Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So as most of you know I haven't engaged Sod/resurrected in a very long time in the threads. Now res has done his level best to try to get that engagement. His post count in this thread is an illustration of that attempt and the obsession that fuels it.

His most recent ploy to draw me into conversation involves the word ignore. For the record, I'm not ignoring him. I'm just not talking to him. I'd as soon never speak to or think of him again. Like most people, I don't frequent his threads and I don't tend to think of him until he's posting under my nose, which I suspect is the only reason you'll find him in Quixote's. Well, until I shut it down during library hours just to cut out the noise.

Knight's truncated probation led to this little rep gem from him yesterday:
i get such a kick watching you display your lack of self-control - what a poser! :rotfl:

Now the irony of this is remarkable. The hubris, par for his course.

I objected, formally, but considering it now...

Tonight I'll go to bed and tomorrow I'll wake up with a beautiful child and wife, in a good home with great prospects for my future, a wonderful family and a network of friends, here and elsewhere.

And no matter what does or doesn't happen to him here, no matter how many times he stamps foot and declares an angry thing, he won't wake to that. I think that's likely the root of his misery, the only thing he appears to have in abundance and desires to share with us.

I'd feel sorry for him, but he made that hell, the thing that sends him to a local library to spend most of that time attempting to strike out at strangers, to make them as miserable as he must be.

So that's my answer, sod. I have and will always have a joyful, pretty wonderful life. I'm absurdly lucky and I know it. And you are what you are and so long as you are you will have what you have and want so much more.

God help you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:singer: Gazette EXTRA

So resurrected/sod, who only a day or so ago posted:

take a swipe and lock it down? incredible! i'll pray that someday you become a man :rotfl:

when I closed Quixote's just wrote:
amr - i'm taking this over to the ECT forum to shed the thread of retards
then he locked the thread.

Is it just me or is he still his own best rebuttal? :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Saturday Morning Gazette

Talked the general off the ledge...
The Diary Of General Lee Boringstuff

try posting about something that is not boring
Whatever you do, General, don't do that. :nono:

That's the problem with the world today, it's all flashing lights and whatnot, instant everything.

What I want to hear about, what I think everyone needs, is a blow by blow description of how to make a very, very good pudding. Or the tale of the turning of the screw, literally. That sort of business (personally, I think the weeds bit in your last was a bit...excited and I hope we'll have no more of that frenetic nonsense around these parts).

While in the News IQ thread...
69.2307% correct.

Cursed Brian Williams just does not keep me informed, I suppose. ;)

Who's Brian Williams? :plain: I just lost another point, didn't I...darn news.

Homosexual marriage in Iowa? Who knew? :idunno:

:think: aCW, that's one I bet he nailed.

Then a bit more, generally speaking...
My word, you must really be one of those mavericks who watches post 1950's television! :shocked:
Likely wears suspenders to church...

Took exception to the unexceptional...
...I am always saddened when a TOL member vanishes. It doesn't matter to me if the person was friend or foe because I love them all.
I agree that you treat people who are supposed to be friends exactly the same way you do people who aren't, eventually.

Speaking of that I notice the tabloid lord has locked his thread again.
Tabloid? That must make you fond of tabloids [I'd pegged that for the majority of your reading material] given you're the third most active poster, after Sod of course. Probably right after, half the time.

Anna already noted that like your buddy you're a study in irony. How many locks and deletions have you made? Twenty, thirty? More?

And before today? :plain:

Then dolo got cocky...which I don't have to tell you is rare around here...
I scored better than 91% of the public.
Sweet. What did you win? :plain:

And still found time to take another look at bybee's Thanksgiving thread...
I would invite: bybee; anna; eeset [and] resurrected and I would not tell them who was coming
Or you could just invite me then everyone worth having would come you'd get a couple who aren't but can't help themselves too. :plain:

I love tension
That's not how you spell venison. :nono:

Tomorrow? A good, long nap.

On the better news side of the ledger, I'm busy writing again these days and recently had an offer to pen a monthly column for a small literary press magazine. I've never done anything like that, though I edited one ages ago...I have to admit the idea is appealing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
November's Race Report (no, the other sort)​

November is looking a bit more lively, sadly...

:singer: And well into the final turn it's genuineoriginal out in front (9) with Gros hard on his heels (7) in second place. Res and Catholic Crusader are neck and neck in third with Stripe one length back and still in the race at fourth.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The "What day is it anyway?" Gazette :idunno:

So aCW missed talking to me, I guess...
I wonder what those "Christians" (Town Heretic, bybee) who surround themselves with pagans and atheists on Thanksgiving Day do when it's time to say grace?
I'd answer that my example is Christ Jesus. Mark 2:15-17

Leading to what must have taken hours of reflection...kidding, it was his usual...
That's what I thought you wouldn't have.

If you like I can teach you how to make a link within a comment...or an argument.

While over in the fill in the blank thread I was taking on the tough questions, like...
my ____ is older than both of us
last joke


If a woodchuck could chuck __________________
would it?

Eeset went to pieces...
Pomposity was never your weak suit. And by your own admission.
Honest rationality was never your strong suit and by your constant illustration.

I discussed chrys strange oversight in turkey day invitations...
White meat slices only for me. See you soon. :AMR:
I don't think his phone is working though. Mine hasn't rung yet. :plain:

Got around to inviting FS and correcting my own...
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :bow: .. I'm ecstatic!! Beside myself!! Overflowing with happiness. :D
Beside yourself?! :think: I'm going to need another place-mat.

Thwarted mm's attempt to stump the band...
Power corrupts.. Absolute power _______________
beats the alternative.

Then AB's diary was beckoning...
Major Lee Dullcontent speaking on behalf of the general here, as presently he's battling some demons of the inner variety or some such malarkey apparently...

However, let it be said, that such low brow shenanigans as the implied above would never be utilized in such chameleons....certainly not by high ranking officers at any rate...

That's a relief, so to speak.

You know, some days I wake up General Lee tired.

Tomorrow? :think: Life could be a dream.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Consumer Corner


Because having your kid grow up into a well adjusted adult with realistic life expectations just can't be oversold. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Morning Gazette

Had a word in the diary section of the ideas supermart...
Major Lee Dullcontent speaking on behalf of the general here, as presently he's battling some demons of the inner variety or some such malarkey apparently...

However, let it be said, that such low brow shenanigans as the implied above would never be utilized in such chameleons....certainly not by high ranking officers at any rate...

That's a relief, so to speak.

You know, some days I wake up General Lee tired.

And that sponsored...
If you could get the General to do that I'd say this thread was making progress... :plain:

xAv made a kindly comment, but...
You have a beautiful kid Town, I'm jealous. I don't think I'll ever have kids, I'll just admire other peoples and get on with my life...I hope he grows up to be like his dad.
Many thanks but I have a higher ambition for him. I want him to grow up to be like his mom. :D

Eeset was up to her usual..or her neck in it...
...As to privileges I am enthralled that you are a gold member.
That's not how you use the word and not the word I'd use, but is that the word you use for it? No wonder, really.

Aww. I wait breathlessly for your comments. I hang on every word in excruciating excitement.
That's not how you spell excrement. :plain:

While my noting that most people are average in the "arrogance" thread led to...
...I read somewhere that around 70% of the people are below average because of the extreme above average outliers.

And I thought it was all typo. :plain:

Nick made a pretty good funny in the college football thread and we all laughed and laughed, but then...
Kirk Herbstreit is an idiot. He should be on TOL.

Wait...we're all on....


Then CC began to smoke and smolder...
As a paying member one of the perks is being able to see who gas reported who and for what.
Really? I didn't know that.
We'll add it to the list...assuming there's room. :plain:

So people can pay to see what should be confidential information. Boy, this forum just gets better and better.
We're all crossing our fingers.

...Well, the opinion of someone who is stupid enough to give money to such an enterprise does not concern me too much.
I won't spoil it by telling you why that's funny (but I will post it in a subscribers only area). :plain:

Maybe thats because the posts I report deserve to be reported.
Maybe the sky's a blue ribbon that hangs on a hook.

Or maybe you tiny brain had not considered that
As a rule, when you're going to play the superior card it behooves you to read over your post. Maybe that escaped "you" huge brain. :D

And tell me again why that is important in the real world of real people?
He said....on the internet. :plain:

And you butted in... ..on the internet.
You can't really do that...on a chat forum, on the internet. :plain:

Get a life tiny man
He said, name calling, on an internet forum. :think: Seriously, do you think these responses out or just type the first thing that pops into that noggin?

Leading to...
You already did.
I know. I think about what I write before I write it.

:think: You should give that a try.

...You try to come off as intelectual,
Again, you might want to run a spell check or read over a line like that more carefully. It's funnier this way, but counter productive for your attempted point.

but all you are is a narrow minded buffon.
Was that a typoo?

So chrys stumbled in after an afternoon beer, one guesses, or two guesses, or six beers and starts waxing nostalgic...
remember when zoo went after town?
was it the other way round?
I don't. That must have been epic. You should link to that. :D

Said goodbye to CC while noting his latest neg rep gem...
Should someone tell him neg rep really doesn't amount to anything anymore?

On the plus side, he's much funnier there...okay, he just reproduced my own answer to his neg rep, but you have to admit it's funnier. :plain:

Tomorrow? zoo makes everyone look, CC continues to deconstruct and somebody bakes a pi. :plain:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Monday Evening Gazette

So chrys opined...
I am going to be out of town next week
I could write you a letter to take with you...:idunno:

Then CC was teetering on the brink...
Why am I thinking that you look just like your avatar, a clueless animal
Because that's as close as you can come to wit without borrowing it? Just a guess mind you, but an educated one.

As I said, a , a clueless animal
So, you don't know Hobbes either. And yet you make the whole post revolve around it...I"m sensing a theme with you.

Speculated on a point in the Life of Pi...
right ,,the tiger sensed when it turned bad and went back to the boat,,, but maybe he needed some time off that boat for his sanity..and the island was a good lesson,in that he couldnt stay or he would die..your right false comfort,, but might have been needed.
I thought it much to remind him of the hope he'd begun to forget, but like the island of the lotus eaters, it's intent (so to speak) was to lull and rob him.

Suggested dolo's attack on arrogance was a bit narrower than need be...
... I did not denigrate anyone with higher education...I was saying those characteristics are used by people who are arrogant to humiliate others.
They can be, but I've seen people around here and in my walking about life who are arrogant without any of those trappings. There are people who use their understanding of the Word of God in just that way. In fact, I think there are more people who do that here than who use education as some sort of ego hammer...and there are ant-theists who use an assumed objective high ground much the same way.

Are you saying there is no arrogant behavior at TOL where people are purposefully humiliated?
I have mixed feelings about this one...[say] A infers, not so subtly, that B is something offensive to B and B responds by saying, "You are to honest, objective rationality what Helen Keller was to watercolors". I suppose you could judge B as using education and wit to humiliate, but to my mind it's a way of punching a vulgarity in the nose without lowering to the level that sponsored it.

Eeset decided to bump herself...
Went to post a simple reply in [Town Quixote's]...Oops, it was locked down. Why is that not surprising?
Probably because I posted that I was locking it down to keep Sod from spamming it and you read that a week or so ago and have already made this sort of comment.

While in the science quiz thread...
You should all be ashamed of yourself.
:think: What have you heard?

It said "Are YOU Scientifically literature?" Not, "Is Google..."
I tried not to take it literarily. :plain:

...I got 52%, in case you're wondering. Which is doing it in around 5 - 10 minutes,
Per question?

But guess what, you bunch of geniuses
It's a veritable MENSA meeting. Just ask kids to post their IQ's. You'll be astounded. I'm astounded. If I was a sheep I'd be on my side or screaming (wait, I think that's a goat...well, it wasn't on the test, so who cares) or whatnot.

It's annoying to see such dishonesty on a so called Christian forum, but I should have expected it.
You know what else is annoying? Getting a toothpick stuck between your teeth that you were using to get something else out from between your teeth.

Then anna got all annaish...
Did you notice the wording on this question? :)

Which is the better way to determine whether a new drug is effective in treating a disease? If a scientist has a group of 1,000 volunteers with the disease to study, should she

Yeah, I thought that one was near science fiction too. :plain: what?

And, inexplicably...
That's okay, it was just the white lab coat that threw you... you're not used to seeing ones where the sleeves aren't wrapped around and tied in the back. :plain:
It's what all the best people are wearing...though not after Labor Day. :plain:

Tomorrow? I'll probably spend way too much time in the NFL thread again. :eek:


Not when res would be around. I'm not interested in his antics/spam. If you decide to do his work for him I'll likely just close it until I post the next Gazette.

I like it when you allow comments. I admire your creative replies.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Black Friday Gazette

In the historical moment thread...
Who killed JFK?

Truman Capote

Followed, naturally enough, by...
Truman Capote killed JFK?
In Cold Blood.

Who killed JFK?

Paul Harvey.

And now you know...

the rest of the story.

Good day. :plain:

Too soon? :think:

Waxed or waned in the morning thread, on the heels of anna's creative outburst...
I thought I might try my hand
I thought I was ready
but then I read prose by

It wasn't offensive, banal or perverse
but it started off badly
and ended much verse. :eek:

Leading to this bitter exchange...
TH only wishes he had half my verve
but all he's been gifted is double my nerve.

No need to vetch on Thanksgiving eve,
you so obviously envy my joie de vivre. :french:

Took exception to the unexceptional habit of aCW chiding opposition...
I know little about you student x,
Then if past is prologue you will shortly create a thread about him.

but I do admire that you know your limitations
A funny way to use the pronoun. :plain: Let they who have ears, or eyes, or an inferential reading comprehension...though I suppose I could have left the last one off.

I don't mind all the threads. If it helps people to feel like they're accomplishing something they're driven to do it's not hurting anyone else. I haven't read an aCW thread in months. No point or profit, but if he wants to hold forth and someone wants to give him aid and comfort or condemnation, that's sort of the business of a forum isn't it?

Then ASCon did what aCW will do...
You should be ecstatic TH.
Well, I'm encouraged you know the word, so that's something. :poly: You do know the word, I hope.

Sodomite 'marriage' is legal in 16 states now, and going strong.
Why on earth would I be ecstatic about that? Like suggesting I should be happy if the Klan were holding rallies in 16 states.

Your side (baby murderers and child molesters) are winning the culture war...for now.
My position against abortion is as well established as your confusion/conflation of the homosexual sin with the pederast's sin. And while I'm correcting you, in case you didn't know, not every heterosexual male is a rapist even though the vast majority of rapes are perpetrated by us.

Fortunately for you, obstreperous, hostile, ignorant voices are also protected by the Constitution...for now. :plain:

Tomorrow? More with Connie, friends and high horse wrestling with an agnostic. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
November's Race Report :singer:

November was an early runaway for genuineoriginal, but by the second turn there was a real field. Ultimately it came down to a darn near Herculean spate of reports that saw CatholicCrusader shattering the pace.

Coming in first by a wide, possibly record setting margin was CC at 19. Early favorite genuineoriginal ran a distant second with 10. Multiple monthly winner resurrected and frequent also ran Eeset were nose to nose in third place with 7, a strong field finishing just one length back, with Angel, Stripe and GM contending to the tape.

Ultimately, November's blistering 19 reports put one name over the top, literally. Congrats Catholic Crusader for your second win this year. :first:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Night Gazette

Took exception to anti theist rhetoric...
Theists are not immoral or moral, they are simply amoral.
That's as silly as suggesting all atheists/agnostics are rational. Or am I repeating you here? :plain:

They themselves state they are without facility to question the moral reasoning of their creator
No, challenge would be the word to use there, not question. And that would not only be right, but rationally inescapable. When you say question it seems like one of those desperate, juvenile declarations of some ill considered anti theist certain that the knowledge of God is the death knell of inquiry or original thought, which is both silly and (hopefully) not a point you'd entertain without an impressive consumption of alcohol.

and they would be willing to do whatever God asks.
Of course. What would the root of the Good demand of you?

Continued to object to the objectionable...
...Leave it to Town Heretic to make an attempt at humor when talking about the murder of 55,000,000 unborn babies and countless children being physically and mentally molested by the perverts that he defends.
The funny part is your human tragedy, not the other. It's your simplistic, frequently dishonest, almost always petulant stab at self empowerment. I said self empowerment and not the high ground or the good because people aiming for those as their end don't as a rule dissemble to get there.

As I said, there are two sins in play you keep trying to will into the one and that's as goofy as trying to make all heterosexuals adulterers and rapists because rapists and adulterers tend to be overwhelmingly that. But you won't speak to argument. That's not your methodology, which is to smear and distort and posture...

Had words about words...
This love note from CatholicCrushonme, who will likely only be with us until his next inevitable melt down:
Oh dear, another neg rep from me
Yeah. A whole point, which is more than you've managed to muster, rationally speaking. :plain:

So, returning the favor as a matter of principle I had to laugh when the pop up read: "Thank you for detracting from the reputation of this user." :D

And a two for one moment with MEshak...
Truster has humongous ego
I know, right? It's almost as though he conferred upon himself the power to pronounce salvation and disposition. Remarkable hubris in a human being when you consider it, don't you think?

Seriously, you have to eventually. :plain:

While chyrs dropped in to tell everyone...
okay I am back
I didn't even miss you guys
You might need a whole lot more trembling then.

have to go to church before I start drinking
A different sort of trembling than I had in mind. :plain:

see you later
Possibly a couple of us, even if it's only one of us.

Discussed an unsettling habit among the Body...
T.H. either we know how to tell a person is saved from the Scriptures or we accept other people being saved from the label, Christian, just because someone says so.
Or, we argue over our imperfect understanding and leave the matter of salvation in God's capable hands.

I'm weary of the easy virtue of the public and unappointed judge of men. I find no profit in it and less edification, on the whole.

Then stopped taking the divisive one more seriously than, well, meshak...
When you give a fruit tree a really good shake all the rotten fruit falls out. Consider yourselves shaken.
But not stirred. :plain:

With apologies to Ian Flemming. :poly:

Posted standing on one leg.

And got...
I don’t like anything to be hidden.
What's the password to your bank account?

I also know how valuable time is and...It is because of this I must, in good conscience, reveal that I do have an ignore list and also state who is on there.
That sounds more like, "I want people who I can't see to know I can't see them"...a bit like the last word taken to a peculiar extreme, though if someone is attacking you on a personal level in lieu of reasoned difference often enough I can understand it.

Angel4Truth, gloydaz, Bill Fortenberry, CatholicCrusader, genuineoriginal and the first man to get on the list Grosnick Marowbe .
But you could have PM'ed them if the point was their knowledge and your conscience. Instead, you went as public with your disdain as you could and ladled conscience over the insult as if to raise it to a virtue.

The difference being is I was moved to ignore, whilst Messiah moved others to befriend me. How blessed is that?
:think: Are you saying the only way you can make a friend is if God forces them into it? :shocked:

Finishing with...
I also prefer scripture to Wordsworth and WB Yeats…
I never make spaghetti with a tennis racket. :nono:

do you have an opinion on that as well?
Don't I just. :D

Look, this is a community of sorts. You can stomp about judging and ignoring people (though honestly, meshak has that pretty well covered) or you can share your thoughts, demonstrate a sense of humor about the whole thing and a willingness to bump elbows and differ good naturedly whenever possible.

Tomorrow? Friends, awards and someone fills in a blank or two... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Extra feature (Gazette to follow at some point):

Had a friend who just turned twenty nine and his fiance bought him a set of Star Was Legos, with Hans and a couple of other figures included.

I wrote, "These are not the toys you were looking for." :plain: