The Friday Morning Gazette
Continued with meshak, first on popularity and its polar...
It's easier to be unpopular....It is easy to be a popular.
I suspect what happens is someone, say you, says something that a lot of people disagree with and they're told by someone, say you, that they're not supporting Jesus or that they're not His because they differ and they're offended and respond to it. It isn't a gang....It is not comfortable to take abuse such as gang attacking.
It's just math.
On distinguishing what worldliness is and isn't...
Depends on what you mean by that. I suspect you don't wander the streets waiting to be fed or housed. David, Job, Solomon weren't given to lives of poverty, they were given the opposite by God. God didn't need the rich young ruler's wealth. He needed his devotion....In able to work for Jesus, you have to give up all your worldly mentality and desires, friend.
On what is sufficient...
The thief on the cross next to Christ didn't do anything but hang there and declare. But his heart was devoted in that declaration. That seemed enough for Christ....As long as you say your works cannot save you, you are dishonoring Jesus.
If it isn't enough for you then you might need to adjust your standard.
He also said what about the Sabbath and that wheat I mentioned?Jesus says to be faithful and obey Him until the end.
He spent a good deal of his time trying to teach us what the law was for and what it wasn't. A lot of people still don't seem interested in that. I have no idea why.
No, it's all about loving him and your neighbor and doing what people in love should do, happily. And that's not work at all. It's submission. But we don't want it to be easy, because then we can't take pride in what we do...which I suspect is the point.It is all about obeying Him which is a lot of work to do for Him.
And easy dismissals...
That's like saying that most people who believe in Christ are actively indifferent to their own faith. Were that the case they'd be agnostics and atheists and sleeping in instead of attending church and doing their best to walk with God....mainstreamers don't care about corrupt fruit they are producing.
It does no one any good, not you or me or the other fellow, to declare ourselves the only concerned and genuine, even if we believe ourselves to be among the few who actually get it. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're wrong. Why is it necessary for either of us to believe the other insincere, disinterested or corrupt?
On the problem of generalization and unfamiliarity with the thing we criticize...
That isn't a point most Christians disagree on. That's a "maintstream" teaching, found in most major denominations of Christendom.That's why Jesus says we know false teachings by their fruit. When are you going to learn that?
And that's why I think this generalization from your anecdotal experience is a huge mistake. You should know the doctrinal positions of the various Christian sects you're trying to lump together or you're bearing false witness against them. It's bad fruit, meshak. Unintentional, but wrong.That's the main reason why I always talk about mainstreamers sinful practice, fruit.
Took a minute to say hello to STP...
Won't it topple over?Designing a bobble head doll of myself.![]()
And come up with a few potential headlines from last weekend's playoff games...
Ind @ NE: Second Verse, Same as the First (or three out of four ain't bad)
NO @ Sea: Saints Sent Marching Home
SD @ Den: Say It Ain't Bolo!
Before answering a mischaracterization with an unmet challenge...
Given I'm almost always answering you that's not possible...Demonstrate a single point you've made that I haven't taken you up on. If it happened it would have been accidental.because you are focusing away from what I am talking about.
I'd be happy to list the points of counter you've left on the vine.
And summed my objection on method...
I think you mean it isn't your job to make others receptive to it.It is not my job to be receptive to Jesus' word.
You said that already. And my answer is that spreading, teaching, making require more than just recitation. They require that you follow the example of Jesus, who argued and answered in truth.My job is to spread it.
Then why did he answer his critics? I think you should reflect on the record of your example and change that particular. If you're standing in truth you have no reason to fear opposition. If you're mistaken but desire it, you have no reason to fear correction.They will be disciples if they like Jesus' love messages. that's it for now, my friend.
Tomorrow? :think: A haircut maybe.