Town Quixote's


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what kind of a list is it if it doesn't have Chilton's Ford Truck 1985-2000?
and not a single work by churchill? :freak:

Chilton's is mostly pictures, leaves some to be desired as far as the actual meaning of ECM trouble codes and the schematics are incomplete vague guesses.

I'd prefer a Haynes but they get a bit pricey.


Churchill's "History of England" was a good read.
I thought it was rather an interesting list.

i'm just winding up book four (book eight, really) of his wwii series

two more to go, then i'll tackle A History of the English-Speaking Peoples - took me quite a while to find a library in the system that has the original four volume set and not the abridged single volume

then back to kissinger - i've found a source for his A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812–22.

slow going lately - lots of reading for a&p


Chilton's is mostly pictures, leaves some to be desired as far as the actual meaning of ECM trouble codes and the schematics are incomplete vague guesses.

I'd prefer a Haynes but they get a bit pricey.

i have haynes for my saab, but it's written for the right hand drive european version :(

thank goodness for the internet and enthusiast groups!
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd add "Of Human Bondage" and "Not as a Stranger" just off the top of my head.
Well dearie, in my opinion, it is just someone's list among other someone's lists.
I have a book of "The Book of Great Books" a list of 100 world classics.
It is a gold mine for quick references when I wish to refresh my memory.

We should have a thread.
Where we argue about what books should be on the list.
And we can argue about the criteria we used to come up with the list.
Here's a list that puts Stranger in a Strange Land at #2 and Dune at 9
Here is a list that puts Stranger at #1 and Dune at #2;
The Dune wiki article claims that it's the #1 seller of all time;
So there's some argument to be had, as to what's important beyond sales.
Hubbard wrote some awesome stuff and founded a religion with Dianetics, a religion that alot of Hollywood types adhere to.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance could do double duty as philosophical fiction and give Chilton's Ford Truck 1985 to 2000 a run in the How To category.
And now that I think about it seems like we must give a nod to circulation so I retract what I said to Res regarding Chilton's vs Haynes manuals. Yes the Haynes is the superior manual but it was a Chilton's that got stained with my blood sweat and tears when I was 15 and repairing my first car on the money I made at a part time fruit stocking job that I rode my ten speed to.
So some consideration must be given to the impact that the book had on society.
Just a thought.


New member
We should have a thread.
Where we argue about what books should be on the list.
And we can argue about the criteria we used to come up with the list.
Here's a list that puts Stranger in a Strange Land at #2 and Dune at 9
Here is a list that puts Stranger at #1 and Dune at #2;
The Dune wiki article claims that it's the #1 seller of all time;
So there's some argument to be had, as to what's important beyond sales.
Hubbard wrote some awesome stuff and founded a religion with Dianetics, a religion that alot of Hollywood types adhere to.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance could do double duty as philosophical fiction and give Chilton's Ford Truck 1985 to 2000 a run in the How To category.
And now that I think about it seems like we must give a nod to circulation so I retract what I said to Res regarding Chilton's vs Haynes manuals. Yes the Haynes is the superior manual but it was a Chilton's that got stained with my blood sweat and tears when I was 15 and repairing my first car on the money I made at a part time fruit stocking job that I rode my ten speed to.
So some consideration must be given to the impact that the book had on society.
Just a thought.

Thank you for this lovely post! I have read so much in my somewhat long life and find that my tastes evolve. It is due, I think, because I have such a varied foundation in literature.
For instance, I had to force myself to read "Ulysses" and I have hated Joyce ever since! Even his short stories set my teeth on edge.
I hate Chekov and Ibsen for the bleakness of their prose.
I had to sneak to read "Nana" as a young teenager. Certainly shocked me in a delightfully wicked sort of way!
What some of your favorites?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
i have haynes for my saab, but it's written for the left hand drive european version :(

thank goodness for the internet and enthusiast groups!

Saab is a good choice if you like your engine and drive train installed backwards.


For instance, I had to force myself to read "Ulysses" and I have hated Joyce ever since!

i had to struggle through portrait of the artist when i was a young man and hated him ever since

gave ulysses a crack last fall - i think i plowed through the first 150 pages and gave up

Saab is a good choice if you like your engine and drive train installed backwards.

:doh: i meant right hand drive european version

just changed the alternator the other day - instead of having room to pull it out through the wheel arch as the manual directed, i had to dissconnect a bunch of stuff between the firewall and the intake manifold and it just barely squeaked out

many of the fasteners were blind :doh:

two were stripped :doh::doh:

i would have been lost without the help of the saab guys online

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Do we think this is a good list?
It's interesting, but I wouldn't call it definitive.

How is Atlas Shrugged not on here?
How is Winter's Tale not? Both were made into horrible movies. Maybe that's the problem. :think:

Or Stranger in a Strange Land?
Is that as celebrated as it was when it came out? I'd take the Ringworld Saga over it, or the Riverworld series...Varley's Titan, Wizard, Demon trilogy over it, The Mote in God's Eye...hard enough to narrow a science fiction only list to 100.

I've read about half of Herbert's stuff but I just couldn't get into Dune.
I read, but never warmed to it. Same with Tolkien. :idunno: Interesting, but it never engaged me the way other works did. I was fond of Asimov's Foundation trilogy (ignoring any addition to it).

I refuse to read The Five People You Meet in Heaven because Mitch Album is a Detroiter and commonly regarded as an arrogant douche bag.
Is that repetitive where you come from? I read it, but wasn't particularly moved by it. I'd take Richard Bach's Illusions or even Seagull over it.

Yesterday's Gazette found here.


Well-known member
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance could do double duty as philosophical fiction and give Chilton's Ford Truck 1985 to 2000 a run in the How To category.
Regarding Robert Pursig and his book 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance', he wrote a second book 20 years later, based on the same theme (travelogue/philosophical dissertation) that is really excellent! In many ways it's better than 'Zen'. It's called 'Lila' (a Sanskrit word meaning "gods at play") that involves a boat trip down the Hudson River to New York with a happenstantial companion and an amazing dialogue on the idea of 'quality'.


New member
Do we think this is a good list?
How is Atlas Shrugged not on here?
Or Stranger in a Strange Land?
I've read about half of Herbert's stuff but I just couldn't get into Dune.
I refuse to read The Five People You Meet in Heaven because Mitch Album is a Detroiter and commonly regarded as an arrogant douche bag.
I didn't know his book was regarded with such high esteem and any list that includes him at the expense of Heinlien or Rand is a bad list in my opinion.

Rand and Heinlein are popular in atheistic circles, a mere 2.01% of the world population. That might explain it. My sister read Ayn Rand; very instrumental in her walking away from the faith. I read Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land as a high school requirement. I found it to be...blah. You grok?


New member
Thank you for this lovely post! I have read so much in my somewhat long life and find that my tastes evolve. It is due, I think, because I have such a varied foundation in literature.
For instance, I had to force myself to read "Ulysses" and I have hated Joyce ever since! Even his short stories set my teeth on edge.
I hate Chekov and Ibsen for the bleakness of their prose.
I had to sneak to read "Nana" as a young teenager. Certainly shocked me in a delightfully wicked sort of way!
What some of your favorites?

Did you read any of Taylor Caldwell? I liked her writing but some of her personal views were pretty messed up.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Friday Night Gazette

Finished up with Pure's one sided history fits all...
...It was playing on this kind of very nasty human proclivity for bigotry and scape-goating that formed the cultural foundation of aristocratic southern rule.
Which the north leaned upon and used to fuel its economic engine. But the cultural foundation of the South was complicated and diverse. You're conflating the economic engine. Or maybe you just watched Gone With the Wind too many times.

...It's not that northerners are not just as prone to bigotry and exploitation. It's that the north had not created a whole culture and economy based on it.
You couldn't, topographically speaking, but you did tangentially, since the cotton and crops that flowed from the South were the backbone of northern economies. Molasses to rum to slaves wasn't just a catchy tune from the musical 1776.

...My point is that there are people living, today, who because of some stupid identification with place, and their willful ignorance of the terrible ideals the south was fighting to preserve, still venerate the flag under which all that ugliness happened.
Rather, your vision of the South is myopic and most of the people who use symbols of it to celebrate their heritage aren't celebrating what few reasonable souls would.

Then straind went on a tangent of indifference...
What part of 'I don't care what you think' tells you to keep telling me what you think
I'm going to buy you a dictionary for Christmas and tear out every page but the one with "irony" on it.

are you mental?
Said the girl who wrote dispicable creep. I dont give a scrap about how many invalids you think you helped, you're going to rot in hell.
because I disagreed with her approach on an internet forum?

Like being lectured on dental hygiene by an Appalachian.

That got me this love note...
You're straight evil, I don't deserve your aggression.
Seriously, just the one page. :poly:

And FS said...
Yeh, must be "Back Week" at TOL. :eek: ..
Lots of people are finding theirs Straind., so to speak. :eek: Probably from all the leg pulling.

fool neatly summed up why the law applies to everyone...
...we need to look at it that way, if the road was closed then he wouldn't have had the medical bills.

Just like anybody else.
That's about the size of it.

Ribbed unknown good naturedly...he eventually forgave me...
...Average minds discuss things and places.
Like cartographers and travel agents. :thumb:

Small minds just talk about other people."
Darn small minded people. :think: Wait a minute... we go through the logia I will be asking for the origin (timewise) for the thought behind it. That will hopefully become more clear as/if the thread progresses.
I love an optimist. :plain: :D

And had a last word for meshak...
Another copy cat. You forum bullies need to learn to be unique
That's your hang up, being one of a kind. Being the kid in the corner with theme music playing in the back of your noggin.

The only difference between you and an actual bully is you don't have the power to do anything about anything. To the extent you have even the illusion of authority you use it, in the kingdom of meshak, to pronounce nearly everyone else outside of righteousness and banished to the realms of silence.

instead of coping someone else's phrase, especially your enemy's phrase.
Came up with "blessings" yourself, did you? :plain:

Tomorrow? Trains of thought and Tom foolery. :eek:
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New member
Rand and Heinlein are popular in atheistic circles, a mere 2.01% of the world population. That might explain it. My sister read Ayn Rand; very instrumental in her walking away from the faith. I read Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land as a high school requirement. I found it to be...blah. You grok?

I love Heinlein - perhaps because his social commentary appeals to the seventies hippie that still lives within me. ;)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Monday Evening Gazette

In meshak's know more about my family than you ever, ever, ever should...
This woman is a complete train wreck.
Well...she certainly has a loco motive. :eek:

While in the upskirt photography thread...
Why does this thread have almost 400 hits?
It's one of those threads people keep looking up. :plain:

Made it just in time for karaoke night...
...I got me a hat
it seats about 20
so COME ON! and bring your

(say WHAT?!?)
Shiny happy meshak holding hand...

That led to TomO's...
You owe Michael Stipe an apology. :plain:
It was that or, "Meshak in the corner, meshak in the spotlight, inducing derision."


I see your point. :plain:

Then meshak pushed a posit on education that was positively enlightening...
Public schools is for non-believers.

Their standards of how to conduct is not good at all..
I suspect the lawlessness all begins with a blatant disregard for grammar. :poly:

Then she said, to a Christian, a thing I've noted some radical zealots trying and I've been meaning to get to it for a while...
...Jesus' followers are not in the wide road, you cannot find life in the wide road, says Jesus.
You do realize that if every professed follower of Christ made it the gate would still be narrow, comparatively. :plain:

Over in the pity poor creatures flesh thread...
That's because we humans see reality at 24 frames a second. We are necessarily prevented from seeing the big picture. Only the mystics, poets and prophets can view the whole and impart those clues to the rest of us.
:think: How do you know you can trust them?

We need to admit that we are a colony of ants crawling across Picasso's "Guernica." We sense a succession of colors and paint textures, but that's about it.
I'd rather be an ant crawling across someone's guacamole...because I like guacamole...and I'm hungry. :chew:

Graded heavily on an inferential curve...
Do you find looking at porn to be immoral?
Do you read a cookbook when you're hungry?

And in the "Hey Light House" thread, I pondered...
Sorry duplicate thread.
:think: Trying to figure out if a comma is necessary or superfluous.

Took cl up on a commonly underthought complaint...
....But something is terribly wrong in the USA

When we get stuff like Obamacare shoved down our throats
I agree. It was mostly our spending nearly 18 percent of our GDP coupled with decades of resistance on the part of the Republican party to do anything about it that let this mess of a bill come into being.

Tomorrow? Morons, movie reviews and someone gets smoke blown up their skirts... :plain:


New member
I love Heinlein - perhaps because his social commentary appeals to the seventies hippie that still lives within me. ;)

"Stranger", TMPOV, wasn't a suitable book for high school age students, even '70's hippie high school students; too sexually explicit. I may not be giving him a fair crack but that book seriously turned me off so I refused to be open minded about anything else he wrote. "Blah" probably wasn't the correct word to describe that book but I was trying to be nice.
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