Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

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A moment. I left the door open and a cat came in.

Mind your tail, cat.

The Sunday Night Gazette​

Talked about the danger of honoring tradition sans scrutiny with gen...
Prior to the 1900s, it was well known that a privately owned business was a private business, regardless of whether it sold goods or services to others.
Right. Prior to a government funded and owned infrastructure that provided a great deal of the potential for profitability that was the case.

The private owners of the businesses had the common law right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, the same as they had the common law right to provide service to anyone for any reason.
Yep. And they did that, especially to black people and Jews. See, history/tradition isn't necessarily a precedent worth investing in. We once allowed workers, even children to work in unsafe environments too.

And film with rex...
47 Ronin: Neo spends several hours impressing us with his Japaneseiness.
Ah, I thought Ronin was Japanese for "reasons not to watch this movie"...though the one was sufficient. :plain:

A little law in foundation with Angel...
Then you do not agree with constitution on freedom of religion, you think freedom of religion means freedom so long as someone else doesnt like it or claims offense.
I think the Constitution is a balancing act between individual liberty and the rights of others. You have the right to think as you will, but not to act without regard for the rights of others.

That's about as Constitutional as it gets, so to speak.

On the subject of a four week high school romance leading to a proposal...
Good idea or bad? They seem to think they are ready, what would you say if you were the boy's parents? What if you were the girls parents?
Before or after the boarding school transfer? :plain:

Had the beginning of a conversation with Trad...
Case to consider:

1. Woman A walks into a mom and pop store to buy metal clotheshangers in order to hang up her clothes, and asserts to the cashier that this is her purpose.

2. Woman B walks into a mom and pop store to buy metal clotheshangers in order to perform an abortion on herself, and asserts to the cashier that this is her purpose.

Should the cashier treat woman A and B differently? Should he withhold the sale in either case?

If you appeal to the human law for either case, I won't be impressed by your answer. :idunno:
A man walks into a gun store to buy a gun for hunting and says so.

Another man walks in behind him and states, "I need a gun that's good for killing a lot of people in a hurry, because that's why I'm buying it. And I'm in a hurry."

Should the cashier treat the first man and second man differently? Should he withhold the sale in either case?

If you appeal to else but logic for either case, I won't be impressed by your answer.


In this case "Republican" is accidental to the end for which the cake is being produced, in the sense that "Republican" has no bearing on the event which is taking place: the marriage.
Why? Because you say it's so. That's neither good enough nor an argument. Both are things that may well define the persons publicly and privately. Neither are things that shame the people who want the cakes, though many will find either worthy of shame and scorn.

However, it would be relevent in the event that the cake were being produced for a specifically Republican function: for example, to throw a party celebrating the victory of a Republican presidential candidate.
And here you come very close to understanding. The cake isn't a celebration of Republicanism, nor is it a statement cake for homosexuality. It's a wedding cake and both parties want one.


If it's not obvious to you, then you clearly should spend more time thinking about it.

Or you might try on the thought that followed and address it. What's obvious to me is that you're trying to justify the imposition of a purely religious value in a secular compact without the commiserate argument necessary.

No thanks. I prefer to live in a society where I'm free to exercise my own conscience and answer to God in matters that don't infringe upon my neighbor's right.

Tomorrow? Back to it, I suppose. :idunno:

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Final 2013 Cub Reporter Race Update:

...There was a tie for Cub Reporter of the Year for 2013, with Resurrected and Angel each coming in first on three separate months. Hon. Men. to CatholicCrusader, who took two.

Congrats to Angel and Res! :first: They came, they read, they reported the heck out of it. :D

January Race Report 2014:

In a runaway opening month Angel takes the field without breaking a sweat (28 reports). The next closest horse in the race was glorydaze, with a trailing 17.

Congrats to Angel :first: our uncontested opening Cub champion (2014 thread coming soon).

Today's Gazette to follow...later today. :D

Town Heretic

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The Thursday Night Gazette​

May have lost Nang as a potential Secret Santa...
...Just read the entire thread for all explanation of what is wrong at TOL.

Couldn't I just wait for your next post in nearly any thread? :eek:

Watched TSF trying on petards...
show me where i said that, moron...

thought so..
I think my favorite part, other than where he literally showed you and the whole room pointed at their monitors and barked out a laugh, that's pretty much the whole ball of wax, laugh wise.

but thank you so much 4 proving my point

that liberals are nothing but BIG liars...

lie even when the truth would serve them just as well... :shocked::luigi:
Looks like the truth just set all of us free... :D

You're literally stamping your foot, aren't you.

Differed with meshak on the point of grace and the role of works...
And sadly, too many Christians dishonor Jesus by saying "you cannot earn salvation by your works".
Only because you can't and so saying it isn't actually doing what you say it is... But works follow faith as surely as kindness follows love.

Being faithful to Jesus is all work.
Feel free to boast. But you're dead wrong.

Then, in the dysfunctional the title, I mean...
Lip serving faith is nothing new, friend. It was very much alive in Pharisees faith.
:IA: Durn lip-servers!
Wasn't TOL on a lip-server until the last upgrade? :think:

Accidentally walked into an alley...
Hay, - you have a High IQ!!! -- Good for You!!!!! – How “Smart” is that???
Not, apparently, enough to keep me out of this thread. So there's one argument. :think:

Most of the fools on TV have high IQs.
You heard that on tv, didn't you?

I can't tell if that is a "Threat" or not, coming from you.
Maybe if you were smarter... :plain:

I didn't Know that I was the only one who was sayings things here!!
Do you know it now? And if so, how so and since when?

Had about enough of Trad's valuation...
Stupid people (who make up the vast majority of humanity, and especially of the US population) make stupid decisions based on stupid motivations, and not only that, but marketers make this a presupposition in their advertisements.
To begin with, most people aren't stupid, they're average. And why you place such a premium on this one aspect of who we are is perplexing to me, especially given that you must be aware some of the more evil and destructive minds this planet has produced have been among the most intelligent and that the man you consider the rock of your church was not demonstrably among the brightest of his or any.

That is, what truly distinguishes a person, what is most important to God (who I suspect you'd admit is even smarter than you) has nothing to do with that particular. As for your dismissal of the ability of the average Joe to make good decisions, the record is a couple hundred plus years and counting...that is, we aren't the oldest of democratic powers by accident.

In the Change Your Clocks...well, sure, now I see it...
I change my socks every Sunday, whether they need it or not.



Darn Walmart discount glasses. :plain:

It's all so clear when you zoom the screen...except for Letsargue, of course...his writing still looks like someone let an inebriated chicken loose on a typewriter.

And ending on a serious note...
are there any intelligent people here?

rhetorical Q....
And that's half way to rhetorical IQ...which seems about right. :poly:

Tomorrow? Falafels maybe...what do you feel like? :plain:

Town Heretic

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The Sunday Afternoon Gazette (early edition)

In the Sunday clock thread, well...

I went out and bought a new clock for Sunday...don't see how that's going to help. :plain:

AMR tried to pitch in (hale fellow that he is) but...

Move to Arizona, then all your clocks will be just fine when this madness begins.
Yeah, but I hear you guys have trouble with your calendars. :eek:

Wished zoo a happy-happy...
...TH has a cake all ready for you,
Had...had a cake.

The bunny et it. :mmph:

It was in the form of a crocus, so I suppose I should have seen that coming. :think:

and I don't think he's going to let you bring any drinks - he said something about some really, really old Shasta. :plain:
I'm sure I said cold Shasta.

Ladies first, of course. :)

I am prepared to address your questions however I would like an answer mine before moving on.

And still made time to catch up with Trad...
Average people are stupid.
Only if you own a terrible dictionary.

...2. St. Peter had infused wisdom and was taught by God Himself.
And still a) was so wrong that he had to be called Satan to snap out of an error and b) had to be jarred out of another by Paul and c) fled by the rooster's crow.

Or, Peter was always Peter and that never placed him among the swiftest of horses in the race. And yet by your own estimation, wanting the thing you appear to prize most, he was chosen by God over many a smarter man to advance the flag of God's design and desire for men.

...And for a substantial part of that history, a rather substantial portion of the populace was disenfranchized. I'm not sure that this is a bad thing. :idunno:
Yes. People who haven't been frequently aren't.

Also, what about the Roman Republic?
That's what I say. :plain:

Meanwhile, res was blowing his other foot off... have absolutely no self control
He said, posting again and again to me, near me, in almost any thread written by me...:D...posting nearly a hundred times a day from a library. :plain:

i suspect you're heading for another of your little meltdowns :chuckle:
You think you're a bother? Kid, you're just a nuisance, like a rock in a shoe. And if the rules aren't going to be applied to you short of profanity, I think I'll just exercise editorial discretion here, as in Quixote's and you can pound those tiny fists in other people's threads where I'll tend to ignore you, as I had for some time until this recent spate of conversations.

Enjoy pressing your nose to the glass.

Got confused in a thread...not sure where I was really...
Another zinger.



That's right. Twelve. Individually wrapped.

So nobody even try me. :plain:

...Just out of curiosity, is it possible for a true Christian to have with sex with prostitutes for several years?
No. That's a pornographic myth. No one could have sex for years. :nono: It's not physically possible.

Otherwise, sure, but not a very good one.

Tomorrow? A run along the beach, maybe. :think: Followed by a trip to the emergency room. Also a possibility. :smack:
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Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
February's Cub Reporter Race Report:

And in a generally slow reporting month Angel takes the field in February with 13, nosing out a game (either) resurrected who tied with glorydaze in second place at one length back (12). Gros narrowly claimed third, three lengths off the lead (10) with genorg just behind (9).

Behind that a much slower pack with CathCrus leading and Eeset, tet, Stripe and Rusha vying.

Congrats Angel, February's Cub Reporter of the Month. :first:

Town Heretic

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Hump Day Gazette​

Goofed off in the morning thread...
On my second cup of coffee…and it's not helping. :freak:
:think: It is if you work for a coffee company. :wave:

Pointed out a curious thing about moral objections to homosexual marriage...
Marriage isn't necessarily a promotion of whatever lifestyle the people happen to live.
Because you say so? What scripture supports that? Heck, that's half the argument for some against homosexual unions.

But even conceding that for the sake of argument you're left with a problem, because marriage is either a union of a man and a woman before God or a Christian loses his moral objection, which remains my point. Atheists fail that litmus too. Anyone outside of the faith does or your objection isn't about your faith but something else.

What, pray tell, is that something else?

Dealt with Sod's idea of debate...
a pervert
Said the fellow who appears to think it's healthy for an adult to have a romantic fixation on a child to one who doesn't.

and a coward
Said an anonymous voice from behind an anonymous library terminal.

Responding to zoo's unburdening (worth reading, click the link) in the gov sponsored internet troll thread...
Okay, look, I'm sorry to complain about work, I know folks have their own problems and don't really care about my woes of being a government internet troll, but seriously, I just need to vent now and then...
Very informative, but I have a few questions:

1. Is that an entry level position and if so to where?

2. What's the TBS filing situation like?

3. Again, is there a dental plan?

4. Is there a mileage allowance?

And, as always, thank you for your service. :plain:

While still finding time to encourage a friend...
I never make anyone's list for anything.. :plain:
:think: Well, you'd be on top of that one.

And answer the less friendly...
...the Bible is very clear on the subject:

It is a perversion—ABHORRENT to God (and virtually everyone else…)
What sin isn't?

]Hopefully others will join me in boycotting

the NFL
You could have stopped there. Likely anyone still reading did. :plain:

Tomorrow? Someone chokes on his own petard and other fun facts. :thumb:

Town Heretic

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The Saturday Morning Gazette (lazy bird edition)

Came across this funny in the One Man's Opinion thread...
I hope this unctuousness of hers is not lost on anyone.
woo, big word. Impressive.

You are so highly educated that I have to have dictionary by me when I read your posts.:eek:
Who helps you read the dictionary?

Had a longish conversation with a fellow that prompted this bit of cryptic ennui and counter...

Tried to provide a broader context...
This is Nang and Christian liberty discussing me.
...I'd say it's one of the main reasons you misapprehend the larger religious life around you. You have this tendency to conflate the anecdote with the rule...but just because it rained on Tuesday it doesn't follow that Tuesday means rain.

Might have been a little off target in the Lunatic Fringe thread...
I think fringe pants would be kinda crazy...especially if you lived someplace windy. :plain: what?

Then rebounded when kmo came after bybee's OP in that same thread...
The opening post of this thread seems to be just that. :idunno:

And I believe she's started other similar threads.

What would you call a thread that makes accusations against nameless posters?
A general commentary? :plain:

...Lawyers. Always slippery with their words. :eek:
Laymen, always suspicious without reason (either). :eek:

Said hello to the new guy (no, the other one)...
Thanks, Folks!!
I've only just seen this!!
So...a slow reader then. :plain:

What lovely people

That's what I say, except with a question mark and all. :D


Then, after some of my gender got silly in the Upskirt thread…
Well of course, women could cover themselves with a Burka wherein only their eyes are showing. There are Imams who further state that eye makeup is a deliberate attempt to seduce men as well as bracelets on the wrists. Oh naughty women. Their only goal in life is to seduce brain dead gonadal men!
Eyes??? The slut. She should wear sunshades. Doesn't she realize how those tempting eyes draw men's gazes to her underpants regions? :plain:

And summed...
It's pretty obvious you don't understand how a lot of women think.
Any man who lays claim to that understanding is not to be trusted.

When I'm shopping for a new skirt, I don't hold it up and say "Gee... I wonder how many men I'll attract with this one?"
And I bet you never once thought, "I wonder how this looks from the floor?"

I buy that skirt if I like it, if it appeals to me color-wise, texture-wise, price-wise. I'm sorry to inform you that there's no attract-a-man rating process assigned to choosing a skirt. It may come as a blow to you to find that out; I do hope you'll survive.
I suspect women dress the way they do for any number of reasons, just as men do. Is every fit and married man wearing sweat pants and a bulky pullover? Of course not. Is he inviting romantic speculation if he dresses to look attractive? Of course not.

And neither is every woman we pass on the street.

Tomorrow? Frivolity and mayhem, of course...maybe lawn darts. :think:

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
The Monday Afternoon Gazette

In the Upskirt thread shag asked anna...
I was asking. Note the "?"

Do you buy mini skirts? Why or why not?

So bybee said to him...
Do you wear a speedo? Why or why not?

Had enough of meshak's funhouse mirrored assessment...
Originally Posted by meshak

...I know how you are go after your not so friendly to you posters.
No. I respond to insult. I mostly do and have done that with humor...I'll tell you what, set out an example, because you and I have disagreed pretty strongly in the past, recent and distant.

And when you set that one out for me and everyone to consider, also tell the folks when the last time was you had a pos rep from me for all our differences. That's how I "go after" people.

She didn't, but she did go after bybee...
Originally Posted by meshak
Your claws are coming out.
Get that one out of your eye first.

Maybe that's why you always seem to have blood in it.

Originally Posted by meshak
she got you with her sweet talk.
No, she has my friendship from years of interaction and knowledge and the trust that attends it.

so boring.
Everything looks like a nail when you're hammered. :plain: Something like that.

Ending for now with...
Ok off you go with ignore. I don't deal with trolls.
So insult is loving when you do it but hateful when others do it and you think friends don't just tell you what you want to hear but when someone tells you what you don't want to hear they're a troll and off with their head. :plain:

Fixed that for you. And for all us meddling kids.

Answered chrys on the whole upskirt hubbub...
why is this so important?
At the heart of the discussion is the consideration of what is ours as individuals and what belongs to everyone. Many of us feel there are areas of ourselves that are wholly our own and no one has a right to them absent invitation. So while it may be possible by some clever means to invade that privacy and claim it for your own, you shouldn't be allowed to.

This kmo answer to anna led me to speculate...
...Assuming by 'just a skirt' you mean an invitation to stick a camera up it. That is what you meant, right? :plain:
Why do I get the feeling this thread is about to take a turn toward colonoscopies... :plain:

While in his vague fringe thread...
They are here on TOL and it seems like they might be up to something. It's hard to know for sure.

Most newcomers start out cautiously but eventually find their ground and become more sharp and direct posters.

But some are relentless in their ambiguity, equivocation, and fuzziness.

You can never pin them down! :noid:

I know what you mean. There's this one poster, not an enemy in the world and as many friends.

It raises your hair a bit, considering. :plain: :D

Tomorrow? Toy dogs (no, the other kind) that poop and I answer mail. :shocked:

Town Heretic

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The Hump Day Gazette

The-woman-who-scorned-Trinitarians-questioning-her-faith-says-what (about Muslims and Trinitarians)? :plain:
What is the difference between them?

I see none;
Put your glasses back on and stop squinting.

they both work for their pride.
Wrote the inferred possessor of near singular enlightenment.

While in Trad's one more way to make an entire people feel bad for being themselves thread...
...a la mayonnaise? No wonder the German language relies so heavily on the French language. What civilized people eats their french fries with mayonnaise? :plain:
Have you ever even seen Europe on a map?

And in the compliment thread...
..I would compliment Kmo for his sense of humor.
I would too...God knows I would... :plain:

Then meshak was back and we're gonna be in trouble...
Do you know that over 60% of the military personnel claim to be Christians?
:think: No. How does it go?

Do you advocate the military?

How about your church?
I don't believe churches need their own armies. :nono:

Back in the Upskirt, things were getting dicey...
"Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people committed to misunderstanding you."

So you're saying you should waste your time by explaining yourself to people who aren't? :eek:

Talked percentages with Loh...
On a scale of 1-10
1 being a evangelical theist.
10 being and atheist.
I am a 9.9999
So you're less than one percent open minded? :plain:

If you can not give me 100% proof that a god exists you are an agnostic.
What's with you and the whole declarations you can't logically arrive at/demonstrate? Or, happy to: now give me the standard that, if met, would satisfy the point objectively.

I'll wait while nobody does that...ever. :poly:

Before extending the hearty handshake of ecumenical...well, no...
What does this have anything to do with Trin churches and Muslims killing and hating each other?.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that our local Presbyterian church hasn't killed any Muslims in months. :plain:

Then bybee said...
Indeed! And my Episcopal church is quite calm.
Though to be fair, Episcopalians are quite calm in the midst of battle...and stadium events. :D

Before wrapping up with...
Lots of good folks have been mentioned!

A couple that have not been regulars lately, but still stop by on occasion, are:
Vegas Cowboy

I like your straight ahead, take no...let's say prisoners (and skip the whole ban business) approach and I'm glad to have you back regularly.

When you were irregular it was just awful. :plain: :eek:

I'd compliment Knight and the mods for great and too often unsung work keeping this beast humming, but that might seem like currying (no, the other sort) favor...shoot...You can imagine how glad I am I didn't speak to personal affection and the many kindnesses and considerations I've blasted... Whatever you do, nobody tell me a secret today. I might be having an aneurysm. :think:

Tomorrow? I try to compliment kmo again....maybe... :think:

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
The Monday Night Gazette

Continued to not notice a substantive difference between being on meshak's ignore list and not being...
your interpretation is worldly standard,
Your interpretation appears to involve large quantities of alcohol and vinegar.

this is how you guys water down Jesus' teachings.
You should water down whatever you're having. :plain:

While in Trinitarians and Muslims...
"love your enemy" is core teaching of Jesus. Without this teaching, He is no different from any other religion.
Nope. The foundational distinction between other religions and Christianity is the understanding/proposition that we are insufficient, willfully, that no one will or can earn heaven/relation with God, but that God so loved us that He supplied the means in sacrifice. Or, basically, the premise plus John 3:16

...Who is "us."
The guys on first? :plain:

You equate speaking of Christ's death as *lip service* ...

Interesting. :think:
It was bound to happen...her saying something interesting, I mean.

Did I mention I'm on ignore? :) It feels better than owning a Toyota.

For one thing, there's a lot more leg room. :plain:

It is too bad that your age is not showing much of maturity in your comments.
That would be so much more damning if you weren't typing it with your fingers in your ears. :plain:

Back in the debate thread...
It is hard sometimes for people to believe that they are truly being offered a blessing by someone they dislike.
It's especially hard when they aren't actually doing it. :plain:

Jesus says to bless them. why is it so hard to understand?
Right. To actually bless them, not speak an incantation. What separates the two? Intent, love, a real desire to aid them.

Ah, well...
...]I don't play games with trolls.
And just like that solitaire was off the board. :plain:

Had a conversation with Pure about heritage and value...
Why would a citizen of the United States of America want to identify himself using a flag that represented people who both sought and fought to destroy the unity and cohesion of our own country?
That's another myth, Pure. The unity an cohesion you're speaking to didn't really exist at the time. That idea began in the modern sense with that war, only truly solidified with the two world wars that followed.

That said, to my mind it's like an Alabama fan making a flag with the score from the Iron Bowl a year when Auburn clobbered us.

Tomorrow? :think: It'll come...

Town Heretic

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Tuesday's Fun Poll link:

BBC Believes you've only read 6 of these books...

I'm not sure about the why of these particular books. Harry Potter and Lovely Bones are there, Winter's Tale and Solider of the Great War aren't...Hitchhiker's Guide is there, but Ender's Game and The Mote in God's Eye aren't...neither is Asimov's Foundation.

Anyway. I'd read 53 of them with about a dozen I never will, intentionally, and another dozen I didn't recall hearing about. A few seemed pointless. If you're reading the Complete Works of Shakespeare then you shouldn't need to read Hamlet separately. :idunno:
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tuesday's Fun Poll link:

BBC Believes You Only Read 6 of These Books...

I'm not sure about the why of these particular books. Harry Potter and Lovely Bones are there, Winter's Tale and Solider of the Great War aren't...Hitchhiker's Guide is there, but Ender's Game and The Mote in God's Eye aren't...neither is Asimov's Foundation.

Anyway. I'd read 53 of them with about a dozen I never will, intentionally, and another dozen I didn't recall hearing about. A few seemed pointless. If you're reading the Complete Works of Shakespeare then you shouldn't need to read Hamlet separately. :idunno:



New member
Tuesday's Fun Poll link:

BBC Believes You Only Read 6 of These Books...

I'm not sure about the why of these particular books. Harry Potter and Lovely Bones are there, Winter's Tale and Solider of the Great War aren't...Hitchhiker's Guide is there, but Ender's Game and The Mote in God's Eye aren't...neither is Asimov's Foundation.

Anyway. I'd read 53 of them with about a dozen I never will, intentionally, and another dozen I didn't recall hearing about. A few seemed pointless. If you're reading the Complete Works of Shakespeare then you shouldn't need to read Hamlet separately. :idunno:

I can't access the site.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do we think this is a good list?
How is Atlas Shrugged not on here?
Or Stranger in a Strange Land?
I've read about half of Herbert's stuff but I just couldn't get into Dune.
I refuse to read The Five People You Meet in Heaven because Mitch Album is a Detroiter and commonly regarded as an arrogant douche bag.
I didn't know his book was regarded with such high esteem and any list that includes him at the expense of Heinlien or Rand is a bad list in my opinion.


New member
Do we think this is a good list?
How is Atlas Shrugged not on here?
Or Stranger in a Strange Land?
I've read about half of Herbert's stuff but I just couldn't get into Dune.
I refuse to read The Five People You Meet in Heaven because Mitch Album is a Detroiter and commonly regarded as an arrogant douche bag.
I didn't know his book was regarded with such high esteem and any list that includes him at the expense of Heinlien or Rand is a bad list in my opinion.
I'd add "Of Human Bondage" and "Not as a Stranger" just off the top of my head.
Well dearie, in my opinion, it is just someone's list among other someone's lists.
I have a book of "The Book of Great Books" a list of 100 world classics.
It is a gold mine for quick references when I wish to refresh my memory.