Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Semi Quarterly Gazette

Had an odd conversation with saind that ended up surprising me...
So you don't know why I'm here. I told ya.
How could I know what you don't seem to. I have my best guess. If you're rational you're being petulant and, well, funny.

If you're irrational you could be here because you think it's Monday and this is where they keep all the hats. :plain:

Sometimes it's the best way to make a point. :e4e: This hat is MINE, don't take another step!!! :CRASH:

Spoke to the problem of buffets...
...and I used to think the same as them and am quite ashamed to have been like that towards fellow followers of Christ.
You do realize that TOL represents mainstream Protestant orthodoxy the way Chuck E. Cheese's represents pizza parlors. :plain:

Noodled the news with the new kid...
I agree completely. I listen to Fox News for high quality delivery of the news.
Like driving through a McDonald's for Thanksgiving.

Tried to have a conversation about the American system of justice with Stripe, but when your premise is...
Lawyers are completely unnecessary in order for justice to be served.
Like suggesting you don't need doctors for good health. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? No, no it isn't.

Words have meaning.
Sort of redundant, don't you think? :)

...It takes only one man to make and pass correct judgement. Lawyers are unnecessary.
It only takes one man to pass incorrect judgment too. And the fewer checks you have the more likely that outcome. That's why and how our system developed.

...Typically, justice is not served.
That's simply not true and can't be argued using any objective data.

Before clearing things up for chrys...
bybee has called me a misogynist more than once
it makes we wonder how you go about determining that
it looks like neither one of us has learned how to dominate our women
Wonder no more. :plain:

Next time out? Ask me again in June...maybe. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Now & Then Gazette

should I lock my thread?
You should lock a lot of things. :plain:

...Now you see proponents of same-sex marriage like TH
In exactly the same sense that I'm a "proponent" of the Klan because I can't find a reasoned, reasonable objection to them speaking and marching peaceably.
making equally horrendous arguments,
Like having your taste in fashion critiqued by Liberace.

Had a conversation with an angel...
Christ defined marriage, He was speaking of the intent of union and creation.
I don't agree. And within the Christian faith a marriage is a union that has at its root the blessing and authority of God. If we aren't talking about that, if we're instead talking about the secular compact that the state seals and recognizes regardless of faith or its absence, then we should pick our conversation and stick to it.

it isn't remotely clear that God is singularly concerned with our sexual practices and that He's A-OK with Satanists entering into marriage given He also goes on to make the point. I think on some level you know this which is why you push those two verses together and omit the immediately following verse that speaks directly to my point:

"6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Not the state, not sex, but God alone joins men and women in holy matrimony. It doesn't get any more patently scriptural than that.

And so my question to you, asked repeatedly, making the point that outside of God is outside of the Christian argument for what marriage should be. And if your objection at law is premised there you must object to every attempt to profane a union that is instituted by God and only having meaning within His blessing.

Responded to Lion on my objection to a narrow moral objection...
Town Heretic,
I think your (false) dilemma is resolved thus;
Person “A” deliberately does God’s will...wisely;

Person “B” inadvertently does God’s will...foolishly;
I don't believe that answers the problem or that the dilemma is a false one, though I appreciate the effort. Marrying without God's joining isn't God's expressed will. It isn't in itself a good or righteous act to parody up to a point what is intended to be a union of a very particular sort.
...Does the Christian approve of the atheist refraining from adultery? Absolutely!
He can, but it's not really a rational celebration, given that particular will not save him and so is a vanity of no real value. The atheist can, rather, confuse himself by saying, "See? I can be as moral as any Christian. I'm fair in my dealings, honest, true and faithful in my pledge."

That will not save him and it is a mistake to value it absent the context that gives it real value.

In short, your false dilemma is resolved by realizing that the Christian would become a hypocrite if they were indifferent or selective in answering such questions.
Or, the Christian who values what he understands is in accord with the Holy as an extension of his faith is projecting that value upon the appearance of the good that is not, in fact, the good. God has set out that no one outside of the Body is or works that good.

I think the mistake is understandable, but still a mistake.

Then Trad, curiously enough, decided to attempt...
I quote the OP: "with simple, direct answers."
My answers aren't unclear. Simple? That's like beauty.

"Homosexuality is a sin and all sin is immoral." That seems complex to you? And you're in grad school?

As I said: you're just proving his point. Apparently a simple "yes" or "no" is beyond your capabilities. :idunno:
Now let me know which of my answers confuses you or is unclear to you.
And, unsurprisingly, he never did. :nono:

Before chrys said of zoo...
...his voluntary absence is proof that he has been confronted with something he cannot deal with
No, at best that would be one possibility among a few and the weakest choice if you know him at all or mean to be objective instead of work in a weakness or insult.

Then he was off to the races on marriage...
you may see marriage as a contract
At the outset that's what it is.
but I see it as a commitment
That's what contracts evidence.
a contract is not marriage
It isn't a sale of goods or exchange of service either, but it's evidence of and agreement to enter into that.
you can enter into a contract with anyone
No, you can't. It begins with capacity. All sorts of people lack that particluar for a variety reasons.
but don't call it marriage unless the purpose of the contract is to protect the child
That's one purpose, though not a necessary one. Making it essential is conflating your bias with a prima facie truth, but it isn't.

Wrapped up with...
it would be if protecting the child was the purpose of marriage
Then you've just answered a foundational mistake/assumption you keep making.

why aren't we using marriage to protect the child?
Why aren't you using your toothbrush to fight fires?

Because that's not what it's for.

One of these days, then... :plain: Just check every few weeks. Who knows.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Gazette​

Noted a familiar...
but I do have some control over you
No. Unless you have a peculiar notion of conversation. Maybe you should start asking yourself why that's important to you.

Then Trad posted something absurd...or did I repeat myself?
Originally Posted by Traditio
I think that there are definite correlations between holocaust denial and protestantism.
A bit like the correlation between a degree in philosophy and job opportunities?

Originally Posted by Traditio [thumbs down smilely]
Sadly, there was more rationality in that smiley than in your predictable pot shot at the Protestant faith. Also, a neg rep? Classy way to demonstrate that your sense of humor is a match for your objectivity.

Which he actually tried to, really...
Originally Posted by Traditio
It's a cheap shot, cliche, overly personal, and frankly...
It was a joke aimed at what I assumed was a willfully absurd post by you that I didn't take seriously until you responded to it like a doofus.

There wasn't anything personal in it. It was meant as an equally absurd answer. The only reason you read in offense was because, sadly, you took your own posit seriously.

That, in the end, is the bigger disappointment.

Continued an interesting conversation about separation of state and religion...
Then it is atheism,
No, it's a want of favoritism for a particular expression of faith.

because this law would only favor those with utilitarian concerns. Such upholds the OP title.
Rather, it favors a law that is demonstrably and rationally tied to a uniformity of right among disparate beliefs.

Every contextual belief is ultimately self serving if you peel away the layers. Say you serve virtue. Why? Because it is your highest idea. You're then serving your notion of the good. The next fellow serves his notion and so on. Our compact allows each of us to serve his conscience provided the exercise of that conscience doesn't abrogate the right of the next fellow.

Offered my two cents in...
What happened while TOL crashed?

Crashed? I prefer to think of it as universal ban time...a clever way for Knight to give all of us empathy for the little guy...the little, angry, impulse control deficient guy...who can still get you a great deal on comfortable shoes. :plain:

:think: Otherwise, it looks like someone spent part of the time coming up with gimpy tags.

Then chrys was back at it...
why did you start this thread
not to misrepresent the tea party?
Just because you make faux inquiry to insinuate what you won't say directly it doesn't follow that everyone who posts has a hidden agenda.

Carmike doesn't project as much as you do. :plain:

Then Eeset started a thread pretending to be concerned about zoo that typically fizzled when she couldn't keep up appearances past a point...
Now that this thread has become so much fun I think I should delete it. Zoo always liked it when I deleted threads. :)
Sort of putting the obvious cherry on top of it, isn't she? :plain:

Until the next time... :e4e:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Morning Gazette

There was CW being CW...
...Town is a fraud that claims to love people and the law.
Well, I try to love people. Some are harder than others. People like you I'm forced to love as an idea because I can't love how you are. That is, I have to see how Christ hopes for you and match that. I wouldn't say I love the law, but I respect what it accomplishes among men, if imperfectly, more often than not.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
You should consider that as a signature line. :plain:

You are living in an evil era
Every era is an evil era.

that you support, you are the one with incomplete humanistic law.
No, I'm the one with a compact that lets you and the guy who believes differently coexist without a bloodbath...

...You are a liar that knows nothing about the true law, God's law.
You're a remarkably immature, hostile spirit who mostly doesn't seem to know a) what she's talking about and b) how to actually talk about it.

While Trad continued to...
..."That does not have the force of law. That does not bind in conscience. Put me in chains if you must, put me out of business, let the judges rule against me: but for all that, these are not punishments; these are not acts of justice. These are acts of violence and mobbish brutality. What is lawful in the proper sense is for me to disobey you."
I can appreciate the principle, but it's as easy to say the actual mob is the majority who, without fundamental reason to support them, deny anyone the same right they enjoy.

Social contractarian. I use the term for lack of a better one. What is lawful is based on social contract. Nothing more.
It carries more meaning and is therefore inaccurate. If a word doesn't suffice you don't just use it anyway.

Bybee, I hope I get students who answer like you on their examinations. You have no idea how much pleasure I'll take in failing them.
Said or thought a really great teacher to or about any of his students...never. :plain:

While in the potential career thread...
When I did this on facebook, it came back to architect. :plain: .. I just did it again (answering everything exactly the same as I did on facebook) so I could get the description to post here, and I got fire fighter .. :freak:
A firefighting architect? Sweet. :eek:

Nipped one of chrys' award nominations in the bud...
I hate homosexuals more than you do award for 2014
open for nominations
Just waiting for one of he actual nominees to post: God.

So STP took the career test and came up...
Garbage collector
Well then, you're going to be busy around here. :eek:

Then fool got surly about it...
I got Writer as well and I'm no writer.
You do all right. :)

That was way too few questions to tell anything about anyone,
It might be all fluff or one of those that works on average but misses here and there. Or maybe you just need to pipe down. :sibbie:

...who wouldn't pick "at home"?
People who live in trailers in or near tornado alley? That would be one group. :plain:

Had a few things to say in the Redskins name thread, but this sums it for me...
You and I know what?
...a sizable part of that community is offended by the use, that there has been an ongoing and several decades long attempt by representatives of those Native Americans to have the name changed. A name whose use Merriam Webster notes is usually intended as offensive.

I think many around here from the majority side of things are just tired of feeling pushed around by this or that minority and are responding to this more in that spirit than because they really think it's a good idea to keep a name that offends many of the people it purports to represent with good intention.

Then you know who said...
God's commandments don't have an expiration date.
God's covenants do. You're confused. And angry.

But mostly confused.

...A commandment is not a Covenant retard,
The comma would go before and not after the word retard in your above. It must be horrible knowing you're less competent at something than a "retard".

So Eeset had, once again, tried to get out from under an insult she offered long ago inferring I was interested in gay men. Here's how long she could hold that pose:
It is the two year anniversary.
You keep an anniversary for your first ban? :plain: Of course you do.

Was Raymond Burr your favorite TV attorney?
Why on earth would Raymond Burr be my favorite TV attorney?
It was a rhetorical question. She and her buddy had already established Raymond Burr as homosexual. And there you go.

Then chrys was ready to hand out more fun...
and the winner is

He's a good egg, nog is.

would it play in peoria?
I don't even think kids play in Peoria.

Peoria sounds like a coin operated rest room in Italy. :plain:

But I'll end with kmo arguing against himself...sort of...
Writer: You have a skill for language, your imagination is vast and you are artistic and creative. Your brain is just overflowing with ideas, and all you have to do is get a piece of paper and share it with the world. You were born to turn words into magical stories

That's not me at all. That quiz sucks. :plain:
That was well written and evocative. :plain:

Next time? :think: No idea. So that's what it's like to be [your favorite poster here]. :plain:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Red Eye Gazette

So Eeset said...
Originally Posted by Eeset
Which part? Surely you don't expect me to have encyclopedic knowledge of your posts. That would be ludicrous.
I don't expect you to even have a passing knowledge of your own posts.

And they're mostly ludicrous.

While on the subject of reacting to ridicule, kmo was optimistic...
Originally Posted by kmoney
I can't say that I've had that happen so I can't say with certainty what I'd do but I don't think I'd perpetually respond. It reaches a point where I don't see any value in it. But I suppose the devil's in the details.
:think: Only one way to find out.

Then over in the Stoned Gays thread...
What sex acts are being committed out in the open at Disney World? Holding hands?
With a nod to Steven Colbert for momentarily stealing his act: holding hands?! What is that, some sick, gay euphemism? And don't think it didn't bother me putting a comma between sick and gay or not having one between gay and euphemism. Now I won't be able to use euphemism without the taint. See? You give them a word and they take over the dictionary. Gays are ruining the sanctity of our language. :mmph: There, that ought to confuse a few people.

But seriously, I don't even want to see straight people necking in public. Let alone the wrestling matches you can run into walking through a mall these days...darn kids.

And after someone kept seeing ghosts...
no, just veiled references to me while you pretend you're ignoring me :chuckle:
Dear Sod,

Look, fella, I'm never coming back to the old feud. It's not going to was great in its day, but you have to know I was going through the motions for much of the last year or so...and I reached the point where I couldn't pretend any more.

You deserve better, the way you put your heart into it. I wasn't doing you any favors letting you hold on. Heck, even this feels a little like a tease and I wish there was another way to say it, to spare you.

It's not you, it's me. I've changed. You were doing your best. I know you were...But listen, one day you'll find someone who really appreciates what you have to offer on that count. And when you do the two of you will never let each other go. Promise.

I believe that.

It's just not me. :e4e:

Ran into an old friend in the Redskin name thread...
It seems to me that the term in question was not originally a pejorative but merely descriptive. Similarly, black and white (based on skin color after all). Then, terrorists some 150 years past confiscated said term to spread their hate. Are we letting those terrorists of long ago win?
In the sense that when someone poisons a well and we stop bottling it as "Spring Water" they win.

...I'm aware that TH and AMR have disallowed visitor's comments, but I don't really care why.
Yes, and publicly, no less. :rolleyes:

Tried to help chrys get over his problem with private messages and other restrictive habits...

isn't that what girls do in the school yard to keep secrets from others?
:) Are letters to someone else how we keep secrets from the world? I hope not, though it's an interestingly dramatic notion.

And dogs and dog owners...
well I did a study and found that dog owners don't care
if their dog barks if their dog does it on your lawn if their dog bites you and they think I need a fence to keep their dogs off my property
That's not a study, it's an anecdote stretched into an unreasonable rule. It's like complaining that all automobile owners are irresponsible because people where you live drive on the sidewalks.

Then nog asked...
Maybe your neighbors just don't like you.
How is he going to know if he can't get at their profile page? :eek:

And it all came together.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Gazette

Continued to argue school speed limits (no, really) and founding principle (it's funnier than it sounds)...
... Am I supporting zipping through school zones? No. Does that mean it should be illegal, even if no objectively identifiable harm is caused? Of course not.
...Well, make it legal and see how long the consequence remains a spotless one...Remove the state and its apparatus for visibly restraining people who think they're better drivers than they are and guess what you'll get.

I suppose you might call them "freedom mortalities" and "freedom maimings". :plain: Likely followed by "freedom funerals".

Except that it isn't a contract. We are forced to pay for the highways.
No you aren't. Get a passport and leave. But if you're going to stay and watch the movie, enjoy the seats and company, the security on hand, etc., then you're consenting.

And a person driving 3.5 is even less likely (the school zones I've seen are usually 20, not 35.) So, why do you oppose that? Why don't you care enough about children? Isn't it worth it if it saves even one life? Do you see how ridiculous and absurd this gets?
No, what's absurd is suggesting that if we can't do the most/best possible we should do nothing. That's what you're suggesting.

...This is absurd. The "love it or leave it" fallacy.
It isn't absurd or a fallacy. And declaring it so isn't an argument or a proof. You're free to leave or remain. That makes your part voluntary. If you don't believe me, consult a dictionary.

...One important thing to clarify here is that the non-aggression principle is a principle for adults. When you're raising children its an entirely different paradigm.
Why? You don't value their freedom? Or is freedom subject to something else?

While chrys, bothered by the non public communications, contended...
I have never sent a pm
I have replied to a few

Then Trad, taking time from explaining why Mexicans are like cockroaches, had a snit...
...And you wonder why some people find you pretentious, condescending, and, in a word, intolerable. :idunno:
Given what they have in common, no. It's no wonder at all.

Jumped into a bit of conversation...
Right, so since you can't know everything, just throw up your arms in defeat. Yep, you ought to join lighthouse and 0mind100spirits club.
why should I join them?
:think: Because you can't beat them without getting banned?

While things got serious in the Off Topic thread...
So what do you guys think about the death penalty?
For rules infractions? :think:

Differed with CW on the power of God...
Was at an industry conference about 4 months ago, and participated in a round table discussion on sex offenders. Not a single psychologist could name one patient or client of theirs that was a repeated sex offender that had changed their ways or come to faith and truly repented. You are an idiot. Your ways are not God's ways, and you are an embarrassment to Christ's principles and God's laws.
No one is beyond God's reach or love. Not the pedophile, the murderer, the thief, you or me.

Had an out of the box moment in Ask Knight...
Is there any way to attract Muslims to this site? Not all, but some Muslims are open to the gospel. And most Muslims are at least interested in debate /dialogue.
We could all start facing east when posting. :think:
Find out who is putting "bacon" in the user tags and make them stop. :plain:

And CL kept inching closer and closer...
...I, like most libertarians and anarcho-capitalists, believe that the NAP applies primarily to adults. Children are in a special state
Welcome to the negotiation of compact and the process of governing.

Then chrys kept giving out trade secrets on his "award" selection process...
I had already decided on the above a couple days ago
Oh, don't be modest. :plain:

...I have to admit this is purely subjective on my part
Like admitting a rock isn't a vegetable. :)

Kept wrestling with Yor over the odor of a rose...
In fact, when poles are taken, most are apathetic. To the tune of 90%.
Depends on which polling you look at and its been moving steadily toward taking offense for a while now.

...The bottom line is that people that use the word redskin to refer to Indians aren't always thinking of anything like whatever Webster's historic view is.
Again, I firmly believe most people don't have a negative in their minds at all when using it. But this isn't about them. It's about the people who are offended and not without reason. And if we don't mean to harm and offend, proceeding to do that very thing needlessly seems more than a bit peculiar.

They are thinking that the name reminds them of the mighty warrior pictured on the side of the helmet.
You don't know that. You know that many are offended and that most aren't. That's really all you know. So your next line is one you should listen to:

Stop trying to tell them what they are thinking or what they are allowed to think.

Before taking on the ideological implications of sartorial splendor...
Why do we see God bless America shirts?
Because pants would send the wrong message? :plain:

See you on around the monkeyfarm. :e4e:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wednesday Afternoon Gazette

May 6th, 2014, 03:43 AM
I have been Evangelical Protestant most of my life, even spending some time living in a fulltime religious community.

The more I researched the origin of the bible and the history of my faith, the more I discovered the Catholic Church.

...So, why shouldn't I convert to the Catholic Church?

June 27th, 2014 10:44 AM
...I believe in the God/Godess, and I renounce the Christian God, bible, Jesus Christ and holy spirit. I embrace Paganism as the real truth and feel alive and free, not to mention amazingly peaceful and happy to 'just be'.

Then pre-ignore zip showed up to remind me he should be post, or not posting to me anyway...
Your "Christian argument against atheist marriage" is about on par with running up to someone remotely familiar with math and asserting that 2+2=5. No one with the slightest knowledge of theology, the history of Christianity, or the Bible would find such an argument compelling or even intelligible.
See, that's so objectively bankrupt that reading it should make you wonder at the root of your impulse to write it.

Quite frankly, I am surprised you raised it. :idunno: (If you think Christianity does not recognize the marriages of non-Christians, then you should open a book on the topic, or at least read 1 Cor 7:12-14).
I'm aware of that scripture. Here it is:

12 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord)....For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
Or, as a moral proposition, marriage is sanctified by God through our faith, not through a mere operation of law or magic words uttered by anyone.

Meanwhile, Trad continued to unspool...
Please tell me you aren't now denying or questioning that TH is a Christian.
I am merely saying that if TH is a Christian...
And there's your answer from captain, "Why can't you simply say no or yes". :rolleyes:


Two general comments.

1. Either intentionally or unintentionally (I suspect the former, but I'm willing to grant the possibility of the latter), you misquoted the relevant part of proposition 56.
I did nothing of the sort.
...Never mind. You broke it up. I misread what you wrote. Mea culpa.

...I may or may not address the rest of your post later.
I may or may not care, depending on how slap dash you continue to be in your attempt to find something that will stick to that wall of yours.

While in chrys' "awards" thread...
What about an award for those who have a compulsive need to be right?
Too many deserving applicants on an internet forum. It would be like an attendance award. :eek:

In the "What do you debate about the most" thread...
Lately I appear to debate what I mean with people who know better. :plain: No, seriously, there are people like that.

Sod continued to be sod...
This message is hidden because resurrected is on your ignore list.
...holy cow, Res right behind me again. Coincidence of a magnitude not seen since someone rolled dice and it came up...numbers. :plain:

Cleared up a misunderstanding with Q...
Animistic, sir....... not animalistic :eek: .
Only kidding you, Q. I'm optimistic myself...what? :plain:

Reminds me of the time a guy told me he was charismatic and I asked if he had to carry an inhaler.

Nominated myself in AB's thread...
Well, it's that time of Neptune where too much hydrogen is in the air and nobody gives a stuff who 'wins' what etc so without further ado...

The following categories are as...follows...

Most Pleasant Poster
Oh, well that one has to be mine...dipwad. :plain:

Then I suggested AB consider...
nother award under consideration should be the Sub Rosa, for best user tag associated with a thread. By way of:

good morning breakfast clubbers: uncle toms condo

There was chrys trying to get a little in before his literal trip...
maybe you should use commas
Being criticized on grammar by you for an unusual lapse is like being lectured on the importance of civility by a serial killer. And you got it wrong. The second and third commas shouldn't be there.

"Well, since when, isn't the way you mostly think or mostly act, the entire standard for others?"

did you see what I did there?
Yes, you once again confused the exception with the rule. :) And you blew the grammar portion of the exam you were giving.

Then there was CW's memory jog...
Said the two faced lawyer who needs a job, a moral framework, and a life.
Did you run all the way over here to avoid:

Because [Hobby Lobby] buying a product to resell,
Voluntarily putting money into the coffers of a state [China] that encourages and performs abortions with its income.

is the same as buying an instrument of birth control or abortion for your employee to violate God's laws with.
So you see a real distinction between the abortionist and the fellow who willingly pays for it?
I left out the pointless spittle flecked ending, given you've provided one above that seems to meet the quota.

And I'll end as I began, noting someone arguing against himself, sort of...
Posterior Analytics I.4 is 3 1/2 pages in the Loeb (of which the pages are very small). I'm almost certain that you can find it online. If you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them. But if you can't be bothered to read it, frankly, it isn't worth my time to deal with you, especially since I've already explained this earlier in the thread.

...And you wonder why some people find you pretentious, condescending, and, in a word, intolerable. :idunno:

Tomorrow? Looks like rain. :rain:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Gazette

Said of the Hobby Lobby ruling...
so you agree with the majority
I agree it's a well reasoned and argued holding, consistent with this Court's treatment of corporations and makes a pretty convincing case for itself. It isn't without problems and doesn't really settle much, went out of its way to tell everyone it isn't encouraging a widening of that ruling and considering it's address of government stepping in on the point, I'm unconvinced we've seen much more than a temporary competitive advantage gained by Hobby Lobby via its saving on the costs of healthcare.

Noted Trad continuing to grind irony into a fine point...I think the first bit was for bybee...the second was his old complaint for me...
Posterior Analytics I.4 is 3 1/2 pages in the Loeb (of which the pages are very small). I'm almost certain that you can find it online. If you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them. But if you can't be bothered to read it, frankly, it isn't worth my time to deal with you, especially since I've already explained this earlier in the thread.

...And you wonder why some people find you pretentious, condescending, and, in a word, intolerable. :idunno:

Talked about political compromise with SObG...
Neville Chamberlain compromised, and look how many lives were lost because of it.
Jefferson compromised and it gave us a nation to build and improve.

Then chrys said...
some are disappointed when they visit my page
makes we wonder what they expect
:think: Bunnies? Maybe some sort of zoo memorial.

Then it was time to remind everyone what I actually think about gay marriage...
Since I haven't said it in a while, I'm not a proponent of gay marriage. I don't argue for it, but for the right to contract marriage and against its abrogation without sufficient legal reason. In that it parallels my belief that there is insufficient legal reasoning to deny the Klan the right to exist and march down main street, even though I object to their premise and I would rather they not.

Now what zip is insisting is that because I argue any law attempting to forbid the Klan from existing and marching is legally deficient I am a proponent for their use, for their march and their part. No. I guard the right itself and so long as that right is protected by standard for them it remains protected for all. Remove one and you jeopardize every, you invite fiat and mob rule.

I am a proponent of the right to contract and equality before the law.

And Trad continued to fling some fairly absurd spaghetti...
I'm pretty sure that "endorse, ignore or forbid" is pretty exhaustive in the case that I gave. And frankly, for all your fancy lawyer talk,
You mean qua fancy lawyer talk? :plain: You're really stretching the hypocritical envelope kid. Websters may need a whole new term for what you're up to.

Weighed in on Burger King's gay pride day or some such...
I don't know how big a deal it is, really.
Depends on whether there are fries and a drink involved. :plain:

Got to the heart of it...
...The reason I can argue for the "right" of a racist to speak his mind without thereby endorsing racist speech is because "right" is an ambiguous term.
No, it isn't...The Court has no difficulty in speaking to right or defining and protecting it in practice.

Here's your yes or no: if you agree the Klan should be licensed to speak in a public setting are you a proponent of their particular use of speech?

Noted a logic problem with sod...
it speaks to the believability of his claim to be a Christian :idunno:
...It's a bit like your questioning my honesty on a political admission (how I tend to vote) based upon your knowledge gained by my honest relating of a political decision (how I once voted on a particular candidate).

While in the metaphysical math thread...
The elects are perfect ones.
Only in Christ

I know most of us are not the elect.
I don't think that's exactly what you mean to say.

Certainly most of you are not elect.
Now that did seem like it.

You guys are all puffed up.
The other guy always is. :plain:

So Trad kept trying to find an out on my question, when suddenly...
no, i would not give the klan a license to march and i wouldn't allow perverts to "marry" and i'd round up all the scumbag lawyers and feed 'em through woodchippers
Thank you for an honest post in every sense.

So, we have Sod down as being against the rule of law and for rights being granted only to those he approves of. That's clear enough.

I say he approves because there's no Biblical injunction against idiots like the Klan marching or support in it for just rounding up and murdering people in my profession.

Then, suddenly emboldened, Trad found the will to...mutter...
...if I must answer: I don't know.
Tragic. Let me know when it comes to you. :rolleyes:

Some days all you really have to do is show up...never truer.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My observations of the day thus far:

Seventeen lacerations on my right arm due to an overly playful kitten where one such scratch looks as though I've tried to slash me wrists...


It's darn cute though so even through loss of blood I can't stay mad at it...or at this rate conscious...


New member
My observations of the day thus far:

Seventeen lacerations on my right arm due to an overly playful kitten where one such scratch looks as though I've tried to slash me wrists...


It's darn cute though so even through loss of blood I can't stay mad at it...or at this rate conscious...

Hi Arthur, so nice to see you here. I hope your kitten calms down a bit.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hi Arthur, so nice to see you here. I hope your kitten calms down a bit.
Well, not to cast stones...but it's always the kitten's fault. And who speaks for that poor, mute kitten?

Yes...who indeed. :plain:

Well, thank you folks for kindly dropping by. I hope you took a moment to read the latest Gazette, except for AB, who will likely have his kitten read it to him. Many thanks. Closing down for the night. :yawn: :cheers:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hi Arthur, so nice to see you here. I hope your kitten calms down a bit.

Well, it's not mine but my friends and I'm looking after it for a bit while he's away with family. It's nine weeks old and an absolute fluffball of energy...

Ironically it's called 'Twinkle' although there are times where I've referred to it with somewhat alternative epithets...:eek:

It is cute as anything though, especially when it finally curls up and goes to sleep...:chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, not to cast stones...but it's always the kitten's fault. And who speaks for that poor, mute kitten?

Yes...who indeed. :plain:

Well, thank you folks for kindly dropping by. I hope you took a moment to read the latest Gazette, except for AB, who will likely have his kitten read it to him. Many thanks. Closing down for the night. :yawn: :cheers:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

So Eeset declared closed threads cults and...
...I have no locked threads that I update.

But then she said...
When I lock a thread I am either done with it or the lock is temporary.


While on the creative writing front...
it was amusing watching anna and town furiously pm'ing each other
I've actually sent her three PMs since last Monday.

So it's a wonder my fingers aren't broken from the fury of that effort. :plain:

Had a word with La on...I'm still not sure...
What are YOU ALL Saying and Doing??? – There is Not any TWO of you phony “christians”, of your phony churches / Many phony “bodies of some phony christ”, who agree on anything of the Scriptures!!
Thanks for asking. A little while back the phony Presbyterian church I attend had a phony fund raiser to help a phony sick person with their phony medical bills incurred fighting, no doubt, phony cancer. And all the phonies in my church agree regularly to do that sort of thing.

I tried reading the rest of your post but it made my eyes hurt. Like cummings without all the poetry.

Agreed with CW, sort of...
It is true, the real party has not begun, but it is coming soon to a county near you.....when Obama is impeached then we can say, "It is a party now!"
Finally we agree completely. Both of those things is as likely. :plain:

Then CC said...
I hope you never say that to me.
Ironically enough, something we agreed upon completely. :plain:

And CW kept spinning...
You are strong on application for sure, it is the examination part you are completely devoid of.....
Allow me to apply both here: that's literally lacking any substance and contrary to a simple operation of logic. You can't apply a thing devoid.

You should go back to whatever school or online certificate grist mill that gave you any sort of certification and demand your money be returned to you immediately. Then count what they gave you, unless they also taught you to count in which case you should get someone else to count it for you. :plain:

...we should be concerned with how those in the Body treat the institution, not how those outside of it treat the appearance of it. If we do due diligence in our witness the rest will follow or, if it doesn't, their recognition of the Holy from without will signify what, exactly?

Talked political who's who with chrys...
...there are so many here that claim to be conservative
I don't see it in their posts
I figure most people know their own inclinations and are pretty up front about it. If I think someone leans outside of the declaration I tend to suspect my own litmus in play. I've found that people who declare more/than tend to move about more issue by issue than people who declare Right or Left with the add ons.

sort of like believing
not doing the work
Or it could just be you trying to act as arbiter of what's to the right and if you're at X then you're bias will tend to see that as the starting point where the guy to the left or right of you might mark it on their X and see you as either a little to their right or suspiciously liberal. :eek:

Then, after I reconsidered my approach to La...
Zeal! – I don’t count myself having - “Zeal”.
When I see someone yelling at people on a street corner I tend to see it as either evidence of a zeal or a hearing problem. :)

...((( THANK YOU – TH!! ))) – That has truly make me feel better about mine; (( SORRY!! )), - Mine Enemies!!

Thanks Again!!
Well, I'm not your enemy, but I could do a much better job of being your neighbor. It's a work in progress.

And CW was back...
You talking about operations of logic is like a Catholic Priest talking about how holy he is for not molesting a child in the last hour.
You should so do stand up in clubs. The next act could use it. :plain:

Tomorrow? Blue skies as far as the eye can see. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Morning Gazette

Took a shot at an OP...
The Tea Party: What Does It Stand For?

:think: The Pledge of allegiance. A woman coming to or leaving its table. The seventh inning. A pants fitting.

Talked about the latest S. Ct. holding with Lamb...
So the law is not an exact science there is no way to test the outcomes.
Well, little in the legislative process or the judicial is exact science and it is in the nature of the Court's role to apply and examine right within a particular context, but there are tests. The problem is that when it comes to scrutiny, once the standard/test has been determined to be the highest sort it's extraordinarily difficult to overcome (the burden shifting to the restrictive party) and I think there simply has to be more intellectual meat on the bone to justify the level. That's one of the things Reihnquist was getting at.

CW came running to offer her usual stellar issue analysis...
You talking about operations of logic is like a Catholic Priest talking about how holy he is for not molesting a child in the last hour.
You should so do stand up in clubs. The next act could use it. :plain:

Then sky kept up the anything but the issue approach to the Redskins question...
Liberals have no backbone.
You must never have been to Selma, Alabama.

Always taking things to the Supreme Court and ducking out of political expectations.
Did you just play the tattle-tale card? Why is due process, a Constitutionally provided means, somehow suspect and the legislative process virtuous?

Had a conversation about right with GF...
...To support black civil rights would mean to me that it was right in God's eyes, because just. But if homosexuality is a sin, it cannot be right in God's eyes, so why support the right? Just curious.
It's not a matter of supporting the application of right, but recognizing it. The illustration I sometimes use is this: you could be a black lawyer from Selma and still oppose those seeking to restrain the Klan from marching down main street and holding a peaceful rally in the public park. Or, you can see the legal right without believing every exercise of it serves a moral good, except in the larger sense that defending the existence of the right is a service to the good.

Before THall was back to say...
You obviously missed her point.
You said that already. I answered it already. So someone is missing something, to be sure.

And to your point: to some lawyers, lying manipulators as yourself, the simple truth is complicated.
That wasn't to my point if debate was baseball you'd have to crowd the plate and hope for an angry pitch. :plain:

Then Eeset celebrated the strangely steaming horsefeathers that is chry's awards, this comment being on anna's addition to the nearly singular nomination for "sophist"...
anna gets my vote and there is a reason anna is serious Town just likes the game
And now we've added a pole to the proceedings. :plain:

Your new shade of blush is noted. It should make it harder to spot you lying in the grass.

By the way, if you're reading this you're a cultist, according to Eeset. Because this is a cult, apparently. . . I can't wait to find out what she calls baseball. :plain:

Then the master of cerephonies chimed in with at least one intelligent comment, even if the point wasn't...
...she actually may be more clever
Could be. I think she's really quite funny. Some of the things she says in profile I have to tell you.

:think: Oh, I suppose I would have to tell you, wouldn't I? :eek:

And things continued apace...
that's right
you only share with friends
Only friends would want to have a pleasant side bar. The rest are peeping Thomases. :)

Would he need to join the town fawn club?
Decided not to quit while you're a behind, eh?

Had a brief religious chat with zip...
...An essential part of Catholicism (and, of course, Christianity) is a kind of humility, subordination, and receptivity (Luke 22:42)...Protestants claim to have this, but what happens when push comes to shove?
Some humble Catholic infers that we don't and Catholics are therefore superior on the whole? :)

It's just a guess, mind you.'s hard to be part of the Church without some hint of humility and obsequence.
So you're saying, hypothetically, it would take a real effort?

...Who would claim that wholesale dissent and self-reference in creaturely things would instantly change to assent and submission in relation to God?
I give up, who? :plain:

Tried to shake the grump out of Damian on following free agency...
It would appear that I am. If only more sports fans were like me, I wouldn't have to be subject to this kind of stupidity.
Once you admit to following children's games played by grown men you by and large loose the right to point the old "stupid" finger at anyone...especially if it's foam.
It's stupidity.

:plain: Win a few, lose a few. And sometimes it rains.

Meanwhile, AB threatened...
I'm going on strike...
:think: Don't you, technically speaking, have to do something first?

Does refraining from committing homicide towards an overly intuitive cartoon tiger count?

Does refraining from running a marathon qualify as exercise? And if it does how do I not get to your gym? :plain:

Then Sod discussed his favorite TOL subject...
my "agenda" is not against town - it is against the wickedness and evil that he supports
Truly a wondrous post, sod. Normally you don't see that sort of thing without a doorbell ringing and a bit of fire attached. :plain:

Before chrys got an unexpected taste of his own...
...We know that you often prefer protestantism over your own proclaimed faith.
how can you say that?
A zealot can infer anything he likes about someone else, with or without any substantive truth attaching. He could have even turned it into a question/insinuation or given you an award for it.

Enjoy the irony, chrys. It tastes just like chicken...coming home and whatnot.

Tomorrow, numbers in context, drunks driving and the anything but the issue marathon continues in the Redskins thread... :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Morning Gazette

Our resident grump asked a good question...
Two Questions:

Who is the most likable member on this forum?
Psalmist. He's about as good as it gets.

Summed my position on the Redskins business...
To me it's this simple: if you don't mean to offend people, forgetting the whole "complimenting" business, then continuing to use a term that offends a growing and not inconsiderable number of Native Americans strikes me as a bad idea and worse manners.

Q tried a narrower objection...
You can't please everyone, Town.
I think that's true. It's also true that not being able to do every good is no excuse for not doing what we can. And this we can do. This we should do, especially if we claim the offense not only wasn't meant, but that a compliment was meant instead.

...It's a very small amount of people who are offended.
If I said one in ten people are going to get cancer I doubt you'd say that's a small number.

CW took a shot at humor with results so startling it can only be referred to indirectly...
Wow, I'll bet TH had to be rushed to the burns unit for that one...:plain:

The sort of laughs you'd normally expect from open mic night at a cemetery.

Took on captain furry over the Tea Party hijacking...
the separatists are not the tea party
A hand isn't a few fingers, but when the whole thing is being swung like a weapon it's a pretty thin distinction.

Paused for a nostalgic reflection...
Interesting, indeed. My father was in fact a Professor of Philosophy. :D
We do tend to gravitate. My father was a professional baseball player until arthritis stopped him. I asked my mother what the initial attraction was and she said, "He was beautiful and he read Steinbeck."

Ah, love.

Then chrys asked...
translation please
No, the last time I tried to help you with an involved and honest insight I was labeled a sophist for the trouble.
It actually took him another day or so more to get around to doing that, but you don't need to be Nostradamus to see some people coming.

Thought I'd limit your post to the rational part...that was all I could salvage.

CW, queen of Hermindia, a far, far country where lions are oft eaten by crows. :poly:

(and someone cried, "Arthur, Arthur!" but they weren't to be taken literarily)

Let us all know when you wake up from your latest lies and delusions....or not....
Trying to have an interesting conversation with you is like trying to teach a monkey to yodel.

Not that there isn't something to be said for either. :plain:

Before Trad ciphered sumthing...
I'm not making a claim about what "ought" to be. I'm making a claim about what "is."
By all means, Canute, hold out your hands and declare what is. But I hope you're wearing your trunks.

In point of fact, homosexuals in so-called "marriages" are not, in fact, married.
Ah, but they are, like it or not. Certificate and everything. Probably registered at Bed Bath & Beyond your recognition, but married in the eyes of the state even so.

And anna added things up...
...For one who demanded of me an apology for 'character assassination,' you're not very quick to offer yours for lying about me, and being a seminarian, you certainly have the higher road calling you off this detour you're on. I hope you hike your way back some time soon.
I agree that he should take a hike. Possibly up a Seven Storey Mountain and remain there until he's found all that humility he believes Protestants lost on their trip from Catholicism. If he does the cloth will have an able shepherd and a better man. I wouldn't bet against it in the long run.

Otherwise, those who know you respect you anna. Those who know you well enough, cannot help but understand you are a creature of integrity, compassion and unfailing self examination. More of us could use more of that, myself included.

And another day or so was done. Medium rare. :plain: Tomorrow? Cheesecake, maybe. :think: Maybe more ham (either).
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