Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hump Day Gazette

So I answered a thread question by noting I stuck around for the promised snacks...
Snacks..yes...nothing that sticks to the rib(s) though! :sigh:
And you've been sitting at the counter since 2003?

That explains why you're so easy to see through. :eek:

The ponies were shipped with the free oil we got for invading Iraq.
Ah, well, that would have ruined them for riding anyway. :mmph:

And then things all came together in the Why Are You Here? thread...
What are you doing here?
why don't you leave?
I leave all the time...daily at least. stay here? :think: I was wondering about the cot near the snack room...the dark, empty snack room. :mmph:

Before I bid a fond farewell to a favorite sparing partner...
I don't think it needs to be typed out...

Let me list my reasons...
Okay, if you have to go, going funny is always worthwhile. Though it's better, as a rule, when you mean to be...well, for you. So you're xAv? Too bad then. I enjoyed going at it with you.

...Lastly, well I can't really be bothered writing too much more
Well, now I'm feeling guilty about making you write this much, under a new user name...

I'll just add that ever since I joined people have been asking me why I bother spending time here
Are these people you see and hear, or only hear? It's important.

and I always consider it the practise of "know thy enemy."
I may have hit on why you feel unappreciated. :plain:

I wanted to improve my ability to engage in a civil dispute and to also sharpen my reasoning against a stone (however dense).
Yeah, why you weren't spending half your time answering friend requests is a mystery on the order of the Olmec stone.

I don't believe I have a right to free speech here
Subscriptions really are optional. :plain: It was either that or: really? I write a thing and before you know it I'm hip dip in it.

...if I stay any longer I'm going to become so frustrated that I'll become a pain.
What time is it?

Gave meshak a serious, considered response that began with...
Not any responses from main streamers.
Mainstream? Is that a Baptist or Lutheran church? Look, you've decided that whatever you decided is right. How does anyone argue with that? The only real difference between you and, say, the Presbyterians, is that there are a lot more of them and their church fathers (and hopefully them) have been reading the same scriptures and arriving at different conclusions about a few things. How many things I don't know. I know your stand on the trinity and war...

But after several attempts met with dodges and new threads...
Why is this a new thread?


And how?

Tomorrow? A discussion on why belief is inevitable, even if you don't believe it is... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
True Story Time:

Jack, for no discernible reason, had been declaring himself a Baptist for several days running. Then, yesterday, refusing to be put down for a nap he obviously needed my wife came up with an idea.

She said to him, "Jack, good Baptists take naps."

Jack considered it, then answered, "I'm a Presbyterian."

Sorry Baptists, but it looks like you've lost him. :plain:


New member
True Story Time:

Jack, for no discernible reason, had been declaring himself a Baptist for several days running. Then, yesterday, refusing to be put down for a nap he obviously needed my wife came up with an idea.

She said to him, "Jack, good Baptists take naps."

Jack considered it, then answered, "I'm a Presbyterian."

Sorry Baptists, but it looks like you've lost him. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Friday Morning Gazette

Coined a new phrase with meshak...
It is obvious what we practice is our fruit.

This is what I mean. Mainstreamers don't even know what the fruit is.
I do and I'd bet he does too. Sometimes you ask a question to see what the other fellow is thinking.

See, you up streamers don't even know about how to have a conversation.

Messings (with you).

Or, see how easy it is to do that?

Then really waded in to see if anything had changed...
...We cannot hide what we are, our fruit won't lie. That's why Jesus says we know false teachings by the fruit.
Which is to say, we know a false gospel by its lack of conformity with the Word. That's why I immediately step away from someone who attacks the Bible, in whole or in part and then continues to speak to the truth of Christianity. Paul, by way of example, wrote from personal experience of the risen Christ, communed with the apostles and spread the gospel far and wide among the gentiles.

But some people attack him while claiming to love the one who sent him, if you can believe it.

Sincere Christians will not argue about trying to be like Jesus by following His teachings, sir.
I've always believed that a person in love shouldn't have to tell you that he is, so while no one can conform their way to God, I agree that to love God is to seek His pleasure and that His pleasure is in the good.

You don't need to have PhD to know simple and clear teachings.
I've never thought you did. But I can't help notice that people with or without them tend to disagree on any number of things, which is why I mostly concern myself with the salvific and leave the next fellow to drink or not, dance or not, play instruments in service or not, go on Saturday or Sunday, or gather in twos.

I never said nor am perfect nor godly as I should, but Jesus' teachings are perfect and godly.
If you were perfect you wouldn't need grace, you could live by the law alone. I don't expect perfection from any human being. I do expect consistency in approach.

His teachings are the most honorable thing to spread to the world.
I don't think anyone within the Body is going to argue with that.

You should be proud of His teachings and commands, sir.
I love him and witness for him, but I don't trust pride. It has a way of corrupting even the best impulse.

Had a talk with rst about choice and faith...
A number of folks on these boards are saying or at least implying that they can consciously CHOOSE to believe things. If you are one of them perhaps one of you can help me.
No, but I'd be happy to tell you why that's true of any number of things. Your political notions are choices or the product of choices you've made about what does or doesn't seem to be the right way to go about governing. They aren't rationally inevitable.

...Maybe you could use something like leprechauns to demonstrate your ability and technique. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a leprechaun is "a fairy peculiar to Ireland, who appears in the form of an old man of minute stature, wearing a cocked hat and a leather apron" and who hides his gold at the end of a rainbow and if ever captured has to grant three wishes.
And now we don't have to look up facetious.

Bumped into anna in the morning thread...
I love thin mints too, even though they're not the same as they used to be.
Maybe they're the same and we've changed...:noid:

Before meshak came back with this profound zinger...

Well didn't that just radiate Christ. :rolleyes:

That's your problem, meshak. You've made yourself and your best understanding the authority you revile in established churches. But you're no less human or prone to error than the next fellow.

Commiserated with GM...
That's right, poster, LA seems to believe my head will
not remain on my shoulders for long!
That's going to really cut into your post count. :plain:

The worst part of it is, I just starting using a new toothbrush,
which according to LA, I won't have much use for in the near
Just think of the money you'll save on floss and toothpaste though. So there's a silver lining if you look hard enough...which I guess won't be easy to do without a head.

Tried to help kmo out...
I will. :D But I'm not looking forward to shoveling out my car...
You wouldn't have to if you put the top up. :plain:

Rounding out the day with...
I will not take the bait of rehashing the same thing.
Then stop posting.

Tomorrow? I'm taking Jack to the Leggo movie, it's the weekend.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Chrys' Corner (aka, the daily graphic):


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette
(soon to be compiled as Most Days With Meshak)

Took a moment to answer a peculiar question related to gays in the whit, would I be nervous in the locker room shower (no)...
...I'm betting if you were in prison, and you had a choice of roommate, you'd pick the tea party member over the homosexual.
I'm not going to prison or Congress, where I'd be surrounded by morally bankrupt, untrustworthy and dangerous felons. And if you have to go there to even attempt to make the NFL shower business remotely troubling then there's not much actual reason to worry is there. :plain:

Talked heights with TomO...
The highest I've ever worked is on the T-tail of a Lockheed C-5. That's only about 65 feet, which was high enough for me...Yeah, quite high enough I think. :think:
How are you with step ladders? Fearless, devil may care abandon or do you go in with a strategy? :plain: :eek:

Looked at the odd notion of marrying off children...
....all females under the age of 18 are children. That is modern societies unfortunate arbitrary decision that has been thrust upon us.
It isn't really. I mentioned a Constitutional amendment that rather sets the bar for adulthood, unfortunately. The line would more rationally be found at 21, leaning on the greater likelihood of mostly if not entirely formed prefrontal cortex and the shift of thinking to that judgment center and impulse control locus instead of the more emotionally driven areas of cognitive functioning that are the wheelhouse of the young.

...You are thrusting your conceptions of how life is to be lives upon them without consideration for their own dreams of how life should be lived.
No, I'm saying a fully grown and formed adult who is attempting to marry a child is doing precisely that and that children's dreams are unusually likely to be temporary and mistaken.

Asked the question that had to be asked...
OK, This is the internet. It isn't real life. I have gotten my rudders burnt on a Tolkien forum and learned from it.
What on earth do you have to do to get run on a Tolkien forum? :chuckle:
I bet she quoted J.K. Rowling. :shocked:

Got into it with FS...
I've not received an infraction and I don't want to receive one so I tend to stay behind the scenes. There are several people on here that I would like to "tell 'em like it is" but my mouth can get me in trouble so I just say nothing. :noid:
I'm reporting this post as needlessly disruptive. :plain:

Edit: Don't you think so, zoo?

That led to...
Well I oughta... :IA:

Please stop being so unnecessarily disruptive.

Who ask you anyway?! :sozo2:

I did, as you can clearly now see in my recently edited post. :plain:

But I promised you meshak and meshak you shall have...or vice versa...
good morning.

I started having swollen feet. I may have to rest from bare foot jogging for a while.
Same thing happened to my head once after a string of successful arguments.

Someone told me to go soak mine. :think: Would probably be a good idea for you too.

Your feet, I mean.

...I think I am doing good considering everything.
Have you considered that as a motto? :think:

Joined AB in wishing aCW a fond farewell in the Hoffman memorial thread...
I must have missed this...

He was an actor you moron! And a damned good one at that. Trust you to be so downright thick as to confuse fiction with reality...:dunce:

Do ya reckon Javier Bardem goes around on shooting sprees because he portrayed a ruthless contract killer in 'No Country For Old Men'?!


On another note 'Before The Devil Knows You're Dead' is on tonight and 'Doubt' is following tomorrow. We're having a tribute season to Hoffman at the moment in memory of such a fine actor.

Once again, RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.

In fairness, it's likely aCW thinks Jim Caviezel can forgive his sins. :plain:

Tomorrow? Tuna and jam, beer, crying over songs and more actual meshak (and this time I really mean it)...:plain:


New member
The Hump Day Gazette
(soon to be compiled as Most Days With Meshak)

Took a moment to answer a peculiar question related to gays in the whit, would I be nervous in the locker room shower (no)...

Talked heights with TomO...

Looked at the odd notion of marrying off children...

Asked the question that had to be asked...

I bet she quoted J.K. Rowling. :shocked:

Got into it with FS...

That led to...



But I promised you meshak and meshak you shall have...or vice versa...


Joined AB in wishing aCW a fond farewell in the Hoffman memorial thread...

Tomorrow? Tuna and jam, beer, crying over songs and more actual meshak (and this time I really mean it)...:plain:

As to step-ladders: I put a kitchen chair on each side and pillows all round. I do not look down. I notify a family member that I am about to undertake a dangerous mission and if they don't hear from me within an hour there will be no more cookies!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Friday Afternoon Gazette

Clarified a point of insult for aCW...
Before I answer that, let me tell you how to frustrate a liberal to no ends:
End. It's "to no end". And that's how you frustrate a prescriptive grammarian, which isn't the same thing at all. :plain:

Then, after...
...]If you ever run across a post by Town Herectic that is addressing you, not only do not reply to it, make mention later that you didn't even read his post (that amounts to cruel and unusual punishment to his delicate ego).

Now there you go confusin' the guy with words of more than two syllables again TH.

Bad form sir, bad form...

Don't you know? He's not going to read it anyway. :nono:

Sometimes he doesn't read it over and over.


Got the better of something in the Ignore thread...though I'm not sure how, or what...
I just use my own will power. If I want to ignore someone, I do. I don't need a list to do it for me. Weak minds might need that, though.
I couldn't follow I put you on ignore...wait...:plain:

Looked on in horror as rainee inadvertently attacked...herself...
Shaggy, do you have to upset people here?
There, there, Zoo, of course he is wrong.
Just put that bad man on ignore.
Okay, but I was looking on.

Had a few ultimately pointless exchanges with my stalker that still managed to yield a few moments at least...
so that's what you alabamans do on saturday night :chuckle:
And you wonder why your wit is the subject of commentary. :plain:

...i don't consider myself a failure as a human being :idunno:
Excellent. It would be a duller world if everyone agreed on the point.

...i can't imagine who you're trying to convince with that :chuckle:
I can't imagine who you think you're fooling with any of this. But the closest thing I have to a follower around here is, well, you...given how you follow me about.

...nobody believes you
I'll grant that if anyone speaks for nobody it would have to be you.

Reeset was her usual helpful self...
I'm going to test bybee's theory.

Res you're an idiot.

Leading to...
Now I'll test Town.

Town you are a pompous narcissistic buffoon.
So Res, the guy you tend to carry water for, gets a label friends have been known to call one another and I get three particularly insulting descriptions in a row.

Now let me try: Res, you're a doofus.
Eeset, you're a sociopathic shallow troll.

That about it? :rolleyes:

More later. It's time for lunch. :chew: