Town Quixote's


DMV Princess
Hall of Fame
Would you consider sharing a soda with Sod? :plain:
Sure.. :D

You mean your first non ultra secret award, of course. :eek: Seriously, you SOS people are about as inconspicuous as a cheerleader in a state pen. :shocked: But well deserved (either).

Do you get a hat with AB's award or just the soup?

Always happy to improve your day, friend-o-mine. :chuckle:

Secret? ..




[Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?] "[A]rtie will never come right out and admit it, but he's as hell-bound and satan-led as Rusha, Zoo and Granite."
You've been asking the make-believers this question lately, I see (Isa 8:20). :chz4brnz:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just thought I'd share this in advance of the next Gazette. It's compelling testimony. Real internet he-man stuff.

Maybe he'll win an award.
...we had a name for momma's boys like that when I was a kid
we called them "that kid we stuff in the lockers"
The thing I love about this post is it demonstrates...that you were, by your own admission, a pack travelling bully from the beginning.


The latest Gazette is found here.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
yep - and they either shy away from it or beat their chests and brag about their awesome goodness
You'll notice he doesn't quote anyone doing that.

That's because he can't. He's the one who feels justified in deciding (and reveling in) who goes to hell.

He has a sickness in that heart of his. It allows him to use Christ as a weapon and trade his faith for personal malice. And like all bullies of that sort, he's a coward.

it's been quite revealing
To a lot of people.

The latest Gazette is found here




"Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit." ~ A.W. Tozer

Keep on keepin' on.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Bluebird Gazette

Eeset clawed at her most recent reinvention...
See? There he is again with that gang rape mentality. The abuse just keeps coming.

There should be a device that would sound shrilly whenever you approach an honest rationality. Admittedly, we'd never have to accustom ourselves to the sound, but it would be nice to know that if it ever did happen we'd all know about it.

Noted chry's internal problem with consistency after I mentioned a few people with less than charitable intent milling about...
here is a good example of why it is my job to group people
[My note] (s)eemed appropriate given that's what this thread is all about, grouping people. Every nomination for a faux award is exactly that.

So you're really saying that you are why it's your job. :plain:

So he responded with the scathing...
can you rephrase that for those like me who are not so clever

I did, but... was I supposed to know it was funny?
Ask someone with a sense of humor. :plain:

While Sod continued with his notion of witness...
sez the hell-bound pervert who spits on the cross :nono:
Nice. That one is ab-sol-utely going to win her for Christ.

And I answered...
a Christian is always ready to acknowledge their Lord and Savior
A Christian shouldn't use the question as anything other than an earnest inquiring into the state of someone for whom they feel concern motivated by the desire to serve God and their well being.

You're off on at least two of those.

So he turned up the love...'re a disgusting pervert rusha and it feels so natural to you that you don't even realize it

...Jesus died for your sins
No, he died for our sins.

vc let slip...
I don't have Facebook.
Still on MySpace waiting for the turnaround then...I was wondering who that was. :plain: :eek:

Then the sky fell...
Town was acting as a bully plain and simple.
Funny. You and sod and Eeset pack travel to Quixote's to spam it and I'm a bully? The guy who posts an average three times less frequently than just one of you. :plain:

Meanwhile, aCW was being called on calling heterosexuals homosexuals in a fit of pique and responded with a heart felt and mature apology...nah...
(Sheesh, why do all of these defenders of buggery just HATE it when they're accused of being what they so adamantly defend? They're acting liking contracting diseases like HIV/AIDs, anal cancer and a long list of diseases that I can't pronounce is a bad thing).
Rather, they're being as offended as you would be if someone could think of a lie to tell about you that would be worse than the truth about you.

Then zoo noted of aCW, well...

"Chapter 6."

It's funny because he actually might believe it.
He should do most of his writing in the margins. :plain:

Before sky gave me insight into her noggin...
Personally I didn't like the word "love" in his comment.
It's called sarcasm. Juxtaposed as it was with the neg rep that should have been hard to miss.

Why not just call it what it was? "hate"?
Because I don't even "hate" Sod, who I dislike more than anyone else I can think of. I found the remark, the usage and the defense and repetition of the usage worthy of scorn and contempt.

But hate? I hate sin. I don't hate people. Just another thing you don't get about me. :idunno:

And when I noted an impressive (well, numerically) post count...
Nice to see that Town is still obsessed with me
You don't have to be obsessed with you to run into you. Not at nearly a hundred posts a day. :plain: You'd have to be obsessed with not running into you to not run into you.

Tomorrow? Eeset objects to the Golden Rule (in practice), chrys gets a shout out and Sod's public aneurysm continues.



"Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit." ~ A.W. Tozer

Keep on keepin' on.

Town's discernment begins and ends at an admiration for his own "cleverness"

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town's discernment begins and ends at an admiration for his own "cleverness"
For a guy who doesn't want to engage me, thinks I'm "satan" and becomes "physically ill" at the prospect does anyone notice how much time he spends where he's sure to find me? :eek:

Today's Gazette can be found here.

I'm going to help you out, not because your posts worry me, but as an act of Christian charity. Like I have to tell you about an act. :D

So here's a little help, just until you get those mental feet under you. :thumb:

Temporarily closed. But you can catch him virtually everywhere else, if you want to. I'll be back later.

Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thursday's Gazette

So Eeset proposed a cease fire and I said...
Look it's as simple as this: if you don't make personal swipes you'll never get one from me. I think that's about as fair as anyone can be in this sort of setting.

Which she interpreted thusly:
Your terms were that if I shut up then you will refrain from your bullying tactics, maybe.

Sod kept banging on the door, so...
Oops - I see we have a second contender for drama queen :chuckle:
Not with you in the race. From your faux ignore of me to declaring others "Satan" when pressed, to the hand on forehead declaration that engagement makes you "physically ill" and the end is nigh nonsense.

No, if chrys has an honest bone in his body your status is assured.

So, tough break there.

Speaking of bullies and internet tough guys--file this under Inadvertent Confession is Goof for the Soul...or at least a laugh...
...we had a name for momma's boys like that when I was a kid
we called them "that kid we stuff in the lockers"

Then chrys wondered...
so how are the awards coming?
They're faux-tastic! TM :thumb:

some are not happy about it
Meh. People. Give them an insult wrapped in the pretense of an award and some of them won't have the good grace to gush about it. Ingrates.

That's the next award, isn't it...

rainee said hello...
...Ever heard we dislike things in others that we wrestle with in ourselves?
Sure I have. That's why I frequently use actual quotes by others when challenging on a particular (even though some might make fun of that, if you can imagine) and make arguments on points with rational explanations.

Because otherwise the first time you call someone for lying about you they can simply respond, "Maybe you don't care for it because you lie about other people."

And that's horsefeathers, isn't it.

You should be happy here... What would that take?
Maybe you're the one who's unhappy and projecting? See what I mean about that sort of simple principle. There you go. :plain:

And file this under Someone Probably Wishes He Hadn't Said That...
...In many ways he reminds me of the 12 year old boy that will inevitably be in every seventh grade class - the one who absolutely will not stop talking, who has a comment for everything that anybody says and who will only be stopped by sending him out of the room.
Said the fellow in most threads dropping nearly a hundred posts a day. :rolleyes:

Community Notes: keep Brother Vinny in your prayers and his family also.