Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Cub Reporters Race Report :singer:

And, coming out of the turn into the home stretch it's a close one. Nang and Res are neck and neck (19) with Jerzy three lengths back (16) and closing, but CC isn't out of contention yet and is making a move (15) from the outside.

It's anyone's race to lose.

The trailing pack is trying to add interest, as glorydaze (12) still has a long shot at placing. Tracer and Angel aren't far behind (10) with Rusha and Nick M (8) likely out of the money.

Back at the starting gate, AB's horse appears to be rolling around in the grass along the track. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Morning Gazette

So CC said to someone else (about me)...
He snitches to get you booted out,
This month CC's report total... 11. Edit: 16 and counting.

My report total this month: 5 :plain:

Then didn't care for Catatonic Crusader...
Very mature....You're stuck in stupid gear and your transmission won't budge.
Now that's mature.

...Typical liberal hypocrisy.
I'm about as liberal as you are consistent. :think: No, that would make me a right wing fanatic, wouldn't it.

...So I forgot that I neg repped you the first time?
You don't remember if you forgot? :plain:

Oh well, boo hoo.

Before journey, bless him, wrote...
You need a real complaint to make a report.
Might as well just scream, "I'm new here!"

Mr. T pitied the fools who had, really...
I just love the way you come out in defence of idolatry.
Which I didn't. But I suppose you'd call a sheep herder an idolatry herder or some such nonsense...

Your avatar speaks in greater volumes than your words would ever convince.
I liked the cartoon strip and used Hobbes as an homage to childhood. No one's ever really asked about that. I know you didn't either but thanks for the opportunity.

Its only idolatry if you treat the pet in an idolatrous manner. The largest % of people do just that and that makes it idolatrous behaviour.
You have no way of knowing that.

You might not like that, you might not agree with that, but you cannot change the fact.
That's not a fact, it's a declaration. It's how you feel about it. I have no reason to believe it's true and you haven't given me any.

It's a fact that the 'civilised world' wastes time, energy and money unnecessarily on what have become idols. Sports, pets, children, cars, jobs, fashion..etc, etc.
Who decides what's unnecessary and who made necessity the standard to begin with? Christ was perfumed. No necessity.

The world can do whatever it pleases on the way to hell, but when people who profess to be worshipers of the Eternal Almighty act hypocritically and teach their children to do the same then they need these things pointed out.
The next guy is always wasteful, rich, etc. I bet by some other poor schmo's light it's you. Which is why we should talk more about what we can do for one another and less about who's doing how much.

So CW asked me...
...Do you think homosexuality is an equal or higher morality than the opposition on moral grounds to homosexuality?
I'd say there is only one morality and standard and that's God's. All sin is lamentable and will separate a man from God, but that no man more or less merits salvation and God's love, that grace is a thing given, not earned and to feel superior to a man lost in his sin is to miss much of the point of the cross altogether.

Tomorrow? I have a feeling everything will be all right in the end. :guitar: And someone forgets their inhaler.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Today in Commerce

Saw Morgan Freeman on The Tonight Show and it gave me an idea...Potential Morgan Freeman Answering machine messages:

1. I can't come to the phone right now and sometimes it makes me sad... I have to remind myself that some conversations aren't meant to be had. The discourse is just too bright. And when it happens, the part of you that knows it was a sin to call me up DOES rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty now that I'm not at home.

I guess I just missed your call.

2. I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a man with free time can feel, a man at the start of a long message whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it to the answering machine. I hope to hear my friend and shake my head. I hope. (beep)

3. There's a harsh truth to face. I'm not at home. The next sound you'll hear will be the beep. That's where your message goes. So when it comes, get busy leaving or get busy dialing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Monday Afternoon Gazette

So CC took exception to my exception to a couple of line obliterating posts...
...Reporting something legitimate is one thing...I could have reported many more things than I have, but I have reported a couple of things.
About (18) so far this month...Your reports must be over something almost unutterably serious...let's see...from this month:

Calling me a dummy. Violation: "Unprovoked namecalling"
Yeah, that's so much worse than being called a pedophile.

...And these ditties:
Disruptive, you have banned me for a lot less.

I got banned more than once for name-calling.
This guy boasts of it.
I guess the rules only apply to some people.

I got banned for uncalled for namecalling.
This guy starts namecalling right out of the gate.
How about it mods? Fair is fair.
Are you going to ban this guy too?

Why those?
But all you do is snivel and cry.
:rolleyes: That's why.

Oh, and you reported Kat for calling you a "poodle head". I concur with the mods' consideration and echo the judgment here: :rotfl:

While in the excessive reporting thread...
All those points I'll concede. What is blasphemy? Other than God who determines that?
Merriam-Webster? original point was, a person comes at you, is libelous, instigatory, passive aggressive, and gets the same behavior back and runs and tells.
There are coddled souls here to be sure...Do I agree with it? To a point. You should give members of long standing the benefit of the doubt or a little give when they act out of character and push the envelope, rules wise.

And some rough and tumble is just part of the price for arguing with a few of the people you'll meet in a broad forum where, now and again, some will lack the ability for repartee but still have passion and ideas they want to advance or defend. Oppose someone like that on a point of conviction and you're going to get what they've got to give, for good or ill. If you can do better and don't elevate your game what's the point then the fault is yours, no?

Talked life and love with cs...
...Also, I disagree that love is irrational. It has a very rational basis - whether you are speaking of agape, lust, etc.
I've never seen anyone reason their way into love; though I have seen, sadly, many a soul reason their way out.

...And Nirvana isn't happiness - it is emptiness. Freedom from pain at the cost of everything else. Truly a sad goal to have.
A Buddhist would say that "everything else" you want to hold onto is a bag of jagged glass with the word "mine" scribble on it and the "i" dotted by a heart. :)

Tried to snap shag out of a peculiar bit...
Christians are the HUGE majority in this country. They have more votes, power in numbers, etc. . .So why are they so politically weak? They fight a small minority group of gays who seek rights - But gays are winning.
You can't say, reasonably, that Christians are a HUGE majority fighting homosexuals and losing. Something in that logic is askew.

...Why does the largest group seem so powerless against their smaller enemies? If nothing else they should be winning based on power in numbers. Is it the division between the Christians themselves, failure to unify?
I suspect most people of faith extend the same consideration they'd want extended to them in the exercise of their own right and freedom. Only those who want to impose matters of conscience that don't impose upon their own exercise lose anything.

Then gen got creative in the Redskins thread...
...The real number is .17 percent of the population unjustly feels offended by someone using the word "Redskins" as the name of a football team, as opposed to using the word as any kind of slur.
Heck, you want a smaller number just ask a handful of guys you know. :rolleyes: Or say, "100% of me." Man, that would be something.

...Unfortunately, it appears that the government has taken stupidity to a whole new level in its quest to become the Big Brother from 1984 by making the name of the football team into a thoughtcrime.
Except they did nothing of the sort. All they did was remove the singular right to use and profit by the offense.

Summed again, with Yor...
So if the other 90% are in favor of it, then they should keep the name, right?
We don't know if most of that 90% only tolerate it or are indifferent to it, let alone how many support it, but no, once again, my argument/advance has never been about anything but:...if you don't mean to do a thing and find yourself doing it, stop doing that.

What does a Godless atheist know about facts

What does a person who has imaginary friends know about . . . anything?
Well...this can only end in an important exchange of ideas. :plain:

Had a rare moment of commiseration with CC about some of the anti-Catholic rhetoric...
...I hope any honest person reading this post can put yourself in our shoes for a second. What if you logged on every day and saw your church - Lutheran, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc. - singled our and vilified by name in multiple threads, threads full of lies and smears?
Try the ignore function on individuals and just leave the whole cloth threads alone. The only people who buy into them already have and there's no profit in discussing race with a guy in a hood. He's not letting you in his club. He's not seeing beyond your skin.

And Nang was on a harangue...
It is my opinion women should never have been given the right to vote.
:think: How do you feel about shoes?

Chew on that bone, why don't you. :crackup:
Is it a head bone? :plain:

Tomorrow? Peace in the Middle East and everybody gets a pony. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

Answered the question of Christendom's future, as I see it...
...Christianity, in the heart and practice of someone who understands sacrifice, love and grace, will remain what it always has been, a present joy born of gratitude and the intimacy of relation.

While in the Redskin thread Frank wrote...
... Totally PC decision. Don't know that much about the court case,
:plain: undisclosed number of "Native Americans" is a rather thin consensus.
As I said to Quincy earlier, if I told you one in ten Americans were getting cancer I doubt you'd find the number statistically irrelevant or thin. Anyway, that study is a decade old and had questions regarding its sampling and methodology.

There's another completed this year from Cal State...

Here's a link to the University release.

I wrote: It would only be hypocritical to say I mean no offense, discover that I'm inadvertently offering it and then continue to do what was offensive while maintaining the declaration.
I accept your offer of liberal white guilt.
I've never heard good manners and consistent approach called that before. Interesting.

Those noting the conduct should be scrutinized. The number of terms offensive seems to be multiplying apace.
Does it? List five.
He never did.

Kept trying to slow Het down a bit...
...So, any emotions I have is at the stupid, counter productive approach some of you make that make it impossible for those of us who would have real chats to do so. I want to discuss faith with them, these folks want to posture, preen and pontificate...
Keep in mind that we're all the heroes of our narrative. It helps contextualize. And if you feel someone is doing that you aren't obliged to converse with them, right? You can choose those who are interested in having the sort of conversation you're interested in and even put the rest of the rascals on ignore if it helps streamline your viewing page.

While in the feminism thread...
...I think we should be educated like men, given respect like men since we do have plenty to offer to be respected, and given chocolate candy when we really need it.
How about we all give one another the respect we merit, the compassion we likely don't and the chocolate anyway?

Talked about alarmist thinking in relation to Islam with sky...
I don't know how aware you are of this, but 10% is an astounding, alarming percentage of people in such a large religion to be supporting world domination.

To be exact: 160 million
How much more utterly astounding then is that ninety percent. Or, the number is astounding. The context is something else and where someone looks says something about what they're looking for.

And nudged him in the feminist thread...
Feminism didn't start because of misogyny, feminism started because women didn't want to be treated like women
For the sake of argument, let's accept that premise for a moment. Now stop and ponder why that would be.

Finally, I stumbled into a knife fight with only a razor thin JW pamphlet to parry with...they came by again, that's why...
Don't talk rubbish SH. Paul and I squabble all the sparrows, sparrows don't kill each other.

Chickens on the other hand . . .
Are frequently cross over road conditions. :plain:

Some are but for unknown reasons.

So what's the tally? How are we Christians (not to be confused with wee Christians or, "Weee, Christians!") faring?
No actual fist fights but there's a lot heavy-duty name calling going on in this thread.
I have a feeling we're doing well enough to keep the haints off of us.
You've listened to too much of Brother Dave.

Tomorrow? Bad poetry corner heats up...

"Teach them monkeys to speak French
Shout like Baptists, please us
Dress like Czars
Monkeys on the tv set
Someday, you bet
Monkeys on Mars."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cub Reporter's Race Report for July :singer:

Down the home stretch what was a neck and neck became a one horse race as Resurrected blows across the finish line (26) a full five lengths ahead of Nang (21), fading in the open run. Angel and Jerzy take third in a dead heat (20), with Cath Crus making a game effort leading the following pack (17), Tracer (15) hard on his heels. Congrats Res :first:

AB's horse is...either sleeping or has expired.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Afternoon Gazette

Asked an Aussie...
Is it true your toilets flush backwards? :think: Something like that. :plain:

Took exception to a few of redSky's notions...
It's very simple...Emancipated women today do not want to be women...Feminism in and of itself is unnatural.
So it's like the polio vaccine then and not like, you know, polio.

He continued spreading...let's call it enlightenment, this time on the real victims of domestic violence...
...~Justice, because one's life should be utterly ruined for actually treating these apparent demigods among us as men~
#'equality' is a joke
The overwhelming victims of domestic violence are women and children. That's a crime, tends to be habitual and the men who have their "lives ruined" get exactly the same sympathy from me that any other criminal or sadistic bully should.

Then Frank decided that Native Americans objecting to a historically shady term being applied to them must be...
...faking it to create a problem.
That goes back to the evidence that supports or fails to support, supra. But to simply assume those people are all liars or liberals (perhaps a repetition to you) might serve your feeling, but is unseated in objective fact.

Talked compact with CL...
...As Christians, we'd agree that Islam is immoral, and thus that freedom of religion gives people the right to practice something that is immoral.
I don't tend to think in those terms, but I won't fight them either. As a principle, sure.

That doesn't mean the law is immoral, however.
Exactly. The law isn't a sponsor of how you use your religious liberty, only a protector of it.

And faith with SH and Pure...
Haven't men (and, not to be left out, women) been involved from the beginning of the christian movement? Enter, charismatic, evangelical, rc, and any other sect bearing a difference of opinion. Heads will roll I tell you, heads WILL roll . . . :).
Sure. It's one reason I tend to keep my faith simple and to the point of that cross, set out by Paul clearly enough. I'm also a big fan of the later years of John the Beloved. :) Once you organize anything people are going to start squabbling over who sits at the head of the table and why.

...unfortunately, Christianity was never meant to be institutionalized, theologized, and politicized. It was only meant to be internalized. This is why I am not religious.
I like a great deal of that. I'd say religion is as beneficial or as dangerous as our scrutiny. That is, if we keep idols out of it and our first principles clear the rest, while interesting, needn't hamper. And in general we are stronger together than we ever will be apart.

Then Frank said, about the court considered evidence...
...Ah, yes! The ubiquitous mountain of supporting data which magically appears just at the right time and place. It did impact my opinion negatively.
A thing you haven't read can't really reasonably impact your opinion and it didn't appear magically, unless you consider research magic and you use an incantation to start your computer.

...We have no evidence to establish the currently so-called "Native Americans" as an initial group or culture on this continent.
Sure we do. You not availing yourself of it is something else. But we have everything from physical evidence to the reports of the first Europeans to arrive and find them ensconced.

On Native Americans...
:darwinsm: They're a politically-concocted group.
Like black people and mathematicians then... :plain:

While elsewhere, the sky was failing...
Really? Are you so crammed up women's rears that you suggest that anyone who makes such a statement is a *creep*?...Go get your manhood back, wherever you lost it.
I don't confuse manhood with a lack of manners, reason or impulse control. But don't let me keep you. You must have a great deal of scratching and gesturing to get back to.

Wrapping up with sky and the sound of...
...So who's really immature here, TH?
Kind of an unintended rhetorical now, isn't it. :plain:

Then Eeset wandered into my old intro/hello thread and started nonsense that bybee addressed, leading to...
You [Eeset] underestimate me.
She's the only person she doesn't appear to do that with. There she goes the other way.

So, according to Eeset I love the attention. Not long ago it was about locking a thread to keep from having it.

How can you tell when Eeset isn't being honest with you?

You're reading her.

Tomorrow? Well, one thing is for certain, the sky will no longer be the limit. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cub Race Report :singer:

And they're out of the gate and down the starting stretch with jerzy putting up a blistering pace (14) a good eight lengths ahead of IMJ and Res who are neck and neck at 6 and tied for second. Holding up third, one length back is Angel, with AMR, Rusha, glory and Truster tangled up in the trailing pack.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
In Memory of Robin Williams who lost his battle with depression. A repost of my nod to some of his best work.

Robin Williams: he began as a one note impression of Jonathan Winters and grew into a first tier talent, capable of carrying a movie despite being better suited by temperament for supporting roles. His first efforts to move from the small to larger screen were of mixed critical and popular success. Popeye failed to capture much of the public imagination but The World According to Garp was a modest hit with critic and public alike, setting the stage for Williams true arrival several years later in Good Morning Vietnam. Between Garp and Good Morning were several smaller films that offered Williams a chance to sharpen his craft, but did little to nothing to advance his career otherwise.

Good Morning Vietnam (1987): The story of Adrian Cronauer, a radio personality who comes to the Vietnam war on no particular mission except to do what he does best, entertain. But with time and exposure to both the war and the people caught up in it, he comes to view his role and those who dictate it with a very different lens. Williams ad lib radio bits and the general proximity of his stage persona may have hurt his chances of snagging the Academy Award, but he did garner a Golden Globe and recognition as an actor in full possession of his craft.

The Dead Poets Society (1989): When John Keating (Williams) comes to a stodgy private academy to teach literature and life to the sons of elite, trouble is in the making. Williams surprised many with an excellent but understated performance and gathered his second nomination for an Oscar as Best Actor. But Oscar glory was still some ways ahead. A very, very good film.

The Fisher King (1991): Williams returns to comedic form, but blends in a good bit of serious drama in this unusual and compelling tale of a man named Parry, driven mad by grief and loss. His redemption comes with the help of another man in need of it and the inadvertent root of his misery. Jeff Bridges does a good turn in the role of the radio shock jock who inadvertently sends a killer into the life of Parry then strives to affect both their redemptions. A critical success that did modest box office.

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993): Williams turn as a man pretending to be a woman in order to become close to his estranged family was a huge hit with public and critics alike, garnering yet another Oscar nomination for Williams along with another Golden Globe win. Funny and endearing, even if a little derivative (see: Tootsie...but then, see Some Like it Hot, so...)

Good Will Hunting (1997): a decade after Good Morning put him on the map Williams finally wins his Oscar for a turn as a psychiatrist who helps bring a measure of structure and peace into the life of a tortured genius. Terrific film and Williams at the height of his powers. It would also (so far) prove to be the end of great roles and a career diminishing sufficiently that he will soon be starring on television again.

Hon. Men.: Hook, Jumanji, World's Greatest Dad.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cub Reporter Race update: :singer:

Coming into the turn it's still jerzy at 18, but wait! He's pulling up lame with an infraction that might just put him out of the running! GM is surging into second with a late sprint (11) passing perennial favorite Res, now nine lengths back of the leader (9) but holding onto third place. IMJ fronts the pack two lengths back (7) with a fading AMR and glory neck and neck behind her and well off the lead.

New Gazette Coming soon! :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Post Hump Day Gazette​

Just a bunch of stuff, really, beginning with...
...Words have intent. For something to be offensive, it would need some measure of intent.
Here's the obvious hypothetical unhorsing your advance: I teach a kid to yell the n-word. The kid has no idea what that means, but at the kindergarten the next day he begins yelling it as I've taught him. He offends a great many people. He didn't intend to, yet the offense is genuine.

Now once he realizes what he's done his intent comes into play in terms of what he does or refrains from doing next.

...It's not that difficult to stand for righteousness and still identify sin without personal accusation.

Breeding a bunch of hyper-sensitive entitled enabled wusses that will accept the abrogation of the Bill of Rights to hide behind a false sense of presumed equity that doesn't exist.

That will not be seen as a "solution" by the politically correct idiots.

...You must be SO pround to be a mindless minion of the system...Satan worships you

Before taking up for AB, who was being brutalized by...
The joke was way over your head then?
In fairness to AB, he's tiny fellow. Maybe three feet tall with a wind at his back. :plain:

With or without a hat and a haircut?
Sadly, he's shorter with the hat. :plain: And people are constantly handing him one...with or without the soup.

Get a haircut.

I could use one. You got a pair of scissors? And a ladder? :)

I was thinking that hedge trimmers would be better in your case...

Really stretch your reach, don't a little like argument then. :eek:

Creaking to a halt with...
Yes, I may have to start at the neck and just hope an unfortunate "accident" doesn't happen...
A head might actually be an impediment to discourse with some people around here. :plain:

hat much is true.
You have to admit it's funnier that way. :)

Then PP was back...
...I'm not debating. I'm not considering your alleged "points". You're part of the problem, not the solution.
Said the fellow who just said he isn't considering what I'm saying. :plain:

I'm not sure who you think you are to tell others what they should seriously consider doing or not doing, though.'s an operation of logic predicated on the assumption that people mean what they say when they say the don't mean to offend. Or it's a way of letting people illustrate what they really mean, one way or another.

Especially when it's something they're not doing.
I'm not speaking to people who aren't doing anything...except for you, of course.

Then the sad news came and play was halted on account of :rain:

Tomorrow? Happier thoughts.

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Gazette Bonus: Today in Sad Graphics...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The S-a-t-r-u-r-d-a-y Gazette

So the game remained afoot (and took a mile) in the "Redskins" thread...
Well... At least you seem like you might be a reasonably nice guy.
When I can be. But I have a difficult time suffering undergraduates.

Washington Redskins!!!!!!!!
Where? :plain:

Had a discussion about flawed studies and worse inference with GF...
I don't understand. Is this not the conclusion of the study? (Blame Brian Brown - he counted for me).
No. You wrote: " would seem, from Regnerus' study, that those Christians who have embraced same sex marriage have also embraced secular cultural and moral relativism."

...By way of example, while 33 percent of those who [support] SSM believe no strings attached sex is permissible, the rational inference is that potentially as many as 67 percent of that same crowd do not (given there's no reference to "no opinion" presented).

Tried to have a conversation on the law with Stripe that wouldn't get off the ground...

...When men made the Western compact and it allowed rules for murder and homosexuality, it eliminated itself as the law and became rebellion. Similarly, if I were to make rules for my house that were not in line with government regulations, my house rules would not be the law.
Within a different context. Or, accepting that God's OT law (because that's part of the argument here as well) should be treated as the law of the land sure. But it isn't. Now you can declare that rebellious if you want. I'm not speaking to that in my speaking to the law and principle as it is here.

And you continually press on using your terminology to define the terms of the debate.
I use the terms relating to the subject I'm addressing, which is, again, the law of the land in the compact where I live.

You think the law is defined in the dictionary
Right. That's where you find definitions for words, their meaning. Law is a definite word with a definite meaning.

, whereas I am speaking of ideas more lofty than a dictionary definition, ie, the source of and reason for the law.
Ideas without a common definition to discuss them aren't going anywhere, can't be communicated effectively or advanced. Who would know what was meant?.

Initially had a not unpleasant exchange with zip on numbers and appearances...
...The average difference between Christians who oppose and support SSM is 22.1 percentage points. These differences are exacerbated when you look at gay and lesbian Christians or non-Christians, with even the gay and lesbian Christians falling on the non-Christian side of the population average.
I never said there wasn't a statistically significant difference in play. There inarguably is, only it's found in the minority, not the majority of the two primary camps being spoken about.

Phrasing it one way or another isn't more or less objective. Each way encourages the reader to draw potentially inaccurate conclusions.
Offered singularly I'd be inclined to agree, but the first shoe had already been dropped and dropped singularly. I decided to flesh it out a bit more. So what you assume as a one sided bias was simply a lack of repetition on my part.

And there you have the rest of the story, so to speak.

...Granted, your criticism isn't overly interesting to me.
That's swell. You should start a thread about it. :).

Then some newbie named anna responded to my hang out request...

.... So, what do you think about Sarah Palin?
:think: Almost nothing...and yet that seems excessive.

You aren't one of those "moderates" I've been warned about, are you?
Don't worry, I'm not a zealot about it. :plain:

Followed by the cryptic...
I'm only moderately concerned. :)

Then GM invited folks into his "What I Don't Like" thread and I decided to drive him from the boards with a question I knew he'd be unable to address...
GM, how do you feel about jean suits. Because I have to tell you, I don't think even Justin Timberlake could pull that look off. :nono:

And when he attempted to evade...
Thanks for your confidence in me!
Maybe if you wore a jean suit he'd ease up on you. :plain: Just sayin'.....jean suit.

Then PP was back to lighten and save the day...
And... the stupidity of the antichrist feigned-offense forced-tolerance agenda never stops...
You remind me of the lawyer in Seinfeld who had all the right words in all the wrong places. :)

I know, but it gets better...
In case you haven't noticed yet... I don't care what you think.
Yeah, so how many times does this make anyway? :)
You're part of the problem, not the solution.
You're a deceased parrot. Your arguments are no more. They have ceased to be.
You've been compromised, and you're an "asset". You haven't a clue what is going on.
Sorry, I was waiting on the beep. :plain:

Tomorrow? More increasingly mutual fun with PP (who can surprise) and I confront gremlins in the machinery, mostly. :eek:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Evening Gazette​

So PP was saying...
I haven't argued.
You're lips to God's ears.

(Now you may continue unabated with your vomitous diatribe of self-important superimposition of nothingness upon all subject matter.)
Move over Merriam-Webster :poly:

Want to know something really odd? This keeps popping up behind my posts:
This message is hidden because [you'll never guess] is on your ignore list.
Same message over and over...who knows? :idunno:

My logos thinking and speaking God's Rhema instead of being hijacked by conceptual language patterns.:think:
Beware of those non conceptual language patterns. Who knows what they're up to?

Re: strange message
Sounds like a personal problem.:think:
Personality problem, likely. Happens in a lot of threads around here. Peculiar. Like canned ham. :chew:

Probably neither in those false contexts, since even he doesn't like implementation of perverted forms of antichrist socialism via false dialectic.
That's a mouth full. Full of what, now that's the real question. :think:

It's pathetic when a non-believing carnalite "gets it" on some level and professing Christians don't.
Carnalites...small hands. And you can never win the ring toss. Not that you aren't trying (either).

Maybe I should have called this one the PP Gazette (watch it)...
That was all worth a truly good laugh. I actually like your sense of humor.
You're not bad yourself when you put your elbows into it.

It's your misdirected self-assured passive complicity in all the modern culture-sculpting that's disturbing.
...It's especially curious given the bedrock for my current position is the sort of stuff that usually gets me the "bronze age sheep herder philosophy" label from another camp.

So that's a strange sort of modernism.

...But I'll just enjoy the quips...A man really needs to be able to laugh at himself,
Unlike women who mostly need to laugh at men.

even if it's in unison with the deluded who are genuinely funny at times.
Trapped in your own navel. It tends to happen around here. Maybe you should give it up for Lent. :plain: ;)

Then in the porn thread...
Originally Posted by glorydaz
Talking to Meshak is like talking to a stump.
Originally Posted by Thunder's Muse
So it seems.
Though in fairness to stumps they will, from time to time, surprise you. I said somewhere around here years ago, watching porn is a bit like reading a cookbook when you're hungry.

And LA dropped in...
Originally Posted by Letsargue
A very large part of the so ( Called "Christians" ) today shows themselves in Pornography type clothing!!
I think pornography and clothing don't quite go together...unless you're Amish, maybe.
-- She's Right, and you all, it Just a big Joke, Like everything of God IS!!!! --- ((( Christian )))!!!!!????
Do you ever wake up in the morning, go out and yell at your newspaper?

Tomorrow? Jack starts preschool... :shocked: And the longest half day of my life begins.


New member
The Sunday Evening Gazette​

So PP was saying...



Maybe I should have called this one the PP Gazette (watch it)...

Then in the porn thread...

And LA dropped in...

Tomorrow? Jack starts preschool... :shocked: And the longest half day of my life begins.

But he shall come home with stories!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cub Reporter Race update: :singer:

Heading into the final turn and it's still jerzy out in front at 18 with GM six lengths back (12) in second. Res is hanging on to third four lengths off the lead (10) but none of the first three nags are moving, so glorydaze and IMJ are looking to challenge but have a lot of ground to make up as they close from ten lengths off the lead horse (8).

AMR, genorg, LA and Angel are grouped and trailing, needing a serious surge to have any chance at the lead this late in the race.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Evening Gazette

So this guy says...
...Your position on the Aurora shooting was so romantic and delusional...
My romantic and delusional response?

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Then things got tragically funny in the riot of a thread...
I would not jump to conclusions on this deal. My husband got a hold of a cell phone video, where someone was speaking to another person...Now I am paraphrasing what I remember, because it was actually in ebonics
I think I'm following you so far, but it's been a few years since I read something in vague racist. Do go on.

and I am trying to translate and make sense of the broken english,
That would be English, unless you're being ironic.

but the gist of the matter is that Brown was charging the officer in a relentless way.
Can you charge someone tentatively?

While in the neg rep thread...
My main targets are misogyny, racism, homophobia, and abusive ad hominem
But other than aCW, who do you neg rep? :plain:

And TOL's tactician went all tactile (or something) with IMJ...
Pastor White is dead wrong. We are not all Michael Brown. Not by a long shot. And, if folks are smart they'll stay as far away from that community as they can get and let law enforcement officials do their job.
It is a little late for that, but please don't let reality mess up your delusions.
Yeah, IMJ, what's wrong with you, calling for people to back up and let law enforcement do it's job. You must be delusional. Because everyone knows it's too late. Way too late. There isn't even a clock that will show how late it is there. You can forget curfew. It's wear the same clothes and comb your hair with your fingers time because it's just that late.

Maybe if you went to squat SWAT school you'd know that. BAM. Broke your watch.


Then in the Handsome Man...
Ah, I see...for a moment I thought, "Oh, great. Another thread about me."

:plain: :eek: what?

While THall was still at IMJ, so...
...I can't see what is in your heart, all I can see is your drool.
You might have a stickmatism. :eek:

I don't make assumptions, and the cause of poverty in this country is a lack of being raised by a responsible father...
You know, you really come up with the best arguments against you.

And FT made a peculiarly interesting admission...
...I was a catnapper]
How do the wages compare to dog walking? ?

Speaking of racial...
Yes, because inner city minorities raised with no father do so much better on the socio-economic scale than whites raised by responsible fathers.
The better comparison would have been between minorities reared with and without a father over a strata of similar economic circumstances.

But then you couldn't have worked in all that inferential racist nonsense. So I can see the conflict for you. :plain:

You really are stupider than IMJ looks.
Where with you manners and IQ are in a dead heat...emphasis on the dead, especially from the clavicle up.

Leading to the nearly inevitable...
Nothing I said has anything to do with race,
You mean except for the part where you wrote:
Yes, because inner city minorities raised with no father do so much better on the socio-economic scale than whites raised by responsible fathers.

Which underscores my larger point:
You know, you really come up with the best arguments against you.

And Meshak gathered her wagons in a neat circle...
I am not here to debate or learn from others.
That's what I said.

I learn from the Bible.
And I'm sure you do your best. But if you get it wrong no one can correct you and everything you build on an error compounds.

My threads and posts are all my convictions. so I will not alter.
That's what I said all right. You should consider taking up NASCAR as an interest.

Tomorrow? Pot luck...:chew:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Sunday Morning Gazette​

Things were calming down in the riot thread, when...
ha ha, never happen, and that is more class than race. We do have a class system in USA
Well if there's one thing a number of people around here can't be accused of it's interjecting class into the debate. :plain:

But CW was all...
Says the devil's child who knows nothing.....
Oh snap...which was likely the audible sound just before you penned that. :plain:

And PP, who just can't bring himself to answer the whole "where are you getting this from" question...
One issue is still the same relative to a Christian forum regarding scripture and its understanding.

It's all because of high-context English thinking that this passage is determined to be primarily about laying down physical life.
English is a low context culture. So what's your source material?

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

"Life" is "psuche", and refers to "soul life". It may include laying one's physical life down if necessary, but that isn't the primary meaning at all.
Rather, it may include the other as foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice, but for the rest of us it's about our literal and physical life, which is why every commentary I'm aware of notes it as I applied it to Aurora.

While in the TOL additions wish list thread...
A salad bar wouldn't hurt... :chew:

One of the newbies inadvertently suggested a Hall of Shame. :) Maybe add a list of users with the most infractions/bannings.

And CL was arguing against police, but...
Should six year olds have cigarettes? Is it OK to sell cigarettes to six year olds?
In your model who's going to stop them and by what authority?

Sky popped into the Heterosexual Hypocrisy thread with this gem... a lie kept alive by the very premise of this thread: that they are human beings and should have their sexual liberties.
Which part do you take exception to? :plain:

Two things which do not correlate: a liberal 'right' does not imply that it actually exists on a kosher level of the human genome.
You could argue no rights "exist" on any level. The "kosher..." on was just nonsense. No right has ever been found in a set of chromosomes. :nono:

Homosexual liberty is so bizarre and extreme
Bizarre in contemplation to those of us who lack the interest or proclivity, to be sure. So we should refrain from contemplating it.

There you go. Fixed.

...That's why the looming elephant in the room- the lack of evidence and logical premise everyone denies, goes ignored, and people just continue to assume that the so called 'professionals' are objectively accessing LGBT.
Another peculiar litmus...we don't ask if being an atheist is genetic or argue against it's legality. The elephant in the room is that traditional religious objection is running alongside the tendency of the other to repel and those most convicted on both counts have largely run the social side and response to homosexuality while a larger section of the the compact likely went along because it was still mildly repulsed and morally convicted enough to allow it. But it was never a rational extension of our legal premise and it is that stray thread that has begun to unravel the whole cloth.

And I might not have understood a topical thread...

Spot a demon what? Or would it be how much? :think:

I once shot a spotted demon in my pajamas...

Then meshak gave herself a hard time, sort of...
...There are many members here showing this kind of attitude, fruit. It seems they have license to be bully and arrogant just because they believe Jesus is God.
Some people don't even need that much reason. :plain:

Before helping GF on a wider understanding of, apparently, two issues...
But then, atheists don't push a "born that way" mantra as part of a campaign the way gays do.
Sure they do. Strong atheists will tell you that you're born that way and that religion is learned. There's even a .com on it. Do a Google on it and prepare to be amazed. :)

The curious thing about GF is that he's self evidently consumed by an interest on a subject he doesn't appear to research widely... :plain:

Tomorrow? Likely something about ninja turtles...and gay people. :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Morning Gazette​

Sky was in rare election cycle form for the neg rep thread with...
I don't neg rep. I did it one, maybe two times just to even out the odds with A4T and Rusha who consistently neg rep me at least once or twice week when I'm active.
So you do neg rep, but only when you feel justified.

I bet that's rare. :plain:

Tried to give GT a different perspective...
... you believe falsely that Jesus saves those who have faith AND NOTHING ELSE. It is never ever wrong to obey Jesus. We are not saved by faith and no obedience!
Can anyone who loves God fail to seek to find their pleasure in the good, in that which pleases the object of their own happiness? ...Or, to simplify, I never met a man who loved his wife who had to tell me if I was around him any time at all.

While in the how to spot a demon thread, stuu was working toward his next ban...
And do you think the good people of Texas (who have many opportunities to do the experiment) should be on the lookout for executed criminals walking around?
A funny complaint from someone who has been riding a dead horse for years. :plain:

GT was heating up...
...A person is not saved and given the Holy Spirit unless they obey Jesus.
What did the thief do but believe, confess and ask?

Else, you've pulled Christ off of the cross and broken it for kindling.

You believe that because you have been taught wrong.
No, I believe that faith is everything because Christ's sacrifice speaks to it, because what is in our hearts is as profound as anything we can do with our hands and Christ spoke to that as well. The rest is men striving for merit in their salvation. I think it's proud and mistaken, but I don't think it will impede your salvation, only mutes the joy to be had in this life and in following the good for the love of it and not from the fear of failing a litmus.

I love doing everything that Jesus says to do. That is where the power, truth, and love are. If you knew that, you would know Jesus better.
One thing is certain, you're not inheriting the earth with that declaration. :)

Stopped by GM's positive thread to take on the hard questions...
In your opinion, who posts;

The most thought provoking posts/threads?
:think: I've got to think about that one...HEY! :shocked: I guess you're in the running, eh?

The most humorous posts/threads?
Does it count if they do it unintentionally? (kmo, AB, stop eyeballing me)

The most intellectual posts/threads?
I don't understand what you it's probably you.

The most sympathetic posts/threads?
Do you mean posts that make you feel sorry for them?

It's early.

On the OP, I'm blessed to have made a lot of friends here, most of whom think I'm completely and maybe irretrievably daft on one subject or ten but they not only put up with me, they humor me. :) A few of them have posted kind bits in this very thread. I appreciate them and their patience and value their ability to differ fundamentally, honestly and even affectionately.

That, as they say, ain't hay.

In the NFL thread I noted the AFC was Peyton's to lose and...
Which he tends to do. :eek:

Chiefs' fans have to live so far in the past they're color blind at birth. :eek:

While in the add to TOL thread...
Try reading the sanctimonious post before mine.
New idea: there shall be no sanctimonious posts before Truster's. :plain:

Before PP showed up in the riot thread to be one...sort of...
Where's all the outcry for the several and consistent black officer assaults/shootings of whites?
What shootings would you label "inconsistent"? :plain:

Took on the use of homophobia as a political ploy...
Isn't homophobia right?
No. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. It's mostly used by people on the hard left to malign those who may simply have a moral distinction in play and lump everyone with any objection together under that insulting designation. While some doubtless are homophobic, it's unfair to label every opposition to the sin as that particular.

Tomorrow? It's coupon day... :plain: