The Thursday Morning Gazette
Had a talk with TB about the necessity of precision...
Expanding it to the point where aversion sits side by side with hatred renders it a bit useless as a definition...I don't have an aversion to people entangled with any sin, but I have an aversion for sin itself and an antipathy toward that bondage and its impact. I don't have to hate or hold in contempt anyone who is in the grip of death and absent grace...I can instead love and worry after them, speak plainly and compassionately to them and live in hope for them.considering that homophobia is much more than that I don't think it is an unfair label in most cases.
Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals
A rocky start with FT...
And as with your initial remarks aimed at Christians whole cloth, there's no apparent reason behind it.Few are below my contempt. You're welcome to all I can muster.
You both seem to be. You know who else is consistent? The Klan....I have respect for your fundamentalists, at least they're bloody consistent.
A coupon based on religion, what a grand way to kick off a schism!lain: Yes. I can imagine that's how the Crusades started.
The good news is that you don't have to stop doing what you never really got around to....What's the utility of arguing with a man that is unable to recognise that 90% is less than 100%?lain:
And you're like Oscar Wilde without a sense of humor.You're like Chesterton without the creativity, aren't you?
But we got at it eventually...
When you use the language of the law it's reasonable, absent a qualification on the point, to address it in that fashion. Because unless you're speaking to discriminatory practice as a matter of law you have an even larger problem in that there's nothing inherently wrong with discrimination....I don't care about law in this argument.
For instance, most clubs and associations are by their nature discriminatory. So are you. So am I. So is everyone...Not getting a discount isn't the same as being charged an additional amount in the way not digging a hole isn't the same as piling additional dirt on a spot.
Discrimination laws were initially passed to prevent exclusion. I'd argue that should still be the consideration. So if the prices charged for the items sold is demonstrably inflated, so that the charge to those not getting a "discount" could then reasonably be seen as an attempt to pass on additional costs and exclude indirectly, a particular class, I'd be with you.
I doubt that's the case here and there's no reason as yet to believe it's the case.
Had a word with CW...
I'm sure that's true. You can find sociopaths in all walks of life where there is power to be had and some even in the mental health profession, if you can believe half of what you read.Or some are lawyers with no functioning moral framework or conscience.....
Managed a twofer in the religious coupon thread...
Wait, you mean that people who don't like it don't have to actually sit there and be offended by the thought of it, aren't being harmed by it and that it in no reasonable way should impact how they feel about their own dinner?Since you agree it isnt discrimination, then i would suggest that those who feel it a bad business practice, not use that business, plain and simple and eat somewhere else where they like the business practice, instead of suggesting the owner conform his business to them.
I agree.![]()
Ran into PP doing that thing of his again in the Missouri riot thread...
By what factor? That is, I'm interested in any empirical study you might know of establishing the degree of distinction between both the frequency of occurrence and the disparity in coverage....the utter lack of media coverage for similar situations in the racial inverse.Yes. Frequent enough for there to be gross inequity in reporting relative to victim skin color.
I understand how you feel about it, but I don't know how reasonable your feeling is.
If you've had any sort of background in sociology then you know the answer to that one. Racism finds most of its relevance in empowerment and discussions about racism are almost always about the impact of it on minorities by the empowered majority....Oh, so now it's about power to implement change rather than some inherent factor.
I asked you for your source material to see where you're getting your understanding from. Your terms needed a context because you weren't inclined to explain them, only use them like punctuation. Given you ducked that request repeatedly (and still are) continuing to use the jargon like some sort of authority in the mist... If I speak to and of a definition or a study gives me a particular point I cite it and/or reference it so we can speak meaningfully if you're unaware of it....As for high- versus low- context, I haven't addressed your posts because all you've referred to is Hall's anthropological works that are so prolific.
That's what anyone does who is confident in his foundation and understanding.
You don't do that. And it's reasonable to suspect that you either lack confidence in it or in your grasp of it and leaving it in that mist protects you and/or it from scrutiny. So for all I know you're simply abusing Hall's work like someone with a decent vocabulary and a survey course under their belt might or your source material isn't peer reviewed and established in its validity.
Who doesn't?...You don't know what you don't know.![]()
While in the NFL thread, kmo was getting picked...
I'm supremely confident at leas a portion of that was empirically true.No one picked me because I would've been too good and spoiled their fun. :noid:![]()
Then after I noticed the sky had fallen...
Guess what she's noticing now?You think they don't know? I was banned.
Notice I'm back.lain:
Have you met PneumaPsucheSoma? I'd pay good money to read that conversation cage match.I really don't care, I've undergone an extraordinary revelation over these past few months, you're nonsense is honestly beneath me now.
Tomorrow? I notice my shadow and it's six more weeks of summer.
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