Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Night Gazette

Had a word with chrys about the dangers of drinking too early...
why wait?

Why not put it on your nightstand and set the alarm? :shocked:

Answered a stream of misused quotes with an observation...
"Sometimes we smile at a child that's afraid of the dark. I think more ridiculous is a man or woman afraid of the light." ~ Adrian Rogers
Nothing is ever so certain to us as the other fellow's error or our own ineffable rightness.

Reflected with meshak...
We know what Calvin did to non-trin. It is no secret. Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

Jesus' followers are persecutes, not persecutors.

The truth is not in wicked people, you should know that, sister.

I don't believe in "noble" Christians, only Christians...struggling, flawed, human and so in need of grace. I find the sort who are most likely to turn their personal failures into a horror show for others are the same sort who believe they can rightly act as the judge of the soul of their neighbor and with no more authority than their neighbor proclaim them cast out.

Had a word about zoo's use of food and what a man can live without...
it sounds like he is just saying tortilla
I think he was.

not eating them
Of ye of little tortilla faith...or do you like the larger tortillas? :chew:

that is like saying you believe
not doing the work

Or is it like saying you believe in grace
depending on your own efforts to make it meaningful?

And had a last word on assumptions with SD...
God's word is the final word. :poly:
True enough, but too often said by the one fellow killing the other fellow for reading that word differently. Or, the devil is in the details...or reading comprehension, depending. :plain:

"There can be no mercy without truth." ~ Adrian Rogers
You aren't always what you eat but you're always what you'll swallow. :plain:

Okay, one more...
“If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers
The moment we confuse our judgement with God's we might as well be atheists.

And after I said wisdom wasn't in recitation but understanding the words we use...
:yawn: Snob Approach (argumentum ad populum)
Unlike peppering an informal discussion with Latin? :rolleyes:

Wrapping up with...
...Who cares what I say?
I'll leave that point in agreement.

What does God say?
Depends on the subject. And to a large extent it appears to depend on who you ask about what He says. And so my point about the salvific.

Truth is truth independent from me).
That's exactly what I've been saying.

Tomorrow? It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. :upright:


[Serpentdove :blabla: ...serpentdove... :yawn: serpentdove :sleep:] :upright:

Jn 8:44

Wasted Time (right click, open) ~ The Eagles


Tactics of the Left


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I bet your bunny trails could end up in one of his small observations :freak: threads (Eccl 1:2, NIV).

Uh, yeh, whatever SD. maybe I should follow your approach and start a thread with some link to wherever and 'respond' with a bunch of further links punctuated with yet more smileys and others directed to your own website no matter what the responses might happen to be? I think you may well need help, and that is serious.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You shoulda left it at that...

I thought Wasted Time sort of covered it...but you have to admit it's a little funny that someone who tries that hard to promote a distanced indifference, methodologically, to nearly anyone she...whatever that is she's doing with other people's thoughs...that she reads Quixote's, let alone feels compelled to answer it.


Last Gazette found here.
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New member
I didn't particularly want to drag the thread you originally posted this in to the top of the heap but I did really want to ask you about this statement. I don't want to misunderstand but I have to admit to a bit of a wound having read it.

"I find the sort who are most likely to turn their personal failures into a horror show for others are the same sort who believe they can rightly act as the judge of the soul of their neighbor and with no more authority than their neighbor proclaim them cast out."

My personal failures God made into His badge of honor. They aren't very pretty and many would consider them horrific but I speak of them in an effort to witness to His Great Work in me and His love for us. I don't trot out my failures so I can do what only God has the right to do. I just wanted to tell you that...


New member
I didn't particularly want to drag the thread you originally posted this in to the top of the heap but I did really want to ask you about this statement. I don't want to misunderstand but I have to admit to a bit of a wound having read it.

"I find the sort who are most likely to turn their personal failures into a horror show for others are the same sort who believe they can rightly act as the judge of the soul of their neighbor and with no more authority than their neighbor proclaim them cast out."

My personal failures God made into His badge of honor. They aren't very pretty and many would consider them horrific but I speak of them in an effort to witness to His Great Work in me and His love for us. I don't trot out my failures so I can do what only God has the right to do. I just wanted to tell you that...

You aren't even in the ball park dearie!
TH knows a good heart when he sees one! And you have one!
There are those, however, who seem to delight in turning every other posters words into something unintended!



Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I didn't particularly want to drag the thread you originally posted this in to the top of the heap but I did really want to ask you about this statement. I don't want to misunderstand but I have to admit to a bit of a wound having read it.

"I find the sort who are most likely to turn their personal failures into a horror show for others are the same sort who believe they can rightly act as the judge of the soul of their neighbor and with no more authority than their neighbor proclaim them cast out."

My personal failures God made into His badge of honor. They aren't very pretty and many would consider them horrific but I speak of them in an effort to witness to His Great Work in me and His love for us. I don't trot out my failures so I can do what only God has the right to do. I just wanted to tell you that...
Oh, you completely read in the wrong context. I was saying, essentially, this: people who stalk and lie and live to cause strife for their own sense of empowerment (to set out a few of the horror shows) are the same sort who misuse the Holy and put themselves in a position no one in their right mind would elevate them the position of judge on whether or not the next fellow is right with God, as a judge of what someone "really" means and is... That sort of thing.

You bear no resemblance to that sort of creature, IMJ, though there are some among us who seem to delight in little else...which is why I spend less and less time with them...I tried to backlight SD's practice in hopes it might at least provoke her to consider the contradictions she advances routinely...all it appears to have done is to attract a likened mind and that's too bad.

But such is life.

Merry Christmas, IMJ. :cheers:


So here's the idea (I proposed in anna's positive thread), how about for the rest of the season we refrain from any negative personal comments.


I was saying, essentially, this: people who stalk and lie and live to cause strife for their own sense of empowerment (to set out a few of the horror shows) are the same sort who misuse the Holy and put themselves in a position no one in their right mind would elevate them the position of judge on whether or not the next fellow is right with God, as a judge of what someone "really" means and is... That sort of thing.

town said:
I tried to backlight SD's practice in hopes it might at least provoke her to consider the contradictions she advances routinely...all it appears to have done is to attract a likened mind...

Latest Gazette found here

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sorry gang, but since my resident stalker (God alone knows why) isn't content to spam and sputter, but is now actively misdirecting I'm going to lock it down and him out.

Such is life.

Have a great Christmas everyone. I'll be back with more fun and frivolity without whatever it is that fuels the malcontents.


Latest Gazette found here.