The facts - a timeline
June 2005
lovemeorhateme aka lmohm aka Pete joins TOL
at the time, he identifies as a homosexual
his avatar is his username on a black background with a heart on it
at some point afterwards
Pete accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and turns from his path to eternal destruction
Pete keeps his original avatar
sometime in early 2012
Pete changes his avatar to a picture of his face
June 30, 2012
Angel4Truth posts "Praise God, through Christ all things are possible. Your testimony is wonderful."
chrys responds "but he hasn't changed his avatar"
immediately afterwards and for the next year
people question chrys as to his intent and assume he was implying that Pete's picture of his face looks gay
when it is pointed out to them that they're being retarded, most let it drop
June 18, 2013
Del posts "(chrys) said (Pete) still look(s) gay"
I respond "he didn't Del" and initiate a discussion with Pete
Pete posts "I have no issue with Chrys anyway - as far as I'm concerned it's past and doesn't bother me anymore."
I post "I don't think chrys was referring to the picture of your face"
Pete responds "He wasn't, he was referring to my old avatar."
I finish our exchange with "other people seem determined to believe otherwise"