apostasy is real.
You can be reared in a forest. Doesn't make you a tree, does it?

Discussed zoo with Daedalean...
I haven't noticed Zoo doing anything creepy,
You won't. The closest he comes is a metaphoric proximity via noting the actual manifestation in a few lonely, hostile, duplicitous trolls.

although I haven't really been paying attention.
Keep that up. You'll be in the HOF in no time. :plain:

Had a last word with into on job applications...
There are truly saved Protestant believers, Catholic believers and Greek Orthodox believers.

Which one is meshak?
Sorry, but how someone stands before the throne of judgment is beyond my pay grade. I'll happily take on her understanding of the gospel, argue with her exegesis and promote the truth of things as best I can, but if you want me to sit in judgement on her soul, I defer to the one who rather than judge me, saved me.

Then when zoo explained the HOF acronym to Daed...
Heffer Oh Fackksent. Basically. And I'm being serious. Seriously. For real.
I can always tell because Jack begins to cry in his sleep when that happens.

It's that or gas.

So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer?

Tomorrow? Hobbies, idols, faux exits, fauxer threads and somebody gets a pony...maybe. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Monday Afternoon Gazette​

Suggested a few hobbies for Eeset...
Door to door yodel-grams; Deep sea manicurist; Appalachian art critic; ACW's fact checker; Professional hand sanitizer.

Met speculation with...
...I personally believe they would respond the way they are even if I acted mature and serious.
I suppose that one will have to remain a hypothetical.

Answered meshak's dime...
what is your point?
Job, Abraham, David, Solomon, Joseph of Arimathea...

What does this comment has to do with OP?
What does the OP have to do with anything? That's the question.

Continued to worry with into...
...When others have a problem by my inquisition it is not a sign of strength on their part. It's a sign of weakness.
You don't really get to decide that either. :nono: Though I like that you call it an inquisition instead of inquiry.

Jesus saves - we do nothing
Then your inquisition is pointless. So stop wasting time trying to transform nuisance into virtue.

Took up the wealth question with CC...
Your point is well taken, it's just that we have no record of what Jesus may have discussed with him about the subject. I believe that more to the point is, Did Joseph look at his wealth or do anything differently with it after becoming a disciple or not? Of course, we'll not know that answer until that day when God will reveal all.
What we can know is that a) Jesus was in complete agreement with the Father and that b) God rewarded Abraham, teaches a lesson at odds with wealth being inherently evil in the illustration of Job and continues that example with every king of Israel.

So there's every reason to believe God has no problem with wealth itself and quite a few reasons to believe that He does if it stands between Him and any man.

Tried to offer an insight into the nature of right and law...
I cant untill youve actually made one by backing your claim.
I did. Your not taking it on isn't my fault.

The onus is yours, since you made the claim.
To be clear, you made the claim here. You're suggesting that your religious freedom can't be interfered with in its exercise. I don't know of anything in the Constitution or law that remotely supports that and you haven't offered it.

As someone learned in the law I'm flat out telling you that's not supportable by any right. And I'm giving you an easy way to see it.

Here it is: can you and should you be able to sacrifice people on an alter if your religious beliefs demand it?

More brutally, what if you worshipped Kali? What if your religion required you to murder? Is that your right because you have a religious conviction?

You know it isn't. And in that begins the lesson. Our rights are not unfettered nor were they intended to be. That's why we have laws and review instead of simply and singularly a Constitution.

Noted a problem with a complaint by meshak...
Ok, suit yourself defending her vicious and obsessed behavior.
Because nothing says "vicious" quite like a little red dot on a page on the internet. :plain:
I pity you too, lady.

You claim to be a Christian yet you concentrate on popularity.
She said, concentrating on popularity for the umpteenth time. :eek:

Before disagreeing with into on how to address her...
...I've been attacked (hahaha oprah moment) for criticizing you clowns that keep on writing to this poor woman.
How you haven't changed minds already with this approach I'll never know. :plain:

Don't you realize that Messiah sees our hearts?
No, only you realize all the really important stuff. Just you.

As I think of the reasons to obey the word concerning cultists by rejecting them totally, what pops up in my mind is that by ignoring them they are left with nothing except their false imj I mean false doctrines.
It's an internet forum geared for debate and interaction. What you're describing is called off line.

Then kenja came in with a peculiar complaint about complaining...
This is why I and I suppose many others don't post at this site it's full of small minded gossipy immature people who aren't the least interested in Theology
He said, gossiping about most everyone else while not actually making a theological point.

And keypur offered...
It saddens me TH when I see no love in the posts of folks who think they are Christians.
Maybe it's an off moment. Maybe it's a difference of opinion. Maybe it's a vision problem. And the moment you start feeling comfortable saying things like "who think they are Christians" is the moment when I'd strongly suggest you're at least sharing a part of the problem.

Me, I'm hellaciously flawed and will likely always be. I need grace like a plant requires the sun. Thankfully, there's no shortage. But remember, before we transform Jesus into a spiritual stuffed panda, he was sometimes less than warm and cuddly. When it came to people actively misleading, being dishonest or hypocritical...

Then, after lecturing on the appropriate exercise of Christian virtue, into wrapped things up with...
Sorry that went over your head Town
Was that grace in action or humility? I want to make certain I don't miss the distinction. :plain:

...There is humility in exhortation in righteousness.
Sure, there can be. And a gun can be used to defend a man against a villain, but not every man shot by a gun is a villain.

...Sadly your own salvation has always been in doubt for me
Of course it has. :rolleyes:

...If that is right by your religious standard then you can explain to God why you refused to heed His words not mine.
Rather, meshak II, I refuse to heed your understanding. Maybe if you inferred I wasn't manly enough or dropped a couple of more bits of implied profanity and an "lol" I'd see the wisdom in your posting (he did all that with other posters in his ongoing quest to demonstrate how a Christian should comport himself, one supposes).

If you have the mind of Christ my words would not move you to anger.
Jesus sure seemed angry with hypocrites, but pointing out the problems and internal contradictions in what you're up to isn't a sign of anger, only rationality.

I suppose the difference between us is a Catholic vs Evangelical difference?
You're Catholic? Or is this yet another errant assumption on your part?

I've made my point. I can be done. Maybe.
Yeah, yeah and you're just about to leave. Maybe an other exit thread that isn't an exit thread. Or maybe a yes or no that means yes or no.

Likely not.

Tomorrow? Sod makes a reappearance here in typically self immolating fashion and kmo gets encouraged... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Afternoon Gazette

So it began with the obvious...
I wrote: [neg rep is] a strong, mostly symbolic gesture of extreme exception.
so is this :idunno:

Really? That looks more like you taking a selfie. :plain:

Then meshak brought her drum to the party...
...Most of the main streamers have no problem Christians being wealthy.
...Give up a fortune on that principle, if you have it, and I'm impressed. Give up nothing and tell the other fellow what he should sacrifice...let's just say it's less impressive.

Tried to encourage kmo...mostly...
:wave2: Morning.

I love this botd. I just want hug him!
If you did he'd just give you a nasty bite followed by a course of painful injections Great idea, kmo. You should definitely do that. :eek:

Noted meshak being meshak, which is to say unintentionally ironic, elsewhere...
You can have last word.
Funny you should say that. :plain:

While in Eesets "make another change to suit me" thread...
:think: I am not seeing the problem.
Me either. If the point is to limit participation to people who could contribute on the point...I'd think men who had once been Catholics but no longer were could also contribute to the particular interest.

I can't tell if that first part is sarcastic or not. :eek:
Great new motto. :plain: (can you tell about that one?)

I am confused...

Then rainee said...
...Who wants to put up threads and not have people post on them?
People who don't want to hear from most people?

After all didn't they say TOL is like a box of chocolates?
Thought mostly it's like a big box of crackers.

Before talking sacred cows with tcl...
show me where it says in this supposed Act that anyone who doesn't pay his fees will be treated like a terrorist, called a terrorist, and threatened himself w/ death and his cows killed?
Why would it? And I suppose it would depend on what you mean by being treated like a terrorist. Nobody shot him outright, did they? We do arrest some terrorists, when we can. And we arrest people who threaten law enforcement, who interfere with the execution of a lawful court order, etc. So you may be going a bit broad there.

Maybe you should have said, "treating a man's cows like terrorists". Or some of them anyway. :plain:

Tomorrow? Runaway racist "patriot" bandwagons, parrots screaming over crackers and sod has an aneurysm...or that's one explanation for it. :plain: :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Evening Gazette​

Had an interesting conversation with a friend...
How did you feel about the "Wall Street sit-ins"?
I admire peaceful protest and the willingness of the protesters to find themselves penalized by law to raise public awareness of a legal outrage in relation to a particular social problem.

Have you forgotten the destruction and debris these peaceful protesters left behind?
Which protesters? I was speaking to the principle and against a band of men showing up brandishing weapons and threatening officers of the court. I don't admire mobs with ropes and guns and angry rhetoric.

I mistrust the interpretation of accumulation of state lands under the Federal Governments insatiable maw!
I mistrust the individual states, who are in a position to be driven by short term needs. I like having protected lands that generations of Americans will have access to without a drilling permit.

Which sponsored...
You better hope Americans stop drawing their guns, if these Fed abuses keep happening sooner or later there will be a shootout.
If citizens fire on officers of law enforcement then the moment that happens they become violent criminals and should be dealt with accordingly.

Speaking of Mr. Bundy...
:mock: people who jump on bandwagons before they know who is driving it.

Noted holes in THralls attack on WoZ...
...Bundy did not make a racist statement he asked a question. Asking a question is different than making a statement.
Said Bundy,
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton."​

...Your bogus argument would almost hold water if the BLM did not control so much land on the border of Texas and Mexico, a place where they have never sent armed agents to protect the people of Texas from drug trafficking, and illegal immigration.
Your counter is a sieve. Not enforcing immigration law is wrong. So we shouldn't enforce any other law? :plain:

Then CW came to the aid of her THrall...
...I love it when blowhard pontificating queens like TH...

TH claims to be all about respect for men serving,
Right. Which is why I didn't call murdered former and then current members of the armed forces "cowards" for dying as they shielded others in that Colorado theater. The guy you can't wait to high five did I have to tell you.

Then after a black man gave Bundy a character reference... can't even admit your wrong when someone who has first hand knowledge spanks you with the truth.
If you and your buddy are proof of anything it's that there's a profound difference between opinion and fact. I don't dispute his opinion or right to it, I note the words that contradict it, spoken by the object under consideration.

A black man at that.
I know men who have black friends and are still racists...That said, racism, mildly patronizing or spittle flecked hatred, is odious and a defect of character that shouldn't be coddled or excused, least of all by Christians.

But that was only the prelude...
Except for black men who know Bundy refuting your lies and propaganda you might have a leg to stand on.
If by men you mean man and by propaganda you mean the words coming out of Bundy's mouth. :plain:

Only real scum like you accuse men you don't even know of being a racist
You sound upset. You should get a handle on that...and your tongue, before it steers you into a tree or something.

So into happened by...
Anyone that calls other men chicks is cool in my book.
But what if you lose the crayon that makes your book meaningful? :plain:

So I decided when in Rome it's sometimes all right to fiddle around...
You are not fit to lick Bundy's boots.
Why on earth would anyone want to do that?

...No surprise your spouse is the bread winner and you are stuck changing diapers.
Sad that you think taking care of a child is getting stuck. Whoever taught you to believe that should be horsewhipped.

...Having worked with honorable men my whole life, it is easy to see that you are no man, the difference is obvious.
Well if it wasn't what are the odds you'd see it?

Tomorrow? I'm ordering pizza. :chew: