Town Quixote's


:confused: Man, it's the oddest thing... Every time I try to follow this thread all I can think of is baconbaconbaconbaconbacon...



Arthur you interpreted my remark or rep in the most backhanded manner possible. I was referencing your "beat his wife comment". In other words I was saying that if you believe Res actually beat his wife. But you ignored the comment it was given about and attributed it somehow to TH. I can only conjecture that you expected me to be harsh on TH and not Res and you failed to see the target of my comment was Res.

Now this underlines a basic principle. People are predispositioned to find their own prejudices in the words of others. You have concluded that I am somehow anti-TH so you see that in whatever I say. The next time I'll include a footnote for you and others that have difficulty relating a rep to the post it was given for.

eeset - best to just assume that anything artie posts is going to be retarded

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Locking down until the library is closed, because I'm just tired of it. If I have to open it after hours to keep the thread in the right frame then I guess that will be what happens. Still should leave those of us with our own PCs plenty of time.

See you in a few. :e4e:

Saturday Early Bird Gazette

Had a word with Pure in the core conservative values thread...
I thought it important that I shove that graph in you conservative's faces! :chuckle:
YOU conservatives? :plain: Half of TOL just put a gun to its head. :chuckle:

(Actually, I forgot about that option, and probably couldn't have figured out how to make it work, anyway.)
... no one can resist a good spoiler way of example: Drunk Octopus Wants To Fight You!

Went all dry on rainee in the punctuation thread...
...One, two or possibly more of us have seemed to've failed at CRYPTOGRAPHY, and/or CRYPTOLOGY. But I did manage to put some caps up in case that means anything. :)
It does, but I won't tell you and spoil the ending (in case you're reading Elements of Style). :poly:

I fear we will be reduced to dots and dashes if this continues.

Or maybe I should look into dolphin whistles and you should draw comics ...
I think you mean pictures, but it's more fun for me this way. :D

And in Ask Knight...
Thanks sincerely for the information. I'll think about what I want to do.
You should do an "Ask journey" thread.

I bet the first question would be, "Who's cryin' now?" :eek:

My money is on Knight, if he's still reading the thread.

Elsewhere, Nang was celebrating her 55th of wedded bliss...
I think that's terrific, Nang. I'd say God bless but He beat me to it anyway. :D

I told the Mrs. and she said, "Fifty-five years? (pause) So she doesn't own a handgun."

My wife owns a handgun. :noid:

Congrats again and my best to the Mr. :cheers:

Which, sadly, led to...
I'm a day late.
Look out people, she's about to ask for a dollar.

Why can't you just run for Congress like everyone else? :mmph:

Tomorrow? More octopus, maybe...:idunno:

Late Bonus:



town displays his difficulty with the english language:
Locking down until the library is closed, because I'm just tired of it.

verb: ignore; 3rd person present: ignores; past tense: ignored; past participle: ignored; gerund or present participle: ignoring

refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
"he ignored her outraged question"
synonyms: disregard, take no notice of, pay no attention to, pay no heed to;



New member
what a wonderful Christian witness you present

why on erath would i want to do that? :idunno:

I don't care what you do on erath?
Christian witness works on those who seek to walk in the path of righteousness.
Those who choose to trod muddy by-ways shovel in hand aren't looking for Christian witness.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Gluttons for punishment. Charming thread ruined by TOL's resident sociopath.
Meh, I forgot to lock the door. Easily taken care of.

I'll just open it during non library, evening hours from here on. I overslept with Jack and forgot about shutting it down this a.m.

Not a problem and he's done here for the forseeable. :thumb:

EDIT: Looks like Quixote's will be open 24 hrs for the near future.
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Afternoon Gazette

Town Heretic and myself have agreed to a Battle Royale with cheese.
First Cause.
Can we dust off the ring?
What would you argue for, an infinite regress?

:think: Well, there's Letsargue's posts, so you won't be without ammo.

The Fill in the Blank thread certainly was ________

The only thing better than chocolate pudding is ____________________
More chocolate pudding.

You are what you _________. (man, I hope aCW is ignoring this thread) :shocked:

When wrestling an alligator the first thing to remember is_________________________
Location, location, location.

Took moment to note the problem with broad generalities...
Any agenda that limits or attacks individual freedom is diabolical.
So the Ten Commandments is evil. :plain: All law is evil.

Which could only mean...
maybe if you actually READ the Bible.. you would see that sin

leads to SLAVERY

NOT freedom....
Maybe if you paid attention you'd realize what I wrote meant and how that applied to lamb's mistake.

Or maybe not. :plain:

While back in the _______
A tisket a tasket a green and yellow ______________

You can't get _______ from here.


If aliens visited and took all the condiments but said we could keep just one, it should be _____________________________
minced alien

I almost wrote, "Nice shoes." :plain: I hate needing reading glasses. :mmph:

Give them an inch and they'll take a ________________.


My favorite state is ___________________

Intoxicated. :eek:

Time and tide wait for no ____________________

Anyway, do yourself a favor and stop by that thread. A lot of funny stuff and it's fun to join in. :D

Then anna had me wondering...
...I'd go ever further and say conformity to some degree is a universal human trait.
Are you just saying that because he did? :plain: :eek:

Tried to offer a different perspective to ADD....
"We" being Christians that is. Seriously. Why?
The question is do/should we have the right to deny them the institution. And if so, why not to Hindus, Jews-- heck, atheists too. If it's about and rests in our particular religious belief then there's no end to it or why the selectivity?

I know, but it's a fun thread...
If at first you don't succeed____________
You'll likely just keep posting. :plain: Maybe with more caps.

And I'll wrap today with the question du jour...
:think: Ask Knight II what?

Tomorrow? Fun, more fun and darn near nothing else. :D
